Scusa Ma Ti Chiamo Amore
Summary: "Somewhere between all our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights, and all our jokes, I fell in love." – Unknown. FemHarry.
Just a warning: AU, FemHarry, Age Difference, Smart!FemHarry, Loyal!Hermione, Clichés, Messed Up Timeline, More in the future
Just so you know (Name): FemHarry's name is Henriette Celestia Potter. The Teutonic and American meaning of the name Henriette is "Ruler of the home" while the French meaning can be "Keeper of the Hearth". Celestia is a female given name, which is a variant of Celeste, and which means "heavenly" or "of the sky" in Latin.
Chapter 1 – It's simple; No.
Patience was a virtue and Harry Potter had always prided herself in having it in spades. However, everything had a limit, and unfortunately for the idiots who were looking at her with accusatory eyes and gaped mouths, she had already reached hers.
"Harry Potter!" She heard Headmaster Dumbledore call her name once more.
Enough was enough.
Harry was tired of being thrown from one dangerous situation to another. She was absolutely and utterly tired of the Wizarding World bullshit and the constant change in the way they saw her as well the constant threats to her life.
Staring at the Goblet of Fire, the symbol of the suicidal tournament she had been entered into without her knowledge, the witch quickly came to a decision that would certainly change her life from then on.
She would no longer play into the other people hand like a good little puppet. This time, Harry was going to do what she thought was the best for her.
Turning to Ron and Hermione, she wasn't surprised to see that, beyond them, the long Gryffindor table all watching her as if she was part of some Freaky Show. By the heavy feeling she felt, all the other tables were doing the same.
"I didn't put my name in the Goblet," Harry said blankly.
Hermione stared with wide and terrified eyes. It wasn't difficult for Harry to understand what the older girl was thinking and she felt her heart breath a sigh of relief at this. Her bushy haired friend believe her and was worried about her.
Ron was another story. His face had gained a ugly shade of purple which reminded Harry of Uncle Vernon and his blue eyes had darkened with jealousy and fury. To be frank, Harry wasn't even a little surprised. Ron had never been what she called a loyal friend. He was too self-centered and his low self esteem just made it worse.
At the top table, Dumbledore had straightened up, nodding to Professor McGonagall who looked she had just eaten something sour. A silently conversation happened there because the woman nodded back but Harry couldn't be sure.
"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called once more, "Harry! Up here if you please!"
She hunched her shoulders before relaxing. Harry refused to show how uncomfortable she was a feeling . She needed to be strong.
Hesitantly, Hermione placed a trembling hand over her arm, giving Harry a slight push.
"Go on," The brown eyed witch whispered, looking torn between screaming in Harry defense and crying at the danger her best friend had been dragged into this time around.
Harry could relate.
Patting her friend hand, Harry got to her feet. She kept her head high and ignored the annoying buzzing like noise several students, the ones who weren't too shocked to move, did as they whispered between themselves or hissed insults.
Much to her irritation, the buzzing only got louder and louder as she walked to the top table. It only started to diminish when she finally found herself standing right in front of Dumbledore. Everyone wanted to hear what the old Headmaster had to say.
For once, Dumbledore's eyes had lost that twinkle she had always associated to him. He didn't look happy.
It was good to know that she wasn't the only one.
"Well… Through the door, Harry," He made a motion to the door that lead to the room where the three official chosen participants of the tournament were waiting.
Green eyes locked with blue.
The buzzing stopped. There was only silence and Harry wondered for a moment if she had broken the teachers as well the other students. It didn't seen like they were even breathing.
"No?" Dumbledore repeated slowly.
"No." Harry said, "I'm not going through that door. Sorry, not sorry."
Dumbledore looked astonished at her answer, and he wasn't the only one. Almost all teachers were looking at her as if they had never seen her before.
Before the Headmaster could react and having already said what she wanted, Harry turned around and started walking out of the Great Hall.
"Harry Potter!" McGonagall called. She sounded horrified at what she saw as disrespect from Harry part, "Come back here, young lady!"
Harry continued to walk, smirking as counted backwards until the commotion started. Students started to talk about what had just happened and the teachers had immediately rushed after her when they finally noticed that the green eyed girl wasn't stopping.
Taking the Marauder Map from the pocket of her robes, she checked to see if there was any secret passage close by. Harry nodded to her herself when she found one which lead to the kitchen.
"Stop –!"
"– she going –"
"What about the tournament –"
"Harry Potter!" Several voices called as the teachers, lead by Dumbledore, rushed past the entrance of the passage, never noticing how the mirror moved as pale fingers pushed it to hide the secret passage.
Harry walked through the narrow corridors and down old staircases slowly. With only a Lumos and the map to guide her, she couldn't risk tripping on something.
Soon, she exited the passage and found herself standing in front of the painting of a bowl of fruit. one such fruit is a pear. Smiling a little as she tickled the pear, making it squirm and giggle before it transformed into a green door-knob, Harry opened the door to the kitchens.
While Hermione liked to hide inside the library when she wanted to be alone, Harry used the kitchens. It was the only place she could have some peace and quiet when life at Hogwarts proved to be too much. The House-Elves were also great company; even though they kept trying to feed her because Harry was apparently too thin for their liking.
"Miss Henriette!" A female House-Elf gasped when she heard the painting closing behind the witch.
Like a domino, the reaction was instantaneous. One by one, the Elves stopped what they were doing and started crowing her, looking up at Harry with wide and excited eyes.
"Hello there," Harry greeted them before smiling a little, "Could I have something to eat, please?"
She hadn't been able to eat anything at the feast because of all the commotion with Triwizard Tournament and she was really angry (There was also the fact that she always ate something when she was irritated or stressed). Her stomach growled a little as if agreeing with her making Harry blush.
"Right away, Miss Potter," One of the House-Elves took her hand, leading her to a table in an isolated corner of the kitchens.
Harry sat down and smiled fondly as she watched the little creatures move frantically from one side of the kitchen to another as they tried to decide what to make for her.
As she waited for the food, the green eyed witch rested her chin in the palm of her right hand and closed her eyes. Tapping her feet against the floor in a random rhythm, Harry started to think about the decision that she had made into the Great Hall and how to put it into motion.
Almost two hours after she found herself hiding in the kitchens, Harry stretched her arms as she walked toward the Gryffindor Tower, only stopping when she finally found herself facing the Fat Lady portrait.
With a sigh as she noticed that the guardian wasn't alone in her frame, Harry crossed her arms and waited. She knew those two well enough by now to know what to expect from them.
"Well, well, well," the Fat Lady said, "Violet's just told me everything."
Harry hummed with a bored look on her face as she spared a glance toward the wizened witch who looked to belong in 20s. The woman was sitting smugly beside the Fat Lady, as if proud of the gossip she shared with her best friend.
"Really now," Harry said dryly.
The dirty blonde clapped her hands. The words that came from her mouth were exaggerated sweetly and Harry wondered if the Fat Lady thought she was a pet or a baby.
"Who was chosen as Hogwarts' champion, hum?"
"Diggory," Harry informed her, nonchalantly. "He's a Hufflepuff, you know."
Violet huffed, "That's not what I heard."
"Well, lady, forgive me to say this but you heard wrong."
Pale blue eyes narrowed angrily at her.
"Now, dear," the Fat Lady cooed, "Don't be shy."
"I'm not shy." Harry said, resisting the urge of sighing and rubbing her forehead. She was starting to feel a headache coming, "I refuse to participate in this nonsense."
"You can't refuse," Violet said, looking at the young witch as if she was a idiot. "The moment your name is chosen, you have to participate or you'll lose your magic."
That made Harry pause.
Despite what ninety percent of Hogwarts liked to think, Harry wasn't stupid nor ignorant. If she tried, her grades could have been better than Hermione's in several subjects. Only, Harry just didn't see why she should do well in her exams when only the OWLs and the NEWTs were important for a witch or wizard future.
So as she thought about Violet's words, something came to her; a book that she had read a while back as she waited for Hermione to finish rewriting her Transfiguration Essay for the hundredth time that day.
Tapping her chin, she looked at Violet.
"The loss of magical in case of refusal is because of a magical contract right?" Violet shared a look with the Fat Lady before nodding slowly, "And the contract is connected to the magic of the person who placed the slip of paper with their name on it inside the Goblet, right?"
They nodded once more. Harry smirked triumphantly.
Even if her name had come of out the Goblet, it hadn't been Harry who placed her name there. So there was no risk of her losing her magic. Ha!
"I'm safe then." She cackled. The two witches on the portrait looked like they wanted to say something but Harry interrupted them, "Balderdash."
The two witches sputtered but couldn't really stop her from walking into the common room after she said the password. The Fat Lady swung forward on her hinges and as the portrait moved, Harry felt her eyebrow twitch with annoyance as a blast of noise assaulted her ears.
Was it too much to ask for them all to be sleeping?! Harry yelled inside her head as she was wrenched inside the common room by about a dozen hands.
Growling, she tried to free herself only to be passed from one person to another until she was facing the whole Gryffindor house; all of whom were screaming, applauding, whistling or cursing her. Harry hated being touched like that, especially by strangers and that was exactly what ninety nine percent of the people there were.
Harry closed her eyes, trying to breath properly as she felt the first signs of a anxiety attack. However, before she lost control of her emotions and gave in, someone grabbed her arm, pulling her back and away from Lee Jordan who had been trying to place a Gryffindor banner on her back like a cape.
Harry immediately relaxed, recognizing the mane of bushy hair and stepped behind her beat friend. Being the smallest girl of her year – her height being a result of all those years under her relatives tender care –, Harry liked to use her taller friends as meat shield from all the attention she tended to get for simply being the Girl-Who-Lived (Do notice the disgust she carries for this title). Hermione was her favorite shield.
Sometimes, Harry thought that Hermione had been born to be a protector. She wasn't one to start fights and she rarely, if ever, broke the rules given to her without a good – very good – reason, but when it came to protect and defend her friends, nothing mattered.
"Stop this!" Hermione yelled, "Can't you see that she's uncomfortable?!"
Dean Thomas frowned, "We're just curious!"
Two figures stepped in front of Hermione who warped her arms around Harry, baring her teeth at the duo as they tried to invade the raven haired girl's space. Harry eyed them, feeling a little disappointed when she saw the look in their eyes. Ron believing that she found a way to enter herself into the tournament had been expected, but she had seriously expected more from his brothers. The twins had always supported her.
"You know, Harry," Fred bellowed, looking half annoyed and half impressed, "You should've told us you had entered your name into the Tournament!"
George nodded excitedly, "How did you do it without getting a beard?" He asked, more likely thinking about his and Fred failed attempt of entering their names with a Age Up Potion only to ended looking like Dumbledore's long lost brothers.
"I didn't do it." She said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "I want nothing to do with this Tournament."
Honestly, Harry could care less if they believed her or not, especially since they would learn about the truth soon. But she still felt like she should at least try to tell her side of the story.
Not that her Housemates were letting her.
Angelina Johnson giggled, "Even if it isn't me, at least the Hogwarts Champion is a Gryffindor –"
"You'll be able to pay back Diggory for that last Quidditch match, Harry!" Katie Bell – Angelina's best friend and fellow Chaser – shrieked.
"Let's get out of here," Harry muttered to Hermione, tugging her hand. She was pretty sure that she has already said this, but Harry was really tired of the Wizarding World and its people stupidity.
Her friend sent a glare in direction of their Housemates who were now too busy talking about her and the Tournament to notice that they had hurried to staircase and up to their dorm room. Thankfully, the other girls were with the rest of the Gryffindor House.
The green eyed girl threw herself onto her bed, burying her face into her pillow.
"I can't believe this!" Harry heard more than saw Hermione walking around the room, stooping her feet angrily, "How could they think that you would put your name on this barbaric Tournament!"
Harry closed her eyes as Hermione started to rant. She didn't even notice that she had fallen asleep until the older girl called her name.
"Harry!" The green eyed girl jumped a little, her eyes wide as she looked around the room in search of the fire before she turned to stare at her best friend.
What is it with people yelling my name today? The raven haired witch thought.
"What're you going to do?" Hermione sounded a little exasperated, "We need to find out what the tasks will be so you can train and –"
Harry waved her hand dismissively, cutting her off.
"Don't worry," She laid her back against the pillow and closed her eyes, "I got it."
The bushy haired girl stared.
"What?" Harry didn't answer, "What do you mean? Harry, answer me!" The other girl started snoring loudly, "You don't snore, Harry. Stop faking it! Harry!"
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