Chapter 1: The First Step

Once Upon a time, a demon of great evil power once threatened all of humanity. However, a wizard of great power slayed it, freeing the world of it's malice. This man became the wizard king, and he established the magic knights, an order devoted to the protection of the clover kingdom.

Our story begins with the light of the morning sun rising from east. The light shone through the window of a young boy. His name, is Shezu Ichor.


It was the cry of his mother that woke the young man from his slumber. Rubbing his eyes open, and ruffling his purplish-pink hair into place, shezu finally opened his eyes to see the light outside his window. With a small smile slowly forming across his face, only one though came to him.

"Today's the day."

Shuffling down the stairs, Shezu came down the in his outfit of a dark green shirt, red pants, and brown leather shoes. The boy had some very odd features about his body. Sans the dark purplish-pink hair, he had black eyes, a good height, and a thin frame. He came into the kitchen where he met his mother and father. Carmilla Ichor, shezu's mother, wearing a lovely dark yellow dress and cooking breakfast at the stove. She had the same Dark purplish-pink hair as her son, but it was offset with green eyes instead of black. Then, helping set the table, was Eurale Ichor, Shezu's father. He was dressed in a white shirt with a brown vest and similarly colored pants with black leather shoes at the end. He had sandy brown hair,something that contrasted heavily with his son's, but did share the same black eyes that he had.

"Hey there son, how's it going?"

"Alright dad, thanks for asking," Shezu replied with his usual timid voice.

"Slept in pretty late didn't you?" Chided Carmilla with a smile, "Couldn't sleep last night?"

"Yeah, was a bit too excited about today," Replied Shezu, in his usual quiet voice.

Sitting down at the table, the entire Ichor family began to eat, and discuss the day's events.

"So son," began the father, "you excited to get your grimoire today?"

"Yeah, of course I am," Shezu replied with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, glad to hear it," Eurale continued, "you know, me and your mother have a bet going on on which of our magic power your going to inherent."


"Yes, really," the mother interjected, "I think you inherited your father's water magic, while your father thinks you inherited my fire magic."

Shezu didn't have a response to this, he just thought about the implications of how either having fire or water magic would affect his life...and his dream.

Eurale was cleaning the dishes with his water magic while Carmilla was setting up her satchel for work. Shezu on the other hand was staring out the window, deep in thought. Outside, the firefly dandelion fluffs dance on the winds. It was the sign that every child of fifteen years looked out for, because it was the sign that they were about to be awarded their grimoires. Every person that lives can someone some amount of magic, however it is with a grimoire that their full magical potential can be truly realized. Looking down at his hands, Shezu concentrated as hard as he could, trying to summon every ounce of mana he could. As he concentrated waves of energy started to manifest around his hands, but that was all that manifested. There were four basic elements when it came to magic, earth, fire, wind, and water. Along with the four basic elements, magic could also create other substance such as smoke our lightning. But Shezu was a boy who couldn't even do that. He could manifest mana around his hands, and that was about it. The most that ability could do was telepathically control and create solid objects, but no more. This is what Shezu feared the most, that after given his grimoire, his greatest ability would be being able to churn butter without touching the handle. These abilities, while convenient, wouldn't help him realize his dream, his want to become a magic knight.

Before Shezu lived in his current home, his family lived in a small village called dresden, a place located in the commoner realm. He was a child of five years old, when he saw his entire village start burning. He still remembers the screaming people running for their lives, the ash and embers in the air, and the whoops and hollers of the people causing it all. They were a bandit group called the Flames of Avalon, a group of mage who all used flame magic. They were a group known for ransacking villages and burning everything down, leaving no trace, including the people. They would set fire to the houses first, then enter and steal everything of value. After all, if the flames ever started to engulf them, they could simply manipulate them away with their magic. Shezu remembers being held tight by his mother and his father running beside her. Luckily, they were at the far end of the village when the raid started, so that by the time the screaming started they could get a head start. But the Flames of Avalon work fast, and as soon as the hunt for valuables ended, the hunt for witnesses began.

"Alright boys, lets hunt em down, DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES!"

The bandits were hot on their heels, Shezu could even see shots of flame magic being shot into the air. It was simply meant to scare the villagers, to instill them with fear to break their spirits, but it was working. They were getting closer and closer, and it seemed like it was the end of the line for all of them, but then, an eagle of lightning came swooping down from the sky, along with many magic knights on broomsticks. It was then a battle of magic began. Water, wind, earth and various other elements battling the bandits flames. This gave the villagers time to escape to the nearest hill for safety, and enough time for Shezu to see the battle bellow. He saw the magic knights fight back and eventually defeat every bandit there, and it was then that he knew what he wanted to be. Before the knights came, fear seemed to envelope Shezu, his family, and everyone around them. It was a crushing, suffocating feeling that he would never forget for as long as he lived. But, after seeing the magic knights come to his villages rescue, it was like all the fear was swept away, and was replaced with a feeling of hope that lightened everyone's hearts. That day. he swore to himself that he would become a magic knight, and be the kind of person who could erase fear from the hearts of people themselves.

But, with his level of magic, it seemed that that dream would only remain in the clouds. Magic knights at the very least needed to have an elemental nature in order to fight. Simply moving an object with one's magic wasn't going to be enough. Both of Shezu's parents notice their son's look of concern, and seeked to consul him.

"Don't worry son," said Carmilla with a warm voice and smile, "no matter what happens, we will be happy for you."

"Yeah, don't worry about it kid," chimed in Eurale, "we know that no matter what happens, you're going to do amazing things."

Shezu looked at both his smiling parents, and made sure to return their grins in equal measure. Soon, they all left their home. Carmilla went to the village inn, Eurale went to the water wheel, while Shezu went to the grimoire tower, to see what destiny had in store for him.


Well, this is my first official fanfic I have ever written. You know the drill, feel free to criticize as much as you want, (so long as you don't say the reason it sucks is because it sucks) or just leave a simple kudo if it pleases you. This story will mostly stick to canon but will take some twists and turns while introducing some new characters. Hope you enjoy the ride.