Chapter 4: The heart of Kalos (***) play Zyuranger opening

Meanwhile earlier that morning in Vaniville town, Alex opened the guest room door.

"Up em adam kid." He said seeing something under the covers before leaving, not realizing it was Pikachu and Ninetales cuddled up against each other.

In Serena's old room, the light shined in and onto the faces of the young married couple, Ash's eyes slowly opening as he saw Serena still fast asleep in his arms.

Not wanting to wake her, Ash stayed where he was before there was a knock on the door.

"Serena, breakfast is almost ready." Grace said before Serena opened her eyes.

"Ok mama, we'll, I mean I'll be down soon."

Serena stretched her arms and had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Morning my love." Serena said laying back down on him.

"We better get up before they find out we're both in here."

"Who cares, what are they going to do, ground me for sleeping with my husband?"

"Knowing your dad." Ash said as Serena smiled and got up.

The two got dressed before Ash came back up beside her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better now, I don't think I'll be really over it for a long time. But for now, I can manage."


Ash looked out the window and saw the massive footprints in the grass.

"Looks like a certain guardian beast was watching us again."

"Considering how many times we've done it in front of him in places we probably shouldn't have, I don't care if he watches us anymore."

The two and their pokemon went downstairs where they saw Serena's parents.

"Ahh there you are, sleep well?" Grace asked.

"Yes." Serena said trying not to sound obvious as Serena and Ash sat down beside each other.

"Now that you're back, there are others in town who are going to want to see you." Grace said.

"Mama, we can't stay long. We have to get back to the others." Serena said.

"There are still Gorma we need to find. We can't abandon the others." Ash said.

"Geez the first time you come home in years and all you can think about is work." Grace said.

"Work followed us." Serena said.

Moments later the phone began to ring as Alex answered it.

"Hello? Serena, Ash it's for you." He said as they came over.

As the two came over they saw none other than Ilima on the other side.

"Finally I get a hold of someone."

"Ilima what's going on?" Ash asked.

"You all left before I could tell you something important!"

The two sweat dropped.

"Sorry, our flight got bumped up and-" Serena started.

"Anyway I needed to tell you that if you're in Kalos you need to watch out for Gorma there."

"…..We know." Ash said.

"When I was there I was afraid of running into one of the Gorma out there. Lysandre."

Ash and Serena's eyes widened.

"What did you just say?"

"Lysandre, he was once a Gorma general during the age of the last war who took his followers to find Kalos pokemon to use for their sacrifices, but after Gorma thirteen's death, he and some of his followers fled Alola and went to Kalos, at least that's how the story I heard goes. There were some Gorma who thought he died, but I thought I should warn you."

Ash and Serena had horrified looks as they turned to each other.

"Call sycamore!" Serena shouted as Ash put the number in the phone.

They anxiously waited as their pokemon and Serena's parents watched nervously.

"Hello?" Sycamore asked.

"Professor where are the others!?" Ash shouted.

"They went to see Lysandre."

Their expressions got more terrified.

Gary and Mallow were back on the train towards Lumoise city as the same time Lillie and Red were on a train.

"Get to Lumoise city now!" Daizyujin shouted.

"Woah what's going on?" Gary asked.

"The other's are in danger, Lysandre is a Gorma!"

The guardian beasts Tyrantrum roared as he raced across Kalos, Red and Lillie riding on him as Gary and Mallow rode the guardian beast Bastiodon. The guardian beasts Aerodectyl and Dragon Caesar similarly raced north with Ash and Serena riding them.

In Lumoise city, Firewing flew at Gladion and Moon from behind.

He unleashed a blast of fire as Moon stopped for a moment, forcing a wall of rock up as the Gorma crashed through it.

As more skull grunts ran at the non-rangers a blast of fire hit the foot soldiers, turning them to dust, as the others lay on the ground, seeing none other than Alain over them.

"I heard you guys were in trouble." Alain said.

"Alain get out of here!" Hau shouted before seeing Squitok appear in front of them.

"Ah ah ah." He said holding his tentacles up as he psychically moved several objects in their way, blocking the exit.

"Head to the east wing! Draw off the monsters, I'll protect the others." Gladion said as Moon nodded, leading Hau and Cana down the east wing as Alain lead Tyler, Aria, Clemont, Shauna, and Bonnie down another path.

However, as the three rangers went down the wing they were hit and hurled back by another blue blast as they heard more coughing.

The three got up as they saw Lysandre limp towards them looking like his face was coming apart.

"So you are a Gorma. Shadam can't leave us alone can he." Hau said as the three held their weapons.

"Shadam, that inbred cunt couldn't lead a magikarp to water. I'm the Gorma master of Kalos!" He roared unleashing another blast of energy into the three.

As they got up, Hau and Moon bent metal and rock around him as Cana unleashed several metal feathers.

Lysandre smashed the ground with his hand as the rocks shattered from quakes mixed with dragon energy.

"I've been in Kalos for thousands of years with my followers. Hoping to find the answer to why the Gorma failed, but my vision has expanded. I'm going to save the world, not conquer it."

"Save it?" Hau said before narrowly avoiding a tremor of dragon energy, he and Moon getting knocked down.

"Ghana!" Lysandre screamed as his human appearance seemed to melt off.

Cana screamed in horror as Moon joined in, Hau almost vomiting as he saw the abomination that was Lysandre's true form. As Hau looked closer he saw it almost looked like a deformed blue version of Zygarde.

"You, you're a Zygarde!?" Hau shouted.

Lysandre coughed as he tried to revert to his human form.

"Thousands of years ago, when Gorma thirteen and Otrin announced the Nidoro Birdo ritual, I knew if I sacrificed and fused myself with a legendary pokemon I would become the strongest Gorma. But it was too dangerous to try and take one, that was until I heard the stories of Zygarde, and its cores."

"Cores? More than one?" Moon asked.

"There was another core, you killed it! That's why Puni's agitated around you!" Hau shouted.

"I thought sacrificing it would make me a legendary Gorma, but it did something else. I'm incomplete without the other core, my body's been degrading for thousands of years and I won't last much longer. But it's also changed something else, I can feel the Zygarde cells around Kalos, feel the nature and beauty of the world like I never could before. The Gorma only wanted to exploit it, so I left them with my followers. But now I see that it is all of humanity who threaten the beauty of this world. With your ever expanding cities, stripping of resources, forcing pokemon to be your slaves! I will save this world from humans!" Lysandre shouted in rage.

"You're not a guardian of nature!" Cana screamed as she leapt and glided at Lysandre, furiously trying to slash him as he knocked away each strike before grabbing Cana by the tail and hurling her into Hau.

"Peacock kenpo master, you're the one who has failed nature. With the combining stone back in my hands, I'm going to merge with the other Z-core and become whole, then with my cells, I'll resume my 100 percent form and assume control of nature, I'll wipe out humanity and restore the earth to its former beauty." Lysandre said holding the necklace Shauna had.

"Why are you even telling us this!?" Moon asked.

"Because I want you to understand, you're not heros. Only I am the savior!" Lysandre roared as his human form melted off and he unleashed a blast into the three that smashed them through a wall.

Firewing rushed over to Lysandre as he tried to keep himself up.

"Find me the other Z-core! The little girl has it, kill her if you have to."

Firewing nodded before vanishing.

As Lysandre got up the ground shook, bursting as Moon smashed through the floor and tried to slash Lysandre's side as Hau came from the other side, Cana gliding over him.

Lysandre slashed them all back with his claws, unleashing a ground and dragon strike that bursted across their armor and hurled them away.

Meanwhile the others got out of the museum and ran down the streets with Sesart chasing after them, a squad of skull grunts beside him.

"We can hide in Prism tower!" Clemont shouted as they approached the tower, dozens of people and pokemon on the streets ran in fear.

Officer Jenny and two deputies running in the way of the Gorma with two Manectric.

"What are you doing?" Gladion shouted.

"Stop in the name of the!" Jenny started before Sesart and his skull grunts literally trampled over them.

Gladion sweat dropping before he saw the others run into the tower. Gladion stopping Clemont.

"Keep these safe." He said handing him the five jewels.

As the Gorma ran to the door , Gladion stood in the way.

The skull grunts ran forward first, Gladion slashing them apart one by one before unleashing his Qi-power into the last five, shattering them.

Sesart held his arms out, hurling several rocks covered in jets of water.

Gladion brought his hands together and then thrusted them forward, unleashing a white wind of Qi-power that burst the water streams apart before Gladion slashed and kicked apart the incoming rocks.

Seasart lunged at Gladion with his four arms slashed at him. Gladion knocked away each set of claws with the Byakkoshinken as he moved backwards closer to the tower.

Inside the tower Clemont tried to catch his breath.

"I think we're safe." Clemont said.

"Is your dad here?" Shauna asked.

"No , papa is at work." Bonnie said.

"How did we get dragged into all of this?" Shauna asked.

"I blame his father." Aria said to Tyler in a joking manner.

"Yeah yeah." Tyler said before they heard something.

"What was that?" Alain asked before they saw Squitok appear in the tower out of thin air.

"Bonjour." He said giving a sadistic smiled.

"Ahhh!" Clemont shouted as an alert went off , another Clembot running out with electric shockers.

"Intruder!" Clembot shouted as it ran at Squitok who's eyes glowed as he aimed his tentacles at the robot, picking it up before smashing the machine apart.

The six people started to run, but Squitok picked up the pieces of the broken robot and hurled them forward, one hitting Shauna's legs and knocking her down as Clemont saw this.

"Shauna!" Clemont running over as he held his arms in front of Shauna.

"Big brother what are you doing!?" Bonnie shouted as Squitok knocked Clemont to the ground, smiling as he turned back to Shauna who tried to get up only to be held down by Squitok's psychic energy.

Despite being knocked down, Clemont got back in front of Shauna before being knocked down again.

The jewels falling in front of Clemont, with the blue one landing right in front of him.

"Big brother!" Bonnie shouted as Clemont stayed in front of Shauna, Puni poking his head out as he saw this. Puni closed his eyes and concentrated.

Miles away, a legendary pokemon opening its eyes before the jewel began to glow. Clemont noticing this as it forced itself at him.

Squitok's eyes widened as he saw armor form around Clemont. The armor was white around the chest and torso with blue legs, arms and a blue helmet with a grey mouth area but no mouth shape. The visor shaped much like Xerneas.

Clemont forced himself up and knocked Squitok back.

The other five were speechless seeing this, Clemont feeling stronger than he had ever felt in his life, throwing his arm out as he hit and knocked Squitok back.

"What is this?!" Clemont shouted as Squitok grabbed him with all of his tentacles and hurled him into the wall.

"Clemont!" Shauna shouted as the pink jewel began to glow.

Shauna looked down as she was enveloped in light, a pink version of the same armor forming over her with a more Yvelta like visor.

As Squitok held Clemont he felt someone kick him as Shauna ran over.

Squitok was knocked back before holding both up with his psychic powers.

Aria, Tyler , and Alain saw the three jewels on the ground were glowing and ran forward grabbing them before Squitok saw them glow, Bonnie's eyes lightning up in wonder.

Outside Gladion was still fighting Seasart, slashing at its first two arm insides before leaping up and kicking his head back.

Gladion heard a crash above him as a window shattered and Squitok came crashing down into the ground.

Gladion's eyes widened as he saw the five new rangers leap down.

"It's true! I was right!" Gladion shouted in excitement.

"What is this!?" Clemont shouted.

"You've unlocked the power of the legendary pokemon, your powers are the same as mine!" Gladion shouted as Squitok got back up.

"Ahhh!" Clemont shouted seeing him.

"Don't be afraid, fight him!"

"How?" Shauna asked.

"With your Qi-power!"

Squitok unleashed a series of skull grunts running at the new rangers.

Clemont shook as he saw them.

"Come on big brother! You're a hero now!" Bonnie shouted.

Clemont held his arms up before he attacked, knocking away each of their strikes before kicking them apart. Clemont dumbstruck at what he was able to do.

"How did I do that?" Clemont asked realizing he used more than just enhanced strength.

"It's the Qi-power in your new suit, natural martial arts flow through the power in the suit."

"I like that!" Aria shouted as she stood in the yellow and white armor, moving around like a drunken boxer as she punched apart several skull grunts as she also avoided their strikes and knocked them away.

Alain was in the green armor as he saw several skull grunts coming at him. Alain using fast strikes and counter strikes on each as the grunts shattered one by one. Shauna dancing around as she avoided the skull grunts and then struck back, taking out four grunts in this manner.

Tyler was in the red and white armor as he faced Squitok who tried to unleash his tentacles at him. Tyler unleashing fast strikes at the tentacles, knocking each back before punching him twice and kicking him back.

Squitok got back up and aimed all of his tentacles at the five, lifting them up with psychic power.

The five struggled to get free before feeling the power inside them ready to explode.

Tyler held his hands out as a jet of fire flew out.

At the same time Clemont held his hands out, Squitok feeling the gravity around him get more intense. The fire hit Squitok and made him drop the others before he got up and hurled debris at them.

Aria held her hands out as the debris moved backwards, Shauna holding her hands out while a pink tornado of energy hitting Squitok and forcing him back.

Alain held his hands out as a thick mist formed around Squitok, a ghost like Charizard flying at him before crashing into Squitok.

Gladion slashed Seaport twice and kicked him into Squitok as the two saw Gladion stand before the other five.

"Run in fear Gorma of the newest Sentai team, Gosei Sentai , Dairanger!" Gladion shouted as five red rods formed in each of the others' hands.

The two looked afraid as Gladion and the other five rushed forward, Gladion slashing the two as Clemont and Shauna smashed Squitok, Aria, Tyler, and Alain hitting Seasart.

The six formed up again.

"Qi-power together!" Gladion shouted as they held their hands together , their Qi-powers combining into a single cloudy grey sphere of Qi-energy that Gladion hurled into the two Gorma, the monsters crying out as they exploded into nothing.

"Yes! Yes!" Gladion shouted as the five Dairangers looked at themselves.

"Big brother , you did it, you're a superhero now!" Bonnie shouted running down.

"We're Dairangers?" Clemont asked before their armor retracted and the jewels appeared in their hands.

"Apparently not." Gladion laughed.

"I don't get it?" Shauna asked.

"It looks like the legendary pokemon just needed your help to stay safe. Still they wouldn't have activated if they didn't think you were brave enough. Looks like I'll have to find someone else to be the Dairangers." Gladion said.

"Aww." Bonnie said before Gladion heard something and turned to see Firewing as he flew by and slashed him. Gladion was knocked over before knocking over the others, Bonnie was knocked over and saw Puni fall out, Firewing grabbing him and vanishing.

"Puni!" Bonnie shouted as Gladion turned and saw this.

"Oh no no no!"

Back in the museum Lysandre drew two rock and dragon swords as he knocked away the weapons of the three rangers before slashing them back.

Lysandre coughed up blood as he tried to maintain his human form.

He reached in his jacket and tried to take out a pill.

Hau concentrated as he thrusted his hand forward, the ground turning hot as a blast of lava shot out and hit Lysandre, making him drop his pill bottle as he moved back.

Moon and Cana rushed forward, both slashing across Lysandre's body as he moved back.

Lysandre's human form melted away as he roared dragon energy into the two hurling them back before he punched the ground , a black root snapping around Hau as he felt dragon and dark energy full him , bursting as he tried to break free before the root withered and broke. Lysandre violently coughing , worse than before.

He tried to turn back into a human as he braced himself against the wall. The three rangers getting back up before they were slashed to the ground again, Firewing flying past them.

The Gorma landed beside Lysandre, Puni in his hand.

"Lysandre, I have the Z-core."

Puni looked very agitated as he saw Lysandre.

"At last." The two vanished just before the ceiling burst open.

Ash and Serena landed inside with Red and Lillie rushing in one way while Gary and Mallow rushed in another.

"Where's Lysandre!?" Ash shouted.

"He's gone." Hau said.

Lysandre and Firewing appeared on top of Prism tower.

Lysandre's human form melted off as he coughed incredibly violently, blood coming out as he held out the combing stone.

Firewing held out Puni who violently tried to escape before Lysandre grabbed him.

He held the combining stone up as it shined, Lysandre's body convulsing before the abomination turned more natural, his blue and black body turned blue, black, and red as the coughing stopped.

"Lysandre?" Firewing said as Lysandre turned to him.

"At last!" This body is whole!" He shouted, turning to the container of Zygarde cells.

He opened it as they started to glow, one vanished before merging into Lysandre as his eyes glowed, smashing his palm into the tower as the ground around the city began to glow red like veins.

Large red roots shot up and began ensnaring people in the streets, the roots only attacking humans, not pokemon.

"It's time to cure this world of the human virus." Lysandre said as Firewing smiled.

"Yes, indeed." Firewing said as he flew up and over the city, dropping dozens of bones and a few daggers.

Dozens of skull grunts and a few skull warriors in their knight form rose up and joined the attack.

Gladion was watching from the base of the tower.

"No , no, no." Gladion said as he held the jewels.

"Now would be a good time." He said looking at them only for nothing to happen.

Moments later he saw the Zyurangers and Kyoryugers run up.


They looked up at the tower and saw Lysandre at the top.

"Puni." Bonnie said sounding very scared as she looked up at Lysandre.

"We need to get Lysandre." Red said.

"What about the people?" Lillie asked.

"We'll split up, the six off us will kill Lysandre, the rest of you help the people." Ash said, Gladion nodding.

"No! You can't hurt Puni!" Bonnie shouted as Clemont held her back, Serena knelt in front of Bonnie.

"Bonnie, if we don't do something a lot of people are going to get hurt. We can't let that happen." Serena said.

"Get somewhere safe." Gary said to the other five as they quickly left.

"This seems far to familiar." Moon said.

"Yes it does." Gary said.

"Come on, then." Red said.

Firewing and his warriors kept up there attack on the people in the city.

As the warriors and Firewing approached a hospital.

A blast of black wing hit Firewing and forced him onto the ground as two skull warriors were destroyed.

Firewing got up, and saw the three Kyoryugers with Gladion in his now black Ultra form.

"We never finished our fight Gorma." Gladion said holding up the Byakkoshinken.

"Yes, we didn't!" Firewing shouted as he flew at Gladion, unleashing waves of fire that Gladion slashed apart before leaping into Firewing, kicking him onto the ground.

Lillie used her sword to knock back the blades of two skull warriors , pushing them back further and further before unleashing her armor's wings and knocked their swords away before slashing them apart.

Mallow firing into the next two with energy arrows, forcing them back before she leapt up and came down, smashing their swords down with her hatchet before coming around at their heads, smashing them.

Cana easily knocked back the blades of the last two skull warriors with her tail feathers before slashing up with her daggers, breaking them apart.

Gladion slashed Firewing down every time he tried to fly at him, eventually grabbing Firewing and throwing him up before holding his hands back.

"Qi-power!" Black Qi-wind launched the Byakkoshinken through the air and tore through Firewing's chest, the Gorma convulsing before he fell to the ground.

Several massive roots shot up as the rangers backed up.

"I hope they get Lysandre soon!" Lillie shouted.


On top of Prism tower, Lysandre continued to absorb more of the cells.

He turned and slashed apart an incoming blast of blue fire.

The legendary Gorma seeing the six Zyurangers in their mega evolved armor.

"Zyurangers, just as irritating now as your predecessors." Lysandre said raising his claws.

"Got any lines that aren't cliche?" Gary asked Ash.

"None I can think of."

"Ohh well." Gary said before bending a massive pillar of water from fountains and waterways across the city at Lysandre who burst out and slammed into top of the tower in front of them.

They were hurled away, Hau throwing his hand up as a massive rock pillar shot up and caught him as well as Red.

Red leapt at Lysandre with his sword out and violently slashed at him, each strike of his sword unleashing a blast of fire as Ash leapt forward, furiously slashing at Lysandre with his claws, wings, tail, and dagger.

Moon coming at Lysandre from behind with liquid metal following her.

Lysandre knocked all three back with a single swipe before Serena flew over him , unleashing tornados of wind as she spin. Hau hurling blasts of lava at Lysandre from his rock pillar as Lysandre was pushed into Gary who tried to catch him and redirect his arm as well as grabbing the necklace. But Lysandre was too strong, he thrusted his hand into Gary, hurling him off the tower before roaring a beam of dragon energy into Hau, destroying his tower of rock and sending him tumbling down to the ground.

Lysandre blasted Serena out of the air with rocks that exploded into dragon energy, Serena crashing into Ash.

As the four got up and faced Lysandre, they saw a massive jet of water with boulders in it coming at Lysandre. Hau and Gary screaming as they rode inside.

Lysandre turned and wasn't moved an inch as it hit him, the rocks shattering as Hau and Gary landed beside the others.

"Well that didn't work." Hau said.

"He's too strong." Gary said.

"He's the combined form of Zygarde. As he absorbs more cells he grows stronger." Daizyujin said.

"He used the necklace to combine with Puni." Hau said.

"This necklace?" Gary said holding it.

"When did you take that?" Moon asked.

"When I clashed with him."

Hau looked at it then at the others.

"You don't think?"

Gary got what he was saying.

"No." He said.

"Would it work?" Serena asked.

"No." Gary said.

"Perhaps for a short time." Daizyujin said.

"No." Gary said before Ash grabbed him and showed him the people below getting attacked by the roots.

"Fine!" Gary shouted in frustration as he and the others all put their hands on the stone.

Lysandre unleashed a blast at them only for the six to be enveloped in light, the blast being knocked away.

As Lysandre looked again he saw a chrome ranger who appeared to be a mixture of the six Zyuranger's mega forms and the necklace around them.

"Kyoryu Sentai! Zyuranger!" Zyuranger shouted sounding as if it had multiple voices.

Zyuranger leapt forward on its wings and flew past Lysandre, slashing him with fire and water as Lysandre was forced back.

Lysandre unleashed a root up at Zyuranger who unleashed lava from the ground into the root before metal spikes shot out of the tower and hit Lysandre, forcing him back as Zyuranger charged forward and slashed Lysandre with dragon claws and energy , a tornado of wind picking Lysandre up and near the edge.

Zyuranger glowed with the energy of the six guardian beasts before unleashing aura in the shape of them into Lysandre. The explosion hurling him off the tower.

The six Zyurangers split apart back into themselves.

"Ghaaah! We are never doing that again!" Gary shouted.

"That definitely was, something." Red said.

"Did we get him?" Hau asked.

The last of the Zygarde cells were absorbed as they saw Lysandre grow into a colossal almost humanoid form. He had a chest shaped like a demonic head with green eyes and a colored mouth. Two arms with shiny claws, black wing ling appendages with the right being blue along the center and the right red. The head having blue eyes , an collar like area around it and a crown like appearance on the head.

"Ohhh." Hau said.

Lysandre slammed his foot into the ground as more roots shot up.

"I will save the beauty of this world!"

"Guardian beasts come forth!"

The ground shook as Lysandre turned to see Mega Daizyujin and Mega Dragon Caesar facing him, both smaller than him.

Mega Dragon Caesar breathed dragon fire into Lysandre as Mega Daizyujin slashed his double ended sword , fire and lava coming out as Lysandre unleashed two pulses of dragon energy into the titans, blasting them back before forcing his foot forward, the ground shaking as earth energy knocked them back farther.

Lysandre thrusted his left hand up , two sets of roots ensnaring Daizyujin and Dragon Caesar, holding them in place.

More people were ensnared by the the roots as Bonnie and the others took shelter on top of Sycamore's lab.

"Puni" She said tearing up as she watched Lysandre.

Aria held her son tightly as the roots moved closer.

Alain hugging Mairin as Clemont and Shauna held each other.

Lysandre watched in delight before he saw something else.

Ash's Pikachu was on the ground shouted as dozens of pokemon as he lead them through the streets.

The pokemon began attacking the roots and freezing their companions as Lysandre watched in disbelief.

"What are you doing!? These filthy humans are destroying our world, enslaving you!"

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted as the pokemon began attacking Lysandre and the roots holding the guardians in place.

"How dare you!" Lysandre shouted as he prepared to attack the pokemon before the roots around Mega Dragon Caesar and Daizyujin burst.

"Your biggest mistake Lysandre, not understanding the bond between Pokemon and humans." Ash said as Dragon Caesar and Daizyujin brought their hands together.

Lysandre had to cover his eyes he saw Ultimate Daizyujin stand before him, Lysandre now looking up at the guardian who stood taller than him.

People and pokemon below began to cheer in unison as Ultimate Daizyujin charged forward, Lysandre unleashing an earthquake with dragon energy shooting out at Ultimate Daizyujin. Ultimate Daizyujin thrusted his foot up lava and metal solidified the ground.

Lysandre roared two pulses of dragon energy into Ultimate Daizyujin who's arms glowed with fire and water, knocking both pulses away before crashing his right fist across Lysandre's face, coming around and knocking his other arm away before smashing his elbow across Lysandre's head.

As Lysandre stumbled he thrusted his hand forward, a series of roots shooting from it and ensnaring Ultimate Daizyujin. Dark energy bursting across Ultimate Daizyujin as Lysandre dragged him across the ground and back.

Ultimate Daizyujin grabbed the roots and unleashed a tornado of dragon energy into Lysandre who was shaking as Ultimate Daizyujin grabbed the roots and pulled himself into Lysandre before grabbing the wings.

Lysandre screamed in pain as Ultimate Daizyujin's hands glowed as he tightened his grip on Lysandre.

Bonnie heard Lysandre cry out in terror before Ultimate Daizyujin pulled his hands free, the red and blue areas on Lysandre turning to black.

Bonnie's eyes widened as she saw Puni safely in Ultimate Daizyujin's right hand while another Puni with a blue center stood in his left hand.

"Puni!" She shouted as the two climbed onto Ultimate Daizyujin's shoulders.

Lysandre struggling to stay up while Ultimate Daizyujin held his hands together.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" Ultimate Daizyujin roared as he unleashed a combined sphere into Lysandre, the blast vaporizing Lysandre into nothing.

The roots on the ground began to wither before breaking apart, freeing all of the people who cheered with their pokemon as Ultimate Daizyujin stood over them. The Zyurangers inside shouting in excitement as Puni and the other Zygarde core ran over to each other, touching heads as they gave happy expressions.

Later that night, another stage was set up in front of Prism tower.

In the audience were the Zyurangers save Ash and Serena, the Kyoryugers, the prior Dairangers save Aria, Shauna, and Clemont. Sycamore, Serena's parents, Gurkinn, his Lucario, and Korrina.

Bonnie was also sitting with her father. Puni and the other Zygarde core in her arms, Dedenne between them.

Behind the stage, Ash was with Serena, Pikachu on his shoulder.

He saw her head was lowered and a tear coming out of her eye.

Ash and Pikachu looking concerned.

"Serena, you asked for me. Are you ok?"

Ash saw Serena raise her head, but she wasn't sad, in fact she seemed overjoyed.

Ash saw something in her hand, she held it up revealing it to be a pregnancy test with a blue plus sign on it.

Ash and Pikachu's eyes widened as Serena grabbed Ash before passionately kissing him with her arms around him.

Clemont was with Shauna.

"This is exciting, I get to perform with Serena and Aria."

"Yeah." Clemont said shaking.

"Clemont are you ok?"

Clemont tried to breath.

"Shauna, we've almost died several times in the last day or two. It's made me do a lot of thinking, I love you and I'm not afraid anymore. " Shauna gave an interested look as she saw Clemont's hand shaking as he took out a small box. Shauna opened it and saw a ring inside.

She smiled , hugging Clemont before giving him a kiss.

"Yes." She said.

A minute later, Ash and Clemont returned to the seats as the curtain raised, Serena, Aria, and Shauna there with their pokemon out.

The six and began performing together as the audience cheered and applauded. Puni and the other Zygarde Core giving happy looks as they stood around the people and pokemon, the heart of Kalos.

Author's note

And thus ends my very last Pokemon story, and Super Sentai story for that matter

It was fun coming back to Kalos and the Zyurangers

But as said by Kylo Ren, you have to let the past die if you're to become who you were always meant to be

If only pokemon could have gone the route of Boruto following XY and Z, oh well

Considering what this new year has in store for me I just don't have the time for longer stories anymore, all future stories will be short stories

With that said I've also been re-examining my re-writing of the new star wars trilogy, despite my efforts, they still have the same pitfalls as the new Disney star wars trilogy, they ironically feel too much like fanfictions rather than a continuation and evolution of the story and universe

For that reason I've considered restarting the trilogy from scratch with the characters Rey, Kylo Ren, Finn, and such still in it, but a new story that draws inspiration from the old EU, but doing something different than the movies has done before

Those stories will be short like the star wars re-writes maybe 5 or six chapters each

If you'd like to know what storyline from the old EU that I'll be drawing on for inspiration while mixing it with elements of the new trilogy, its the yuuzhan vong arc, as I felt like that was one time that actually evolved the story beyond , Jedi vs Sith, evil empire with stormtroopers, tie fighters, blah blah blah

The new villains will be inspired by the Vong but my hope it to not do the exact same thing.

But what do you guys think of this idea?

So until next time,

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