Hello everyone, I've decided to play my hand once more in a Highschool DxD fanfiction. This one as you can see will have our hooded heroes, the assassins.

Now, I'll just be forward here.

Anything, that is a flame, or even coming close to one, will simply be ignored.

Now, if you want to suggest an idea, or provide some constructive criticism, that is alright.

Yes, Issei is an assassin.

Right. Now that we are all set, Let's start.

Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool DxD. Two things I do own, are this story, and my oc.

Knights ran out of the castle, rushing to defend their fortress from their enemies. The attackers had sacked the village, causing the people to retreat into the fortress walls, for it was their only safe haven.

A small group of Captains were meeting together in the midst of the chaos, forming a plan.

"What is our strategy?"

"I want you two to rally the men, and drive the attackers into open, and have our archers massacre them." The main Captain addressed them, and they left to carry out their orders.

He turned to the other two. "I want you to carry out this message to the master, have him get safely away from here." Ben he turned to address the last one.

"Your job, will be to-"

He didn't finish when a robed figure dropped from the ceiling and killed the subordinate he was speaking to.

"Who are you? You don't look like a soldier." The Captain said, unsheathing his sword.

The figure didn't respond, instead drawing a sleek sword from his back and rushing straight towards him.

The knight fought the mystery man with great valor and strength, but he was outwitted. The man used a underhand tactic, by kicking the table toward him, stunning him for long enough. The robed killer took a small knife, and with precision of the lightning that struck from above, it buried itself in his heart.

The shadowy killer quickly moved towards the corpse and searched its body. He found a book, exactly what he needed. His head whipped behind him, hearing more men approaching, and hastily made his escape into the battle filled night.

"What did you find that night grandpa?" Issei asked, sitting across from his grandfather.

The old assassin chuckled at his grandson's curiosity.

"Let's just say, if I hadn't found that letter, your father and mother may have never met." Issei rolled his eyes, but smiled regardless. Even in his near death state of age, Hanzo Hyoudou stilled enjoyed having fun.

"What do you think of the story, Indra?" Issei turned his head to his life long, old friend sitting in the chair behind him. He was occupied, drawing in a sketchbook, but he had been listening.

"Interesting." Was his brief response. Issei sighed, while Hanzo chuckled.

"I hope you never change Indra." Hanzo said, getting up from his seat.

"Let me help grandpa." Issei put one of his arms under his grandfather's and helped him over to a shelf. It had various objects on it, but there was one that the old assassin was going for. It was small box.

He grabbed it, and with Issei's help, sat back down in his chair.

"Issei, this is very important, and I feel like it is time." He said mysteriously.

"You mean..." Issei let the question hang, wondering why his grandpa was doing this now.

"Yes, I do." He opened the box, and pulled out the item that both assassins and templars fought to obtain. The apple of Eden.

"Issei, Indra, you are a few of the last assassins of the brotherhood. As my last deed, I give this artifact to you." Hanzo gave Issei the apple, treating it with great care.

"Please, do not abuse this. Use it, only when you have lost your way." Hanzo warned.

"Thank you grandpa."

"Thank you master."

Issei and Indra bowed respectively.

The sky was clear, but the wind carried the sad message of Hanzo's passing. Issei and Indra stood by the coffin, as it burned to ash, and Hanzo's secrets along with him.

Issei stood stoic as he watched his grandfather leave the world. He felt Indra put a hand on his shoulder, as a gesture for comfort, but he did not need it. Issei was happy that Hanzo finally got his rest, he deserved it.

"Now it's our turn, Indra." He said, turning to his old friend.

Indra nodded and followed Issei to a hideout, left for them.

(A/N: Their hideout is the same as the one in Assassin's Creed Revelations.)

They found the entrance to the hideout, which was on the outskirts in one of the more diverse districts of Kuoh.

"He really went out, huh?" Issei commented as he looked around.

The water was a nice touch. Were those... Never mind, he didn't want to know why Hanzo had those here.

"It's large." Indra said, his eyes roaming around the main section of the hideout.

"Maybe we can fill it out someday." Issei replied.

Being the last of your kind wasn't exactly a comfortable thought.

Issei walked towards a desk with a map of the region on it. There was a note addressed to him and Indra.

It read, "Issei, Indra, as much as I know this will put you in a confined space, I had some documents prepared for you to enroll in the local academy. This will give you another cover as to help blend in."

Issei looked through one of the drawers in the desk, and surely enough, there were two school uniforms inside, neatly folded and clean.

"Well, it's not exactly what I had in mind, but it will give us a good start." Issei handed Indra his uniform and they both put them on.

They couldn't carry any of their equipment with them except for their hidden blades, but that was all they would need.

Issei checked the time after getting his uniform on, it was five minutes till 8:00am. School started at 8:30. They had plenty of time to spare for their arrival.

"Ready to go Indra?" The quiet assassin shook his head, which made Issei chuckle. Unless he knew you well enough, Indra was not the social type.

We have time, so let's get going." Issei said, checking his blades. Their vambraces matched with the color scheme of their uniforms, and even looked like they were part of it, so there was no worrying about them being found out.

"I was expecting something a little bigger, but it's not bad at all." Issei commented as the two walked passed the gates.

As the two walked, they noticed that there were more female students than males here.

"Don't tell me this is just a brothel designed to look like school." Issei whispered. Indra rolled his eyes. Hanzo probably knew about this, and left them in the dark, as a last pinch at having fun before he died.

"Nothing we can do." Indra commented quietly, just barely enough to be heard.

They entered the lobby and couldn't see any staff members in sight. Issei walked up to a girl with pink hair, and decided to ask her for help.

"Hello miss, could you point me and my friend here to the principal's office?" He asked. The girl blushed when she turned to answer him. "I-it's just up those stairs, and t-take a right." She responded while blushing madly at the sight of the brunette before her.

Issei gave her a charming smile and thanked her. "Thank you miss..."

"Katase! My name is Katase. What's yours?" She introduced herself.

"My name is Issei Hyoudou, and my friend here is Indra Kaneshiro." Indra waved his hand in small greeting, not wanting to speak at the moment.

"It's nice to meet you Issei, Indra." Katase replied with a smile.

"Well, it's been pleasure Katase, I hope we meet again soon. Come, Indra." The two left to go to the principal's office.

They came up to a long hall, filled with many doors, which Issei assumed to be either staff or storage rooms. Using eagle vision, Issei found the door highlighted in gold, three down to the left and entered.

Sitting at a desk was a women, who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had long scarlet hair and dark, chocolate brown eyes, her skin was a perfect cream color.

(A/N: This character is just made up, she is NOT a Gremory.)

"Hello, I'm the principal, Ms. Catherine Sweetwater. Are you here to enroll?"

Issei handed her his and Indra's forms. "Yes. We were hoping to start as soon as possible." Catherine looked them over thoroughly before nodded in satisfaction, and handed them back.

"Well, everything checked out, you boys are good. You start today, your homeroom will be class 2B. It's going to be on this floor and two halls on the left."

"Thank you m'am." The two shuffles our of the room and found their class after 5 minutes.

Issei knocked on the door, and the teacher, another beautiful women, answered the door.

"Oh hello, you're the new boys right?" She smiled. "Come on in, and introduce yourselves to the class, and we will resume the lesson."

The class got quiet and Issei introduced himself first.

"Hello, my name is Issei Hyoudou, and I hope we can get along well with each other." He gave a smile making some of the girls giggle and blush. The males in the room immediately did not like him.

"Damn pretty boys." He heard someone mutter under their breath.

"Please take a seat by Ms Himejima, and you can introduce yourself as well." She addressed Indra.

"I am Indra Kaneshiro, it's a pleasure." He greeted briefly.

"You can sit behind Ms Gremory." He took his seat and the class went on, with the two assassins catching onto the lesson quickly.

School was over for the day, and the students were all attending their after school activities or going home.

"There is something strange about those two boys." Sona said, watching them interact with some girls from the Kendo club.

"Should we keep them under watch?" Asked her Queen.

"I believe so, just to be safe." Sona replied. "Tsubaki, I want you, Reya, and Momo to keep an eye on them."

Tsubaki nodded and left. "Understood."

Sona turned her attention back out of the window, peering down at the mysterious boys.

Issei was a brunette with brown eyes, messy hair, and appeared to be of a fit build.

His friend, Indra, had short snowy white hair, neon green eyes, and was of the same build. She noted he was a bit on the pale side.

"Interesting." She turned her attention to the papers on her desk that needed to be done.

With Issei, he had suggested having a spar, and the kendo girls gave him permission to have it in their club building.

"Thank you." He said, making some of them blush at the smile he was giving.

Issei just had that playboy effect that really attracted the opposite gender. He was not a pervert, but he did not mind appreciating the female body.

"So Indra, hand-to-hand, or armed?" Issei asked his partner.

Indra took a shinai from one of the girls, with her permission and took a spot on the mat. Issei nodded at his choice and took a shinai as well.

The two gazed into each other's eyes, seemingly reading the other's thoughts.

They both attacked with quick and precise moves, not wasting any of their strength.

On the side, the girls watched, impressed beyond words. It was like watching two professional swordsmen at work, showcasing their very apparent skill to an audience of eager learners.

The two spent nearly 15 minutes sparring and it came to an end, with a draw, seeing as not one of them could land a hit on the other.

"We're still on point." Issei panted slightly. Indra nodded in agreement with his friend and they both handed the borrowed shinai back, before leaving the club.

While the two walked back to their hideout, Issei informed Indra of a few targets around the city.

"We have two targets. There's a man selling off girls through a strip club, and then another man, a doctor who needs to be 'healed'." Indra nodded in understanding.

"What is your decision?" Indra asked.

"I want you to go for the girls. I attract too much female attention as it is." While Indra did not like being near anything that was close to a brothel, he knew that it was necessary. Nodding, Indra kept that in mind as the two entered the hideout to Ready their equipment.

It was time to work.

The doctor was a man with a rather, dry passion. This passion, was sadism. No, it wasn't the fetish of being rough with another person. This was pure sadism, of a cold blooded nature.

His latest victim was a young girl, about 9 years of age.

She shivered in fear, as the doctor gazed down at her with a uncaring expression. The test was simple. Inject her with the poison, note the effects, and sell it for profit.

The doctor raised his vial, ready to start. Had he actually looked at the syringe closely enough, he would have seen a white, robed silhouette creep by.

'Time to begin.' With that thought the doctor moved in close, making the girl struggle against her restraints. She cried out for someone, anyone to help her, but no one would answer the call.

Right as the doctor held the needle, just barely and inch from her skin, he heard the sound of glass shattering. He turned around to see one of his special poison bottles had fallen to the floor. But in the puddle of razor shards, were a set of feet, feet that belonged to a hooded figure in white robes.

Numb. That was what the doctor felt as he tried to move to apprehend this intruder, but he lost his footing, and fell to the floor, black consuming his vision.

The hooded figure turned their attention to the quivering girl on the table and moved to her at a gentle pace. The girl couldn't help but feel safe, with whoever this person was. She could feel the serenity coming off of him in soothing waves.

The restraints holding her were cut, by what, she did not see, for it was too quick.

"Come along little one, let's get you out of this place." The voice was male. It was a gentle tenor that put her at ease. The girl complied, taking hold of the stranger's hand as he guided her out.

In a modest strip club, known as the Red Dress. There was a celebration, a dark celebration. A slave trader, has been using the strip club as a front for forcing girls, ranging from varieties of ages to work as dancers, bartenders, and overall prostitutes.

The slave trader himself watched from a booth above the turntables where the DJ did his work. He smiled seeing how much money was coming in. He felt like taking a dance and went down to the floor and grabbed a girl by random. He spun her around and in his drunken state, gave her rump a hard smack.

As he spun he felt someone give him something, a syringe. He smiled seeing how generous the club was as to give him just the stuff he needed to cool down. Injecting himself with the liquid, he could feel himself drifting already. It was as if he were sitting on lounge chair on a sunny beach. Until he started seeing blues crossing his vision every so often. The blurs were white, that much he could tell.

He looked around, only to feel something hit him in his throat. He tried talking, but the drug must have had a very strong effect to make him see things like this. It wasn't until he felt something wet running down his chest, that he reached up to his throat and felt the same wetness. He looked at his hand to see it stained crimson red.

He collapsed to floor dead, and not a single person could identify the killer, nor would they ever.

Character bio

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Age: Born September 15, 1998 (Currently 17)

Rank: Master Assassin

Personality: Born into the order, and an assassin by choice. Issei is a calm and kind soul, and has a refined sense of humor. He is quite easy to converse with, but he keeps his socializing to a certain limit to avoid ever spilling information to people who shouldn't know of said knowledge.


Hidden blades: New fashioned hidden blades made of stronger steel alloy. The right has been modified with a hookblade attachment.

Nodachi: A standard, and elegant nodachi.

44. Magnum revolver: A magnum revolver used for multiple ranged kills.

Hunting crossbow:A modified hunting crossbow that can revolve, reloading itself, as well as be used for stealth ranged kills.

SOG knife: A stolen American SOG knife from when he visited the country as a child.


Assassin notebook: Used by Issei to catalog and express inner thoughts as well as store vital information.

Assassin robes: New set of traditional robes, consisting of a modified kimono and hakama pants.

Modern bracers: New traditional bracers that offer better protection.

Character bio

Name: Indra Kaneshiro

Age: Born May 27th, 1998 (currently 17)

Rank: Master Assassin

Personality: Born into the brotherhood, and an assassin by choice. Indra is reserved and calculating, as well as kind hearted. He has a rather dry sense of humor, and hardly ever socializes very much.


Hidden blades: New fashioned hidden blades made of stronger steel alloy. The left has been modified with a phantom blade attachment.

Katana: A standard, and beautiful katana.

Kodachi: A standard kodachi, sharp and elegant.

Heckler and Koch HK45 SD: HK45 modified with a suppressor for stealth.


Assassin notebook: Used by Indra to express inner thoughts and store vital information.

Assassin robes: New set of traditional robes, consisting of a modified kimono and hakama pants.

The first chapter for this story is done. Please review! Tell me if you like it or not. I will update as soon as I can.