She sat upright with a start, realizing she had fallen asleep at some point. Running a hand through her hair, she collected her thoughts. The last dream hadn't happened yet, to her recollection. Had she seen the future? Was Poe going to… She stopped her thought, rubbing the ring between her fingers and even slipping it on, something she had only done once before. Did Poe want to… marry her? No, that was absurd. She laid back down, pushing all thoughts away as she attempted to fall asleep again. At least she could finally drift off.

The black cloaked figure turned around slowly, speaking to the man standing in front of her. "One moment you tell me everything's fine, the next you speak of little toy soldiers taking down a full Rebel fleet. Ridiculous. Draw up completely new plans. From scratch." "But, Supreme Leader, that would take too much-" "Do it. Now.", the figure screamed. The uniformed man in front of her walked out of the large room, afraid. She looked over next to her and saw an obedient Kylo Ren stand at attention next to her throne. Pulling down her hood, she revealed the horribly scarred face of Rey Dameron. "Ben, bring the prisoners to me." He departed and returned quickly with the handcuffed rebel fighters, Rose and Finn, followed by Leia Organa, who looked much older. "Rey, why?", Finn whimpered. She pulled him forward with the force, he was only three inches from her face as she whispered, "Ask Poe." Just then, a lightsaber shot through Finn's stomach, he slumped over, dead.

"AHHHH!", she shot up, screaming. Immediately, Poe sat up next to her, running a hand over his face. "What is it?", all sleep was gone from his voice instantaneously. "Just a bad dream." She said rolling to face him and looking at her surroundings. They were in Poe's room, but it seemed bigger. Her hand shot to her neck. The necklace was gone. As she felt her throat, though, a shock was sent through her whole body. The metal wrapped around her finger gave her a strange sensation. Then she remembered. She remembered all of it. "If you have another "bad dream", I'm right here. Alright?", he whispered, his breath hot on her neck. "Alright." She snuggled into his chest, taking in the smell on leather and light cologne through his thin shirt. She was right where she was meant to be. In Poe Dameron's arms, wearing his ring.