So I'm currently on a roll posting random stories with single chapters. I promise that I'll try my best to write ALL of them (if you want me to :P)

So I'm just posting my ideas here so I don't forget any of them. If you want me to continue, pleaseeee let me know :) I'd love to know what YOU think :D

Moving on...!

~ Shields' Household - 6:00 AM ~

So what would anyone do at six in the morning? I don't know about you guys, but if it's a weekend, then I'll be sleeping in. If it's a weekday...I'll probably be up (I totally blame college). ANYWAY, the point is people don't want to wake up that early in today's modern world. But things are different in the Shields' household. A few maids rushed in and out of the kitchen, desperate to get in sync with the speeding clock. Others sped off to get chores done for the owners of the house.

A tall, muscular brunette stepped out of his lavish marble-tiled bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He ruffled his wet hair as he reached near his bed to get dressed. His black suit was freshly pressed and placed on his bed along with a matching black tie beside it. He turned on the air conditioner and set it to the coolest level. He instantly welcomed the chilly air that hit his face and exposed body. He dried his hair with another towel. A few minutes later, he cast the towels aside and got dressed.

In moments, he found himself standing in front of a full-length mirror that showed off his handsome face, broad shoulders, muscular torso, and towering height. Smirking slightly, clearly satisfied with his appearance, he grabbed his phone and exited the room.

"Dr. Shields, breakfast is ready," an older woman warmly greeted him from below as he descended down the stairs. "Thank you, Ms. Faragonda," the brunette smiled. He asked, "Is Musa up?" Faragonda shook her head, "Should I wake her up?" He shook his head and mouthed, "Not yet. After my mom leaves." Faragonda nodded as she smiled slyly. He chuckled as he continued down the stairs.

"Morning, dad," the brunette greeted his father who was sitting in the living room drinking coffee and reading the daily newspaper. "Morning, son," Lucas Shields smiled.

Brandon went over the dining table many feet away and was immediately greeted by a delectable aroma of eggs, chicken, and pancakes. He took out his phone and tapped away hurriedly as he ate. "Brandon, eyes on your food as you eat," a straight-laced voice spoke from behind. Heather Shields...a woman who believed in manners, etiquette, and discipline.

"It's kind of important, mom," Brandon dismissed. He suddenly stood up from the table while grabbing a piece of French toast. "Gotta go. Bye!" he hollered on the way as he sprinted outside while munching on the bread.

~ Shields Conglomerates - 8:00 AM ~

Brandon Shields sipped from a cup of black coffee as he read over an article on the Internet with amusement. For real? he thought with a smirk.

Brandon Shields...one of the most eligible bachelors and the most sought after in the state. He took over his parents' company when he was just twenty one years old. Five years later, he not only catapulted the family business to the top, but he also managed achieved a Doctorate in Business Administration. And now the word is...he's probably got a new love interest! Yes, that's right, folks! A man who was never seen with a woman beside him before has now been spotted with a gorgeous lady! Could this woman be his lady love? Stay tuned to find out!

Brandon laughed at the absurd news.

"Hey, man. What's up?"

Brandon looked up to see his longtime best friend and partner in business, Sky Eraklyon, entering through the office. Sky was blonde and handsome too with a similar muscular stature. Rich men and their hotness is just too much to handle.

"I talk to one hotel receptionist and suddenly she apparently becomes my lady love," Brandon smirked as he quoted from the article on the computer. The blonde man chuckled. "That's what you get for being famous, buddy."

Brandon chuckled. "So what's up, Sky?"

"Oh. We kinda have a problem. In order to start the latest project, we kind of need a hundred acres..." Sky trailed off.

"We have permission to use the land outside the city."

"We do except...a few of the acres belong to a civilian."

Brandon shrugged, "Then use the land aside from those acres."

"We can't. You see, those acres are right in middle of our assigned land. We called the owner. Apparently, it's an ancestral property so he isn't agreeing to give 'em away."

"For real? Fine, I'll go negotiate. Meanwhile, I need you to go and draw out those blue prints," Brandon said as he stood up and shut down his laptop.

"What if he doesn't relent?" Sky asked.

Brandon smirked, "He will. Believe me, he will. There's no one in this world who won't succumb to money. Text me his address."

Sky chuckled and nodded. The two best friends fist bumped as the brunette left the office.

~ New York City, New York - 8:40 AM ~

Brandon adjusted his suit slightly as he eyed in front of the two-story house. The building was beautiful with a big lawn in front of it. He climbed up the stairs and rang the doorbell. Brandon stood around for a few moments before ringing it again.

The lock suddenly started to turn from the inside and a gruff voice yelled out. "I told you damn dogs that I don't want no food!" Brandon raised an eyebrow as the door opened fully revealing a middle aged red-haired man.

The fifty something year old man stopped short when he noticed the richly looking young man at his doorstep. A sudden smile plastered onto his face. "Oh I'm so sorry, lad. I thought it was someone else. Tell me, what can I do for you?"

The power of money, Brandon thought with a small smirk. Brushing it off, he smiled. "I was hoping to talk to Mr. Radius Solaria?"

The man in front of him nodded. "That's me. Do come in."

Brandon slightly smirked as he followed Radius inside. His dark brown eyes trailed over the interior of the house. The inside was beautifully decorated in a vintage style. Too bad the owner inside it is too much of a moron to appreciate it.

"Please sit down," Radius kindly ushered. Brandon smiled and took a seat into a black leather chair. "Coffee?" Radius asked. Brandon nodded with a smile but cringed on the inside.

"HEY! Get us two cups of freshly brewed coffee!" The man yelled loudly. A second later, he turned to Brandon and addressed him with a smile, "What can I do for ya? Oh and uh take your coat off if you want." Brandon tightly smiled and took off his jacket. He hung it over his arm loosely and cleared his throat.

"I'm Brandon Shields, the CEO of Shields Conglomerates. Here, this is my card." He handed Radius a business card. The middle-aged man's eyes widened as Brandon revealed his identity. Radius dumbly nodded.

"We're currently working on a project. And the land we require for the construction is also merged with your property. We're hoping you can sell it to us. For a reasonable compensation, of course."

"Ahhh...the property, eh? Well...how much are you gonna give me? I want a hundred grand at least."

"We've evaluated your property and it's worth no more than fifty thousand dollars."

"Alright, fine. How about eight grand then, hmm? You need me more than I need you," Radius smirked.

Brandon clenched his jaw. He remained silent for a few moments debating on what to do. This stupid moron is lucky that Brandon is such a nice guy.

"So what do you say? Eighty grand. Take it or leave it."

Thirty thousand isn't much of a loss compared to the profit. Oh well. Whatever. Brandon opened his mouth to negotiate further when a girl walked in with a tray with two steaming mugs. Must be the maid. She held out the tray to Radius who took a mug. Brandon looked up as the girl walked up to him. She held out it to him in a similar fashion silently. Brandon reached to take the mug before he was interrupted.

"I TOLD YOU BLACK COFFEE WAS MY FAVORITE!" Radius suddenly snarled making the girl jump. She gasped as the tray tilted and the glass mug fell over. Brandon sucked in a breath when he felt hot coffee burn through his crisp white shirt and sting his skin. Radius's eyes widened and he stood up indignantly.

"You idiot! Now look what you've done!" he yelled. The girl jumped again. Brandon's eyes widened slightly when he noticed how the young girl shivered with fright.

"Mr. Solaria, it's all right. It was just an accident," Brandon spoke calmly as he stood up. The girl looked as if she's about to pass out any second judging from how she shook uncontrollably. Brandon raised an eyebrow at the behavior of the girl, whom he's presuming as a maid.

"I'm so very sorry. She still has a lot to learn. How about she cleans it up for you?" Radius offered.

"No, it's okay-"

"No, please. Hey, what're you looking at? Take the shirt right now and wash it."

Brandon sighed. The girl immediately nodded and turned to him. She ushered him upstairs with her arm. Brandon silently followed her upstairs into a room.

"I'm...so sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry again," the girl softly spoke up. Her voice was so low and her eyes were cast down.

Brandon raised an eyebrow slightly puzzled at her behavior. Was she a maid or a slave? "Like I said, it was just an accident. It's cool," he replied as he unbuttoned his shirt. Thankfully, the coffee didn't run down his pants. "What's your name?" Brandon curiously asked. He can't even see her face especially at the angle she cast it down.

She didn't reply. Okay? Instead, she opened one of the closets and took out another white shirt. "Um...I hope this fits you..." she said lowly. Brandon scratched his ear slightly and wondered if he was going deaf. Ugh, this whole house was weird. He took off his shirt and took the one in her hand. He disgustedly wore it. It was probably the ill-tempered idiot's shirt.

Twenty minutes later...

Brandon found himself standing on the same porch again bidding a temporary goodbye to the moron.

"You can pick up your shirt tomorrow. Sorry about that again."

Brandon nodded. "Uh thanks but you don't have to."

"No no no, it's totally fine," Radius smiled.

Brandon nodded again and turned on his heel. He marched up to his black Mercedes quickly not wanting to be here any longer than he had to.

~ Shields Conglomerates - Top Floor - 10:00 AM ~

"So? Fill me in," Sky eagerly asked. Brandon smirked as he walked in and threw his jacket on his chair. He loosened his tie. "Sixty grand, buddy. Guess he was really desperate for money. You guys can't negotiate right."

"What? No way! Dude, he literally told us to piss off over the phone."

"Eh well I don't know. His uh...maid or whoever spilled coffee on me and he thought I was gonna sue him for that," Brandon chuckled.

"Hmm. Damn. Well, whatever. At least it worked out. By the way, you have a meeting in fifteen minutes. I'd suit up if I were you. I'll get you the blueprints meanwhile," Sky informed on the way out.

Brandon nodded. He immediately took off Radius's shirt and threw it aside rudely. He opened his drawers and searched for the stack of emergency clothes he always had available. He threw on a fresh clean shirt and slighly rolled back his stiff shoulder blades.

Work was busy as usual, but Brandon enjoyed it every bit. He's a natural workaholic, but he played fair. He treated his employees with impartiality. He eased their working hours but set strict deadlines. To many people in the real world, people like him were seen as ruthless businessmen. But those who're close to him know his true character. Brandon Shields played it fair and square. Many of his employees liked working under him rather than his strict mother. Heather Shields made occasional visits to 'set the employees in their places' as she put it. But Brandon usually informed everyone about her 'surprise' visits beforehand.

Later that day...

~ Shields' Household - Brandon's Room - 11:00 PM ~

Brandon lay against the headboard of his bed and peered into his laptop. He organized tomorrow's schedule on the calendar carefully. He told Sky earlier this afternoon to prepare the papers for the property by tomorrow. He set his phone on mute and shut off his laptop. With a sigh, he lay down on the mattress and pulled the blankets up till his waist.

His face suddenly formed into a grimace at the thought of paying Radius a visit tomorrow. He never met such an ill-tempered man before. Maybe because he's usually cooped up in his office either attending meetings or reading boring files. Is this how some people are? He has negotiated before, sure, but never with people other than his clients. He had a knack for persuading people thanks to his natural charm and looks.

His mind travelled from Radius to the girl. She seemed younger than him although he didn't really see her face. She either covered it using her hair as a thick curtain or by looking down at the floor at a ninety degree angle. Why did she work at his place if he's that horrible? Did she have no other choice but to work wherever she could?

Why am I thinking about other peoples' lives? Shrugging his wild thoughts away, he soon drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

~ Shields' Conglomerates - Top Floor - 8:00 AM ~

Brandon sipped his coffee as he reviewed what Sky had sent him earlier about the property.

"Any more revisions, Your Highness?" Sky smirked. Brandon rolled his eyes. Sky was good at his job. He was really good, but he can be a showoff sometimes.

"It looks great. I just need to get that moron to sign it and we're good," Brandon replied.

"Do I need to come with?" Sky asked slyly.

Brandon rolled his eyes. "You want to come for the easy part? Dude, go eat your bagel or whatever," he snapped as he neatly placed the stack of papers into his bag and stood up. Sky laughed and patted his friend's back before heading out.

Brandon sighed as he eventually made it out of the building. "I should've sent Sky. This is freaking ridiculous!" he muttered as he hopped into his car. The frustrated brunette started the ignition and soon, he was on his way.

~ 8:45 AM ~

Radius Solaria bore out his thirty two teeth into a wide smile as he greeted Brandon enthusiastically. The brunette cringed as the older man patted his back. He didn't want to be here as it is and this physical touchy feelings weren't helping at all.

In a few moments, Brandon found himself smiling as fake as possible in front of Radius. "So the papers are ready and so is the money. You just need to sign these and we'll be good to go," he said.

"Sure and uh no hard feelings about yesterday, right?"

Brandon resisted the urge to yell in exasperation. "Please. You're making a big deal out of nothing," he replied with his jaw clenched. Any more stupid words from this moron and I'll knock his wisdom teeth out, he sighed.

"Here's your shirt. Thank you for yesterday," Brandon gave the article back to Radius. He, again, suppressed the need to throw it into the older man's face. He pushed the stack of papers to Radius and gave him a pen as well as a suitcase filled with the appropriate amount of dollar bills. (NOTE: I don't know how these deals work, so I'll just rush through it.)

Radius took it with a grin. "HEY! BRING THE YOUNG MAN'S SHIRT!"

Hey? Is that the girl's name now? Brandon sourly thought. He impatiently waited as Radius took his time in signing the documents. A moment later, he looked startled when he saw the same girl from yesterday enter into the room. It's not her presence that surprised him. It's her appearance. She was covering herself from top to bottom even in...summer. She wore a sweater and gloves as well as a beanie. Her whole face was covered with a woolen scarf. Even her hair seemed to have vanished somewhere within the clothing articles. What the hell? Brandon's eyes widened. Just yesterday, she was trotting around in a dress.

He stared up at her appearance as she gingerly held out a cover. She uncomfortably shifted from one foot to another when she felt his gaze on her. The girl looked away and Brandon was left staring at her ridiculous outfit in amazement. She jiggled the cover slightly to get his attention which worked. Brandon snapped out of his trance and took the cover. "Thank you," he said his gaze not leaving her.

She nodded as she quickly left the room.

"Who is she?" Brandon asked as soon as she left, unable to keep it in.

Radius looked up from the documents and shivered in disgust. "Oh you mean that useless girl? She's just a waste of my time and energy. I don't even know why I treat her right."

Brandon pretended to nod in understand but in truth, he didn't get any new information from that sentence. He kind of got all of that yesterday except for the last sentence. I don't even know why I treat her right? He rolled his eyes and scoffed internally. I wouldn't be surprised if this bastard hit her, he thought. Suddenly, Brandon's eyes widened as a lightbulb went off in his head. That's it. He was abusing her...and as a result, she covered herself to conceal the injuries. Oh my God...his lips slightly parted as realization dawned over him. But what can he do?

That girl apparently had a problem with speaking at audible levels. So he can't go straight up and ask her. But...the way she leapt ten feet into the air yesterday when this idiot called her out...it wasn't being startled. It was fear. It was real fear.

"All done," Radius smiled as he took the suitcase greedily and pushed the papers to Brandon. But the brunette remained glued into the seat. His eyes danced into the direction where the young girl just disappeared into. Maybe I can get her out?It's useless to have all this money when I can't help a girl...I'll just ask her. If she's not in trouble, she can always come back.

Radius noticed the look on Brandon's face. "Hey, uh what're ya lookin' at?"

The serious look shifted into something else. A look that any man can easily identify with. "...I want her," he finally said. Radius's eyes widened. Brandon turned to Radius with an evil smirk. "You just said that she's a waste of your time and energy. Let me take her."

"...are you serious?"

"Oh yeah. Believe me...no one will ever have to know. That girl has relatives?"

"Nope. She's an orphan."

"Then it's cool. I'll make sure she never escapes. I don't have money for nothing," Brandon smirked as he stood up.

Radius's gears turned. Soon, a smirk came onto his greedy face. He evilly turned into the same direction.

So I was right...Brandon thought in disgust and anger. Suddenly, Radius marched off alarming Brandon. A few seconds later, he heard a hard sound which definitely was a slap to someone's face. The brunette's heart clenched when he heard whimpers of a female. His eyes flashed in anger. His jaw clenched and his hands formed into fists by his sides. Soon, Radius appeared again but this time, he dragged the poor girl by her neck. He pushed the girl to Brandon who caught her.

"No, please! Please don't do this!" she cried. Brandon grasped her arm and her arm flailed wildly to break free. But his grip remained free and firm.

"You bitch. Now I'm finally rid of you!" Radius growled as his hand formed into a fist. He aimed it into her face. She instinctively covered herself and Brandon's eyes widened as the fist flew. Just before it could collide with the girl's jaw, Brandon held out his free arm and stopped the blow.

"Enough. I'll take care of it now," he said with a smirk. He looked down at the girl who was still ridiculously cried. The only things visible were light brown eyes, but even they were shadowed by random scarves. He resisted the urge to comfort her and tell her that she's got it all wrong. He's not some man whore who exploits women just for the heck of it. Please. Just a few more minutes.

To make it more convincing, he grasped her arm and took the documents. "If you scream, I'll kill you," Radius threatened from behind. The girl instantly shut up making Brandon's eyes flare. Seriously?! Ugh. One more minute and Radius will have a permanently disfigured face.

Radius opened the front door and Brandon took her by the hand. The latter opened the passenger door in the driveway and pushed her inside. He went over to his side and looked back at Radius once more. "I'll see you again, Mr. Solaria," he said coldly. In a jail cell watching you rot. Radius grinned in glee like an idiot.

Without another word, Brandon got inside and pulled out of the driveway.

~ Shields' Household - 10:00 AM ~

Brandon pulled the whimpering girl out of the car gently this time. He looked around to make sure no one was watching. The servants are usually in the kitchen this time, so there should be no one hanging around his room at this time. He pulled on her hand as they made their way inside.

In a few minutes, Brandon found himself locking the bedroom door behind him. He turned around to face her, who immediately cried out. "Please! Please don't hurt me! I'll...I'll do anything!"

Watching her cry made his heart ache. "Take those things off," he said softly. He took a step closer and she instinctively took one back. She waved her arms around to stop him from coming any closer. He suddenly grasped her arm and pulled her a few steps towards him.

"Take the stupid scarves and sweater off. You look ridiculous," he said. "I'll stop if you take them off."

She stopped and looked at him curiously. She didn't seem to believe him, but whatever. She'll take any chance she got. She quickly removed her gloves and slightly rubbed her hands together. She unbuttoned the sweater and took it off revealing a yellow shirt underneath. With a sniffle, she slowly removed the scarf from around her face. The woolen cloth fell to the floor as she lifted her head up.

Brandon's eyes widened. She wasn't a girl...she was a young woman. And...and...

She's so beautiful, he thought as his jaw dropped slightly. Her eyes were hazel tinted with a golden honey color. His features were soon marred by a frown when he realized the bruises on her beautiful face. Her forehead had a cut and her cheeks were covered with reddened finger stamps. Radius must've hit her hard. Her eyes...they were beautiful but they looked so vulnerable and broken.

He took a step closer and it was enough for her to go crazy again. "Please don't! Please-!"

Her cries went muffled as he tugged on her arm and pulled her into an embrace. Hugging her was probably not a good idea since it's kind of weird to go around hugging random strangers. But this girl's eyes looked so broken and it made his heart ache. He felt as if she needed a hug right now.

"Please. I'm not going to hurt you. I lied to get you away from him."

She stopped moving and squirming in his arms. He let her go when she calmed down and took a step backwards.

"Sit," he demanded as he pointed towards a chair. She nodded slightly. Brandon looked taken aback when she perched herself on the floor cross-legged. "Um. I meant on the chair," he said in shock. Who was this girl? She instantly stood up and followed his finger. Brandon pulled out another chair and sat in front of her.

"Is Radius hitting you?" he asked getting directly into the point. She looked away unable to answer. He opened his mouth to say something before his phone maniacally went off. Rolling his eyes, he cut the call when he saw the caller ID as none other than Sky. Presumably to ask how the deal went. Brandon set it on mute and set the phone aside.

He turned to her again. "No one here will judge you, okay? I want to help. So I'll ask again. Is that man abusing you?"

She nodded as tears fell from her eyes.

He placed a palm on top of her hand. "What's your name?" he gently asked.

She sniffled. She looked up at him and he was instantly hooked to her face.

"...Stella...My name is Stella."

So...that's the first chapter. And whether or not there will be a second totally depends on you! Thank you so much for reading!

Please review if you can :)!