The look that was on Amy's face was so very Amy that Ian felt like laughing. He didn't though as he really wanted to be on her side, not against her.

"Why did you do it?" Amy asked after about a minute of them staring at one another.

"Leave or come back?" He asked. Amy pondered for a moment and then answered,"Both." She said it so quietly that Ian thought that he had imagined it. He exhaled. How to explain?

"I left because I thought that I could fight it," He finally answered.

"And you came back..." She whispered,

"I came back because I couldn't." Ian took her hands in his as carefully as he could. He didn't want to ruin the moment,

"You thought that you could fight what?" She asked her eyes lingering on hers slightly, a tired smile on her lips.

"My feelings. My upbringing. Need I go on?" His heart beat faster and louder and he felt as though in that moment he was closer than he had ever been to anyone. Amy squeezed his hands softly and took a step towards him.

"What are your feelings?" She asked looking as though she was having difficulty suppressing her smile. "Can I show you?" He asked, I'm not entirely sure whether or not the word I have for my feelings will do them justice." Amy smiled softly and Ian allowed his hand to carress her face. Just for a second. Then he allowed his lips to carress hers, just for a minute.