NOTES: A few things to understand this fic universe:

First of all, its title: is inspired by the song You must have had a broken heart from Westlife, because the lyrics are perfect for this fic and what it means.

Now the universe: Oliver, Sara, Laurel and Tommy are friends for a long time. Oliver dated Laurel when they were teenagers, but they are still friends. The island / league of assassins' part stays the same for Sara's backstory and the island for Oliver's. Tommy is alive, he knows Oliver is the Green Arrow (the way he found out remains the same, except the part they fight over Laurel. Tommy never dated Laurel. Laurel is alive.

For Kara, I mixed seasons 1 and 2: She is a reporter, Alex and her work together at the DEO, the plane scene from pilot happens after she was already stablished as Supergirl. She tried to date James once, it never worked out, so she moved on with her life. They are still friends. She's on Earth 1, along with team Arrow and Team Flash, but the multiverse still exists.

(at first) It will have 3 chapters (it can be more, IDK), because I plan on write different stories and want to know from u readers, what storylines do u wish to see about them? U guys are always commenting about things u find interesting it could happen, so I thought about doing short stories of 1 or 2 chapters with different scenarios and possibilities. Maybe I won't be able to do everything, but let's try this.

Chapter 1 - Nightmares and broken souls

It was summer and the skies were dark with clouds. It looked like a storm was coming but people on the Queen's Gambit couldn't care less. At least not the young passengers aboard. Oliver and Tommy talked, walking along the corridors of the ship. They both wore casual clothes since it was hot as hell. Laurel came in blue shorts and a grey t-shirt, with a bottle of champagne in her right hand and a glass in her left hand and barefoot. Sara came right behind her, smiling with a white tank top, black shorts, flip flops and a glass on her hands.

- Hey boys! Now we can have the party started! – Sara laughed as they all ran to a cabin.

- Now we are talking! – Oliver said as he entered the cabin after them, closing the door so his father wouldn't see them.

- It's all clear? – Laurel asked, laughing.

- Yes! – Oliver smiled as he reached for a glass of champagne.

They all toasted together as they drank and a loud thunder was heard, making Sara jump in scare.

- To friendship! – Laurel said as they toasted together

- Hey, chill! – Oliver said as he embraced Sara's shoulder with his arms – We are safe here.

Another thunder was heard and out of the sudden, all hell broke loose. The ship rocked so much, all furniture inside it slid out of place. The four of them hit their backs on the floor and the bottle of champagne shattered on the ground, a few of its glass cutting Laurel on the shoulder. She screamed in pain and Sara tried to reach for her when the floor started to crack underneath their feet. Oliver felt desperation taking over him as he looked around, trying to find something to grab when he noticed the ship was sinking. Everything was on diagonal and one by one, he saw his friends dropping into the ocean. He couldn't do anything but scream.

Another thunder was heard and Oliver jumped from his bed, feeling his sweat all over his body. He felt warm, he could feel his sheets were soaked as he tried to grab them. He was so confused; he couldn't even breathe properly. He looked around and slowly and slowly came to his senses. He was inside his bedroom, alone, it was past midnight and it was raining a lot. The Queen's Gambit was in the past now, not so distant past since it had been only 6 months he was back. And his friends were pretty much alive, they weren't with him there.

Actually, it was supposed for all pf them to be there, he remembered. Malcolm decided to go on a business trip and insisted for Tommy to go with him, and Laurel was sick that week. It was only Sara with him. Oliver walked towards the window, reliving all the hell he went through on that island, his shock when he saw Sara again working for Ivo, when they tried to escape, Shado, Slade, the moment he thought Sara was gone for good… It still made him feel terrible inside, it still made him have nightmares. Every time he thought he was getting better, he had a really bad dream and all his traumas came back.

Ever since he came back, he decided to do what his father asked him to: save his city. He knew he had a difficult task ahead of him, a list of names to cross and bag guys to chase. Diggle, the guy who once was his bodyguard and now was working with him on his mission, convinced him he could do a lot of good by going beyond the list his father gave him. He was reluctant at first, but then, Felicity Smoak, an employee of Queen Industries and someone who was an expert with computers and helped him a lot, joining their crusade, also told him about being a good idea to help more people. He felt a bit better when Sara came back into their lives, 2 months ago. She was so different, fighting like a true warrior. She was found by a group of people called League of Assassins and a man named Ra's Al Ghul trained her to be a deadly woman. Sara managed to convince her former lover, Nyssa Al Ghul, that she was done with the League, so she also joined him and together, they fought crime in Star City. Quentin Lance, Sara and Laurel's father, and also a detective, at first went after him like crazy, dying to bust him and throw him in jail, but since Sara came back and he learned about her working with the vigilante, he has been more open minded. Even with help, even with friends fighting by his side, it was still hard. The nightmares he had felt so real, he couldn't help but feel scared, terrified. He suddenly felt the need to go out, he needed to hit something and he just knew the perfect place for it. He grabbed a jacket and stormed out of his room, by the window, going through the roof and jumping on the grass of his backyard. And then, he ran.

Miles from Star City, there was no rain at all, only strong winds and cold weather, a cold that she couldn't feel even if she wanted to.

National City had a beautiful view from where she was, floating high, really high, in the sky. All she could see was tiny shiny dots and she floated peacefully as she closed her eyes, shutting her ears from all the city noises, just relaxing and feeling the loneliness that night had to offer. She was used to feeling loneliness since before she came to Earth. She learned to shut down and pretend everything was ok, but sometimes, she felt the need to think and to feel all that was piled inside of her, so she floated high on the sky and took her time with herself, to think and remember. And it hurt to remember, it was like yesterday. Her mom told her she was going to be fine, and that they were doing this so she could have a life, because she was young and she deserved a chance. Her mom told her she was going to be different, the light in the darkness, the symbol of hope, and that she needed to take care of her cousin. She couldn't do it, because she got stuck on space for so long, she literally thought she was going to die there. For a long time, all she could see was her mom and dad saying goodbye to her and her planet exploding. This image was stuck with her forever and she knew she would never be able to get over it. She had dreams about her parents, about her planet exploding, about being alone in the universe. She was grateful for her foster family, the Danvers, for sure, but she couldn't help but feel abandoned. By her cousin, by her parents. It hurt badly. She understood his cousin had a life, his own mission. He grew up on Earth while she was lost in space, it wasn't his fault and she forgave him even if she couldn't actually blame him for anything, but she always missed being with her blood family and everything that could have been. She remembered how lost she felt on Earth, even as an adult, like it was always missing something, until the day she saved a plane and she discovered her true calling: to save the world, to use her powers for good. This thought gave her strength to keep going and keep fighting and she always tried to remember that feeling every time she felt like she was feeling right now. A single tear came down her face as she opened her eyes, taking a deep breath and flying back home.

Star City was a dark place that was hurting since way before Oliver being lost on the island and was still recovering from the last attack it suffered. The attack was orchestrated by Slade Wilson and his Mirakuru soldiers, people affected by a drug that turned them into super soldiers. People were still suffering from the consequences and it was worse than ever. Even so, there was a place in town that Oliver enjoyed spend time and that felt peaceful to him, even among so much darkness, the place he used for training, for operating his secret mission. It was a nightclub, one he opened exactly to help hiding what he really did in that place. On its basement, it was his cave like his friend from Central City, Barry Allen, liked to call, the place where he went to clear his head when he felt like to.

And thinking about Barry, made him think about all the craziness that his life became since he came back to the city. Barry helped him with the mirakuru soldiers' situation when it started, he was from the police department of Central City and ended up becoming his friend when he saved Oliver's life. After being struck by lightning after a lab exploding there, this friend gained super powers and now ran around saving people. He trained him, but decided that Barry needed to find his own path, so he came back to town and kept focusing on cleaning the streets of Star City.

Oliver trained hitting every dummy he could reach inside the Arrow Cave, sweat dripping from his forehead like a waterfall. He tried different moves combined as he thought about all of that, thinking he wasn't even scratching the surface of the weird things he had seen since coming back from the island.


It has been only a week since he was found and brought home from that hell of an island. He still was finding hard to be able to sleep, so he spent a lot of time looking at the window, thinking about everything and anything at all. He was glad to be home, for sure, but he couldn't help but feel like all those people in his life seemed like strangers to him. He loved them, but it was like he was a different person, like he didn't know them anymore. He saw strange movement in Star City's sky and he was sure it wasn't a bird, or a plane. It looked like a guy, that was flying.

- Ok, I must really be tired! – Oliver said as he grabbed a binocular he saw in the desk of his room and tried to see properly what was that in the sky – What the…

It was indeed a guy, flying, in a red and blue suit or something like that. The guy was fast but Oliver could see it was a person, not a blur.

- What are you looking at, brother? – Thea said as she entered his room, approaching the window.

- I don't know…

- Hey! It's Superman! What is he doing in Star City? – She said excitedly looking over the window.

- Super who?

Thea crossed her arms on her chest looking incredulously at Oliver.

- I know you just came back and spent 5 years away. But he's around even before that.

- What? – Oliver looked confused at his sister.

- He's from Metropolis. No one knows who he is, a reporter named him Superman because he is not from Earth and he uses his powers to save people… Brother, you spent so much time drunk and sleeping with everything that could walk, you barely paid attention to the news. He is always saving the world, but I think is the first time he appeared here… I wonder why. Something big must be happening… There is also a blonde woman, just like him… I think they are related or something.

Oliver stood still by the window, looking at the sky as the guy disappeared from his view. How it was possible that super aliens existed, the whole world knew about it, it was a super hero flying around and saving everyone and he never ever heard about it?

That's when it hit him, really hard: He was that shallow. He was that selfish. He could only care about himself and how many girls he could sleep with. He dropped out of college 3 times or more, he only cared about his family having money, being rich, so he never had to worry about school or actually getting a job. He only cared about parties, about having fun. Oliver walked to his bed and sat on the edge. Thea looked worried at him and sat next to him.

- Are you ok? – She tried to reach for him, but he turned away from her.

- Please, I need to be alone now!

- O… Ok…

Thea had concern written all over her face, but got up and did as he told, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Oliver looked at the ground as he tried to think clearly. He was a horrible person, how could he live with himself, knowing that all he did was bring disappointment to his family and friends? He suddenly started believing that the island was his punishment, a way for him to pay for everything he did wrong. He got up and took his shirt off, looking at the mirror, to every scar he had, to the Bratva tattoo on his chest. He for sure went to purgatory, and he felt inside he would never get out of it, even if he was back in Star City.


As Oliver trained up the salmon ladder, he thought about how the craziness also affected everyone else's lives and how he felt responsible for everything that went wrong. For starters, when Sara went missing with him, it drove her family nuts. They were never the same and suffered so much, that the marriage of Laurel's parents didn't survive. Dinah, Laurel's mom moved to Central City and married again, while Quentin felt miserable and started having drinking problems. Once he came back, he heard from Laurel about how her family was destroyed. Her dad hated Oliver for bringing Sara with him on the boat, but Laurel never blamed him, because she was supposed to be with them, and Tommy. She felt shocked it could have happened to her, being away God knows where for 5 years. Laurel also started have drinking problems until Sara came back and helped her. It still wasn't enough, so Laurel went visiting her mom in Central City for a while, and that's when everything started to go off rails again. The amount of guilt Oliver carried on his back was huge, and it felt like never ending.


Oliver and Diggle were on the Arrow Cave, looking for some evidence they found on a crime scene when Felicity came in practically running.

- Guys! I'm going to Central City, if it's ok with you… Barry woke up two days ago. Cisco just called me, telling me he wanted to see me…

- It's ok Felicity! – Oliver said as he noticed the look of relief on her face.

- Awesome… Because I would have to come up with an excuse if it wasn't ok, and we all know how would that be…

- Felicity!

- Ok, right… See you guys later! – She said as she turned around and ran out of there, practically bumping into Sara.

Sara came in with a worried look on her face, Laurel Lance walking in right after her.

- Someone else woke up! – Sara said as she pointed at Laurel.

Oliver and Diggle got up from their seats, and Oliver walked towards Laurel, giving her a tight hug.

- I'm so glad you are awake, and well! – He left out a breath he was holding for a very long time. – I'm so sorry, Laurel!

- It's not your fault.

- I can't help but feel it is. – He said as he let her go – The boat and everything was just the start for all the disasters that happened in our lives…

- Oliver, stop. It's not your fault! – Laurel insisted as she crossed her arms on her chest.

- There's one more thing, Ollie… - Sara said, the tone in her voice scaring both Diggle and Oliver.

- I want to join your team! – Laurel said as she looked at Oliver.

- What? Why? – Oliver looked at Laurel like she was an insane person – No way!

- Oliver…

- Laurel, NO! – He reached for her arms, holding them as he spoke to her – This is dangerous, you are no trained… You could be easily hurt and…

Laurel's eyes rolled as she took a few steps behind. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth, letting out a huge cry that smashed a few glasses on the cave. Diggle jumped in scare and Oliver looked terrified at her.

- Laurel? What… What is… - Oliver was literally out of words, having no idea what to say.

- The Star Labs explosion. I was with near the area, going back to my mom's when it happened. It's the last thing I remember. A few days ago I woke up in the hospital, really confused. My mom brought me home and we had an argument, she insisted I wasn't ready to come back to Star City and to my job, but I told her I was feeling fine. That's when the first cry happened.

- You're a metahuman now? – Diggle asked, still not believing in what he just saw.

- Apparently yes. – Laurel said as she took a few steps towards Oliver – Listen, I know this wasn't random. This happened to me for a reason. I got this power for a reason, and I believe it is to help you. I want to. Being a lawyer isn't enough, and you know it!

Oliver thought about what Laurel was telling him. He could not believe this was happening. He looked from Sara to Laurel, having no idea what to think about it. He was so against putting his friend in harm's way, he still felt responsible for everything that happened and that was happening, how on Earth could he let one more friend of his put herself at risk this way?

- I can train her! – Sara said after scratching her head. – I have the League training, and Laurel has the basics since our father made us take self-defense classes when we were younger…

- Sara will train you! – Oliver said as he walked and stopped in front of Laurel. He looked at Sara – You will train her harder than ever, every single day, until she becomes just as deadly as you are. Then, and only then, we will talk about it again. Deal? – He looked back at Laurel, reaching his hand for her.

Laurel gave him a tiny smirk and reached for his hand, shocking it. She was expecting something different, but knowing Oliver, this was the best she could get from him right now.

- Deal!


Oliver was hanging by his feet at an iron bar at the ceiling of the Arrow Cave while he worked out. He thought about how at least, of everything that happened since he came back, one good thing came out of it. He had his good friend, his brother, by his side. It took a while for Tommy to discover about him being the vigilante that was terrifying the rich and powerful of Star City, but Oliver felt a huge relief when it finally happened. Oliver tried to help save his father when he had to reveal himself to Tommy. This was before Sara coming back, before the mirakuru soldiers, before the first big crisis the city suffered, the Undertaking. Tommy had a hard time to accept that his best friend kept something so big for so long from him, but little by little, he ended up understanding and accepting it.

Tommy avoided being on the Arrow Cave as much as he could, because even if he understood what and why Oliver did what he did, he couldn't agree with his methods, he was still killing people. Oliver decided, for the good of their friendship, he would try another way and he really was trying hard. Even so, this wasn't the hardest moment they lived.


Tommy hated that place as much as he hated talking to his father, but he needed to find Oliver and there was only one place left for him to be. He opened the door with the code Oliver gave him in any case of urgency and he went in, going down stairs after closing the door behind him. The place was with a poor light and Tommy felt chills down his spine, and not good ones. He walked slowly around when he saw a blonde with her back at him. She used a ponytail, pink shirt and a black skirt. She turned around, adjusting her glasses as she jumped in scare when she saw Tommy staring at her.

- Sweet Jesus, what are you doing here? I mean, do you need something? You almost gave me a heart attack!

- I'm sorry about that… - He smiled noticing how cute her awkwardness was. Oliver never mentioned her before and now he felt curious. – I was looking for Oliver; I need to talk to him… Are you a vigilante as well? It looks like everyone I know is one… - He said as his hands reached the pocket of his jeans.

- Oh, I wish… - She laughed – I can't punch a fly if I wanted to, I'm only tech support. – She said as she looked around, organizing a few things on the desk.

- I bet this is as important as going out there punch bad guys.

Felicity looked at Tommy, blushing at his comment, only giving him a half smile before Oliver came in.

- Hey, Tommy, what's up? You only come here when it's urgent… Did something happen?

- Yes. I need to talk to you about my father.

- Ok. I'll be back later – Oliver said to Felicity and went with Tommy upstairs.

As they reached the empty nightclub, Oliver and Tommy sat in stools across the bar.

- I know about Thea, man… About her being my half-sister.

Oliver looked worried at Tommy as he heard what he said.

- Listen, I also know you know. My father told me…

- I found out recently. I confronted him about telling you, because it was not fair to you or to Thea. I also told my mom to tell her, cause the last thing I wanted was for her to find out about someone else. The same goes to you, man…

- I understand. With all that happened, I can understand why you didn't tell me. The thing is, your mom never told her right? He told me the night Slade soldiers attacked the city, right after your mom died, he told Thea. She did not take it well. I just wanted to know how is she… It's all so recent, she must be suffering a lot.

- One week is still really recent… I think it will always be. We just took Slade down and Thea still chose to leave for a while. I don't think she will ever be the same again, but she will recover.

- I hope so. I mean… We are half-brothers. And I can't help feeling torn about it.

- I get what you are saying. My best friend turns out to be my brother, but it means my mom cheated on my father, with yours, after your mom died a long time ago, but still…

- Man, we are messed up! – Tommy scratched his forehead as he looked at Oliver.

- Yes, we are… Big time!


The next day, around o'clock pm, Tommy drove around the city and Oliver was at his side, looking through the window. He thought about everything that happened, how it was still everything so recent for him. Her sister was already back from Corto Maltese, she has been away for 2 months now, Laurel was training hard with Sara so she could join them, Slade Wilson was safely locked up in Argus prison, on Lian Yu, and everything seemed back to normal, at least for everyone but Oliver. He was just remembering his last nightmare and how he always felt like he would never be able to have a normal life again, when Tommy woke him from his thoughts.

- Earth to Oliver!

- What? – Oliver looked at Tommy – I'm sorry, I was distracted.

- Again the nightmares?

- They are getting worse… I just… I don't know…

- Can I give you some advice? – Tommy said as he quickly glanced at Oliver, and back on the road – You need to open up to someone. Someone you trust. It doesn't have to be me, but you need to. Because this will tear you apart if you don't.

- I know… - Oliver looked down as he thought about it. It was hard because there was no one that could relate to half what he felt, not even Sara. She had her own demons to deal with as well, he couldn't add more to the pile. No. – I don't think anyone would ever understand it…

- Someday you will find someone to talk to, believe me. If you don't try, you will never know. Ah changing the subject a bit, because I'm dying to ask you this… Do you have the number of that cute blonde you work with?

- I work with?...

- As the vigilante, man! – Tommy laughed as he kept driving

- Oh, Felicity… Yes, I do. – Oliver smiled at Tommy already figuring out where his friend was going with that question. – Are you into her?

- Sort of… I mean, you guys have nothing going on, right?

- No, we are just co-workers. And friends, sort of, I guess…

- Awesome. – He smiled – She is really cute and I don't know… Something made me pay attention.

- I'm sure her looks helped…

- C'mon man, I changed… - He looked at Oliver again – I swear.

- You better, because she works with me. I don't want it to be awkward.

They laughed together as Oliver caught Tommy's phone and added Felicity's number on it. They were passed Central City, approaching National City now. Tommy had invited Oliver to go to Gotham City, pick a few things for his father's company that was now in his hands and Oliver gladly accepted the road trip since he felt the need to clear his head, away from Star City, even if it was for a few hours.

Meanwhile, It was a calm evening in National City and Winn, Kara Danvers' best friend was at her place with her sister Alex, relaxing on her couch and watching TV. The news showed a villain that was terrorizing Lyla Michaels, an agent from Argus, and that was stopped by the Green Arrow and The Flash. Kara smiled as she saw her friend on the TV.

- Look, is Barry! – Winn pointed as he smiled, excitedly.

- Remember when he came visiting? Poor guy…

- Why? – Alex asked confused.

- He was trying to get faster to defeat some evil guy when he ended up at CatCo, he saved me from Shioban's scream.

- He had no idea Kara could save herself, to be fair.

- It was funny, tough – Kara laughed as she remembered Barry's face when he saw her using her powers.

- And about this Green guy?

- All I know is that he has been scaring the hell out of people from his city. No one really knows much about him. Barry asked if I knew him when we met, but I didn't. Still don't.

Kara looked at the TV, intrigued by that hooded person. Literally no one knew nothing about him, how he started this thing or why. All they knew was that the guys were extremely violent, had killed many criminals, something that Kara thought it was terrible. Even with criminals, it was wrong to kill. She thought he was nothing like her or Barry, and could never understand why Barry was friends with him. He was so extremely different from the Flash. She wasn't the person to judge others, but she couldn't help but feel a weird vibe from his picture.

- I don't know… There is just something about him…

Kara stopped talking right away as the news reported a plane crashing in National City. She looked alarmed to her sister and Winn, and took off her glasses, opening her shirt and running to the balcony, letting her clothes fall on the ground as she took fly towards the plane.

The traffic around the area was insane, all cars not being able to keep going on as all drives saw the plane not so distant from them, coming down. Oliver and Tommy looked through the window, terrified for what was about to happen. Tommy looked at him, scared and Oliver could only look intensely at the scene. There was a limit to what Oliver could do to help people, and stop a plane from falling was not one of them.

They were preparing to feel the impact of the explosion it would cause once the plane hit the floor when suddenly, the plane just stopped abruptly, it looked like it was floating on air. Oliver narrowed his eyes and noticed a blonde woman holding the plane above her head with her both hands. Her hair was all around with the strong wind that hit the region. She wore red and blue, a S on her chest, red boots and a long red cape and it looked like she was holding a piece of paper. He looked startled at Tommy, that looked back at him the same way.

- I think she's Supergirl… Superman's cousin… It's the first time I'm seeing her in action, only heard of her before… And Wow! – Tommy said, his gaze going back to Supergirl.

- Wow indeed!

It was all Oliver could say. That was a scene he wouldn't forget so soon. And he had a weird feeling as he looked at the blonde. He was sure he had seen her before; he just couldn't remember where.