Hello and welcome back to the final chapter of this short story. I hope you have enjoyed it so far, and I hope you enjoy the ending. Thank you to those who have shown their support already by favouriting, reviewing and following this story. If you have enjoyed it and you haven't already left a review please do so once you've finished reading, reviews are really appreciated!

Also, at the time of writing it is New Years Day 2018 (in the UK at least) so happy new year to all who read this!

The kiss lasted about a minute, but to them it felt like forever as they embraced each other, releasing repressions of emotion that had been held up for so long, enjoying the feeling of having another there.

They eventually broke apart. Tommy tasted salt and realised Kimi was crying.

"Kimi, what's up?"

Tears flowed down her face as she struggled to reply. "I… I'm sorry. It's just… I… I've wanted this moment for… for so long, and now it's here… but I never thought I'd get it… but I have… but I'm still angry with Chuckie… and he's still angry with me… because he thinks I like you… which I do… and now we're a thing… but he doesn't know… and it's liked 1.30am… and I have a science test tomorrow… and… and… I don't even know, but it's all so much."

Tommy wrapped his arms around his new girlfriend. He peered outside. The moon was bright, and added to a romantic atmosphere. "Kimi, please don't be sad."

Kimi smiled through her tears as she snuggled into Tommy's embrace. "I'm not sad, Tommy. Just a bit overwhelmed. But I'm glad you're here with me."

The couple stayed cuddled up to each other for a short while, staring out into the beautiful moonlight garden and simply enjoying one another's presence. Kimi had waited so long for this moment, but had never expected it to come, least of all after tonight's argument with Chuckie. But in the moment, she allowed herself to forget about Chuckie and melt fully into Tommy's embrace. She never wanted this moment to end…

After a while, Tommy finally moved. "We should probably sleep soon, it's nearly 2am."

Kimi reluctantly picked herself up. "Okay, I should head home I guess."

Tommy smiled "I'll walk you there."

Kimi looked surprised. "Tommy, you don't have to. I'm sure I'll be fine."

"No," Tommy affirmed, "it's late at night and I want to make sure you get home okay."

Kimi didn't really have much choice, so she agreed. The climbed down the ladder and walked out onto the street. It was a quiet night, and not too cold, and the moon and streetlights ably guided their way. As they walked side by side, Kimi reached out and grasped Tommy's hand. She giggled as they swung their arms back and forth together. As they reached the corner of Kimi's road, she stopped Tommy.

"Okay, I'd like you to leave me here now," she requested.

"But, your house is only over there. It's not like I have far to walk," replied Tommy confused.

"I know that," said Kimi, "but if anyone sees you arriving back at my house with me our secret will be revealed. I don't want that. Besides, here I can give you this."

Kimi stepped forward and met Tommy on the lips for a brief parting kiss. "Goodnight, Tommy. See you tomorrow."

"Night, Kimi," Tommy grinned. He watched as she walked to her house, climbed a tree and snuck into her house through her bedroom window. Once she was out of sight, Tommy returned home. He chuckled to himself as he walked down the street. Tonight's events were unexpected, but excellent.

He got back to his house and snuck in through the back door. Thankfully Dil had left it unlocked! There was no sign of his younger brother. Tommy figured Dil had gone to bed and went upstairs to bed.

Tommy entered his bedroom, but something grabbed him instantly. He tried to yell out, but he felt a hand clamp around his mouth.

"I've got you now, Pickles," growled a sinister voice.

But Tommy relaxed as he recognised the voice. He jammed his elbows backwards into the ribs of his brother and turned around in the dark to face him.

"Dil, what's the deal with that? You scared the life out of me," he whispered.

The younger Pickles brother was lying in pain on the floor, but still grinned. "Heh, all worth it, bro. Say, you were gone for ages, you missed a solid movie."

Tommy looked at Dil suspiciously. "So I'm back now."

"So, who was it that you spent so long with?"

"Uh… that's none of your business actually."

Dil raised an eyebrow. "That's the best you can come up with? You could have at least said it was Chuckie or something. Man, Kimi's gonna be disappointed when I tell her that her new boyfriend's an idiot."

Tommy's eyes widened. "Whaat? How could you possibly know that?"

Dil winked at his brother. "You just told me. Besides, it wasn't hard to work out anyway. I heard Kimi's voice in the background over the walkie talkie, and you don't sit there for like 2 hours without something happening."

"It wasn't 2 hours!" Tommy kicked his bed in anger, but turned to Dil. "Okay, so you've got me, me and Kimi are a thing now. BUT you can't tell ANYONE. Especially not Chuckie. This thing is a secret because Chuckie will go ballistic if he finds out. Okay?"

Dil grinned. "I got your back, T. No sweat. Besides, this is some great blackmail material for future use. Have a good sleep."

And with that Dil left Tommy's room. The older brother sighed as he changed into his pajamas and got into bed. Dil knowing was not ideal, but generally Dil was someone Tommy could trust. The main thing was that he was dating Kimi. Tommy beamed at his ceiling. He really liked Kimi, and was so excited to see where their relationship would go. This had been one brilliant night.

Here ends the story. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a review. Have a wonderful 2018 :)