They cling to each other even as Shizuo jerks his key around in the stubborn lock of his apartment, feeling like he's breaking and entering into the place he pays for. Perhaps it would be easier if he let go of Izaya to focus his attention on the lock but that seems impossible while Izaya's still hanging off his lips.

He manages to work the lock open and they stumble inside. Vorona isn't home today. Well, she was home but Shizuo sent her a quick text on the way over so now she's with Mikage.

Shizuo had thought to himself some nights that he wouldn't want to bring Izaya here. That his tiny hole in the wall apartment could never measure up to what Izaya has. But now, with Izaya's arms around his neck and Izaya's eyes full of want, Shizuo can't find shame anywhere inside himself. His place might be small. It might have chipping paint that he contractually can't fix. There might be the stale smell of cannabis clinging to the air. Vorona's books might be piled high in one corner and Shizuo's cacti might be crowding the windowsill.

But the kitchen is clean and Shizuo's futon is already pulled out and made up neatly and there's a line of condoms on the pillow. Most likely from his very considerate roommate.

Hot breath spills across his lips, drawing Shizuo's attention just as the pressed white shirt is pulled out of his pants. Izaya steps forward between Shizuo's legs to deepen the kiss, sucking on his bottom lip. In answer, Shizuo steps back to guide them to the futon. He lays on his back with Izaya's full weight on his chest. Their legs tangle together effortlessly with Izaya's knee between Shizuo's thighs.

"Did you rent this suit just for me?" Izaya asks between kisses. He playfully flutters his lashes up at Shizuo and traces his pointer finger in circles over Shizuo's chest.

"Yeah," Shizuo runs his hand up Izaya's lower back under his tight black shirt. "I had to compete with that guy somehow." He jokes.

"Mm, who?..."

Shizuo had meant Izaya's ex but judging by the look in Izaya's eyes he probably genuinely didn't notice the guy in the high-end suit at all which fills Shizuo with pride. Rather than remind Izaya of the only other man who's been in a relationship with Izaya, Shizuo decides he can have a bit more fun than that.

"You know, Kyohei, the repairman."

Izaya snaps out of his daze, straightening his arms to push himself up into a full cobra on Shizuo's chest.

"That's not funny!" Izaya cries, his face lighting up bright red while Shizuo's laugh heartily disagrees with him. "W-wait, how do you know his name?"

"Because I know Kyohei," Shizuo confesses. "Well, not like super well or anything, but the landlord called him to fix something in this apartment a few months ago and we, uh- got along."

"You're lying." Izaya accuses too fast to suggest he believes his own words.

"No, I'm not." Shizuo laughs. "That's why I don't blame you for blowing him at all. He's got the warm brown eyes and the-."

"Dad arms, oh my god!" Izaya cries in unison with Shizuo's description. "You do know him!"

"Yeah, we still chat sometimes. He told me that some guy other than me had tried hooking up with him while he was on a job, because believe it or not that doesn't happen often, but I didn't know it was you."

Izaya deflates, dropping back down onto Shizuo's chest to hide his face. "Now I get why you thought it was so funny…" He grumbles.

"Oh no, it would've been funny even if I hadn't already fucked the same repairman."

"I hate you…" Izaya whines but there's an unmistakable note of laughter hidden between his words. Even Izaya couldn't possibly be immune to the absurd serendipity. "I hate you and I take back being charmed by you. We had a mood going and you ruined it."

Wrapping one arm around Izaya's waist and using his other hand to cradle Izaya's head, Shizuo flips their positions so Izaya's on his back to press smiles just under Izaya's jaw. "Think we can't bring it back?" He hums between kisses.

"Oh," Izaya purrs, dropping his head back and arching into the attention with alluring grace. "I didn't say that…" He tips his legs apart to pull Shizuo's hips down between them. "But it's your job to bring it back."

Shizuo decides to answer with actions rather than words. He drops his arm from Izaya's waist to grip his outer thigh as he tucks his nose into Izaya's bared neck. He still smells of sweat from performing under the bright lights and hairspray from the other ballerinas backstage but that doesn't deter Shizuo from scraping his teeth over the skin. He likes Izaya like this. Raw and passionate.

Izaya shudders under Shizuo as he rocks his hips forward into Izaya who eagerly responds to the teasing friction by pulling open Shizuo's pants and shoving a hand inside.

Shizuo groans lowly at the bold touch as Izaya is humming in pleasure at the weight in his palm. Given the size of the rest of Shizuo's body, Izaya isn't exactly surprised. It makes the most sense, proportionally speaking, but it's still nice to feel how right his fantasies were.

Izaya strokes Shizuo over his underwear for a bit appreciatively while he basks in the attention Shizuo is giving to his neck. Shizuo pulls breaks the lavish kisses only long enough to slip Izaya's shirt off so he can get his hand on the hidden soft skin and lean muscles.

Teasing touches quickly escalate into heavy petting. Soon, they're fumbling in each other's way as they start pushing at each other's pants.

Sharing a laugh, they separate so they can each strip down properly and Shizuo grabs the lube.

"So, uh, do you want to be the one-?"

"Ugh, learn to read a room, Shizu-chan." Izaya rolls his eyes and starts fluffing up the pillows behind him.

"Hey, I didn't want to be that guy and just assume you were… y'know, because you're kinda…"

"Yes," Izaya gives a mockingly exasperated sigh. "Obviously I prefer to bottom." He spreads his legs, lifts one to place a foot on Shizuo's shoulder, and flashes a suggestive smile.

"I definitely want to bottom." His eyes purposefully flicker down to Shizuo's crotch.

Shizuo is anything but innocent when it comes to sex but even so, he blushes at being checked out. Maybe it's because that was so unexpected or because Izaya's special to him. Probably a bit of both.

Izaya grabs the line of condoms and smirks when he catches sight of the size that's printed on the package. Without comment, he rips open a packet and tosses the foil off the side before grabbing Shizuo's cock and rolling it on.

Since Izaya wants Shizuo to 'read the room' so much he figures he can take initiative on the next step. Rather than offering the lube to Izaya first he just pops it open and pours it over his own fingers.

Izaya hums in satisfaction at the promise of a satisfying evening. He raises his arms out to Shizuo, making a 'come here' motion.

Shizuo shifts closer, careful not to spill the slick from his fingers until his knees are pressed against the back of Izaya's thighs.

As soon as Shizuo is close enough Izaya's hands are sliding up over his chest appreciatively.

Shizuo's clean hand slides between Izaya's thighs to spread them a bit more before he takes their cocks together in his slick hand.

Izaya's eyes widen and his breath hitches, surprised by Shizuo's unexpected choice.

"Shizuo- " Izaya whines, but Shizuo cuts off his complaint about dragging out the foreplay with an open-mouth kiss. He drags his hand up over the both of them slowly so he can focus on the details of how Izaya feels under his fingers.

Shizuo rests his forehead against Izaya's, enraptured by pinched expression of pleasure on his usually elegant face. He tightens his grip as he draws his hand up over the tips. He focuses on the weight of his touch for the right amount of pressure to make Izaya shudder. In response, Izaya's eyes flutter open, looking slightly dazed until he focuses on Shizuo's face.

"I… ahh… I can practically see hearts floating around your head with the way you're looking at me…" He teases and reaches up to cup Shizuo's jaw. "It's so embarrassing… for you, I mean…"

Shizuo's focused gaze breaks into another smile.

"Yeah, well, I can practically see the hearts in your eyes. It's so cute…" He twists his fingers over the sensitive head to knock Izaya's face loose again. Any retort that Izaya could have had gets lost in a low groan and Shizuo can feel Izaya's cock twitching against his own.

"Just… ah fuck- " Izaya slings his arms around Shizuo's neck as he loses his words to another moan. "Just hurry up, Shizu-chan." He whines.

With only a little reluctance, Shizuo pulls his hand back to pour a bit more lube onto it. Izaya's right, neither of them are going to be able to last at this rate. Besides, he'll have many more opportunities to enthrall Izaya with foreplay. He's sure of it.

Izaya's arms tighten around him as Shizuo massages his entrance with a fingertip to try and ease him open. Izaya relaxes easily, no doubt with experience, but hums in appreciation for Shizuo's careful attention and thoughtfulness.

Slowly, he begins to push a finger in, and he only gets about halfway before Izaya opens his mouth again to complain.

"Give me two, come on, I'm not some sixteen-year-old virgin."

Shizuo snorts but does as told. As long as Izaya's not in pain it's fine.

With the addition of a second finger and therefore more of a stretch, Izaya whimpers softly. But the good kind of whimper. Shizuo moves his fingers insides slowly to open Izaya up with care. He spreads his fingers a few time, making Izaya squirm, before adding a third finger.

Izaya fumbles for the lube to gracelessly pour some over his own fingers and reaches for Shizuo's erection. He wraps his fingers around it tightly and stokes up, matching the agonizing pace Shizuo is using to finger him.

"Hurry up, Shizuo, I'm ready. You want to be inside me, right?" Izaya huffs, already a little out of breath.

"Fuck…" Shizuo curses and pulls his fingers out of Izaya without further prompting.

Izaya shivers when he's left empty and from the anticipation of Shizuo lining himself up. One more glance at Izaya's face tells Shizuo everything he needs to know so he starts to push his way inside with one hand to guide his cock and the other to brace Izaya's hips.

Izaya drops his head forward to rest on Shizuo's shoulder to watch as his body gives way to Shizuo. Shizuo splits his attention between that sight and the expression on Izaya's feverish face.

Izaya feels just as good inside as he looks on the outside. He's strong and flexible both inside and out and Shizuo groans in appreciation for that.

Once Shizuo is fully inside Izaya's head drops back against the pillows with a moan and Shizuo follows him down as Izaya clenches around him.

"Finally…" Izaya sighs and lifts his hand to rest it on his lower stomach where Shizuo is buried deep inside.

"I know," Shizuo chuckles. "This is overdue, honestly."

Izaya hums in agreement and rubs his stomach idly. "Now hurry up and fuck me, you've been keeping me waiting long enough as it is."

"Me?" Shizuo laughs.

"Yes, you." Those muscles clench again and Izaya gives Shizuo a cheeky smile as a moan comes out rather than a laugh.

Shizuo's not sure why Izaya's blaming him since he's clearly wanted Izaya since the movie night and the only things that kept them apart after that were Izaya and Izaya's ex. But there's no need to have that discussion now when Izaya's using his body to coax Shizuo's hips into moving without Shizuo even realizing.

Shizuo lets out a hot breath on Izaya's neck and starts to rock his hips purposefully. Izaya rewards Shizuo's compliance by wrapping his arms and legs around him. They quickly fall in sync, each responding to the motion of the other's body and breath and feeling with fluid grace.

It's not clear if Shizuo or Izaya decides that Shizuo needs to sit back a bit so he can get better leverage. Perhaps they had the same thought at the same time, which is what Shizuo likes to believe. Regardless, his lips are clinging to the skin of Izaya's neck for as long as they can while Izaya is sliding his firm grip down from Shizuo's shoulders to his upper arms as Shizuo is pushing himself up to get fuller thrusts.

The sounds of the city through the paper-thin apartment walls become too foggy to be recognized from the heat between them. Heat that's been there since the beginning, if Shizuo is being honest with himself. And there's no room for dishonesty while he's locked in Izaya's tight grasp.

"Come on, Shizu-chan! It's supposed to be a ball-change into a barrida while I developpe and then you go into the back-bend!" Izaya huffs, stopping right in front of Shizuo to huff down at him.

"I already told ya to stop usin' words I don't understand!" Shizuo snaps, looking up to give Izaya an upside-down glare from the back-bend he's currently waiting in. "Just do the handspring over me already, we'll fix it later."

"You're learning the wrong thing," Izaya tuts, shifting his weight to one hip.

Shizuo scowls and kicks up into a handstand. In response, Izaya steps to the side so Shizuo can pinwheel his legs and right himself. Which is supposed to be the next move in the routine.

"That's just the flowery set-up shit no one is gonna remember anyway. I still think you should cartwheel into the handspring over my bridge - that would be way more exciting."

Izaya wrinkles his nose and scoffs. "This again? And I'm telling you that's totally the wrong mood. Besides, I'm doing a butterfly kick after the handspring and collapsing to the ground into the spiral roll. That's plenty exciting and appropriate for that part of the song."

Before Shizuo can respond they're interrupted by Kida throwing open the basement gym door with an overly dramatic sigh. "Are you guys still arguing over the first thirty-seconds of the routine?" He drops the takeout order along with his bag on the rickety table in the corner of the room.

Mikado trails behind Kida and his large bags of equipment are anything but the subtly that Mikado usually tries to be. He gives a guilty smile and whether it's for his own intrusion or Kida's is never clear. "Seriously, just spare us all the drama and start sending out wedding invites already."

Shizuo turns his scowl to Kida and Izaya offers a fake laugh.

"Ha Ha. Your humor is brilliant as always."

Shizuo and Izaya are not engaged. That's it. That's the whole joke.

Kida flips his hair and offers a dazzling smile. "I try." Then he pulls one of the many bags off the awkwardly shuffling Mikado, tipping the young man off balance for a moment.

"Just decide which parts are going in the hype video while we set up, alright?"

Shortly after Shizuo and Izaya's officially declared relationship began they started dancing together. Neither of them had a venue to take it anywhere but it only made sense for them to share in their passion together. Then a suggestion came from an unlikely source.

"W-well you could make a YouTube channel…" Mikado, Kida's shy friend and the manager of social media for the Dollars club had said one day when Shizuo and Izaya were on the pole together before Shizuo's shift. "It doesn't have to go anywhere, but I mean, it could be something?"

Kida excitedly jumped on board, offering many of his highly experimental music mixes, and soon Shizuo and Izaya were dominating the basement gym of Shizuo's apartment with their even more experimental moves for their impending debut as the dancing duo Big Bad and Little Red.

Fortunately, Shizuo and Izaya don't have anything to fight about when it comes to their "hype" video. They had already agreed upon a set of flips and intimate, contemporary floor moves so they just wait for Kida and Mikado - mostly Mikado - to set up the camera.

"You and Vorona are so going down tonight." Izaya hisses at Shizuo, a smile teasing his lips.

"Please." Shizuo scoffs, giving Izaya a good-natured shove with his shoulder. "Vorona basically let you guys win last time."

Tonight is their weekly couples game night at Shizuo and Vorona's. The usual teams. Dice Jenga. Winner take all.