Well it's nearly a month after Christmas but finally, I've finished the final chapter to this story. I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me and taken the time to read and/or review. I appreciate you very much!

"I should hope" the tall blonde grinned, bumping shoulders with her, "that a man in the publishing business would have a decent library."

"Decent" Edith scoffed, turning to trail her fingertips reverently along the titles of books stacked on shelves that reached nearly to the ceiling.

"Well, I was afraid my library might seem rather meager, compared to the one at Downton, Lady Edith."

The strawberry blonde whipped around at the older gentleman's declaration, "How long have you known about my title?"

"I'm ashamed to admit I was completely unaware until after you'd given me your manuscript. We've known each other for months, but I wasn't aware your surname was Crawley. A little research resulted in some pictures of you with family" the baronet tilted his head, "I hope you're not upset."

"At least you were able to figure it out for yourself, Charles had to inform me of your status, how embarrassing is that?"

"You, my dear, are daughter to the Earl of Grantham, a member of the Downton dynasty whereas I am but a lowly baronet and therefore better able to live in obscurity." He clapped his hands together, "Enough talk of titles. Allow me to give you a brief tour of the downstairs before we eat."

The remaining rooms consisted of a sitting room, a small office space that was currently used as a bedroom by Anthony's niece when visiting, the loo, and now they were back in the dining area of the kitchen. Upstairs, Anthony informed her, was an extra bedroom, a small room that served as his office, and of course the master suite.

Pulling out Edith's chair, the tall blonde saw that she was comfortably settled and helping herself before pouring them each a glass of wine and partaking of the feast himself. The food was scrumptious and the wine and conversation flowed freely. Edith, who was usually gawky and awkward at best in any social situation, even more so where men were concerned, was amazed at how well she was able to relax in Anthony's presence. Nearly two hours later, after the table was cleared and leftovers stored away, Anthony replenished their wine and the couple retired to the library to discuss Edith's work.

Edith sat on the sofa, trying hard to hide her disappointment when Anthony chose to take the chair across from her. Biting her lip, she looked around the room and saw a Christmas tree which she'd failed to notice earlier. It was decorated with lights and, what she assumed, were antique ornaments. Beneath lay several packages wrapped in reds and golds and silver and blues.

"Oh my" the redhead blushed, pointing to the gifts, "I'd nearly forgotten today is Christmas eve. Perhaps we should postpone this discussion for another time. It seems you're expecting company at some point and you probably have some last minute preparations."

"Not at all" Anthony brushed off her concerns with a wave of his hand. "My sister Amelia is my only remaining family and most of those are for my niece and nephew with one or two for Amelia and her husband, Edward. They always spend Christmas with Edward's extended family and we celebrate our little gathering on New Years day. It prolongs the joy of the holiday season for the children and I've grown rather fond of spending a quiet Christmas day with a good book."

Edith groaned, "I'm so envious of you right now! That's been my wish for years, a quiet holiday away from family!"

"I suppose you'll be taking the morning train?"

"Yes, but I've so enjoyed tonight. Let's not spoil it talking about the fiasco I'll face tomorrow."

"Say no more" the older fellow made a motion of zipping his lips.

"Truly Anthony" her voice was but a whisper, her brown eyes boring intently into blue ones, as though willing the baronet to understand the sincerity of the words she was about to utter, "tonight has been a welcome change from being stuck at Downton for Christmas eve. Thank you."

As Anthony pondered the strawberry blonde's admission, each felt a shift in the atmosphere surrounding them and for a moment the couple simply stared at one another capitivated by the unexpected charge of electricity coursing through the room. Unfortunately, the spell was broken by the chiming of the grandfather clock as the top of the hour struck.

"Now about your manuscript" Anthony cleared his throat, "I've made some minor suggestions and corrections in the margins but overall, I believe it's ready for publication and would be well recieved by the public. The subject matter, dealing with the struggles of being the odd person out, would not only appeal to readers who suffer that fate within their family, but your work could also apply to people or groups who feel left out of and/or forgotten by society. In fact, with your permission, I'd like to send your manuscript on to a colleague who runs a very reputable and successful company. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to work with you."

"Oh, so you wouldn't be the one to publish it" Edith quietly replied, looking away as tears welled up in her eyes.

For some reason, the fact that Anthony wasn't interested in publishing her work caused the young woman a great deal of pain. If he wasn't interested in her book, he certainly wouldn't be interested in her as a person. She felt sick to her stomach. How many times was she going to make this mistake in her life? Was her entire life meant to be longing for someone she couldn't have? Was there anyone out there for Edith Crawley? At this point, the young woman didn't think so.

Anthony saw the young woman's anguish, "What? What is it?"

"So, what you're saying is my book is good enough for your friend to publish but not good enough to be associated with Locksley Publishing."

Anthony quietly watched the myriad of emotions that ran across Edith's face. How was it possible that his not publishing her manuscript would grieve the young lady so? Should he be truthful about his reasons for recommending she seek another publisher? Could her feelings possibly mirror his own? Don't be such a fool, a tiny voice inside his head chastised while another screamed, tell her, tell her now.

Anthony's silence made Edith uneasy and she glanced towards the older gentleman. He was studying her intently, his mouth drawn in a hard line, nearly grimacing as he seemed to wrestle with his thoughts. His stormy blue eyes locked with hers as he slowly licked his tongue along his upper lip. Unable to bear the intensity of his gaze, the strawberry blonde cast her eyes towards the carpet.

Anthony came to a decision and standing, he walked to the sofa and knelt before Edith. Tilting her face so he could look directly into her eyes, he took a deep breath, "I need to explain why I'd prefer you work with another publisher."

Edith's eyes widened and she began shaking her head, "No, I'm not sure I want to know. Maybe it's better if I don't."

Anthony grasped her shoulders, "Edith, Edith listen to me!"

But the young woman was beyond consolation. "I was a fool to come here. Please, please don't send my manuscript to your... your colleague. I don't want anyone else to know my writing is a ... a joke." She struggled to free herself from the baronet's hold, "Please, Anthony, I need to leave."

"Edith, calm down sweetheart. You can't go anywhere in this condition."

"I'll find a cab. Please Anthony, I need to..."

Her words were suddenly cut off and it took a moment for Edith to register that Anthony Strallan was kissing her. Dear lord, this is humiliating, he's kissing me just to shut me up. Despite her embarrassment, the redhead found the kiss deliciously warming her entire body. Eventually, the baronet pulled back, leaving Edith speechless.

"My god, I've been wanting to do that for weeks" the tall blonde confessed, running his fingers through his blonde waves. "Now, if you'll just give me a moment, to explain...you see...the thing is... I have feelings for you Edith Crawley and, if you're open to the idea, I'd like to explore those feelings. But, it wouldn't be proper to do so if I were to take on your manuscript. I won't, as they say, mix business with pleasure. And, most importantly, I won't have you feeling pressured into a relationship with me out some sense of obligation because I'm publishing your book."

Dumbstruck, Edith stared at him in disbelief.

"So" he continued, "you've a decision to make. Either someone else publishes the manuscript"...the older gentleman paused. "Unless" he groaned, "I happen to be making a complete fool of myself and you feel nothing for me other than friendship. If... if that's the case, then of course, I..."

"Send my manuscript to your colleague" blurted Edith, "send it to whomever. I don't care. I'd...I'd rather...you...you.. not be my publisher" she stammered.

"Oh thank god" Anthony murmured, before taking the redhead in his arms and kissing her soundly. "I suppose I should be getting you home" he mumbled after another half dozen kisses.

"Yes, unfortunately" Edith reluctantly stood to gather her belongings.


The strawberry blonde turned to find Anthony peering out the window.

"We're not going anywhere I'm afraid. It looks as though we're snowed in."

"Really" Edith squealed happily, rushing to the window. "Oh my god, this is the best Christmas ever!"

A little while later, the couple, standing in the hall outside the spare bedroom downstairs, bid each other an awkward goodnight. Entering the room, Edith Crawley, brimming with happiness, leaned against the door and for the first time since she was a child, remembered just how magical Christmas could be. Down the hall, Anthony Strallan stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked longingly towards the room to which Edith had retired. And, for the first time in a long time, the tall blonde baronet felt that Christmas wasn't just for children.