Well hello from London my friends. It has been a while and I am so sorry but a lot of things has been going on. I moved and my time was limited. It is still but I found the opportunity to just write the following story about Will and Lou. So, enjoy. Will's and Louisa's point of view! Love them so much.


As I stood there I saw Will texting via his voice keyboard. I couldn't catch what he was saying exactly. Just the phrase LOVE THEM. It was kind of strange and I didn't ant to interrupt him. As I knew he had finished I went close to him and kissed him.

-Hey my wife. I've missed you

-I've missed you too husband. And think that I only spent an hour away from you to get your medical exams

-Speaking of which, they are all the same. Every six months the same steady thing. Well I don't care right now. Just sit on my lap

-You stubborn man of mine your exams are quite good. Your muscles are stronger and your bone fracture is good

-Ok now that we are all good what do you say and ask me what you want?

-What do you mean Will?

-Well you heard me typing I know you want to know. But I will do something better than tell you. I'll show you


As I was finishing what I was writing I heard Clark. I sensed her. She must have heard my last sentence so as she was sitting on my lap while we were chatting I decided to show to her what I was writing. I wrote our story. How we've met and what we've been through, who I was before my accident, after my accident and when I met her. So as she finished reading she looked at me and said:

-I can't tell you how I feel right now

-Clark, I wrote this because I want to publish it to the quads group and show them that there is life for us and I couldn't be happier. Because all I knew after my accident was me going to Switzerland. I thought I was a man that had no reason to live.

-And what changed?

-You Clark. I knew after I changed my mind in that cold room in Switzerland that I am just a man in love. And that will never change.

-Well Traynor, you can't change who people are

-And what can you do?

I said sarcastically

-Well you love them. I love you Will

-I love you Clark

And as we kissed I felt happy once more. I know that my condition maybe steady for many years, or I will be worse in 2 or 3 or 10 or 20 years. No one knows. What matters is who we are and I know I am me only when I am with Clark. So, push yourself people don't settle. Just live well. Just live. Just love your people. Don't try to change them. Just love them!