"Do you want more tea?"

"Get that f*cking drug away from me." (Ah... I'm gonna start censoring now.)

Sikong Hongyue thrust her hand forwards to Shen Yue's face but he cringed and pushed it away. Coughing, they went back to buisness. The plot.

"So... demons beasts attack. Nie Li repels it and YE HAN tries to kill Old Zong. He escapes... Nie Li journeys to some mountains then goes to the nether realm. Learns fire laws light darkness and death laws. Get's chosen and goes to draconic ruins realm. Which is... Quite near to the sage emperor. F*ck me..."

The sage emperor... Not much is know about that entity except the fact that he or she... You never know... Fought with Nie Li in Nie Li's past life and the latter got exhausted to death. All these strabge phenomens. Generalized as The Rebirth... The only explanation they could think of is that it is the sage emperor's whim. Or the will of the original temporal demon spirit book holder. Who was presumably dead.

"Mn... We have to go there some way but yhere's a problem..."

Hongyue crinkled her brows together before sighing helplessly as he looked over the horizon before refocusing on Shen Yue.

"Our Golden Fingers... Mine is Dark Lightning Dragon cultivation technique and soul form..."

"...I still hadn't discovered what mine is...Though I'm only one step away from breaking through. I could feel it."

"Makes sense. You inherited the memory fragments way before the plot even started... That explains why your cultivation is slow... What was it like?"

Shen Yue shrugged before putting a hand up to his chin and inquisitively looking at Hongyue.

"... To be honest... Everything was fuzzy. I didn't have total control over my body until a few months ago. It's like have a split personality disorder... I kept on teetering back and forth from me and "Sikong Hongyue". It's just in the recent months that I've finally become myself..."

"... I understand..."

He couldn't help but wonder... Why was his fusion of consciousness way too easy? There must be something going on here. Yet he couldn't put a finger on it.

"Then... What do we do? The whole issue with you know... Duan Jian..."

"Ah... tell me about it. That person was way too cold. I was trying to make him warm up towards me since childhood but that stinky Sikong Hongyue kept on making things hard! It's like I'm playing an otome game again but I'm heading down the cold prince charming route as a bipolar protagonist! Ha~..."

She sighed again after bad mouthing herself which earned a loook of contempt and a loud snicker from Shen Yue.

"Good thing I'm no gaming addict..."

"Only a novel addict huh? By the way... I hate you..."


Shen Yue was shocked due to Sikong Hongyue's sudden turn as she glared at him hatefully. He was confused as well.

"You've spoiled me lots... I was relying on the TDG manga to survive in here and it was fine. I had long come to terms with it even if that knowledge was insufficient. I wanted to explore the world itself and be immersed with the plot. To find out what happens next with my own two eyes and personal experience..."

He could only nod awkwardly at the statement of this what was that term Ke Juisi called them again? Weeabo? No that dosen't seem right...

"Give me a supreme cultivation technique to make up for it then I might think of forgiving you..."

"You like anime right?"

The atmosphere beame bleak and desolate all of a sudden as the two were struck silent at this statement. A flame lit up in those green emerald like eyes as she slammed the table.


"OfcourseIdoyoudamnidiot! Thatswhyiwashappyanddisappointedwithtdg'sanimeadaptationtha-"

"Settle down! I can't comprehend what you are saying!"

"Sorry... Lost myself for a second there..."

Sikong Hongyue quickly downed some tea and her right eye started twitching uncontrollably.


"I'm fine... Carry on."

She waved dismissively and Shen Yue cleared his throat.

"Try studying the cultivation methods and moves in it. Maybe you can-"


Shen Yue didn't even manage to finish speaking until Sikong Hongyue screeched again and exited the room. The door flew open and multiple hands grabbed the frames and the whole gang's head stuck out.

"What... Happened?"

"Yeah... She seemed way too happy..."

Xiao Ninger affectionately brushed up against Shen Yue's side and he patted her head which earned a soft little moan akin to the purring of a kitten... It was cite to Shen Yue which made him shiver a bit.

"A small matter. She just had some insights and eagerly wanted to digest and understand it."


"We are... Free to go around in the silver winged family's teritory... As long as there are guards that is. And oh... Sikong Yi is a malicious man... Even of Sikong Hongyue dosen't want to harm us he will..."

"It was obvious..."

Nie Li shrugged and Shen Yue shrugged. Soon it became a joke as everyone was shrugging in a non serious manner.

"Alright stop..."

Nie Li blurted out and everyone shrugged once more. Earning a weird look and a weird atmosphere.

"I managed to convince Sikong Yi to give us some blood crystals. Here. They're useful for cultivation."

An interspatial ring full of blood crystals came flying at Shen Yue and he caught it before dumping it's contents into his mouth.

"Spit it all out! You're going to die!"


3 star gold rank! 4star gold rank!

Shen Yue's cultivation kept rising and it wasn't stopping there. The gang was eyeing him anxiously as veins bupged out like blue worms on his face. Soul force was stirring up a storm inside his soul realm and Shuai Shi was...

"Goddamnit man!"

Cursing at his own luck as he was spun around by the cyclone of soul force.


5 star gold rank.

The cyclone was starting to harm Shen Yue's soul realm as cracks started riddling it. He can endure though!


1 star black gold rank!


Exhausted, he slumped over to the ground, his own soul power was in disarray while his blood was boiling. Nonetheless he would be fine.

"I'm fine..."

Before anyone could cry out in alarm, Shen Yue reassured them instantly and atood up. His hair was a disheveled mess as his clothes were soaked in sweat and blood.

"I'm ba-... Shen yue... You look like you've been hit by a shitstorm..."

"I guess you can say it like that..."

Sikong Hongyue quickly rushed back and bore witness to the scene infront of her. Lu Pia and Nie Li was supporting Shen Yue as his arms were draped over the two's necks. Shen Yue looled like he was beaten up. Badly.

"I see... But no matter... Ready up you all! I'm showing you around town!"

Clink! Clink!

Sikong Hongyue pulled a chain and Duan Jian who was cuffed walked there amd Shen Yue's eyes narrowed before sending a mental message.

"What the f*ck!?!?!?"

"I know! Dad keeps on telling me to chain him! God! This feels so awkward dragging him around yet he seems to somehow like it?"

"Okay stop! I get it! Hongyue don't encourage him okay?"

"Of course I won't! It's going to be creepy if he became an M! Also I'm not into SM!"

Their metal conversation soon eneded and they left the area under the escort of one dozen or so guards.

"This seems very excessive..."

Nie Li mumbled lowly but it was enough to be heard by the group which attracted leers from the guards accompanying them.

Following the trail path, demon beasts flooded them, ranging from scarlet ghosts to a one netherlamp behemoth every now and then.