Hey guys, guess what? Final chapter! Yep, this is the last one, and Struggle at the Marina is officially finished! Sorry for not answering reviews for the last chapter, I needed to post and didn't have time to answer, so I'll answer them here. But before I do that, I just want to say this has been a blast to write and you all were so supportive and it's been awesome, I thank all of you for reading and reviewing and everything. I will definitely be back with more, I promise!

For the last time in this story, REVIEWS!

rebeccareneesharplake: Thanks!

Candylou: Yep, it was safe. Thanks for reviewing! And I thought it would be cool to take them where they met, I thought it was sweet too.

Newtothis351: Thanks! This is my first Hardy boy story, but definitely not my last so there will be more of them! And the Hawaii trip, you'll just have to read to find out ;)

ErinJordan: Yep, Frank, and Joe are definitely one of a kind!

sDidO: Thanks!

Alrighty, guys, I hope you enjoy this last chapter, it's certainly been fun for me, and Ill be back!

It was a quiet night for both of the Hardy boys and their girlfriends.

Joe and Vanessa had stayed on the beach, long after the sun had set and the stars had come out above them. The sat in the sand, toes curling into the soft grainy as the water lapped at their feet, barley soaking them. They talked and talked, about everything they had on their mind, short little topics, or deep thoughts they had on their mind. It was the nice thing about them, there were no secrets between them, they shared everything. They fit perfectly together: Joe's hot-headedness impulses with Vanessa's level-headed smoothness.

Frank and Callie moved from the grass to the back of Frank's van, propping open the back doors and laying down in the back, watching the sky from there. As shooting stars flashed across the sky, they made wishes on them, for the near and far future, what would or could happen. Their hands twisted together, Frank gently running up and down the back of her hand, while his other was behind his head, creating a cushion. Callie was curled up on his jacket, eyes darting the sky, watching the beauty of the night unfold before her. They worked together perfectly, Frank had someone to bounce ideas off of and actually understand him, and Callie could just explain what she was thinking about without fear of judgment.

A little after they talked, Joe sat up, pulling Vanessa up with him. They stood together, the water around their ankles and their toes in the sand, holding hands tightly. It hurt his arm slightly, but the meds had decided to kick in and it was just a dull ache now.

"Van, I know this week was long, and you know I keep my promises." He dropped one of his hands and reached into his back pocket, and pulled out two thin slips of paper. He fanned them out for her to read: two round-trip tickets to Hawaii.

"No," Vanessa gasped in disbelief. She grabbed the tickets from his hands and stared at them, mouth agape. "How'd you get these?"

Joe shrugged with one shoulder. "A friend. Pretty cheap, too. Going to be there for a week, in a few weeks from now," he said and pulled two more tickets out of his pocket. "I happened to get some for Frank and Callie, and we already cleared it with our and your parents. We're all good to go!"

Vanessa giggled and jumped into Joe for a hug, and he wrapped his arm around her and dipped her low, smiling before he kissed her, leaning forward as her long hair brushed the sand.

"How about we call Frank and interrupt whatever they're doing and tell the good news?" Joe asked when they finished, and they laughed as he pulled out his phone to call his brother, getting ready to kick off their newest adventure.


Be hilarious, stay awesome, and love Avengers!
