After Rey was released from Med-Bay just 3 hours after Ben had healed her back, though she was under strict orders to go to her room and rest. To make sure of this Poe volunteered to keep an eye on her for the next day or two to make sure she rested and didn't push herself.

Though before she was allowed to leave she had to learn to use her crutches since she refused the wheelchair, even if it was just to get to her room.

"What are these?" She asked extremely confused at the strange contraptions in-front of her.

"They're called 'crutches' basically it helps you walk without putting weight on one of your legs or reducing the weight put on a leg, but for now you are supposed to be putting no weight on you leg." Poe explained

"How do you use them then?"

"Watch, so you put these pieces under your arms, then lean on them, then stay standing on your one leg with your other bent or held up slightly then put them in-front of you and take a step forward with your uninjured leg and lean on the crutches" He said demonstrating "Now you try" He said handing them to her, she gave him a strange look and then positioned them as said, they were already adjusted to her height, though when she went to take the step forward they slipped from underneath her since she wasn't putting any weight on them. As she fell Poe quickly caught her from his position less than a foot away just in-case this happened. Though the way he caught her was slightly compromising as it looked very similar to a dip, and their faces were close.

Frozen for a moment they just stared into each others eyes, with huge smiles on each of their faces. A noise from someones footsteps as they passed by the door snapped them out of their trance and Poe quickly pulled her back into a standing position

"Okay we are going to try something, I want you to put on arm around my neck and the other around one crutch, then take a step forward placing your weight onto me and the crutch. I will have my hand around your waist to if you somehow start to fall I can catch you okay?"

"Got it"

So she followed instructions and then Poe slowly and gently wrapped his arm around her waist trying not to apply too much pressure to where he knew she had hurt her back. It was mostly healed but still tender and susceptible to the pain.

"Ready when you are" He said, and she took a step forward and then pulled her crutch forward as he took a step and then again and then a few more times making sure she had it and she did.

"Okay, now with both crutches. I will be less than a foot away if it doesn't work." He assured her and then took the step away.

She took a deep breath and then started using her crutches, successfully this time.

"Good job, High five" Poe said putting his hand up, while she gave him a confused look.

"What is a "high five" exactly?"

"You don't know what it is? Where are you from? As much that has been said about you no one actually knows where you're from mostly. I've known you for a few months now and still don't really know much about you other than what has happened the past few months."


"Everybody's from somewhere, but if you don't want to tell me you don't have too"

"Jakku, so yes literally nowhere"

"Are you kidding me?! Jakku is somewhere. It's where the Battle of Jakku was, obviously enough, that was a huge battle in the Rebellion. It was one of the largest battles after the Battle of Endor. Plus if that is where you are from than that makes it somewhere too."

"I guess, but what is a high five?"

"It's basically like a mini celebration thing, one person says it and sticks their hand out and the other person somewhat slaps it, but not meant to cause harm. Watch put your hand out like this" He demonstrated and gave her a high five.

"Interesting. Can we go to my room now that I have figured out these strange contraptions?"

"Sure" he said and then she got a huge grin across her face, one that made Poe's heart melt. It was such an innocent and cute smile, reflecting nothing of how harsh her life had been, from what little he had heard.

They made their way down to her quarters on base, which were next door to his which made it even easier for him to be the one to keep an eye on her while she healed, on their way there were many curious looks made towards Rey as the Resistance still was clueless as to what had happened to their precious Jedi.

When they entered her room after to put her passcode in while doing so telling Poe it so he could come and go as he pleased, she didn't want a babysitter but she supposed if it got her out of Med-Bay she would deal with it, and at least it was one of her friends.

Poe glanced around her room, having never seen it before other than when they rushed in there the day before when she was injured but he wasn't looking around her room at the time, it had several random tinkering parts on a small desk up against the wall, as well as a the broken lightsaber pieces. Next to it was her newly built lightsaber. One that was a double blade but came apart in the center when she wanted, both ends being a vibrant purple. Signifying a use of both dark and light, a grey color, one that was rarely seen. The old Jedi Master Mace Windu having on because of his use of Form VII an aggressive and unpredictable form of fighting, one that drew slightly from the dark side, not enough to truly affect to user but enough to make their moves even more unpredictable.

Other than her desk her room was very plain, no other decorations.

"Well, according to the Doctor and med droids and the general you are supposed to be getting some sleep. I will be next door if you need anything, you have my Comm frequency and if you just call out I can probably hear you. So I will leave you to sleep and come check on you every now and then to make sure you actually rest, and then in about 3 hours we can either go down to the Mess hall to get some dinner or I can bring it in here your choice. Just let me know when you decide."

After a small conversation he left and went to his room and began reading over a few mission coming up that his squadron would be doing, and figuring out how he wanted to approach it, he was really enjoying the fact that he had taught Rey how to fly an X-wing and she was now part of his squadron. She gave him a run for his money some days too, he may have more experience but she had the force helping influence her every move. Though with the extra training from Poe combined with the Force, she was in no way an amature, almost expert level. Though she had less battle experience than he did.

Meanwhile down the hall, Ben was waking up from his slumber to regain his strength after Force Healing Rey.

Sorry for the wait, I actually have had this written for a few weeks but wanted to continue before posting but in order to save the wait here is this chapter, next will come when I get a chance, I usually can only write on school breaks Weekends get to busy so until next time!

Also I have been receiving messages and reviews from many of you over wanting a specific ship to win and I love the enthusiasm but even I don't know who will win at the moment, I know which ship I ship more and have shipped for longer but I have also come to love the other as well. I am going to see how the story plays out and then whichever it seems is more fit to be said ship will become the ship. Though from the reviews and messages it seems you all want Reylo, so we will see, hope you enjoy this Damerey chapter, Reylo will be next, they will not all be alternating some may have both but for these 2 for sure it will be mainly one with maybe a little of the other so hope you enjoyed and please follow favorite and review!