Authors note: I'd like to thank my Friend Reece for looking over my work and helping me out with this.
The Dream was death - never-ending.
Whenever Gehrman had taken his head, he would awaken in the real world to see the sun only to find himself dragged back into the nightmare.
This was the sixth time he's gone through this hell, and all he wanted was for it to stop.
He found the workshop ablaze, yet dismissed it when he turned his attention to the doll. Even as the dream crumbled around her she stood there serene like and calm like someone who knew it would be okay. Clad in her black dress, cloak, and bonnet, she stared at him with half lidded eyes. There was a spark in them. It was the kind someone had when they knew something you didn't.
He knew what she would say to him. It hadn't changed the last five times he's gone through this. But something told him it would be different this time. Either the insanity had broken him or the hope he lost returned.
She waited until he got close before speaking. "Good hunter, you have come," Her voice was light as if she had just woken up. "Dawn will soon break and this night, and this dream, will end." She pointed to the gate that was normally kept closed. "Gehrman awaits you at the foot of the great tree. Go on, good hunter…" That was all she had usually had to say. But the moment he turned away he heard her say something new.
"You can escape from the dream. But, you must decide to live or die one more time. For this can be the final hunt if you choose right, Bell Cranel..."
Bell Cranel. It had been so long since he heard anyone call his name. It was usually just hunter or the good hunter by the stable individuals he came across. He had forgotten it several times till a few ask for it. Then it would come to him, similar to calling your dog.
This was new; she never said anything like this before. What brought this change? Was it something he did different this time around?
Walking past, he gave her a nod and went to meet Gehrman.