So, what exactly do you think happened to Kyle Crane after the events of the Following? This is my take on what I think happened.

Light up the world with your endless might.

Let its hope burn with a passionate blaze.

Kill the darkness of the blackest nights.

With your lights that slowly die in this craze.

"Drinking the liquid is... something else entirely."

Echoing. Ringing. Blasting. The voice of the Mother emanated from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It scratched and scraped at his head. He felt his head ache painfully, almost as if a migraine had begun kicking in.

"But in the dark, my new nature dominates; Mindless. LETHAL!" The voice reverberated once more, this time increasing the agonizing pain in the unconscious man's head. He couldn't do anything. He was in empty space, only hearing the sound of The Mother's voice repeating phrases and statements she spoke of before her death. Kyle couldn't do anything anymore. He felt like his spirit wasn't connected with his body, and then the voice repeating like a music player began irritating him, both his physical and spiritual self.

"You can't endure this Kyle! This is a poison. You'll...kill them all!" Crane scrunched his face. He closed his eyes and breathed away the anger that the voice was bringing onto him.

"Shut up..." Kyle mumbled, his voice almost Mouse-like.

"You can't change anything Kyle!"

"Shut up." The man's voice rose a few decibels, now sounding as if he were speaking to someone nearby.

"You cannot survive this!"

"God dammit, SHUT UP!" Crane shouted towards the black emptiness of his mind, but nothing quieted down the voice of The Mother.

"Shut up, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" Kyle screamed at the top of his lungs, shutting his eyes, wanting to cry, yet feeling nothing come out. He felt like breaking down, to lay on the floor and accept defeat. He had never quit on his friends, let alone himself, but now, he felt small and weak, and he hated it.

The man stayed that way for a while, just floating in the darkness, letting his thoughts roam around furiously, before a sudden change in the atmosphere snapped him back to his senses. He began feeling his spiritual self dissipate, his body finally gaining back its original owner. Just before gaining consciousness, he heard the Mother speak one final statement.

"Maybe you'll understand when you see it with my eyes..."

Kyle Crane awoke with a jolt, his bloodshot eyes snapping open, hands gripping at nothing. His jaw began moving as he tried to adjust to his body again. He began propping himself up, but found his arms slicked in some sort of liquid. Confused, Crane lifted both arms to his sights, and found blood smeared all over them. He rapidly got to his feet and looked around hastily, finally noticing where he was.

The thing was that he didn't know where he was. Surrounded in a large pile of shredded flesh and puddles of blood, Kyle felt himself start to worry a bit. Looking around more, he could see a new sight, one that didn't comfort him in the slightest.

The wall. The Quarantine Wall. He was outside of the walls, and it was at this moment that the realization punched Crane in the face.

Did he cause all of this?

He looked around, trying to find any signs of life. The memories he had began resurfacing again, and he remembered a mother and her children before he lost control. He looked around, finding no signs of the family, and let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully they had escaped this massacre.

He could see the damage he had done. In the distance, another city lay. This couldn't have been Harran because no walls lay after this zone. The city in the distance now had a change in scenery, unlike when he first caught a glimpse during his transformation.

The city had tall buildings, burning, blazing, slowly turning to towers of ruins and ash. Smoke funneled out from many places there, most likely caused by fires. He could see helicopters, tons of them, all flying high in the air. Soon, this city would suffer the same fate as the broken city of Harran.

Crane was focused on the new sight, still a bit shocked by this. He failed to notice a small group of military troops beginning to come up a road.

One soldier shouted and aimed their sights on the monster in front of them, ready to kill the creature.

Unfortunately, they had no idea what they were messing with. Crane snapped his head towards the foreign noises, and began running away. He didn't want to kill, did not want to cause anymore death and suffering.

But something began edging itself into his mind, and he tried to shake it away.

"No, not this..." Whimpered Crane as he ran, trying to lose the soldiers. "Anything but this..."

Now the feeling was ebbing itself more, pushing away his own control. He began blacking out a bit, but was determined to try and not lose control.

"Hurry, it went this way!"

Crane stopped in his tracks and faced the soldiers. He raised his hands up, not wanting to appear hostile. He spoke.

"Stop!" Yelled Crane. The soldiers stopped in their tracks, clearly lost in wonderment. "Don't shoot. I'm still sane."

"Holy shit... It speaks...!"

"Listen to me, you have to leave this area right now. This infection, it's trying to control me. I'm losing control right now as we speak. Please, leave me and spare yourselves!"

The soldiers mumbled and shook their heads.

"We can't let anything else escape anymore. Our orders were to find and kill any infected that are dangerous."

"Leave! Leave right now!"

The soldiers didn't listen and began firing instead. Crane felt one bullet impact his abdomen, and miraculously felt little pain.

But the pain also brought the feeling more. It pushed and pushed and pushed, not giving in. He felt himself grow tired mentally, and finally losing strength, gave in to the darkness. He gripped his head, groaning, and let one hand fall to the floor. His claws began slashing away at the dirt before he let out one final yell.

And now, Crane viewed from inside his mind, the bloodbath that was going to play soon.

"Sir, stand down." One soldier said. He saw as the Volatile slowly rise up from the floor, it's eyes animalistic and lit up with bloodlust.

"I said stand down!" The shouting only provoked the monster more. It placed one foot in front of itself, and the soldiers began firing again, not wanting to wait for surrender anymore. The Volatile screeched once, and in an instant, went up to the first soldier, slicing open his clothes and striking flesh. The man collapsed to the floor and cried out in pain, writhing on the dirt that was becoming caked in blood. The three other soldiers began panicking, but were too late to react. One man was also slashed on the body, but he thankfully died quickly. The second soldier tried to run, but was grabbed by the monster, who began slashing away at the man's face. The outcome was a mess, a face unable to be made out from it anymore.

The last soldier did not witness the deaths of his comrades, but he hid away. He slouched against a tree and sighed, feeling confident in his hiding spot. And that was when he felt something land on top of him, knocking the wind out of his lungs. The Volatile screech right at his face before clawing at the soldier's chest. The man yelled in pain and tried to escape, but the monster had an iron grip on him. It struck once at the man's neck, instantly crushing the trachea, as well as cutting open the Jugular vein. The soldier choked on his own blood, trying to yell, the life in his eyes already dying down to nothing. Slowly, the man died from the blood loss and lack of oxygen intake.

The Volatile breathed rapidly, adrenaline pumping throughout its body, before it began to grow tired. It staggered around, losing balance, before finally collapsing on the floor.

Crane's eyes fluttered open as the telltale smell of iron filled his nostrils. He groggily lifted himself from the ground and viewed the scene in front of him. Blood, gore, which was something that never changed where he came from.

The guilt. It began wrenching his insides, turning his stomach into soup. It trickled down his back, scratching down with nails of shame.

He had done this... this damage. Everything rushed into his mind again, and now he began to panic. He began running away, away from the macabre scene, away from the newly infected zone, and rushing towards the wall. He had always wanted to come back out, but he knew that he was needed in Harran first. Now, he needed to go back inside for answers, and more importantly, for help.

Crane ran up a road, and he tried his best to remember where exactly he came from. The only thing that came to mind was that small playground where he first turned. The sewer entrance was there, he just needed to find the playground first. He pressed on, not caring that his legs were screaming in pain, his lungs being stabbed with every intake of oxygen.

And finally, he began seeing the view of the playground. And thankfully, he still saw no signs of the mother and her kids. He kept going, dodging the few pieces of play equipment, and finally climbed the rocks leading to the sewer entrance.

He jumped in, crushing a lone Biter in the process. And he ran once more, not in a specific path, but any path that wasn't blocked or locked.

"Come on, get the hell out of there!" The man yelled, holding the door open for the remaining patients of the sick bay. He slammed the door shut, right before the sound of Biters slamming against the door played. The infected groaned and shrieked, trying their best to get to their prey.

Harris Brecken leaned against the door and slid down, planting himself to the floor. He wiped his face with his hand and shook his head.

Footsteps rang out and he saw a pair of feet stop in front of him. The person stuck their hand out, wanting to help him up. He took their hand and rose from the floor.

Lena was now in his sight, and she had worry written all over her face.

"Brecken, what are we going to do now?" Asked Lena. "We can't keep these infected in the same place as the people. They are terrified, worried about the safety of the children and themselves."

"I know that Lena, and I wish I could do something about it. The only solution we have right now is kill these infected off, and just hope that the remaining survivors can last till Crane comes back."

"Brecken, please understand our situation." Lena's voice became stern. "Crane is not going to come back. We haven't heard from him in two days!"

"I think that something may have happened to him. Something way worse than just the infected."

Brecken shook his head in dissatisfaction and spoke again.

"Kyle isn't that easy to take down. Whatever got to him should worry us as well. I just hope he hasn't come back yet because he's taking his sweet ass time to get that cure."

The two stayed silent for a bit. They could hear the infected banging inside the former sick bay, the sound of people chatting anxiously, and the occasional groan from the sick patients.

"I'm going to head back to Headquarters, Lena." Brecken broke the silence. "I'll see if I can try and make contact with Crane. Let's pray he actually receives the message this time."

Brecken patted Lena on the shoulder and headed back to his room.

He walked back, passing a few people that were still in a panic. He opened the door, shutting it behind him, and plopped himself onto the chair Rahim used to use. He skulked through his pocket, and fished out the walkie-talkie Lena had lent him. She had used it to communicate and check up on Crane's progress, but let him use it after the connection was lost.

He pressed the button to let him speak, and let out a few words.

"Crane, this is Brecken. Do you copy?"

No answer.

"I repeat. Crane, this is Brecken. Do you copy?"


Brecken sighed and slouched in the chair. He got up and walked towards the balcony he had, where he leaned against the railing, looking out at the horizon. The wind blew his hair a bit, as well as the bandages he had. He looked, still seeing the same view he saw for the six months he was trapped in here. And just as he thought everything was normal, he saw a few black dots very far into the distance. Smoke was rising up from that area as well, and confusion was beginning to cloud his mind. He was unaware of the events occurring on the other side of the mountains, even further from the Countryside.

Brecken decided to try once more. "Crane, this is Brecken. Do you copy?"

Like before, no voice came through.

Brecken sighed and kept on looking at the horizon. His wandering mind was taken back to reality when the sound of Lena shouting his name sounded. He rushed out the room, leaving behind the walkie.

And from the forgotten walkie came one quick sound of someone talking to themselves.

So, to anyone that still remembers the original first chapter of this fanfiction, I changed it. After playing The Following, I realized there were some flaws with the old version. Not everything will be edited, but perhaps the first few chapters will be changed to actually fit with the main plot line. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.