The first thing Sherlock noticed when he came to was the cold rock uncomfortably jutting into his back. The second was the tingling he felt on his neck. Drugged, obviously, but by who? And why? Instinctively, Sherlock ran through what he last remembered. Playing the violin early in the morning, hearing John coming down the stairs to either tell him to shut up or to quietly listen. Sherlock favoured the latter due to the soft peaceful footsteps John took instead of heavily stomping when he was mad. Then he felt a slight pinch on his neck and the world faded into darkness.

As Sherlock's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could make out five other bodies (still unconscious) laying in awkward positions spaced out in a vast space. The damp air clung to every rock, every nook and cranny. The rough stone looked purple, glinting with silver minerals. Sherlock calculated that the cave was about the size of two tennis courts, and with no exit visible he assumed that air would run out in approximately six hours. Because Sherlock has built up a better tolerance for drugs it was natural he awoke first. Not long after however, one of the figures grunted, coughed and sat up, groggy-eyed.

Sherlock turned to them and immediately placed the face, a smile overtook his face. "John!" The name came out hoarse but had the desired effect. John still couldn't see very well but recognized the voice. He could recognize the voice anywhere. "Sherlock… where are we?" John asked, coughing a bit as he spoke. "I don't know," he replied deeply. Another body startled awake, followed by the three others. Scattered around the cave sat very perplexed DI Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan and Philip Anderson.

Before anyone could do anything, a clicking and whirring sounded above. Suddenly a projector switched on and a video of Mycroft Holmes was displayed on a relatively flat wall. The roughness of the rocks distorted the image slightly, and Sherlock couldn't suppress a small chuckle.

"I realize you all must have some questions, but I will ask you to just pay attention and listen carefully. You have all been placed on this island, uncharted and vacant. Your challenge is the following. One person will be chosen by me. They will receive a list of tasks that will guide you to comfort and success, add some conflict, interest, drama, whatever you want to call it. That one person may share the content of that list with one other person, just one other. Together they will guide the group, deceive, play, whatever it takes to complete the tasks. Once the list is complete another task-bearer will be chosen. After each list is complete you will receive a gift, this may be food, medicine, tools, whatever you may particularly need at the time. Also for every list you check off I will double the current bank account balance of each individual. For every time you share a task outside of two people, I will half your accounts. The objection is to thrive and complete as many lists as you can within a two week period of time. Good luck! Also, you may be wondering why. The answer is purely my entertainment, and to speed up a few processes that are taking too long otherwise. See you later!"

And with that, the screen bleeped off and one wall of the cave burst apart in a shower of sparks and flying rocks. Daylight swam in, illuminating the space and reflecting off of miniscule sparkles. The new entrance to the cave was lined with rubble and all different sizes of rocks, ranging from pebbles to boulders. Dust flew around, hazing the view of everyone. As the dust settled, Sherlock silently cursed his brother and stepped forward toward the opening. John jogged to his side, then matched his pace. Everyone else followed slowly behind. "Your brother's almost as crazy as you," Donovan directed to Sherlock, who shook it off as the true picture came into view. A turquoise ocean stretched beyond a long beach, thick with fine sand and glittering shells. Warmth invaded the cave from the outside sun, high in the sky.

Sherlock and John walked around and stepped over bits and chunks of rock to escape the cave, which now seemed claustrophobic. Behind the cave a beautiful jungle rose and fell in hills and valleys, covered in a blanket of shrubs, coconut and banana trees, flowers of all shapes and colours. It took John's breath away, as it did to all the rest except for Sherlock, who shrugged and started to take in minute details about everything to deduce where they were. Based on the exotic plants, clear waters and especially fine sand he assumed they were somewhere south, maybe. He couldn't concentrate very well with remnants of the drug still in his system.

A drone fell out of nowhere and dropped an envelope labelled S. Donovan. She, excited to be the first chosen and feeling cocky, strutted over to it and snatched it out of Sherlock's hands, who was analyzing the stationary and envelope. He shot her a glare but didn't try to recover it. She picked Anderson of course. This pissed Sherlock off even more, but before he could say anything John touched his shoulder and grounded him. Sighing, Sherlock dropped dramatically to sit down cross-legged on the beach. John, Lestrade and Molly joined him, forming a small circle in the sand while the two officers read over their tasks.

Build a fire

There is rum hidden underground near a tree stump directly behind the cave. Dig it up and play a drinking game.

Have Sherlock compliment the stars

Make Lestrade draw a pentagram

Get John and Sherlock to hold hands

Sleep in pairs

Sounded interesting enough, they thought. By the time they reached the others, Sherlock was ranting about how his brother needs to stop kidnapping him and his friends, and Donovan and Anderson, John was nodding along in agreement, having been kidnapped by the elder Holmes before. "So," Sally said, clapping her hands together. Everyone turned to look at her. "We should start collecting stuff, large leaves, coconuts and bananas, kindling, why don't we split up in partners. Sherlock and John, why don't you climb some trees and get food, Molly and Greg, why don't you get sticks and stuff that will burn. They nodded, seeming it was better to listen to the one with the list. Their time would come soon enough, faster if they all cooperated. While each pair did what they were told to do, Sally and Anderson took to the task of uncovering the rum. The stump wasn't too hard to spot, and the rich soil was easy enough to dig with their hands. Digging all around the lone stump they found four dirty bottles filled with honey brown liquid. They filled in the ring and each carried two bottles back to the beach. Then they brought over six rocks to sit on, placed in a circle. They even made a little circle of rocks to put the fire in once the kindling was collected.

Not too long after, the group had a large pile of various exotic fruits and another collection of small twigs to burn. Greg set about starting a fire by sparking two rocks together. It took a while but eventually, a comfortable, steady fire licked up toward the sky. A setting sun casts orange and pink rays across the water, reflecting off the smooth, calm surface. The sun dipped below the horizon to the sound of coconuts cracking on rocks, and despite the tough method they managed to salvage a bit of the water. A few minutes later they were sitting comfortably around the fire, sipping and eating the fruit of the coconut. It wasn't filling, really, but satisfactory enough to last until they got real food.

Sally pulled out the bottles of rum from behind her rock and held them up high, clinking them together. "Who wants a drink?" She asked. A series of 'alright' and 'sure' arose and she handed the bottles so they were relatively spread out. Sherlock, however, scowled, "I'm not even going to bother asking how you got these or how sanitary they are." John, beside Sherlock, had one, as did Greg who was on the other side of Sherlock. Molly beside him and then Sally, who handed the last bottle to Anderson on her other side. "Uh, John you can share with Sherlock, right?" She asked. "Yeah sure, course." He replied when Sherlock stepped in. "I do not want drinks." John looked over at him, "why don't we play a game." At the mention of competition, Sherlock straightened up. "Alright, fine. What will we play?"

Sally smiled, thankful that she didn't have to bring up the game. Best to try not to mention any of the tasks, just in case Mycroft isn't in the best mood. "Never have I ever?" She suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement, except of course Sherlock. "Explain the rules" He demanded. John sat up straighter, "Okay, we go around the circle a-" "Hexagon." Sherlock interrupted. "What?" "There are six people, it's not a circle it's an irregular hexagon." Sherlock looked so dead serious John couldn't help but laugh. "Alright fine, each person will say a statement starting with the phrase 'never have I ever,' whoever in the circ- hexagon has done it takes a drink." Sherlock was nodding along. "How much do you drink?" "Just a swig." John rolled his eyes. "But-" "Just play Sherlock, I'll start, okay? Never have I ever went skiing. Simple." Molly, Lestrade and Anderson took a swig. Sherlock hummed. "Okay, never have I ever broken a phone." Everyone took a drink, Sherlock looked surprised. "Really? How irresponsible can you people be."

"Do you really want to test that?" Anderson asked. Greg intervened before Sherlock could go on another rant. "Alright, never have I ever had any disembodied body part in my fridge. John chuckled, "playing dirty I see." He drunk then handed the bottle to Sherlock, who took it with disgust, sniffed it and made a repulsed face. He put the bottle to his lips and took a sip. He seemed to contemplate for a bit and must have concluded that it wasn't that bad because he took another sip and handed it back to John. "Never have I ever been to Scotland Yard." Everyone groaned and took a swig. Molly seemed pleased, she got everyone. In her high voice and slight accent, Sally targeted John and Sherlock. "Never have I ever slept in the same bed as someone I live with." "Oh come on," John sighed while Sherlock retaliated "It was for a case!" He drank all the same though. That one time they slept close together, far closer than 'just friends' slept. And he wanted to be closer. Greg and Anderson also drank, being married men of course.

Anderson wanted to get the two men as drunk as possible, to make the star compliment easier to drag out of Sherlock (and the hand holding thing too), so he too targeted them. "Never have I ever lived with a man" John rolled his eyes and drank, handed the bottle to Sherlock who was glaring. Molly took a drink too, and said "College boyfriend." John was feeling a bit tipsy, his nerves were tingling and his head buzzing. Sherlock appeared to be unaffected but only John could see his usually intense gaze was a little fuzzy. John was determined to hit everyone, even if it meant sacrificing himself. "Never have I ever seen a guy with his shirt off," he said and took a swig, handing it once again to Sherlock. Everyone drank. "I'm getting bored, let's do something else, like tell scary stories or play childish myth games or something." Greg stood up and wobbled a bit.

"What about Bloody Mary?" John suggested, slurring a little. "We don't have candles, hey Greg, why don't you try summoning a demon?" Sherlock said, attentive and sarcastic. "We already have one," Sally gestured to Sherlock, who brushed it off with a shrug. Greg picked up a stick from the side pile and in the sand drawing a five-pointed star and a circle around it. Sally inwardly sighed with relief, one more task complete. Greg started speaking in monotone, asking if any spirits were around. When he fell to his knees and started praying, John chuckled. "Either you're possessed or reeaaalllly drunk, either way, this is fuunnn." He slurred and tried to stand up, but quickly stumbled and fell on Sherlock, draping over his lap. John laughed giddily, definitely drunk. Sherlock hoped his blush was hidden in the dark as he lifted John up by his arms and draped him over his shoulders like a child. "Shut up," he said, though no one said anything, they just looked onward, wondering how John couldn't see it.

The fire was dying, and Molly stamped it out, leaving them in darkness. Billions of stars overhead made up countless constellations. "It's beautiful, isn't it Sherlock," Molly said, staring up at the sky. "Yes, beautiful." Sherlock was looking up at the sky, but his eyes flickered to John on his shoulder for a fraction of a second. Sally was thinking, this is easy, they'll complete the list themselves by tomorrow at this rate. It started to get cold in the absence of the fire, and Lestrade shivered. "Er, I think it would be beneficial to sleep in partners, for warmth's sake," Sally mentioned. She looked to Anderson, who grinned and nodded. John mumbled something indistinct and Sherlock shrugged, rolled his eyes and said "fine." Molly looked at Greg, hesitant. Lestrade sighed, "For warmth." Molly nodded, her mouth in a straight line.

Sherlock carried John into the cave and removed his own coat, placing John on the flattest part of the floor he could find. Sherlock draped his coat over the already sleeping man and lay down beside him, staring up at the rocky ceiling. A faint warmth was emitted from John, but Sherlock knew both his and John's dignity were at stake this night, and being the conscious one it was up to him not to give the others any material. It was too dark to see, so instead, Sherlock heard the other pairs settle in, nestling close to each other. An hour later, Sherlock lay awake on his back still, lost in his mind when John rolled over and snuggled into his side. It's not fair, this is torture. Sherlock settled for putting his arm around John, for warmth and comfort.

Sherlock found himself lulled to sleep by the steady breathing of John on his neck. It was going to be a long two weeks.

Hundreds of miles away, Mycroft sat in his office with at least 8 different monitors, all showing images on the island. He smiled to himself, this was going splendidly. "Aw look at that, it's working so far!" Mrs Hudson smiled at the image of her boys cuddling on the floor of the cave.

Please let me know what you think, what should I add more of, take away, anything is appreciated and helpful. Hope you enjoyed the first instalment of manipulation by Mycroft