(A/N):Hi everyone so I forgot to mention last time that I've changed the story from the 1st person pov to the 3rd person pov, let me know your thoughts on that, and which do you think is better.

I also want to say that I did not write the chant which Sirius will be using in the ritual, I actually found it online and I really liked it so I decided to use it, so all creadit goes to whoever wrote it, also I don't own HP J.K.Rowling does.

All thanks and gratitude to my beta Sarah aka s.gracie aka my savior for making the story line comprehendible otherwise you guys wouldn't undrstand a thing.

Lots of love and appreciation to everyone who favored and followed and special thanks to the people who reviewed Infernalbooks, Dracohermionealways, Fruitecake49, sissannis, johnsocz, LauraB90, and of course the lovely guests thank you so much guys.

Again please let me know what you would like to see in future chapters, so yeah read review follow and favorite the whole thing, until next time bye.


James' POV

James was writing his report to Moody at the Auror Office regarding the assignment that lasted for last two whole bloody weeks, which was the most agonizing part of the whole thing if you asked him. James didn't mind the actual work at all-he loved being an Auror. He felt that he had purpose, being out there chasing down Death Eaters and dark wizards, trying to make progress in a seemingly unending war. However, he was worried about Lily. The baby's due date was so close and he couldn't help feeling anxious. Her pregnancy had been a difficult one, and he had been able to read clearly between the lines when the healers talked about the complications that could happen during the birth: his wife might not survive it. Lily didn't care that there was other treatments options that would be better for her health; she was adamant on the one with had the least risk to the baby, and try as he could he couldn't change her mind.

James was almost done with the report when he recalled a conversation between him and Remus.

They were at muggle grocery store that Lily had insisted had lasagna. James had no clue to what lasagna was but apparently it was amazing, given how strong Lily's craving was. James was looking at the list that Lily handed him when Remus spoke up, "Prongs, can I ask you something?"

James looked at Remus to find him with his arms folded and brows furrowed in deep thought, leaning on one of those incredible muggle soda machines that Lily wouldn't teach him how to use. (Lily said that he'd buy every single can if she did, and he'd do it just for the fun of it while giggling like a school girl.) "Sure Moony mate what is it?"

Remus straightened and licked his lips nervously before saying "Are...is there something between Sirius and Marlene?"

James raised a brow. "Why?" he drawled.

"It just that...I... Just forget about it." Remus sighed and turned to one of the stalls that sold chocolate. It couldn't compare to the ones from Honeydukes but some days any chocolate was sufficient to the werewolf.

"Is that why you've been rebuffing the poor girl?" James asked.

"You know damn well why I do that to her but there is..." Remus tried to explain, but lacked the words.

James cut him off "Never mind. Anyway, no, I know for a fact that there is nothing going on between them." The pair paid for the groceries and left the story, moving to a side alley to apparte home.

"Look, mate," James put a hand on Remus' to stop him from lifting his wand. "I think you wasted enough time and you should go get the girl."

Remus rubbed the back of his neck, shoulders slumped. "Not this again, Prongs. You know I'm no good for her, for any girl! I'm dangerous. I could hurt her. Never mind the fact that no one wants to hire the bloody werewol..."

"Not this rot again!" Remus opened his mouth to protest again but James cut him off. "No! Listen to me! We are at war Remus, and we might die at any minute. We are at war, but I got married to love of my life anyway. We are at war and I have a child on the way. Don't think I know how fucked up it is bringing a child to a world where I might leave them. Don't you think that I'm terrified beyond belief that I might not be there for them?" James now had tears in his eyes voice chocked with emotions.

"Prongs.." Remus put an arm around his friend.

"You know what? I don't regret it for a moment. I'm glad that I married her. I'm beyond ecstatic to have our baby because I would rather live knowing what it is like to have her and have a family with her than lose her and spend the rest of my life living in 'what ifs' and 'if onlys.'"

Remus sighed and said, "You're right Prongs."

"You're damn right I am," he replied with a grin. "And don't you forget it." James then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Now lets go home before Lily comes storming." They apparated to the manor leaving nothing but the echo of their laughter.

James really hoped Remus would take his word to heart. As he struggled to focus on his boring paperwork, his mind drifted to the Sirius dilemma. He notice how tired and drained Sirius looked, his exhaustion, how he was perpetually distracted, the panic attacks that came out of nowhere. James had tried to talk to Sirius, to convince him to confide in his best friend, but as always Sirius was closing in on himself. Frustrated as he was, James knew he couldn't probe too at risk of alienated his adopted brother. Even worse, James he couldn't even hint at the matter bloody Unbreakable Vows that were in place the moment Dumbledore got a whiff that James knew what was happening.

James had just handed over the report and out of Moody's office when he got the patronus, frantically calling him home.

James disapparated immediately and once at the manor began searching from one room to the other, shouting for his mum and Sirius. James was sure he'd lost some hair from how many times he'd pulled on it in stress, panic, and frustration but the house was empty. Then he realized he could call the house elf, Mipsy.

With a crack the house elf appeared in front of him.

"Master James," she wailed as big fat tears fell from her eyes. A cold sensation of fear exploded in his gut and he felt like he was going to wretch. James got down to her level.

"What happened, Mipsy?" he asked, with a quiver to his voice, praying inwardly that the worst hadn't happened. He couldn't lose his family... He just wouldn't survive it.

"Mistress Lily lost so much blood and... And they said that she wasn't strong enough to have the baby anymore."

Hearing this James fell to the ground and let out an agonized sob.

"Oh god Lily...I'm so sorry." He shouldn't have let her go through with the treatment. Now she's gone and it was his fault. "Where... Where is she?"

"Master Sirius and Master Remus have moved her to the Orchards."

"The orchards? Why would they move her there? I know she's...this soon?...and we always bury our dead in Godric's Hollow.." He was babbling at this point. James felt a tiny hand collide with his cheek and looked at the little house elf, shocked as Mipsy had never hit him before. She always threatened to whip him and Sirius, especially when they're being particularly mischievous, but that had clearly been in jest. She never laid a hand on him. Mipsy had her hand on her hips and said, "Master James has to get it together. Mistress Lily is not dead."

"what?... What do you mean she's not...but you just said!" He began babbling again but he's so happy his wife was alive, and there was still hope. He hadn't lost his family yet.

"Master James must go out to the orchards now!"

James immediately sprinted to the orchards, wondering what his family was doing back there. He was almost in the middle of the orchards when he saw them. Quickly closing the gap, James reached the group and knelt down beside his beautiful wife, who was now as white as a sheet and struggling to breathe. "Lily flower?" He gently pull her into his arms.

"James?" Lily replied faintly, with a weak smile. She sounded so weak.

"Hi baby, I'm right here," he said as he blinked to try to clear the tears from his vision.

"James!" Sirius addressed him sharply. It was then that James fully registered who was around him. His mum was sitting nearby, hands and clothing stained from what he was sure was Lily's blood. Remus was pacing as always, and Peter was near his mum, trembling and chewing on his nails in anxiety.

"James!" Sirius shouts again, trying to get his friend to focus. James looks back at him and could Sirius was holding on to Lily's other side. Sirius held out his hand and said, "I ask your permission to bind your wife to my magic."

James's mouth fell open in shock. "Now, wait one minute, Pads."

"We don't have one minute. We're not getting married, it's just an old healing ritual so she can have the baby. Its earth magic mostly. She's already my sister this just will make it official. Son and daughter of the earth."

It was then that James noticed Sirius had one of his hand is buried in the dirt and a strange green light was pulsing in the earth around it.

"I just want to use elemental magic. She taught me but I have to reach for her magic and I can't without your permission because you are her husband and your magic is bound her. I also needed a male Potter so I can use the power of the land, the wizards who created the ritual made that a vital part, if you were on soil that was owned by magical people you had to have their permission for the magic of the land to respond to you " Sirius explained to him but James's was still too shocked.

"You mean to tell me that's what both of you been doing for the last six years?"

"Thank god she's out of it right now, mate, or she would've had a fit over needing a male for the ritual to work." Remus said.

James turned to Remus with a look of exasperation, about to make a retort when he hears the most exquisite voice on earth say, "You promised Sirius." Lily looked at his best mate with heavy, tired eyes. "Told you he's going to freak out." Then she looked at Remus and said, "And I'm fucking pissed, fucking bigoted sexists' misogynists agh ..."

She screamed holding her stomach. "This baby is going to kill me."

Hearing this James immediately hold out his hand to Sirius and said "Just fucking do it!"

Sirius lets go of Lily and knelt. His one hand still buried in the earth, he buried his other one and proclaimed, "Here and now, I evoke the elemental force of earth, the soil of fertility and growth, fecund source of stability, stillness and health. I seek the deep cavern within that I might patiently build strength, mystery, sanctuary, and abundance. I call you forth to filter away all that is impure and to stand rooted in this world. Mountain and Dust, Footstep and Stone. Earth, I call thee hence."

Immediately Sirius pulls out his hands from the ground and with it erupts a beam of green light the colour of it resembling Lily's own emerald eyes. It reaches up to the heavens and James thanked Merlin that his parents chose a home in the middle of nowhere. Sirius turned back to James. "You need to leave circle now."

James' just keeps staring at the amazing light open mouthed an expression of awe etched on his face, which reflected the same thing everyone else was thinking 'how in hell did Sirius Black just do that?'

Sirius snapped his fingers impatiently. "Yes, yes. Pretty light. We know, but now is not the time get distracted." James scowls at him and then his brows furrow in confusion. 'What bloody circle' -as if hearing his thoughts, Sirius said, "The circle of runes that are around you." James looked around and there they are six in total, a perfect circle. He turns to Lily and hugs her close to his chest. She was so cold. "I'll be right here love just outside the circle, okay? I love so much, till the day I die," he whispered to her and kissed her sweet lips tenderly. She was starting to lose consciousness again so he laid her on the ground and stepped out of the circle. "Don't worry, prongs" said Sirius with his trade mark superior smirk. "I know what I'm doing."

Sirius then stood next to the light and started to pull out what seems to be threads of light. Each thread is then guided to a rune. The moment it makes contact to one, it lights up. He repeated this five more times before pulling a new thread that split to six parts. Each one connected to a part of Sirius: one to his forehead one to each arm and leg and one to his heart. He then kneels next to Lily, propping her up so he can sit behind her and provide support. The moment Sirius is in the centre of the circle the same threads exit from Sirius and to each rune and begin to pulse. James realized that they were beating in tune with his heart. Sirius was giving life to his wife, and he couldn't believe how he was blessed to such a gift his friendship to this man and his willingness to go to such lengths to save his wife and child.

A small light started from Lily heart and then it spread throughout her body. He can actually see the colour returning to cheeks and the rise and fall of her chest was coming back to normal rate. Suddenly her eyes are open and she lets out almost an inhuman scream.

"James Potter I'm going to kill you!" and Sirius let out a yelp when she crushes his fingers with her own.

"Mum," he whimpers and immediately Dorea is kneeling in front of Lily with James is by her side.

"Love, oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!" he exclaimed relief flooding him and grateful tears clung to his eyelashes.

"Don't touch me!" James ignored her shouting and kissed her head, holding her other hand.

"I love you," he told her as he kissed her forehead, she cries. "I love you too but it hurts so much, Jaime."

"Now, Lily" Dorea began, "When you ready, push."


"You're doing great, love, I'm right here. I love you so much," James said as he wipes the sweat off of her brows.

"I can see the head," Sirius' head jerks back at this, "head?" he asked his eyes wide, James laughs but nods in understanding.

"I know right head first pfft weird but apparently that's how babies get out." They nod at each other as if they discovered a new science and both Dorea and Lily roll their eyes at the two men's idiocy and Remus just shakes his head exasperated with his two best mates. "As I was saying," Dorea continued, "when next contraction hits I want to push with all that you've got."

Lily nodded just when the contraction hit. "Push."

"Aaaaaaagh!" Lily screams with both Sirius and James echoing her.

Then they hear it the beautiful sound of a new life. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" Dorea said, voice thick with emotion as she held him out. Wrapped in a shawl that was around her shoulders, the screaming and squirming little creation of James and Lily was surrounded by grinning faces.

Lily reached out, her face about to split from smiling so hard. All pain is forgotten now that she held her baby boy. "Hi there, little fella," she cooed at him as he sucked on her finger. James was openly sobbing by then and every marauder was wiping their own happy tears. "You did good Lilypad. So proud of you," Sirius said, still supporting her from behind. The moment the baby was born the light from the ritual had faded and now he felt extremely exhausted the hum starting to pick up again "Jamie? Come meet your son" Lily said softly addressing James who was now wiping furiously at the tears that can't seem to stop. He took him in his arms and just stared in awe at his little boy now he understood why they called them bundles of joy, because he couldn't stop smiling his heart both lighter and heavier he vowed to not let anything or anyone ever harm his baby boy.

"Well are you going to introduce us?" Lily said with a resigned smile. James laughed and the sound made the little boy open his eyes and look up. James could've swore he saw a reflection of the same light from the ritual but it was gone in a second. 'You've got your mummy's eyes' he thought 'and apparently my hair you poor thing.'

"How about we let Sirius do the honours?" he said as he carefully handed him over to a wide eyed Sirius then manoeuvred his way replacing him behind Lily. "What? You told him before me?" Lily protested but leaned back into his embrace all the same. "Course, I did he is his godfather after all," he said looking up at Sirius and gave him a meaningful look that he hoped conveyed his gratitude and pride to have him as both a friend and a brother.

Sirius' head snapped up from the little thing in his arms at the announcement. He looked at James and Lily who both smiled and nodded encouragingly at him and he had to turn his back to them and wipe not so discreetly at his eyes. He felt so humbled and honoured by this he couldn't possibly put into words the emotions he felt at the moment so he turned to the occupants of the Potter orchards and said "Everyone, meet Harry James Potter!"