If you haven't read my other Supergirl stories, you don't know who Sam please read them.


"Nazis?" Winn asked. "You were fighting Nazis? That's awesome!"

"It wasn't awesome when Nazi Kara wanted to cut out our Kara's heart." Alex said.

They were all together, listening as Kara and Alex recounted their adventure on Earth X.

"No, that part sucks, but hey, a chance to kill Nazis is cool."

"I have to say, I didn't mind gunning them down. But there was a point when I wasn't sure if we'd make it." Alex said.

"And dealing with my Nazi self wasn't any fun either." Kara added.

"Yeah, yeah, but still Nazis." Winn was insistent.

Kara and Alex looked at each other and Kara said, "Do you want to tell him?"

"I guess I should." Alex said.

"Tell me what?"

Alex bit her lip, then said, "I met your Earth X counterpart."

"You did? Oh, wait, please don't tell me I'm a Nazi over there. Because if so, I think I'll have to breach over and kill myself. So to speak."

"You're not a Nazi." Kara said.

"Actually, you're the leader of the resistance." Alex told him. "They referred to you as General Schott."

Winn sat up. "General? I think I like that. I think I should be called General at the DEO."

"No." Kara, Alex and J'onn said in unison.

"Also, you had a beard." Alex added.

"A beard?" Sam asked, suddenly very interested. Everyone looked at her. "I just wondered how it looked."

"A little odd, but not bad."

"I bet it was hot." Sam said in a whisper.

Winn gave her a look, then turned back to Alex. "What was General Schott like?"

"Very determined to save his people, very driven. His soldiers seemed to respect him. Or maybe fear him."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Winn said. "A badass who keeps the troops in check and gets the job done."

Kara rolled her eyes, but Alex looked at him and said, "Winn, General Schott was not a nice man. I begged him to give us time to save Kara and he refused me."

"Well, he didn't know her and he had a job to do."

"He was a cold, lonely man. He had troops working with him, but he had no friends. No one he cared about. Maybe it was the place or the job he was doing, but he seemed so alone."'

Winn thought about that, then looked around the room at all the people he cared about. "Okay, maybe General Schott isn't such a good idea. I don't think I could live like that."

"I know you couldn't." Kara said.

But putting General Schott aside was not as easy as they thought.

I know this is short, but I needed to do the setup before we get into the actual adventure.