
Disclaimer- Because these are annoying and countless writers have had their hearts broken over disclaimers, this goes for all chapters! *clears throat* I.Don't.Own.Anything. :( But I'd love to!

A/N: I've been thinking a while about this fic. Actually, after two months in a major writer's block, I finally thought of this idea in five minutes and decided to do this. See, I tried three stories before this, and they all jammed somewhere in the middle and lost their spark. The third story was going to be based on WW II, but my dad didn't want me briefing on the atomic bomb issue. I'll shut up now and let you read. The first chapter might be kind of boring, though. :( Hey! Read Chapter One Title!

                                                              Chapter 1~ View of Good Ol' Life

                                                                              By: Nghi

          At 23 years old, she just finished her last day in college. Now, all that was left before she could kiss campus grounds goodbye was a diploma. And let's not forget the graduation ceremony, but the important part was the diploma.


          Her watch beeped 3:20 P.M., and Kagome stood up abruptly and yelled, "Yesssss!!!!"

          Then, she noticed the eerie quietness and opened her eyes to look around. Her classmates didn't follow suit; they just stared at her, muffling out the sounds of laughter. The professor glared at Kagome for disrupting the class and pointed to a hanging clock on the wall. It read 3:10 P.M.


          She brought her hands back down to her sides and sat down quickly. Mumbling a quick apology, Kagome concentrated on a pencil dot marked on the desk's surface. Another ten minutes before she would be released.

          Ten minutes was definitely too long….


          Kagome jumped from her seat and scrambled out the door when the bell rang. This was it; after tonight, she would be a college graduate! And she could finally focus on her job: filing secretary.

       O.K. So it's not the best job in the whole world, but it's part of a huge company. Who knows, I might get a promotion!

            She was too busy thinking about her future as the President of the corporation that she didn't see a person in front of her. "Oomph!" Kagome grunted as she collided into the stranger and fell onto her butt.

          The stranger turned around, revealing the person to be a female. The shopping bags that she held dropped to the ground, and a soft but audible crack sounded in one of them.

          The girl's eyes widened after hearing the shatter, and she stared at the bags, unblinking. "Oh no," she whimpered, dropping to her knees to gather the belongings up. Tears started to form in her eyes.

          Kagome didn't expect that sort of reaction, but moved to help when she saw the girl struggling. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry…" she was cut off literally when she tried to hold on of the bags.

          The girl held a pocketknife in one hand, poised to attack again. The blade dripped some of Kagome's blood onto the ground. "Don't touch anything!" she screamed furiously. "Look what you did! You were trying to steal my property, weren't you? Weren't you?!?!"

          At first, Kagome was stunned when the girl swiped her with a weapon. But she became a little nervous as the girl started screaming. "No! No! I wasn't trying to steal anything," she answered, glancing at the knife now and then. "I was just trying to help. I didn't…."

          Here she was interrupted again when the girl started swinging the blade blindly in Kagome's direction. She backed out of the way just as the knife moved to where her shoulder would have been. "Liar! Everyone wants something from me!" the girl accused. "What do you want, huh?"

           O.K. Scratch helping. My #1 priority: get away from the lunatic!

          Kagome scrambled off the ground and across the street, leaving a hysterical girl to holler. But Kagome wasn't frightened by the fact that the girl started screaming; she bumped into those types of people all the time in Tokyo. Once a good distance away, she resumed her cheerful mood.

          Along the way, she stumbled into several other people and inanimate objects, including Mr. Takadomo, a salesperson, and a rolling basketball. But only two out of the six people yelled at her. That included Kagome's landlord, Mrs. Takadomo.

          "Oomph! Sorry," she apologized repeatedly when she bumped into Mrs. Takadomo on the fifth floor.

          The lamp she was holding clattered to the floor. It would have survived with a mere scratch, but the lamp decided to test its limit. It rolled down the stairs with an evil thump each time along the way. Before it reached the fourth floor, the lamp smashed into itty-bitty pieces.

          "No, you idiot!" Mrs. Takadomo shrieked. "That lamp was priceless! Look what happens when you let a clumsy girl live here!" she yelled more to herself than Kagome.

          Kagome moved quickly away from the raging woman. She uttered another 'sorry' and began edging up the stairs without Mrs. Takadomo noticing.

          How can someone so mean have such a nice son?

          She reached her apartment at last and entered quietly as possible. Her next-door neighbor had very sensitive ears and was, unfortunately, a light sleeper. And yes, he often took naps.

          Kagome walked into the bathroom and rummaged for some disinfectant and bandage for her hand. She nearly screamed in pain as the disinfectant did its work and cleaned out bacteria. It also produced a major sting on her skin. Bandaging the wound, she smiled happily as the thought of infected skin no longer plagued her.

          As she tiptoed into the kitchen for a snack, she suddenly remembered why she was ecstatic in the first place. "I'm graduating!" she shrieked out loud, clapping her hands in an exciting manner.

          Oh yeah! I have to call Mom and Souta and Grandpa and Buyo….

          The list went on and on until Kagome couldn't think of anyone else. Picking up her phone, she dialed her home number and fidgeted impatiently for someone to pick up.

          "Hullo?" a dull voice answered. "Whaddaya want?"

          At the end of the other line, Kagome heard a reproachful voice, followed by a grumble. "I mean, hello," the voice now shaped into a sugary, pleasant one. "What can I be of service to you?"

          "I'm graduating tonight!" Kagome blurted out, unable to hold the news in any longer. As an afterthought, she added, "Hello to you, too. Are you sure you'll make it to my ceremony tonight?"

          There wasn't an answer, just a bit of a shuffling sound. A new voice asked came up on the phone. "Hello?" it modeled after Souta's. "How can I be of service to you?"

          Souta and his video games….

          "I'm graduating tonight!" Kagome repeated. "Think you, Souta, Grandpa, and Buyo can make it to my ceremony?"

          Her mom screamed out of excitement, but forgot to remove the phone away from her mouth. "Tonight's the night you graduate?!?! Why didn't I write this down? Of course I'll be there! Oh, my baby's finally all grown up…."

          She started to cry, cutting off the flow of questions and nonsensical statements. Once Kagome cleared her head of ringing, she tried to comfort her mom.

          "Don't worry, you still have Souta," Kagome offered. "And he has another eight years left before he doesn't need you anymore. So…."

           A knock echoed sharply throughout the apartment, and she reluctantly put her sobbing mother on hold.

          Let me guess; it's my happy next-door neighbor.

           Her guess was correct. He leaned against the doorframe, white hair that reached to his lower back and swaying slightly. His eyes glared at her for being so noisy. "This crazy dog needs his sleep."

          Kagome nearly rolled her eyes, but said instead, "Oh yes, Mr. Tsuyo. It was a mistake for being so loud."

           "It's the same excuse, you little girl. Shut up!" he snapped rather unpleasantly.

          She had half a mind to kick the rude, little, old man down the stairs. Her foot itched to do so, too. But she figured that since she would be spending most of her time in the apartment instead of a library, she should start off on the right foot with him… again. "I'm sorry for disrupting your naptime, but I was excited about tonight. Do you want to come to my graduation?"

           "No, thanks. This dog's gonna party at the club tonight," Mr. Tsuyo started doing some shaky disco moves to emphasize his plans.

          Kagome didn't say bye or anything; she just shut the door, leaving Mr. Tsuyo to dance alone in the hallway.

          Sad and pathetic.

          She went back to calming her mother.


           7 P.M. came by like lightning; one minute Kagome was dressing herself in the gown, and the next someone was driving her to the college.

          "I'm so nervous!" Aki babbled with a slight smile. "I mean, in three hours, we'll be living our lives separately. No more psychology class. No more physics…."

          "And no more advanced math stuff and equations!" squealed Kagome. "And don't forget: no more professors and tests and…."

          Within half an hour, the two reached college. During the day, the building was drabby and resembled a state prison. But it was a different story when the college was lit at night with candles and colorful streamers hung everywhere.

          "Wow… the committee did well," Aki observed.


          Looking around, she searched for the person that yelled out her name. Spotting her family, she ventured off on her own, bidding Aki a temporary farewell. "Hi… uurgh…."

          Her mother pulled her immediately into a too-fierce hug. "Oh, you've grown so much in three months!" she cried, squeezing even harder.

          "T-thanks…" Kagome rasped, turning several shades of unhealthy colors.

          "Come, dear. Kagome must get going now," her grandpa advised, completely oblivious that he had saved his granddaughter.

          Letting go reluctantly, Mrs. Higurashi and the rest of the family started to leave, but Kagome stopped them. "Wait! Where's Buyo?"

          Everyone shifted around on one foot to the other, ignoring eye contact. They didn't know how to explain this situation…. Looking around, Grandpa was satisfied that no one was watching the family and opened his bulky coat. Kagome's eyes widened unnaturally at the sight; Buyo was stuffed in one of the pockets like some sort of thing! The poor cat was squished to near-death, and he wasn't pleased. He even meowed his protest against this cruelty. Closing his coat quickly, he acted nonchalant and pretended that he didn't hear the meow. "They didn't allow pets," he explained in an undertone.

          No wonder there was a bump….

          "So Grandpa decided to smuggle the cat through pockets," Souta explained. "Now let's go. I'm tired of standing around."

          Just as they left, the dean came out in front of the conversing crowd of students.

          "Alright, people," he ordered, clapping his hands together. "Stop the talking… O.K. Now, we're going to begin the ceremony."

          The students calmed down, but they were twitching nervously. Some attempted to calm themselves with traditional methods such as babbling, doing some calm breathing, or the exact opposite of that: hyperventilating. Any minute now and the music would begin….

          "So, what are your plans for next year?" Aki asked, while surveying the classmates' actions. She was one who often babbled, nervous or not.


          "What's your plans when we're out of college?"

          "Oh… I guess concentrating on my work," Kagome replied. She was too busy chewing half of her thumbnail to pay attention.

          "Really?" Aki asked, suddenly interested. "What's your job?"

          "President of the Cat-Flavored Mix Co.," she said automatically without thinking.

          Aki's eyes popped out of its sockets and she gaped at Kagome. "What? You're… the President of… Cat-Flavored Mix Co.?!?!" she shrieked. "Oh.My.God!!!! When did you become head manager of that famous company?"

          Kagome didn't answer; she was in a state of shock at what she just let slip out of her mouth.

          Don't spread the news about my nonexistent job… don't spread news about my nonexistent job….

          "Wait! What I meant was that… see, I… it's not really… being President…" she stumbled over her words like a true pro.

          Get the hint! Don't say anything; keep quiet, keep…

          "I have to tell everyone about this!" Aki said, eyes all glittering. "You're executive of one of the biggest names in cat history! This is even bigger than when the foreign exchange student guy was bitten by an attacking monkey at the national zoo!!!" she waved her hands excitedly at the mention of 'executive'.


          She paid no attention to a pleading Kagome and left her behind in search of the dean; Kagome's begging was shortly cut when the music began playing. She was pushed back along with the stampeding graduates.

          Rats! I have to wait… let's just hope for the best in my little situation: Aki loses the ability to speak.

          She stood in a random line, not caring if she was in the right one or not. "Hey," one annoying kid butted into her thoughts. "You're in the 'A' section. Your last name is 'H'!"

          She ignored him and continued searching for Aki's face.

          Aki better not tell anyone about this!

          The music stopped for a second, then restarted. This cued the students to go down the aisles.

          Forgetting about the cat food/President trouble for a moment, Kagome obliged like the rest and began walking. As she entered the grand auditorium, she felt nervous and excited altogether at the sight of so many people.

          Breathe. Breathe.

          She settled in the front row and focused on the beaming dean instead of the pointed glare(s) directed at her from the rest of the 'A' section. Spotting Aki, Kagome attempted to tell her through a Neanderthal-like sign language the message she was trying to convey earlier.

          It didn't work.

          Aki misinterpreted the signals as a thumbs-up for graduating college instead of failing, so she raised her thumb back and wriggled it.

          Yep, she told.

          Kagome decided to not think about the little white lie that popped out of her mouth. What were the chances of Aki telling anyone after Kagome repeatedly denied it 16 times?

          It's like talking to a brick wall.

          "Now, on this day…."

          Her thoughts were put on hold as the dean started the usual graduating words. This was it; she was ten minutes away from the diploma!

          "…I give you the class of 2002!" the dean spoke loudly on this part. People started clapping and whistling while others snapped away pictures. Many parents were crying from happiness; if not, grieving that their babies were actual adults now.

          Next part: diploma. "Ayaiki, Morei," the dean called out. The applause had just died out and restarted again. 15 minutes later, several more names were called out, and they had reached the 'H' section.

          I'm next!

          "Higurashi, Kagome."

          Standing up, she proudly walked towards him, head held high.

          Left foot front… right foot front… don't trip!

          The dean was smiling and holding the precious piece of paper in his hands. Her own hand was reaching out to claim it. Then, the moment was yanked from her in a few moments.

          A sharp scream emitted throughout the warm, humid air. The woman who screamed stood on her chair, swatting away a creature pawing at her legs. "I hate cats, I hate cats, I hate pets!" she wailed, trying to back even further up the chair.


           One security guard walked sheepishly into the middle aisle, trying to appear as part of the guests. But it was quite obvious that he stood out, with his uniform and all.


          As he neared Buyo, the cat sensed the intruder and forgot about the fish-smelling lady. He didn't like the guard and immediately screeched, backing up. Surprisingly for a fat cat, he moved very fast and within seconds, had found himself outside the auditorium/college and in a tree.

           "Buyo, come down here!" Grandpa shouted, hobbling outside. The guard came along with him and both tried to persuade the stubborn feline down the 8-foot tree.

          Everyone, including the dean, clambered into the front lawn and watched as the guard and Grandpa make a lot of commotion as they did shoulder-to-shoulder teamwork. They failed miserably three times before the guard announced, "No worries, we're just going to request some backup."

           Fifteen minutes later, a fire truck parked in front of the college. A firefighter dragged a 9-foot ladder along with him and called lazily, "Move out; make way for the firefighter."

           And I haven't gotten my diploma yet!

          Kagome didn't want to see what happened next. The last time someone handled Buyo, his leg became one ugly, scratching post. Not pretty.

           As expected, the whole family sighed when the firefighter climbed up and attempted to lift the cat and its claws from the trunk. They didn't cringe when he suddenly yelped like a girl and roared, "Why you little…."

           At that point, Buyo really didn't like the firefighter and started using his face as a claw sharpener. The grown man screamed yet again and scrambled down the ladder. "That cat's got problem!" he whimpered, clutching his red hand.

           Mrs. Higurashi straightened up for a moment and said, "Don't worry about Buyo, Kagome. I'll get that darling cat down."

           Where a grown, young firefighter failed, a middle-aged woman brought the cat down in a knee-length skirt, no less! She marched to the ladder and climbed up the steps determinedly. Following the act was a lot of creaking and rustling with coaxing words.

           "Buy-o! Come here… I won't hurt you."

           There was a contented purr, a sign that Mrs. Higurashi was rubbing the cat's head. Then, two legs found the ladder, and she held Buyo while descending towards the ground.

          "That wasn't too bad," she said cheerfully, trying to pick scattered twigs from her hair.

          Kagome, who still didn't get her diploma, already scolded Grandpa for stuffing Buyo into a pocket in the first place and walked over to her mother. "Mom! Are you O.K.? Buyo, you bad cat!"

          The only response from it was a choking sound, and a hairball made home on her blue graduation gown.

          "Kagome!" the dean announced suddenly. His face wasn't looking very pleasant. In fact, it looked really red.


          "I'm so sorry," she began to repeat over and over.

          "I didn't know you were the President of Cat-Flavored Mix Co.!" he interrupted.

          An early gift from Buyo and a confrontation with Mr. Dean. Yay me.

          This was going to be a long night….



A/N: Yeah… long. I know... I'm sorry if it didn't live up to its name and genre… yet. The next chapter will be better. Oh, and read the title! It often tells if the next chapter will be good or not. I promise this will be the only boring chapter, in my opinion, at least. ^_^ Also, my elder cousin worried me about this; the first chapter was off-genre. Okay, so this chapter isn't really suspense, but I want to clarify that there is a reason for putting in a chapter like this. Chapter 1 is kind of irrelevant to the whole plot, but if you read it, this gives you a better sense of what Kagome's old life was like. Yeah, so I guess this will be the only full-length humor chapter, unless you count the epilogue I'm going to do. ^_^ On the bright side, there won't be 100% violence; on Scout's Honor, I will include fluff and humorous… stuff. :)

Next chapter: Fine Lines