Author's Note: I swear to God, this is really nerve wrecking to post. For one, I know Goku/Bra is a pairing that isn't popular at all. For another, I'm writing in first person POV which is something I find really challenging. But, dammit all to hell, I can't help but want to write this story out. It was in my head for a good three months and I just needed to get it out of my system. I still can't figure out everything completely but at least I see where this story is heading. I really hope that if you happen to read this story and you liked it, for you to please leave a review. Oh, and I apologise for the creation of my OC, Vivi, Goku's daughter. If you don't like her, I promise she doesn't appear much in this fic. Also, this fic will have lots of smut in it. There will be limes and lemons and I won't be apologetic about it. Don't like, don't read. (I've also posted this story on AO3)

WARNINGS: Smut (lemons and limes included), vulgar/coarse language, threats of rape/mentions of rape, underage sex, dark themes, etc.


It was yet another ordinary day for me at home. We'd gone out shopping earlier that day, my mom and I and it was really nice. Mom and I always got along pretty well and it was no secret that we loved shopping. I may have been the new hot shot genius of the century after my brother but I was still a girl and I really enjoyed doing girly shit like shopping and makeup and wearing fashionable clothes. Being the daughter of the biggest and richest business tycoon out there also had its perks so we were never out of a large supply of money. The Briefs were renowned worldwide for being filthy rich and for pioneering the whole capsule technology thing. I was fifteen when we went out that day to shop and I was still woefully ignorant of what kind of hardships life can throw at you.

For a spoilt teenage valley girl, I have to say that I was close friends with some of the most down to earth and laid-back people around. I was close friends with Pan, daughter of Son Gohan who was a family friend of ours and god knows what a rowdy rough tomboy Pan was. She was a year older than me and she loved to spar and train martial arts with her dad and grandfather, Goku but somehow we managed to stay good friends throughout the years despite having quite a lot of different interests.

Another one of our closest friend was Vivi, Pan's aunt and Goku's third child and only daughter. She was my age and we three were practically joined at the hip. (Yeah, Chi Chi was all sorts of embarrassed to announce her pregnancy of Vivi because she would have been a year younger than Pan who was technically her niece. I once asked them both how they felt about it and they told me it wasn't a big deal and that they felt more like cousins or sisters rather than aunt and niece).

Vivi, who was raised without the martial arts training (as per her request), wasn't quite as into girly stuff like I was but she did enjoy makeup once in a while and was very much into the arts like music and dancing. She was in fact an aspiring dancer and singer and instead of doing gruelling hours of martial arts training hers were more of gruelling hours of dance lessons. She was cool like that because she went to this prestigious arts school on a scholarship and their school would get these awesome privileges for having a pretty impressive alumnus full of famous celebrities. Vivi acted like a mediator to my and Pan's friendship since she wasn't quite as feminine as I was but neither was she a complete tomboy. There was one thing we all shared in common which never got in between our relationship and that was our love for writing fictional stories and boys. So, one fine day when we were about eleven or so, Vivi suggested writing "episodes" about our fictional boyfriends and we'd read them aloud and trade "episodes". I immediately loved the idea and Pan agreed and so what became a weekly routine quickly erupted into a multiple-times-a-week-routine.

This was one such day where all three of us would hang out and discuss our "episodes". I was excited to read mine out as I was pretty confident that mine was a pretty exciting one. I wondered about the other two and what their episodes had in store for me. Between the two, I always preferred listening to Vivi's because hers were always somewhat more sexually adventurous but Pan sometimes had a tendency to surprise you and keep you really hooked too. Hers was also very recently starting to get pretty hot and heavy as well.

It didn't take long for our sleepover to start once Pan and Vivi arrived and all three of us practically flew to my room so we could hurry and get the show on the road, giggling all the way like mad little critters. We stormed passed my dad and he rolled his eyes when he caught sight of us but I knew he was just doing it for show.

"Hi, Mr Vegeta! Bye, Mr Vegeta!" cried Vivi, good naturedly, waving her arms at my dad enthusiastically.

My dad merely grunted in response but his eyes followed all three of us when we stomped up the staircase.

"Hey, Trunks!" I greeted my older brother as we rushed towards my room which was on the same floor as his.

"Oh, hey, Bulla," he replied, smiling pleasantly. His eyes roamed over our group and his smile widened a bit. "Another sleepover, huh? Have fun, guys!"

"Thanks, Trunks!" Pan piped up. "Bye!"

The minute we got in my room, the two girls just tossed their belongings to one corner and we immediately hopped onto my bed.

"Okay, so, who shall start our sacred reading tonight?" Vivi asked dramatically, waggling her eyebrows as she looked at us. I giggled and Pan just rolled her eyes comically.

"I really wanna hear Vivi's episode cuz' hers was getting pretty steamy but Pan's ended at such a cliff hanger! Ugh, I don't care, anyone's will do!" I sighed and bit into a chip.

"Okay then, let's have Pan go first cuz' I'm dying to know what happened next too!" Vivi cried nodding in agreement. She too started munching on the potato chips we'd hastily grabbed from the pantry amongst many other snacks.

"Okay," Pan smiled a little shyly, then clearing her throat she began reading her episode.

Her story was about this incredibly handsome warrior named Rourke who had "wild, flowing dark hair that hung past his shoulders and a body that was built like a tank". I have to admit that her fictional boyfriend sounded pretty hot to all of us and we agreed that Pan's character had the rawest masculine appeal. Rourke was incredibly hot but he was also jaded and brooding…Supposedly "something tragic happened to him long ago and the man never really knew how to smile after his lady love died in that tragedy…". Her episode tonight was about how Rourke was battling some female Amazon warriors who were incredibly beautiful but yet at the same time were trained warriors who could kill without any hesitation.

"'Then Rourke swiftly twisted his body aside, slamming his pointed elbow into the woman's stomach causing her to gasp and momentarily let her grip slack. It was all Rourke needed to break free of her clutches and he took full advantage of that…'," Pan read out, increasing her volume whenever it was an action packed scene. "'"Still think you can beat me, woman?" Rourke growled into her ear once he had her pinned down. Arabella hissed and flushed red in anger when she felt him push his hips into her own effectively halting all of her squirming…'"

Then Pan blushed and shook her head, biting her lips and avoided all eye contact with me and Vivi.

"Awww, Pan!" Vivi moaned, rocking her body back and forth, "You were getting to the good part! This is getting so hot and steamy!"

"Yeah!" I said in agreement, clutching one of my soft heart shaped cushions tighter around my middle, "Don't stop now! Read the rest!"

"I-I can't!" Pan gasped, then squealed and hid her face with the scraps of paper she had used to write her episode on.

She wouldn't budge no matter how much Vivi and I badgered her.

"Do they do it?" Vivi asked slowly, quietly as if she was truly anticipating the answer.

"Ummm, yeah…" Pan mumbled, puffing out her cheeks slightly which is a thing that she does when she gets embarrassed. "But I just can't read it out loud, you guys!"

I sighed heavily but then I laid down and dreamily smiled up at the ceiling.

"Man, I wouldn't mind being an Amazon if that gets me a chance with someone as sexy as Rourke…All that brooding and manly muscles…Mmmm, sexy as hell!"

Vivi flushed and giggled, rubbing her nose with her index finger which is a thing she does when she gets flustered.

"Yeah," she agreed, "I mean, I like my Silwyth but he's sexy in a different way, y'know?"

Pan nodded and she too sighed dreamily and laid down on the bed with me, side by side.

"Yeah, like Silwyth is worldly sophistication and my fictional guy, Andy, is a combination of idiotic and Rourke's hulking body," I muttered dreamily.

"Yessss!" Pan's eyes widened, and she immediately began rattling off "It's like I'm into super rugged men but they're all brooding and sad like they need to find the right woman to release all that sadness with…But like, Silwyth is more aloof and cool and calculative and incredibly sophisticated what with being a warrior elf prince…Then we have Andy, the sexy older somewhat dim-witted salary man who is sweet but is also a badass…"

We traded stories, chatting and laughing every once in a while. While we talked and teased one another, we wolfed down some of Cabin's Original Potato Chips, three of Cornflower's Chocolate Wheels, a huge bottle of Vanilla Cola, a box of pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and a gigantic bag of Aunt Midas' Gold Chocolate Chip Cookies. Being part Saiyan girls, we really could eat and not care much about our weight. Pan and Vivi would burn it all off and remain fit and toned with all the exercise they got from training and dancing anyway while I stayed slim without so much of a workout.

"Have you guys thought about having a boyfriend, like, for real?" Pan asked tentatively, while she tried painting Vivi's toe nails (and failing miserably at it).

"I have…but…" I slowly started.

"I know what you mean," Vivi nodded sagely. "The fact that we're so different as part Saiyans makes it difficult to find a guy that would be so accepting."

"Yeah, but our dads got to marry a human and they're all living happily now..." Pan couldn't help but say.

"I guess they're really lucky that they met unusual women like my Mommy," Vivi contemplated, "And Bulma and your mom, Videl. They're all pretty badass in their own rights despite not being Saiyans. But realistically, where are we gonna find guys like them?"

"So what're you saying, huh, Vivi?" I taunted in a teasing way, "That we should marry other Saiyans? Like, maybe you or Pan could marry my brother Trunks and I get your brother Goten?"

"Wh-What!?" Vivi sputtered, blushing bright red, "N-No! I didn't say that! I was just saying that it's difficult to find a guy who would be okay with our Saiyan heritage!"

I snickered at her flushed face but Pan who also laughed at her began nodding in agreement.

"She's right though. It's not like we can keep it hidden," Pan chuckled.

"Can't we?" I asked, honestly loving these sorts of debatable conversations we three would have with one another. This was another reason why we were such good friends; we could all communicate on pretty deep levels when we wanted to and despite them not being super geniuses like me and Trunks, Vivi and Pan were pretty smart in their own rights.

"Well, I wouldn't want to," Pan replied almost immediately, so sure of her answer.

"Me neither," Vivi said, "Being part Saiyan has its perks but it also has its cons. And even some of the perks could double as a con."

"Like what?" I quipped, curiosity peeked.

"Well, like the full moon effects for one thing," Pan replied, smirking at the thought, "Don't get me wrong, having heightened senses, hunting and preying on wild animals and letting the Saiyan inside of you run wild and free can be very liberating but imagine telling that to your husband the first time you go through it with him."

"Yes, and let's not forget the mating heat we go through…Or at least, for some of us, we'll be going through…," Vivi mumbled slowly and softly, her face a pink hue.

"Oh, yeah, Dad made Mom talk to me about it," Pan grimaced as she recalled the rather uncomfortable talk she'd had with her mother, "I don't know when it's gonna come for the both of us, Vivi but I sincerely hope we won't have to be locked up in our rooms like Bulla went through when she was hit with hers."

"Ugh," I groaned, "I can tell you it was not pleasant! Being horny all the time is so taxing especially when there's no way for you to release all that sexual tension. I swear to god, I would've gone Super if I had to wait another day longer...A week is nearly enough to kill me."

"Did you have…Anyone you were particularly interested in to sleep with?" Vivi asked shyly, partially hiding her face behind one of my soft fluffy pillows. The Son girls were pretty interested in sex but both seemed a bit shy and reserved when talking about it. I guess I couldn't blame them because I was quite similar to them in this case too. I didn't have any qualms talking about sex with girls like them but I did get a bit flustered at the thought of outright flirting with men for sex. Oh, sure, I had flirted with boys before but it was all harmless teasing.

"Mmmmm," I mumbled in response, feeling my cheeks grow warm.

"Was it Goten?" Vivi asked softly, still avoiding eye contact with me.

"Vivi!" Pan admonished her as if she was scolding a child.

"Well, was it!?" Vivi insisted, still embarrassed but determined to get the answer from me.

"I don't think you wanna know…" I muttered, eyes closed and flushing deeply as I remembered just who was it exactly that I had been fantasising about…The problem was was that when you're horny as fuck and your brain is practically scrambled turd with the filthiest of sex fantasies thrown into them, you don't just fantasise about one guy. Hell, I think I fantasied about a dozen men…All of them worshipping my body at the same time and sometimes just one at a time. Sometimes I'd dream of having threesomes with two hot guys and sometimes it was with three and others with fifteen…But they would always, always be there, the Son men…I would have the dirtiest raunchiest fantasies with all three Son men; Goku, Gohan and Goten. Goten was a favourite because I really did nurse a somewhat petty crush on him since I was six and running around in my diapers. Gohan and Goku was merely there because they were Saiyans and my Dad had insisted that the female Saiyans' psyche and body only really craved truly for a Saiyan male. At least, that's what I chalked it off to. On normal everyday circumstances, I barely ever spared a thought about Goku and Gohan.

Sure, they were incredibly handsome and their boyish good looks remained especially for someone as ancient as Goku who still looked to be in his early thirties despite being old enough to be my dad and granddad given he was around my Dad's age and had Pan for a granddaughter. I could see they were good looking, yes, but it was like that thing where you can look at a guy or girl and acknowledge that they were attractive and move on. No crush, no stomach flips and definitely no secret longing. Part of me still secretly entertained day dreams of marrying Goten. They were getting rarer as the days went on but sometimes…a very tiny part of me would allow myself a couple of minutes to imagine it.

"I'm sorry I asked!" Vivi apologised quickly. "But…Just between us, I do find your brother attractive too."

"Shut up, please, Vivi!" I groaned loudly and dramatically, throwing my arms up to my face as if what she said truly disgusted me. It kind of did but I kind of always loved the idea that she would marry Trunks. I always felt that Vivi's sweet and gentle personality was more suited with Trunks' callous way of handling women than Pan's headstrong mind.

"You don't have to tell me you want Trunks' dick!" I protested, secretly loving how incredibly embarrassed Vivi became from my words. Ha, payback is a bitch!

"Ew! What the-!?" Vivi sputtered, "I never said that! I just think Trunks is really handsome is all! I don't wanna marry the guy, okay!? Plus, he's like a dozen years older than I am!And he's always changing girlfriends like he's changing clothes. And also, he has Mai who he seems to be keen on settling down with!"

"Oh, yeah, Mai…," Pan and I muttered simultaneously.

It was no secret that we didn't particularly like Mai all that much. The woman wasn't bad or mean per say...She was just so incredibly boring is all. All she talked about was "Emperor Pilaf this" and "Emperor Pilaf that". And while she was nice and not at all mean I would rather have someone I could talk to as a sister in law.

"I wonder when she'll stop obsessing over Pilaf?" Pan asked in mock seriousness.

"I don't know…Probably the day Trunks grows a pair and finally quit going through women like he goes through machines," I sniggered. Needless to say, Pan joined in as well.

"Oh, stop it, you two!" Vivi tried scolding us but I could tell she was on the verge of laughing herself, "Mai's really nice…We shouldn't insult her like that!"

"Yeah, she's nice and all but can the woman for one goddamn second stop talking about that weird turd Pilaf?" Pan was practically in hysterics. "I swear if she says another word about finding the Dragon Balls for "the great Emperor's sake", I will smack that bitch in the face so hard her teeth will fall out!"

"Oh, I would pay good money to see you do that!" I hollered at the mental image of Pan beating Mai, "In fact, I would PAY you for that!"

"Gimme your money, Bulla, and your wish is my command!" Pan hooted and laughed all over again.

"You guys…!" Vivi said, trying to sound like she was our mother scolding us for talking bad about someone. But from the way her bottom lip trembled and the amusement in her eyes crinkled ever just so, I knew Vivi was also really close to busting a gut laughing.

We chatted some more until it was about midnight and we were all so damn sleepy we really had to put a stop to our conversations and catch some shut eye. I bade good night to my two best friends and we all snuggled deeper into the duvet and slept.

Looking back at those times, I was really innocent and naïve. I truly was not at all prepared for what the world had in store for me. I had absolutely no idea of the horrors that we would face. Sometimes life really had a way of fucking you over.