She was about to die. All he did was sit there as she prepared for a suicide mission. At least Finn was going to protect her. But he would die too. Poe only sat there, at the table once used by 3-PO and Chewie to play chess, his head propped up by a hand as he watched Rey throw items into her bag. He slid out of the booth, moving up behind her and wrapping his arms around her slim waist. Rey turned to face him, giving him a light kiss before turning back to her bag. He pulled her around to face him once more, giving her a passionate kiss as she scratched his stubble. The young woman pulled away, running a hand through the man's thick hair. "Don't die on me, okay?", he whispered, his hot breath on her ear and neck as he spoke. "Okay.", she said, a lump forming in her throat. She buried her head in his chest, sighing. "I'll try." The two were so caught up in what they were doing that they didn't notice the figure leaning against the door frame. "Hey, you two, get a room, why don't ya?" Both of their heads whipped around. "Finn, don't die, alright man?", Poe said, moving across the room and clapping his best friend on the shoulder. "Ah, I won't, man! I'll keep a good eye on Rey too, alright?", Finn responded heartily. "Alright. Have fun." Finn moved toward the escape pod, grabbing Rey's bag in the process. "Poe?" He turned around to face his girlfriend. Tears ran down her cheeks, and not in the good way like when he broke her cherry all those months ago, but bad crying, like at a funeral. "What? What's wrong, baby?", he moved to her quickly, pulling her to the booth. "I don't wanna die. I don't wanna.", she sobbed, falling into his jacket, using the breast pocket as a tissue. "Oh, you won't.", he stroked her hair, calming her. "Listen to me.", she looked up as he spoke, not demandingly, but pleadingly. "You are the smartest, most amazing, incredible, beautiful Jedi Rebel I've ever met.", he said seriously, still smirking. "And you chose a schmuck like me to tell you that." "Poe, I didn't choose you. I couldn't not choose you. The moment that radio call was made that you might not come back, I knew if you did, I would be the first person to see you. And I was. So don't ever think I didn't want you.", she pulled his ears, moving his face into hers and giving him a kiss.

"Need to- send help- can't- see the landing- left- Finn and Rey- Rey- Tell her-", the message cut out and the general leaned over the table, pinching the bridge of her nose. "General Organa, how shall we proceed?", a lieutenant asked over her shoulder. "Keep coms open. If anything comes through, tell me immediately. Rey, walk with me.", the general calmly barked orders to her staff on the bridge. The young woman next to her was mildly shaken up after the transmission. "Rey- Tell her-" echoed through her head. "General, what was he saying about telling me something?", Leia's stomach turned when the young Jedi asked. She knew. Poe told her a lot of things, and she acted like a mother, as his was killed years ago. But this was something she could never repeat without his permission. "Uh, I don't know, Rey. Maybe something he saw. Who knows?", she threw her hands up in mock confusion. "General, a strong signal is coming in now. Patch you through?" "Yes, Lieutenant." Poe's smooth voice crackled through the communicator. "I lost sight of the transport. I'm coming toward a forest-y planet, no landing gear. Leia?" She was is a bit of a daze. "Uh, yes, Poe?" "Tell her the truth if I die, okay?" "Okay.", as she answered, a single tear ran down her cheek. Broken out of her daze, she tried to continue speaking to him, running to the bridge. That left Rey in the hallway, alone with her thoughts. All the time they had spent together. Fixing that old rust bucket of a Falcon. Talking to BB-8. Learning how to fly. Teaching her tricks on how to wash grease out of flight uniforms. Watching him smirk when she made a joke. Her laugh when he did a Snoke impression. She shook it off. The rules of the Jedi order said she couldn't. Leia and Poe's group of X-Wing pilots rushed past her, muttering and chattering. "What's going on?" "Poe crashed. He's not responding, but he sent out a distress signal right before he did. We need to retrieve him soon, the golden hours of nerve damage are going by fast.", one of the pilots stopped to explain. Her heart beat practically out of her chest and a thin line of sweat formed on her brow. "He's… dying?", the words escaped her lips with a squeak. "Yeah, he is.", the pilot said, departing with her squadron. Rey left with Leia in a dropship to the planet. His X-Wing lay in smouldering piles in a clump of trees. Smoke rose through the leaves, signalling his location. Hours passed before they got him to the med bay. Rey only stood there, watching as they pulled him from the wreckage, moved him onto the stretcher and carted him to the drop ship. He was barely breathing, but the medic crew kept him alive.

Rey stood next to his unconscious form as the calm panic ended, the last nurse in the room departed as Rey pulled over a chair and sat down. "I'm sorry, Poe. I'm really sorry. I should have realized sooner. Don't die, please. PLEASE! Don't Die! Wake UP!", she cried, shouting at the sleeping figure. "Please, wake… up.", she slumped into her chair, sighing dejectedly. "5 more minutes.", a whimper rose from the hospital bed, a chuckle followed. Rey hopped out of the chair, looking down at Poe's smirking face. Almost impulsively, she leaned over the edge of the bed, grabbed onto his jacket and kissed him. He responded, tangling a hand in her hair. Poe pulled away for a moment, taking a breath before looking at her and kissing her again.

Thank you soooo much for reading! Will upload soon!
