Have fixed the errors in chapter one.

Title: Misery loves company
author: Cindy Ryan
notes and summary: See part one

Poe wasn't sure how long they sat in companionable silence. Awhile if his nearly empty bottle was any judge. An idea sparked shoving Poe's dark thoughts to the sidelines. An idea that Rey would either shoot him for or hug him. Leaning down Poe tried to ignore the spinning cavern. He whispered a code word to BB8. The droid instantly alwrt began beeping happily.

Rey glanced at the droid with a raised eyebrow.

"What's got into him?"The Jedi in training asked.

"You'll see."Poe replied as he stood grateful the room no longer spun.

Rey shot Poe a wary look.

"You know Finn tells me stories about you."Rey began.

"Don't believe everything you hear."Poe cautioned with a smile.

Just then BB8 began to play an audio track. A soft romantic slightly upbeat song. Poe had long forgotten what world it was from. Rey glanced from the music playing droid to Poe and back again. She smiled.

"That's lovely."Rey complimented." Growing up on Jakku I didn't hear much music."

"Has your Jedi training included dancing?"Poe asked as he offered her his right hand.

"No."Rey replied as she stood."Being a junk scavenger on Jakku didn't offer much opportunity either."

"It's easy."Poe coaxed taking Rey's right hand in his tugging her forward."Follow my lead."

Poe was relieved when Rey didn't protest. She still looked uncertain but stepped into his embrace. Poe smiled.

"Just relax and enjoy the music."Poe instructed.

Two songs later Rey found she was actually having fun. She'd only tripped once and stomped on Poe's feet twice. The third song BB8 played was slow and romantic. She suspected the droid was playing matchmaker since each song had gotten progressively romantic. She and Poe danced the same as the others. Then the fourth song came on and Poe glared at BB8.

"This isn't a wedding BB8."Poe admonished.

Rey laughed.

"It's alright."Rey stated."Show me another dance."

Poe returned her smile and pulled Rey a little farther from the table.

"Been awhile but I saw this at a festival on Yavin."Poe explained."Similar to what we were doing but well you'll see."

They danced about four moves before Poe stepped back still holding Rey's hand. He raised their joined hands and spun Rey in a circle and then pulled her back against him before releasing her. Rey smiled at the pilot and they continued to dance.

Poe's plan had succeed he'd gotten Rey to smile and laugh. BB8 switched to another song more upbeat. They danced two more songs before taking a break.

"Thank you, Poe."Rey said after a few minutes.

"My pleasure."Poe replied with a smile."I'd like to buy you dinner sometime."

"I'd like that."Rey acknowledged.

"Good."Poe commented

Bb8 beeped happily.

Rey glanced at the chronometer and frowned.

"Is it that late? I need to go."The young woman said as she stood. "I promised I'd help with some of the ship repairs."

Poe stood and put his bottle in the recycled garbage and rinsed out Rey's glass and set it in the sink. He walked back to the table.

"I'll walk you to your quarters."Poe offered.

"Thanks."Rey acknowledged.

They walked the short distance to another small cave that had been set up as living quarters. Half blocked off for the men and the other side for women. They paused outside the women's.

"I did enjoy tonight."Rey stated quietly.

"Me too."Poe replied. "For a beginner you're a good dancer."

"I'm sure your feet will be bruised in the morning."Rey countered with a laugh.

"Be worth it."Poe said with a grin. "See you later."

Poe watched as Rey nodded and then entered the woman's side. The pilot walked to the men's housing and entered. He collapsed on his bunk without changing clothes. Within minutes he was asleep.
