"I appreciate the thought, Shinra. But really, I'm fine." Izaya sighs for what must be the fourth time that night.

"You keep saying that but you came anyway!" Shinra says with a knowing smile. "You just had a bad break-up and as your amazing friend it's my job to make you feel better!"

Izaya snorts refuses to look away from the taxi window. "Did Celty tell you that?"

"Yep, and Celty's always right!" Shinra chirps shamelessly.

"I don't need you to make me feel better. I dumped him." Outside a bicyclist swerves dangerously around a car through the traffic, sending droplets of rainwater up into the neon lights.

"Doesn't matter, you were together for like, two years. Yes, you do need at least one wild night." Shinra insists. "We're almost there, so get into the spirit of things already!"

Izaya rolls his eyes. He should still be in the studio but…

"Does that mean you'll finally tell me where we're going?"

"Nope!" Shinra leans forward in his seat to look out the front window. "You'll see right after we turn through this red light… I think."

"You think," Izaya sneers. He doesn't really like Shinra's girlfriend but at least if she were driving she would know. But no, Shinra insisted on a taxi for some reason. He gets that this is supposed to be a 'guys night out' or whatever the fuck Celty told Shinra he was supposed to be doing but that doesn't mean he wanted to spend his Friday night getting lost in some smelly taxi in the rain.

"There it is!" Comes Shinra's triumphant cry right in his ear. "Right here is fine!" He tells the taxi driver cheerfully.

Izaya hardly has time to get a look at the place before Shinra is pulling him out into the rain. As they rush into the brick building Izaya looks up to read the flickering neon sign.

"The… Dollars…?" Like the American currency? Is it some kind of nightclub?

Once they get in the front doors past the bouncer it becomes clear. This is a strip club. And based on the shirtless man on stage it is, in fact, a 'guy's night.'


Yes, I'm back at it again for Round Two of doing a solo multichapter fic! For those of you that read my last story, welcome back. For those of you that have never read my work before, welcome to the shit show!

This is an idea I've had for a few months now but I finally got inspired to write it down. There's a tragic lack of stripper aus for this fandom from what I've seen. Hope you're all as excited to get into this as I am!