AN: Hello! Here's another deathfic, requested by 'Andreapirlono1fan'. I'm sorry this took so long!

Unfortunately I don't really know these characters too well so... please excuse me if the characters are OOC or something.

Detective Sato was lying on her bed, dried tears on her face.
She was there-oh gosh- she was there when-when...
Detective Sato shook her head.

'No, Takagi would not have wanted me to be like this. Get a hold of yourself, Miwako.'

But images kept flashing in her mind.

Takagi and Sato pursuing a criminal in her red sports car.

Recklessly driving through the streets of Tokyo.

Following the criminal to an abandoned warehouse.

Detective Sato took a deep breath. 'No, stop. Stop thinking, just stop, stop before-'

The two of them exiting the vehicle. Calling for backup.

Inspecting the car, before approaching the warehouse.

Detective Sato shook her head. 'We- I should have stopped us. We should have waited- oh gosh, if only they had waited...'

The two of them entering the warehouse. Guns drawn.

The warehouse too big for both of them, so they had split up. 'Why? WHY? Why had we done that?'

Sato investigating one half of the warehouse. Quietly. But not quiet enough.

A dark figure. Movement seen from the corner other eye.

She whirled around. Slowly approaching the place she had last seen him.

A cold shiver ran up her spine.

Then a BANG.

She had whirled around. Sucked in a breath.

Takagi staring at her.

A growing red hole in his chest.

He collapsed.

She screamed.

She fired, and fired and fired, emptying every last bullet into the criminal's body.

When back up arrived, they found her hugging Takagi's cold body.

He was dead.

Sato sighed, before getting up. She got dressed, before leaving.

There was a funeral to attend.

Nearly everyone turned up to the funeral.

Most of the police officers from their precinct had came, including Inspector Megure. The Mouris had attended too, with Eri and Kogoro awkwardly standing together. Even the Detective Boys had attended, excused from school to say goodbye.

As Tagaki's coffin was lowered to the ground, a group of men who called Wataru a friend, began to shovel the dirt in.

And no-one seemed to notice the tear trailing down Sato's cheek