Prompt #47 from Bleeding-roses-16:

Summary: Xanxus never really considered the fact that if he was adopted it meant that Timoteo wasn't his biological father, which meant his biological father was probably still out there, until Lussuria pointed it out. Xanxus doesn't really think about it because he's far more involved with what would later be called the Craddle Affair, but he's certainly reminded of it when his little half sibling comes knocking, looking for family.

WARNING: There will be a gay pairing in later arcs (NOT HARRY!). I am only warning because I know people get offended if you don't warn, because they believe the world is a straight line. I'm fixing quite a few bugs that I made, because I normally do make Harry gay, so if my story implied that, it was not my intention.

Updated chapter! I hope this flows slightly better than the original, and that I caught the typos that were in it. It I missed one, let me know. To various reviews I got about misspelled words from Japanese, thank you for letting me know, I am working on that as we speak, as well as the spots that imply that Harry is gay. I will be posting a note in Arc 2 Chapter One about these changes, and hope everyone likes it still.

Word Count: 2,389

I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Chapter One

"Fucking Trash!" Xanxus growled angrily as he stormed Varia Headquarters. He was done with playing nice with the Vongola Nono. Learning of his adoption was just another straw that went into breaking the camels back. If he couldn't be welcomed without blood, then Xanxus would just take them by storm in a coup d'etat.

"Boss." Lussuria huffed, crossing his arms as he watched his Sky ignore him. The sixteen year old was much too pissed off to consider the possibilities that his father was still alive. "Boss, if you're adopted, doesn't that mean that your real father is out there? Maybe you should look into that before doing anything with the Vongola."

"Fucking Trash left me with that woman! I don't care about Trash that ignores his flesh and blood!" Xanxus glowered, knocking things off his desk. He sat heavily, yet gracefully, in his chair.

Two months later, Lussuria stared sadly at his boss. The Nono had sealed the teen in Zero Point Break-Through. It would take them a long time to get him out. Lussuria couldn't help but wonder if it was worth it. If his boss truly deserved the imprisonment.

Harry Potter sighed as he looked around the vault. He had been in Diagon Alley for a day or so, and had decided to see if he had any other vaults, and heirlooms that he could take with him. To his contentment, he had four family vaults, and one of them had nothing but personal items belonging to those with the Potter name. He had spent the last four hours scouring the room, looking for something belonging to his parents. He was close to giving up at this point.

Then his jade gaze fell unto a stack of books. He quickly walked over, picking the first one up. To his surprise it read 'James Charulus Potter' across the front. He was quick to snatch it and the pile up before returning to his room at the Leaky Cauldron.

Date 1969, 5-20

I have made a huge mistake. At Eighteen, I will be a father thanks to a drunken affair. Lily has told me that everyone makes mistakes, and I'd just proven it. The woman, Chiara, has agreed to let me keep our son, as she cannot provide for him. Upon his birth, I will go to her home and collect our son. -James

Oct. 10th

It's Chiara's due date. I haven't heard from her in months. I hope everything is okay. I leave for Italy tomorrow to be sure. -James

Oct. 12th

Chiara and my son are gone. I don't know where they have gone but I will find my son if it's the last thing I do. According to her neighbors, Chiara has gone mad, and went off the grid weeks ago. I hope my son is alright. -James

Harry closed the book, his breath tight in his chest as what he had read hit him like a freight train. He couldn't believe it. It made no sense. He was told that he had no other family! It was all a lie! He had a brother. An older brother, somewhere in Italy. He had family. A chance at a loving family. He just had to find him. That meant Harry had to start looking now. But how was he supposed to find the man? Because that is what his brother would be, a man.

A hoot had him looking at his snowy owl. Hedwig watched as her human's eyes narrowed in thought. The owl cocked her head in retaliation. Harry grinned as he grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill.

To whomever receives this letter,

My name is Harry. I am looking for the son of Chiara. I just learned that we are half siblings. I would like to have a chance to get to know you. If you are agreeable, please reply with the snowy owl that brought this letter to you. If not, please send her away. I will understand

Your younger brother,


"Hedwig, I need you to find someone for me. I don't know his name, just that he is my big brother. Do not leave him until he reads the letter, and either gives you one in return, or sends you away. If this works, it means no more Dursleys." The owl cooed happily, holding out her leg.

Xanxus lifted his head at a tapping noise. His eyes narrowed on the white owl hovering outside his window. He was exhausted after battling Tsunayoshi. and just wanted to sleep. However, Shitty Trash had given him paperwork to catch up on.

Eight years worth.

With a animalistic growl, the man opened the window. To his surprise, the owl held out a letter of all things to him. Amused and annoyed at the same time, the Wrath Flame user took the item. Amusement quickly fled his mind.

After he finished reading, he broke out into a spiel of swear words. The rest of the Varia steered clear of his office. Not even his guardians were brave enough to enter the same room as he trashed his office.

Harry yawned as he entered the Great Hall for breakfast. School had been back for only two days, but he was tired already. His appetite was practically nonexistent. He could barely keep his eyes open as he sat down next to Hermione and Ron.

"Harry, is that Hedwig?" Hermione asked, surprise coloring her voice.

Indeed, it was his beloved pet. Others watched as the Boy-Who-Lived lit up like it was Christmas. His hands instantly going to pet his owl, and retrieve the post attached to her claw. The owl happily gobbled the bacon and sausage that Hermione offered her.

"I knew you could do it, girl!" Harry praised, giving Hedwig praise. The owl cooed happily, but tiredly. Harry opened his letter quickly after he finished loving on his first friend.

Trash, I don't know what the hell you are talking about. Give me some fucking proof, and I may take you seriously, fucking outdated carrier pigeon and all. -Xanxus

"Mate, who did you write?" Ron questioned, frowning. "He doesn't sound nice. He called you trash." The redhead continued, feeling worried about his friend. He knew that the Dursley family wasn't the greatest bunch.

"Better than the Dursleys." Harry grabbed a napkin, and spat into it, confusing the pure bloods, and some half-bloods. The muggleborns watched on, curious about why he would need to give someone his DNA. "He's wanting proof I'm his brother. I told you I sent Hedwig to find family for me." Ron opened his mouth, but Hermione cut him off.

"Harry, I don't think this is a good idea." Hermione protested as he wrote a returning letter. He ignored her, focusing instead on how he would address the man that would likely be his brother. He could only pray this would work.


Trash, huh? I have a feeling you address a lot of people that way. I'm not lying, and I sent a sample of saliva. Besides, I don't want anything except to know my big brother. It's not like I have anything to loose by contacting you. Can't we try?


P.S. My owl's name is Hedwig.

P.P.S. If I have the wrong person, I'm sorry. Maybe you'd be able to help me find my brother. I can pay, but I doubt Hedwig went to the wrong person. She's just that good.

"Boss?" Lussuria questioned as the man snickered. Wine colored eyes hardened. "You said you want a rush order on the DNA to see if this boy is your brother? I thought you were your mother's only son? She's dead, so how-"

"My father's son. Or so he claims." Xanxus grumbled, "hence the DNA." The feminine man frowned at his Sky. "What?" The man snarled, glaring.

"What will you do if it's not a match?" The Sun guardian questioned, tilting his head.

"Explain the trash got it wrong." The man grumbled, having no plans to help the Little Trash find his family.

Little Trash, congratulations! You have a big brother. From your last letter, I can only assume that you are orphaned. What do you want, Trash? I can't offer a home to you. I'm recovering from injuries and can't care for a little trash like you. So, what do you want? -Xanxus

Harry bit his lip, shoulders slumping some. He knew that the man probably didn't want to deal with a child. Let alone one as messed up as him. He could only hope he would allow Harry to get to know him. Harry wanted a family, after all. Even if they never met, or that Xanxus never took him in. It would be worth it.

He really had an older brother!

"Madam Promfrey, may I have some parchment and a quill?" The boy asked, spotting the woman.

"Mr. Potter, I-" She went to protest, but noticed how hopeful the boy was.. The matron sighed but nodded, bustling off to get the requested items. She returned promptly, and Harry quickly jolted down his reply.


I wasn't expecting you to take me in. I just want to know my big brother. My mother's family isn't the nicest, I just want to know that someone cares. To have someone that will take my side on things and who will offer advice when I need it. I feel alone most of the time, and I go to a boarding school. I included a picture that a younger schoolmate took last year, so you can put a face to my name.


Xanxus couldn't look away from the picture in his hand. The man was surprised by how similar, yet different they looked at that age. His brother was smaller, though. His red sweater hung off him like he was in an older man's shirt, and his jeans looked to be held in place by an old belt. Their hair and face they likely got from their father. However, Little Trash had one large difference.

His jade eyes. They were wide, full of emotion. Xanxus never thought eyes could be that color. Let alone that large. The boy seemed more innocent than Tsunayoshi. Something Xanxus thought was impossible. Even if his brother was way too thin.

"That's him?" Lussuria quarried. Xanxus nodded. "Something doesn't feel right. He's much too thin. Has he said anything about being ill?" The Sky snorted.

"You don't get thin like that by being ill." Xanxus sneered. "Little Trash has been starved. Likely since he was orphaned." His mind turned to the Little Trash's words from earlier.

'That someone cares.'

"Are you going to do something to help him?" The two toned haired man demanded.

"Little Trash has to trust me, and ask me that himself." Xanxus slumped, eyes tight, and mouth pinched.

Little trash, are you really that naive as your photo suggests? Put you in a dress and I'd have a little sister. Are you a fucking pansy? Also eat more meat! I could break you just by pinching your arm! Is your school a fucking castle? And what do you mean, to know if someone cares? Explain Little Trash. Or else. - Xanxus

Harry blinked, sniffling away his tears as he read the letter again. His head hurt, as did his chest. If Hermione hadn't had the Time Turner, he'd be dead. Whatever the flames, that had stopped Voldemort in his first year (and any time he was in danger), were, they had only attracted the dementors instead of repelling them.

Maybe Xanxus would know what the orange flames were.

Maybe it was something that they had in common.


I'm keeping this short because I'm tired and hurt. Do you know what orange flames are? I'm afraid

I'll loose control again if I end up needing them. What do I do? - Harry

"Fucking Little Trash!" Xanxus yelled, tossing a bottle of tequila at the door. Lussuria, who had just entered, caught it, eyes wide. "Try to protect the little shit, and this happens! Trash, prepare the jet for London. We leave next week!"

Little Trash, I'll be in London soon. Meet me at xxx cafe near Big Ben, the Friday after you get this letter. We need to fucking talk, you just fucked shit up in order to keep you fucking innocent of my world. - Xanxus

Harry shakily placed the letter in his messenger bag. Hermione had helped him find an undetectable expansion, and feather light, charm so he didn't need to carry his trunk around London. He didn't plan on going to the Dursley whether Xanxus kept him or not. He was done with the abuse, and the worry of if he would get another meal. If Xanxus didn't take him, then he would somehow get an apartment or something with Gringotts' help.

It was his safest option.

Even if it terrified him.