Written Rivers

Book 1: A Home Amongst Rivers

Chapter 1: With Lost Words

They say that over time, if words are used too often, you will either start to believe them or that they will just lose all meaning. Like the words "I'm okay" or "I'm fine", they become over used and grow a lack of meaning. They become lost words.

Well her lost words were different. They were words that were complete and utter lies that she came to believe and when she came to believe them, she realized just how little meaning they had behind them. The memories that she remembered were nothing but a dream; a very, very vivid dream. So vivid that she didn't deem the necessity to question the days missed when she and her family moved out to the hillside in a little blue house off Route 21, in Tochinoki. It was a time she rarely thought about over the last ten years. It was a time that caused her grief and she didn't want to be reminded of it. Of course, there had to be a reason behind her sudden day dreams in the middle of her mythology class at the university she was attending.

Ogino Chihiro. Going into her fourth year of university in the study of literature and mythology, life couldn't have been going more smoothly. Good grades and practically done with university, a few friends to keep her in the gossip circle, a side job to keep the rent, a sweet gentleman as a boyfriend- no, no that didn't exist. There was no man in her life other than her father, she didn't need one anyway. She was perfectly content in her small 1DKL apartment with her Shikoku mix, Makoto, and her best friend, Hiiragi Rumi. Her apartment, although not the biggest, was perfectly fine for her and her best friends who'd always been there for her. Rumi was her old friend from elementary school and she happened to transfer to the high school that she was attending to just outside of Tochinoki and they'd been inseparable ever since. Going as far as to go to the same college and move into the same apartment together.

Makoto was about six now, Chihiro's family had gotten him around the same time that Rumi transferred back right before high school. Her parents thought she was responsible enough at the time and thought that she'd need someone to accompany her while they were away, as they weren't home as much as they used to. He ended up moving in with the girls when they moved out for college. He'd protected and been there for her ever since.

But anyway, recently she'd been having strange day dreams of that weird dream from so long ago. She remembered at one point she'd been convinced that it was real but over time it faded and she hadn't thought about it since. She'd heard that you can't dream about something you've never actually seen. So why was she having dreams about things she couldn't recall seeing anyway? And they weren't normal things either. There were turnip spirit things, crows with weird faces, a bathhouse that totally didn't resemble the one she worked at now, a wide river with a ferry full of strangely masked ghost like things, things just got stranger the more she slept usually. But what really caught her eye was a white eastern like dragon with emerald green eyes that always showed itself near a river her family used to visit when she was younger. If she took the time to recall, it was filled, and houses were built over it sometime in the last fifteen years. But regardless, those haunting eyes always seemed to have a sense of longing in them, that or he wanted to eat her but what did it matter. It was all a dream that didn't want to be let go of.

Chihiro sighed and looked up at the slide show at the front of the lecture hall, Rumi sitting beside her, biting the tip of her pen every now and then before returning to recording her notes on the lecture again. Rumi's hair was a deep black that fell just below her shoulders in layers, while her eyes held a mahogany color. She was a relaxed spirit that couldn't get enough sweets. Chihiro found over the years that the best way to get what she wanted from her friend was to bribe her with sweets.

Rumi glanced at Chihiro out of the corner of her eye and chuckled before she lightly tapped her pen on the girl's arm. "Hey, Chi. You're day dreaming again. Snap out of it."

"I'm fine, Rumi-Chan, it's just happening again." She whispered back, placing the heel of her palm to the bridge of her nose between her eyes.

"Well, spring break is almost here, just need get through finals and the semester will be over, and we'll be graduates!" She smirked with a hushed whisper. "And then we'll have our annual camping trip!"

Chihiro merely nodded and gave a small smile. "Yeah you're right. Just a little longer."

The young women put their pens back to the paper and continued listening to their professor's energetic voice as they reviewed their current chapter on Greek mythology and their many tales. Chihiro always found these classes exciting and intriguing.

Chihiro walked up to her apartment and unlocked the door, revealing a decent amount of fur waiting on the other side. Makoto, though rather laid back and non-trusting around strangers, always made sure to wait for her when she got home. She walked past him and scratched behind his ears as she went. Chihiro placed her things on her table and sat gracelessly on her sofa, letting out a gruff huff as she went. Expecting to be walked, Makoto frowned at the situation and trotted over to her and placed his head on her lap, where he subconsciously got scratched behind the ears and down his back and front, leaning into her touch.

"I don't know what's gotten into me lately, Makoto." Chihiro finally spoke, earning her dog's attention. "I keep having these weird dreams and I don't know what to make of them." She paused, as if waiting for an answer that would never come and sighed.

Chihiro had left the campus by herself since Rumi had some things to take care of after class, leaving her to the dreaded silence that awoke her torturing thoughts. Even though Rumi reassured her she wouldn't be long, she still tensed under the pressure of her own thoughts and when even that deemed difficult, there had to be a problem.

She noticed that she'd stopped scratching her dog when he nudged her irritably, telling her to either keep scratching or take him out for his walk. Chihiro chuckled and brought her face close to his and grabbed either side of his head, scruffing them energetically before standing and heading for his supply drawer. She dug around in the drawer for a bit before retrieving his leash and favorite ball and turned to him. Makoto knew the drill: sit, stay, leash, out, park, play, and back. A simple routine he'd come accustomed to for years, he knew it'd never change no matter how many times she'd tried to switch it up in the past.

Routine went as usual, Makoto was leashed and taken downstairs and to the nearest park where he was unleashed and had his precious ball thrown across the park lawn, one throw after another, and another. After throwing the ball around for a while they both lay – well she sat, he laid – at a bench at the edge of the park and watched the scenery.

After a while, Chihiro's thoughts started to wander again into the dark recesses of her mind again when someone clapped their hand on her shoulder, making her jump and Makoto growl.

"Wow there, Toto-Kun, it's just me!" Rumi said as she came around to sit on the bench next to Chihiro, ignoring the dog's protested snarls.

"Rumi-Chan, don't provoke him, he already dislikes you already." Chihiro chuckled. "Sides, I think he hates the pet name you gave him."

Rumi laughed whole heartedly and ruffled Makoto's furry head. "Oh, I'll be fine! He wouldn't hurt me!"

"He would have if he didn't know it was you just now." The Ogino grumbled in response.

Her friend gawked in mock horror. "Hey! I saved you!"

"From what?"

"Yourself!" She stated as if it were obvious.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine!" Chihiro protested.

"See! There it is! The stage of denial!" Rumi placed her hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her most genuine, sympathetic look. "I've told you countless times, honey, the first step to rehabilitation is acceptance and admitting to the problem."

"Rumi! You're not making any sense! As usual." She replied, knowing where this was going.

"You were about to recluse back into those crazy dreams you've been having and you were gonna start overthinking things and thinking yourself delusional. Chihiro, I've told you, I think you should write a book to get all of this craziness off your chest. Maybe other people would find it an amazing story, or others would welcome you to the 'Cray-Cray Club!'" Rumi laughed at her own joke, no matter how much it actually lacked in humor. She sighed and turned to her friend. "I mean it, Chi-Chan, I know a psychiatrist would never be able to help you-" She watched Chihiro physically stiffen and shudder. "-but I think maybe just writing all of it down will set things straight in your head and give you some place to vent all this inside of you besides me."

Chihiro bumped her shoulder against her, a faint smile playing at her lips. "I guess you're right…" She mumbled.

Rumi chuckled and grinned. "Of course I am! I'm always right!"

The Ogino looked down at Makoto and they both rolled their eyes together before the three of them got up and started home together.

A/N: Hey guys! Finally! The first chapter to the Written Rivers series! It took me forever to finally get the timeline working and after taking my time in research this time around, I've finally got a plan! I'm so excited to finally get this story up and ready for you guys! And if anyone noticed, yes I did base Rumi off Chihiro's Seiyuu: Hiiragi Rumi. Chihiro's best friend from elementary school was named after her, so I deemed it fit to name her and design her after Rumi-San. I will try to make them longer as I go.

Anyway! I hope you enjoy and please, please, please leave a review! It only takes 30 seconds and it really encourages me to keep writing! Thank you guys! God Bless, KawaChou