Start of Something New

Chapter 1: Having a Good Time Together

Seafoam Islands…


"Stop it Ash!" Misty laughed and waved at the said boy.

"Oh come on Misty, don't spoil the fun! Besides, it's the last day of the year." Ash said, taking another handful of water and splashed Misty again.

Misty laughed and then she splashed Ash. It was quite fun if you look at it.

The two adults were currently enjoying their six months long honeymoon/vacation after their marriage in July. The vacation started from August and will continue till January. A really really long time for the two of them together.

The couple were in a sort of world tour. They were at Lumiose just three days ago. It was the last leg of their 'journey' now, through Kanto, which started with a week of relaxation at the Seafoam Islands.

And, to be honest, they deserved this long vacation after last year's rocking saving the world thing. On top of that, they didn't need to worry about money, since both of them were masters. Plus, thanks to Ash's stupidity, he already had a lot of money from eight years worth of Pokémon battles.

Misty reached out and grabbed Ash's hand, "Come on, lets dry up ourselves and relax on the beach!"

Ash's breath caught in that moment. He didn't know anything else but Misty's laugh and her sun kissed skin in the yellow bikini. From her long, sexy legs to her perfectly curved body, to her beautiful face. He asked him the question again, what did he do to deserve this Goddess?

Shaking away those thoughts, Ash grinned at her before pulling her to him, his hands around her and resting on her hips and then took her with him into the water.

"Ash!" Was the last thing Misty said.

After some relaxation on the beach, which lasted the whole afternoon, they both headed back to the their hotel room, which was like a cottage and facing the beach.

It was now three hours past dusk. Misty was in the shower, washing herself off of all the sand and sweat after their naughty adventure. Ash was standing in front of the mirror, already washed up and ready. Their was a ball and a party at late night. He was dressed up in a two piece suit, with a white shirt underneath a black overcoat. His hair, well, as it always was. He also wore a pair of Black shoes, polished and shined.

Pikachu had a simple bow in his neck and he had also applied some gel on his head, spiking up three visible chunks of hair. He was currently on the bed, tying up Vaporeon's bow on her head, while she sat patiently.

Ash was trying to put on his tie. In all things considered, this was the toughest part for him. He didn't need to put one on before, his mother did it for him, or Brock if the matter is considered. Now, he had to do it by himself. He had already failed once and trying for the second time. He was just about to do it, when there was a sudden knock on the door, startling him and failing again.

Sighing, he went to the door and opened it to find an executive member of the G-Men standing there. Blake.

"Mr. Ketchum, it's time to go." Blake said. He was one of the three people working directly under and for him. Blake was a well built young and quite strong man himself. He was assigned for the Protection of the Pokémon Master's life at all cost.

Ash narrowed his eyes at him, "I hate you."

Blake laughed.

Ash had told everyone that he didn't need any external protection, but found out that he had no choice. Red didn't have one as it wasn't compulsory then. At least it helped when he was in public.

"We'll be down in a few minutes." Ash said.

"Good. And I might add that you will be in for quite a surprise at the party. We'll be waiting." Blake said and went back.

"Huh?" Ash closed the door and went back to putting on his tie before knocking twice on the bathroom door.

After a series of unsuccessful attempts, Ash was frustrated, "Ugh! That's it. I give up!" He groaned and threw the cloth on the bed.

"Pi…" Pikachu whined, "Pika pika chu Pikapi."

"No! I'm never wearing that… that thing in my life." Ash said to Pikachu, folding his arms and looking away.

Pikachu shook his head in disappointment.

"What if… I tie it up for you?" Misty said, appearing from the bathroom.

The other occupants of the room looked at her and their eyes widened. Misty was wearing a sky blue one shoulder strap dress, just reaching her knee. She wore white sandals and had diamond earrings. Her hair was left open and reached just above her waist.

"You're beautiful…" Ash whispered.

Misty blushed.

Pikachu scampered off to somewhere, leaving Vaporeon by herself.

"It's okay, Ash. I think you would look a lot better in a bowtie." Misty said, picking up the black cloth.

"I don't know how to tie that too…" Ash mumbled and looked away.

Misty smiled and stepped up to him, "Come on, stand straight. I'll do it."

Ash obeyed.

"Watch me." Misty put her hands around his neck, placing the cloth and then brought it forward. "Now you just take it like this… and then take it there… and then…"

But Ash wasn't listening, he was just looking at the Misty's face. Angelic. Was the only thing he can describe. He closed his eyes and started to lean in for a kiss, but something interrupted him in between. Ash opened his eyes to see his lips pressed on Misty's fingers.

"As much as you want to kiss me, and believe me the feeling is mutual, you wouldn't want my lipstick on your lips right now." Misty said, removing her finger and pointing at her red lips.

Ash sighed.

Misty finally finished the bow and stepped back, brushing away particles from his coat and fixing the handkerchief in the pocket before looking at him, admiring the view. She placed a hand on his cheek. Ash put his hand on top of her's. Chocolate met Viridian. They just stared at each other, before Misty spoke, "You know… sometimes I wonder what did I do to deserve you. You're so beautiful. So caring. I wish, that if this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up tomorrow, alone in my bed, back in the gym."

Ash opened his mouth to speak up-

"Pika… Pikachupi Pika!" Pikachu called Misty from the bed.

Misty let go of Ash and turned around to look at Pikachu, who was holding a white rose in his tiny paws. He gave it to to Misty and pointed at his head and then at Misty, "Pika!"

Misty seemed confused for a moment but then realized, "Oh! You want me to put it in my hair?"

Pikachu nodded reluctantly and Vaporeon agreed with a mewl in acknowledgement.

Ash wanted to say something to Misty but figured he could say it later at the party. He smiled at the sight of Misty petting Pikachu and Vaporeon and giving them a soft kiss on their heads.

"Here, let me help you with your hair." Ash said and took the rose from Misty.

"Why thank you." Misty said and turned to her side, allowing Ash to put the flower easily. When he was done, Misty twirled around once and posed a victory, "How do I look?"




Misty smiled.

"Let's go! The food is waiting for us!" Ash said, pumping his fist.

Everyone laughed and exited the room.

To be concluded…

A/N: Heya everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first half of the story. I thought I could do something for New Year's since I didn't for Christmas. The second half would be concluded before or at tomorrow midnight, my time.

To those of my readers from 'Who She Is', I'm really sorry for not updating until now. The school is going on at full pace now. And the after school classes doesn't help much. The chapters are yet to be edited, but I'll try to update tomorrow or on 1st.

If you liked it, follow me for further updates and please review.

See ya!