Wallflower Holly

"The lifts will be shutting down in fifteen minutes. I repeat, the lifts will be shutting down in fifteen minutes. Any riders not going up the lift must check in with the rangers at the lodge. I repeat, the lifts will be shutting down in fifteen minutes…"

The PA system droned on in the background as some of class 1-A stood near the slopes of the ski resort they had taken their Christmas trip to.

"C'mon guys! Let's go one more time before they close the slopes down!" The floating clothes belonging to one Tooru Hagakure bounced eagerly in front of her friends, as she tugged on their sleeves.

"Tooru... We're all really cold and tired.. " Her tailed friend remarked, trying and failing to suppress a yawn from escaping his lips.

Beside him, Mina's teeth chattered loudly while she rubbed her arms, trying to warm herself however she could. "Yeah, I- I'm about f-fr-frozen here..."

"It has been a very exhausting day. I'm going back to the lodge too. Gero." The blunt aside comment from 1-A's resident frog girl caused Tooru's energy to deflate slightly.

"Aw you guys are no fun..." she pouted out, crossing her arms.

A short distance away, another group of friends was having a similar discussion…

"Midoriya, we really should be heading back inside. It has been a long day, and I'm sure these rangers would like to get out of the cold as much as we do." Iida remarked, waving his hands in his trademark robotic fashion, his breath fogging his goggles as he spoke. Uraraka only nodded her head rapidly in agreement.

Having overheard the conversation going on with his more energetic peers, Izuku waved his two friends off as he turned away. "You guys go on back, I'll catch up with you later."

With that, he glided over to where Tooru and the others stood.

"Hagakure, if you want to go again, I can go down with you since the others are all worn out. I wouldn't want you to go alone."

Turning to their new arrival, Ojiro spoke up. "You'd do that? She's been begging us to go with her, but we're all really exhausted. Heck, I don't even know if I've got then energy to get back to the lodge." With a chuckle, he reached over and slapped his hand down on Izuku's shoulder. "You make sure she stays safe, okay, Midoriya?"

"Uh, y-yeah. She'll be f-fine..." with a light dusting of pink across the bridge of his nose, Izuku nodded before turning to his invisible classmate who'd already begun bouncing in joy again. "Is that okay with you, Hagakure?"

"Sure thing, Midori! See, now you guys can go back inside, since you're 'tired'. Lazy butts!"

Ojiro, Mina, and Tsuyu all said their farewells to the two of them, heading toward the lodge when Izuku spoke up, turning back to Tooru. "So, are you ready to go?"

"You bet! Last one to the lift is a rotten egg!" He had barely gotten her back into his vision before she darted to the lift.

"Hey, wait up!" Izuku kicked his board into action, gliding over to the lifts. By the time he reached her, his invisible classmate had already situated herself on the lift, and he noticed her one sleeve motioning to the bench beside her.

"Come on, then, slowpoke! Hop on!"

The One for All inheritor froze. He hadn't thought about this. The lift sudden felt a lot smaller than it should have. He had ridden the lift all day with Iida and Ochako, but Iida typically sat in the middle, so the proximity wasn't a problem for him. Now, though, there was no 'barrier' of sorts between himself and the animated invisible girl.

"Midori...? You gettin' on or are we gonna wait 'til they close the slopes?" Tooru's voice broke him from his reverie, shaking himself a little before nodding hastily and seating himself on the lift next to her, making sure to leave a fair amount of space between them. With a small jerk, the lift began its ascent up the mountain, and Izuku latched his hands onto the safety bar across their laps.

Izuku sat in silence for a solid two minutes, the sounds of the lift and the ambiance of nature filling his ears. A rustling next to him and pressure on his arm made me lock up again, turning his head almost robotically toward the girl seated to his left as he tried his best to suppress his nervous shaking. "Y-Ye-Yes?!"

While he obviously couldn't see her face, the invisible girl's winter clothes and goggles were right next to his face. He could even see and feel her warm breath on his cheek. In less time than he thought possible, Izuku felt his entire face flare up as a deep blush seared its way across his cheeks.

"So, Midori~ Why did you offer to go up with me, even though your friends are all going inside?"

"W-what are you talking a-about, Ha-Hagakure? I already s-said why…."

Before he could say anything else, Tooru interrupted him with a gloved finger on his lips as a soft giggle graced his ears. "I'm just pickin', Midori. Sheesh, I know I won't have to worry about hypothermia with you around. You'll keep me nice and toasty warm~!"

With that, Izuku clammed up as his face continued to burn at her remark, hearing the joking nature of her voice. With a sheepish smile and a shrug, he took in a shaky breath, trying to slow his racing heart.

After a short pause, Izuku spoke up once more.

"S-so um… Why did you want to go down the slopes one more time? Especially so late?"

Tooru shifted a little, flashing two gloved thumbs up at her lift-mate as she chirped out her answer. "Because I love snowboarding, of course! I wanted to make the most out of this trip!"

Feeling his ears heating up again, another swatch of pink dusted Izuku's cheeks, mumbling quietly. "Oh… Yeah… Makes sense…"

A chuckle slipped from Tooru's mouth as she reached over, poking the boy's cheek softly. "I swear, Midori, you have the absolute cutest blush ever!"

"C-Cute?!" Izuku's brain short circuited, his eyes widening to the size of small plates, while his blush only deepened further from her comment. Tooru's finger returned to his cheek again, this time brushing down it gently as she nodded in confirmation.

"Of course! Then again, it doesn't help that you're awfully cute to start with, but with that blush? Even cuter!"

Attempting to prevent himself from passing out from the blood rushing to his cheeks as he realized he'd voiced his thoughts aloud, Izuku posed a question to draw the conversation away from him. "S-so what do you think you're gonna do once we get back down to the lodge?"

Drawing her hands away from his face to settle them back on the safety bar, Tooru let out a sigh. "Ah, I dunno… Probably just warm up with some hot cocoa near the fire like everyone else is probably doing right now…"

The two soon settled into a comfortable silence, Tooru still bouncing on the bench occasionally. Before long, they reached their destination at the top of the slopes and disembarked their chairlift. The two students glided off the platform slowly as they adjusted their headgear. As his companion approached the slope, Izuku decided to speak up.

"M-meet you at the bottom. o-okay? And um… B-be careful…" Even when muffled under the face mask, his stutter still stood out blatantly to Tooru.

"We'll be fine! We've been doing this all day, haven't we? Let's go!" With that, she turned and kicked off down the slope, howling in joy. Izuku grinned and mentally agreed as he started down the mountain himself. There was nothing that could ruin this ski trip. Weaving side to side as he darted down the slope, Izuku quickly caught up to his invisible boarding partner.

Coming up alongside the girl, he saw her turn toward him waving her arms energetically. Grinning widely, he returned the gesture, thoroughly enjoying the day's final run down the slopes. It became clear to him however, that all was not well, as soon Izuku notice his classmate's movements become more erratic. Panicky almost, as a gloved finger point over his head.

As he craned his neck around to look, he was met with a face full of harsh winter wind, which knocked the air out of him and lifted him and his board off the slope. As he tried and failed to catch precious air in his lungs, he felt his body crash into something, the last thing registering to his brain being a loud yelp…

Upon first awakening, Izuku realized three things. First off, was the howling wind in his ears. Secondly, the blinding white flurries in his face. Lastly, he felt as though he was being watched over. By whom, he could not say. However he found himself feeling much warmer than he expected himself to be. Slowly, he began to recount the fresh memories prior to his blackout:

Getting smacked in the face with gale force winds.

Being thrown across the slopes.

Knocking into something.

Hearing a loud, surprised yelp.

A surprised, slightly girlish yelp.

Jerking his body upward into a sitting position, Izuku swiveled his head back and forth, eyes darting around as he surveyed his surroundings attempting to find his invisible partner. As his eyes scanned over a nearby tree, a shred of red caught his attention.

Snagged on a branch was a scrap of Tooru's jacket, and below it an unusually large mound of snow. Quickly processing that information, Izuku jumped up. As he moved toward the tree, however, he stumbled and fell to the dense snow below. Looking to his feet, he realized his snowboard was still buckled to his boot. Reaching down, he quickly undid the snap, slipping his boot from the board's brace. With his brain still swirling from the recent impact, he lept up once more, forcing his body into a dash toward the tree. Throwing his hands into the snow before him, the plain boy began digging frantically for the girl whom he'd promised he'd keep safe.

While he hadn't known her for very long or very well, One for All's 9th holder flat-out refused the possibility of leaving anyone behind. It would go against everything he felt that defined the essence of being a hero.

After a few minutes, Izuku's digging paid off, uncovering part of Tooru's body. Relieved at finding her, he began clearing rapidly clearing the snow from her body. Soon enough, he was able to force his arms underneath her body, heaving her out of the snow and pulling her close to his chest. Upon heaving her out of the snow, he noticed that this invisible classmate of his was surprisingly light, even with the some of the snowboard still attached as he saw that part of her board had broken when she had fallen.

Another noteworthy thing he found was how frighteningly cold her body was. Unconscious as she was, Tooru was shivering violently. As her shivering intensified, the boy knew she was in poor condition. Pulling her body close to his chest, he stood and trudged toward the trees, scanning his surroundings for shelter.

Luckily for the them both, Izuku quickly found a nearby cave. While he knew that it wouldn't be the best solution, the boy knew with how harsh the weather was and the feeble girl in his arms that his options were very limited. Weighing his options in his head, Izuku trudged on, heading for the cave.

As he began his trek there, the hypothermic girl in his arms stirred awake some. Clearly dazed, her voice sounded hoarse as she mumbled, "Mi-Midori…? W-what happened…"

Dropping his head close to hers with a smile spread across his cheeks, Izuku whispered, "Don't worry. You're safe. I am here."

In her confused, half-conscious state, Tooru could only slightly nod, letting her head loll into his chest as she unconsciously nuzzled closer to the warmth he exhumed. While the action made him smile, he knew he had to get her out of the wind and fast. Trudging to the cave's entrance, Izuku pushed his body inside taking care to not jostle his charge around in his grasp.

After journeying far enough inside the dark cave to where the harsh winter winds no longer whipped at his back, Izuku knelt by a rock jutting up from the ground. Placing his unconscious, shivering friend on the ground in front of it, he stood once more and looked toward the entrance. At this point, he knew he had to get fire started if he had any chance of warming this poor girl up.

Rushing back out into the wind and snow, he managed to gather up some shrubbery and sticks before heading back to the cave. Upon returning, he set his tinder on the ground near the middle of the cave and began cycling through fire-starting techniques in his head:

Needing tinder, done.

Sparks… What would make sparks?

Rocks? What kind of rocks… Flint!

Wait, what's flint look like?

Wait, it's so dark, I can't even tell anyway…

Electricity sparks… Full cowl! Got it!

A blink later and the quick-thinking hero-in-training focused himself, activating his quirk, bio-electricity crackling across his skin. Making sure to concentrate it in his hand alone, he brought his now glowing hand to the tinder on the cave floor, watching intently while sending a silent prayer to any deity that might listen. As the tinder sparked and ignited, Izuku grinned, taking a loose stick to poke at the growing fire.

He was immediately snapped from his celebration, though, as a low groan emanated from behind him. Surprised, he started slightly, spinning quickly to see his shivering companion attempting to sit up.

"Ah! H-hagakure! I'm glad you're awake!" Rushing to her side, Izuku wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his grasp again.

Looking toward the fire, Izuku's eyes passed over the invisible girl's feet which he now noticed still had her snowboard attached to them. Removing his arms from around her, he moved to her feet, preparing to unclasp the straps of her board. Reaching to her left boot, Izuku's fingers began fiddling with the straps loosening the ratchets slowly when a whimper echoed through cave.

Jolting his upward, he was faced with Tooru holding gloved hand in front of her face, as he heard her whimper once again as he loosened the strap another notch.

"Hagakure...? What's wrong with your foot?" Midoriya tentatively asked, his fingers hovering over her foot.


Eyes widening in comprehension, Izuku sputtered out a series of apologies as he took care to immobilize her foot with one hand, quickly and carefully undoing the ratchets on her snowboard before tossing the board away from them, gently setting her foot on the cave floor.

"O-okay… H-hagakure? T-this is going to hurt, but I need to get your boot off… I think you might've sprained your ankle when I got knocked into you earlier…" Looking up to where her eyes would be seen with a sincere, yet worried smile was on his face as he placed his hands on her ankle near the top of her boot.

"Oh, so that was what's making me feel like I got hit by a bus… You're pretty sturdy, eh Midori~?" A beat later, she spoke up again, a far meeker tone having taken the place of her typical cheery reserve. "Be… Be gentle, okay?"

Nodding slowly, he slowly pulled the boot off of her foot, making his best effort to keep her foot as stable as possible. Once he pulled the boot the whole way off, however, he accidentally misjudged his own strength and pulled her boot up too fast, causing her foot to rise off the ground, plopping down on the ground with a soft thud, forcing a short squeak from Tooru's lips. Freezing up, the boy tossed her boot to the side, quickly slipping his scarf off from around his neck. As he wrapped it up into a ball and placed it under her ankle, he muttered out multiple apologies as his eyes darted erratically between her face and her feet.

"M-Midori... Re-... Relax... Y-you just surprised me, is all.." A soft mumble was what constituted the invisible girl's voice now, her arms folded across her chest, rubbing herself some in an attempt to warm herself.

Noting this, Izuku moved to her side, gently moving her near to the fire. Upon doing so though, he found that her winter clothes were drenched through from the snow, and shivering had also become far less violent.

Having taken a few basic first aid classes in middle school, Tooru's weakened shivering set off multiple warnings in his head. Warnings that told him things that were already making his face heat up, even just thinking about them. "U-um H-hagakure...? I-I need you to scoot over here by the fire..."

"Why…? I'm not even that cold… Midori… You just want me to get closer, don't you~?"

Under normal circumstances, her response would have probably made him draw far away from her as possible and stutter out an apology, insisting that weren't the case. Swallowing back the lump of embarrassed stuttering he could feel bubbling up, he gently scooped his arms up under Tooru's body, pulling her as close to the fire as he could safely manage.

"Y-yes, yes I am… You've got hypothermia, H-hagakure… I need to get you warmed up…"

"But Meedoori~ I'm nishe and toashty in my clothes ash it ish…~!" To emphasize her slurred statement, the invisible girl twisted her body in his grasp. At this point Izuku, realized just how bad the situation was getting for the girl in his arms.

Her clothes were soaking wet, and her speech was slowing down and even started to slur.

Going wide-eyed, his face exploded in pink at the knowledge of what had to happen now.

"Um…. H-Ha-Hagakure? I-I know this is going to sound strange, but um… I-I'm going to need you to take your clothes off…" As he vocalized the embarrassing situation about to unfold, he squinted his eyes shut, reaching toward the zipper on Tooru's coat. When a glove slapped his hand away, though, he popped his eyes open, looking in the general direction of her face.

"Nooo… Midoree… Eef yoo want me outta mai clothesh that baad… Yoo hafta call meh Tooru~" Slurring out her request in a sing-song voice, Tooru gently pushed his hand back toward his chest some before he used said hand to grasp hers, pulling it to his chest.

"L-listen to me… Haga-… T-To-Tooru… You're really ill right now and I need you to, to work with me, okay? N-now come on… Help me get your clothes off you… They're soaking wet…" While her request wasn't helping matters, he knew he couldn't worry himself with petty things such as his own embarrassment. She needed help NOW, and he was the only one who could provide it. Releasing her hand, he reached forward, gripping the zipper of her coat again. When she didn't offer any resistance, he pulled it down.

Her shivering had nearly stopped as he peeled the sopping wet jacket from her shoulders, which urged him to hasten his actions. Laying the jacket on the ground near the fire for it to dry, Izuku turned back to his friend, beginning the agonizingly embarrassing task of undressing her while she remained in her delirious state of hypothermia.

Roughly ten minutes (Izuku wasn't counting) of deliberating, stuttering, fumbling, blushing, and apologizing later, he finally managed to stomach himself enough to undress his invisible friend down to her casual clothes: a simple t-shirt and jeans. Thinking it would be enough to get her warmed up, he wrapped his arms around her once more, gently bringing her near to the fire. To his dismay and horror, however, he found that her casual clothes were also soaked through. Letting out a heavy sigh, he spoke up once again.

"U-um... Tooru?"

"Y-yesh Miidoory?"

"I-I'm going to need you to take off your shirt and pants, too... T-they're just as soaked from the snow as the rest of your clothes..." Bringing his hand up to cover his eyes as he reached forward to the hem of her shirt with his gaze fixated on the entrance to the cave. When his fingers grasped the edge of her shirt he felt cold, invisible fingers wrap themselves around his hand, pushing him off as Tooru mumbled out a retort in a meek voice.

"Noo... Meedorii... Eef you reelly need me in jusht my underwear, you shhould at least give me shome moosik and watsch mee... I don't get loooked at like a normal girl much anymoor..."

Hearing this statement, Izuku froze. 'Like a normal girl?' Did this girl before him really get treated so much differently than the other girls? Thinking back to the sports festival, he had felt like the invisible girl had been acting typical to the others, jumping and cheering like he thought any other girl would. Turning his head back toward her, Izuku fixated his gaze toward where he figured her eyes would be, letting his hands drop to her waist. He couldn't help but feel a slight pang of embarrassment as his eyes dared to glance lower. Steeling his resolve quickly, he kept his gaze focused upward, speaking up.

"O-okay, T-Tooru... I... I'll watch you..." Recalling her odd request for music, he began humming the chorus to a tune he'd heard earlier that day. When the sound reached her ears, Tooru released her grip on his hands, letting him proceed as she began swaying to the sound of his humming. He thought he was slightly off key, but it was clear by the dazed and slow swaying that she was obviously too delirious to care.

Gripping the hem of her shirt loosely, he pulled it gently up over her head, letting his hands follow her swaying as he hummed the tune a little louder. Following suit with her pants and paying mind to her sprained ankle, Izuku moved beside her and ceased his humming, looking at her face. Momentarily though, his eyes disobeyed him and he glanced downward to get an eye full: a matching set of turquoise undergarments adorned his freezing, invisible friend. Shaking his head vigorously as he scolded himself for such impure thoughts.

"Heeeyy... Eef you're gonna tayke mai clothses off... Yoo shud too... Cheetah..."

At this slow, slurred pout, Izuku suddenly realized: 'Oh wait, I'm still in my snow gear...'

"Okay, T-tooru... You're right..." Izuku stood, quickly removed his soaking-wet snow gear, and placed it all on the ground next to hers before sitting back down on the cave floor next to her, now dressed in just a t-shirt and jeans.

"Um.. T-tooru... I'm gonna put you in my lap, now... Okay? It's so that I can get you off of the ground."

"Ookayy Midoriii~... Jusht hold mee tight, ookay~?"

Nodding his head vigorously, Izuku wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her slowly into his lap while he activated One for All in his abdomen. Pressing her back flush against his chest, he slipped his arms around her waist securing her position on his lap.

"I-is that alright, Tooru...? Are you comfortable?"

"He-hehe-hehe... I toold you yoo'd make fur a gud spashe heetah, Meedorii~... Nishe un toashy..." Snuggling back into his grasp some, Tooru relaxed. As her legs rested on his, her head had also bobbed backward. As it bopped Izuku in the face, a pixie cut of hair tickled his cheeks while a strong aroma of strawberry-scented shampoo filled his nostrils.

"That's g-good..." Breathing a sigh of relief, Izuku let his shoulders relax as the invisible girl in his lap began to shiver once more, a clear sign of her warming up. Smiling at the improvement in her condition, Izuku relaxed his body underneath her, letting himself lean back against the cave wall some, falling into a dreamless slumber.

Upon Izuku first waking, one thing was immediately apparent: the lack of weight resting on his lap. Snapping his eyes open, he began looking for his invisible classmate.


Following the sound of her voice, the green haired teen turned to where he had made the fire the night before, spotting her floating underwear on top of the pile of her wet winter clothes.

"Ah, Hagakure... You're awake..."

"Soo, uh... Midori... Mind telling me why I woke up in your lap with nothin' but my bra and panties on...?"

"Umm... Well... What all do you remember from last night?" Concerned with how his newfound friend was understanding the events, he didn't move any closer to her, only maneuvering himself so he was sitting on his knees in front of her, the embers of the fire having long been extinguished.

"All I remember was that snowstorm coming outta nowhere and you flying into me... Then everything got freezing cold... And wet. And then there was a cold, hard surface... But then I felt dry... And... Warm... Cozy..." Hagakure's thoughts, at least in Izuku's mind, felt very sparse, so he spoke up, trying to alleviate some of the confusion in the poor girl's voice.

"Well, when that snowstorm hit, I don't even really know what happened... But, I think that I accidentally knocked you into a tree-" At that, the girl interjected.

"Wait, wait... I hit a tree? I guess that musta been what felt like a bus hitting me in the back... Or maybe that was you, hm?"

Reaching up to scratch the back of his head, a sheepish smile made its way to Izuku's face. "Yea, that might've been me... I do remember hearing you yelp before I blacked out..." Proceeding on, he relayed his accounts of the events from the night before. When he finished his recount however, his only audience posed a question for him:

"So wait, Midori... I told you you had to call me by my first name before you could strip me? And that you had to take your clothes off, too?" At this point, Tooru had taken the sweatshirt Izuku had worn the night before and pulled it on.

"Yeah... I'm sorry about that, but you were insistent on not moving until I did what you asked... And you were so cold, I didn't want to move you around very much... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" A pair of invisible fingers on his lips stopped any further rebuttal from escaping his mouth.

"Shush, would you? It's okay..." Seeing her crawl over to him some, Izuku had little warning when Tooru threw her arms around his neck, following up with a soft, almost shy whisper in his ear. "T-thank you, Midori... You really saved me..."

Unsure of what exactly to do, the dumbstruck boy slowly brought his arms up, wrapping them around her frame in a careful embrace.

"I-it's nothing, Hagakure... I would've done that for for anyone, rea-ah!" A poke to the cheek startled him, preventing him from finishing his sentence.

"Dude, just take the compliment..." she sighed. " I really do owe you my life~ow..." Finishing her statement with a hissing whine, she fumbled around slightly, accidentally falling into his chest.

"Ah, Tooru! Are you okay?" Panicking slightly, Izuku gripped her shoulders, looking to her face.

"Ah... Yea, I'm okay... Just my ankle bugging me some, caught me off guard. Wait~ Did you just call me Tooru again?" With a sly undertone, his injured friend nuzzled his chest some, letting out a low murmur. "Y'know, if this is what it takes to get you to call me by my first name, I might have to injure myself more often~"

"Ehh?! Oh! I-I um.. S-sorry, Haga-mmf?!" Interrupting him again, this time with an entire invisible hand, Tooru let out a soft, girlish giggle.

"Don't sweat it, Midori~ I'm joking!" The cheery, almost airy tone of her voice quieted the green-haired boy's stuttering and bumbling nearly as soon as the words had left her mouth.

"Midoriya?! Hagakure?! Where are you two?!"


The cries for him and his invisible friend caught his attention, only for him to realize too late that Tooru was still wearing next to nothing. At the mouth of the cave Uraraka and Iida stood with a pair of the resort's rangers, wide-eyed expressions on their faces.

"Um, Deku? W-why is Hagakure nearly naked...?" Uraraka spoke first, looking toward the roof of the cave with a cherry blush, floating up off the ground a few inches. Iida simply turned and averted his gaze out of respect for his female classmate. The rangers on the other hand, ignored the fact that the girl in Izuku's arms was in almost nothing, heading over to the two students seated on the cave floor, one of them already removing their backpack.

From there, the next few hours seemed to fly by for Izuku. After wrapping Tooru up in some thick blankets, he'd made sure that one of the rangers carried the invisible girl to their snowmobiles outside. According to what his classmates had told him, after they hadn't returned to the lodge the night before, the resort staff and many of the class had assumed they got caught in the sudden snowstorm. When the search party had set out earlier that morning, they had found Izuku's snowboard stuck in the snow. Using it as a reference point, they quickly searched the surrounding area and found the cave.

At this point though, Izuku and Tooru had already been loaded onto the rangers' snowmobiles and taken down the mountain to the lodge. A pair of ambulances had been called to take the two students to a nearby hospital, but when the paramedics came to get Izuku, he refused, insisting that he was fine and wished to ride in the back of the ambulance with Tooru.

Relenting, the paramedics allowed it as he crawled in, seating himself in the corner of the ambulance. Within an hour, the ambulance had unloaded Tooru and Izuku at the hospital and doctors had seen to Tooru and had moved her into a regular room. Her ankle was wrapped with an ace bandage and had a pillow placed under it.

"I still can't believe you asked the nurse to watch her wrap my ankle, Midori..." Sigh an exasperated Tooru as she laid on the bed, wrapped up in blankets from the hospital. Currently they were waiting for her parents to retrieve her belongings from the ski lodge and bring her a change of clothes from her luggage.

"I can't help it! I was curious... I mean, you're invisible.. How would they see your ankle to wrap it?" Izuku had sat himself down in one of the chairs near Tooru's bedside as he himself didn't need to be admitted, only having had a few bruises from his fall.

"You know, Midori... I uh... never did get to say it earlier but, you...You can call me by my first name more often..." Tooru's voice went quiet once again, and Izuku saw the edge of the blankets ball up under her invisible hands.

Raising his hands up in defense, Izuku sputtered, "Y-you don't have to say that, really. I-I was only doingit to help you get warmed up and save you from hypothermia..."

"That wasn't what I meant! I meant that I really like it when you call me by my first name!"

Tooru's sudden outburst caught Izuku off guard, causing him to start in his seat.

"U-umm... H-haga-... T-tooru...? Wha-what do you mean..?" Izuku cocked his head to the side, geniunely concerned at his friend's shouting.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she spoke up again, her shy, meek tone of voice returning. "I mean that I like you, Midori... Or well... no, that's not right... I... admire, you... yeah, that's the word... Admire... Like, the way you stood up to Todoroki in the sports festival? That was so awesome! Especially when you were just like 'Where are you looking?!'... Hoo... I got chills from that... And then when I found out you were doing that all because he was just spiting his father? I couldn't help but think just how noble that was of you... You basically set yourself up to fail when you did that, but still... You get what I'm saying, though, Midori?"

By the time she had finished her speech, Izuku's mind was already reeling. She liked him? Him, of all the people in their class? And it was because he was noble in his actions? Or wait, she said admire, didn't she? Did that mean she liked him? What about the others in the class? What did they think? What about-

"Uh... Midori? Hey! Midori~!" After a moment, Tooru threw a sock at Izuku's face, breaking him from his muttering.

"Huh?! What? What is it, Haga-Tooru?!" Snapping back to reality almost violently, Izuku looked back to the invisible girl on the bed, his voice projecting a fair amount louder than he'd expected it to.

"Oww, dude quiet down... Just.. Relax for a minute, though, okay? I... I know I just threw a lot at you, but uh... Don't stress yourself with the details okay? Um... Oh! I haven't gotten any of my Christmas shopping done yet... Do you uhm, maybe wanna go with me shopping? It could be kinda fun, don't you think?" After she finished speaking, she let out a long sigh, sucking in a large breath of air.

Izuku sat in his chair for a moment, looking at the blankets on Tooru's bed, thinking about the events that just transpired. A split second after realize that he'd just been asked out on a date, albeit a casual one, his face lit up once more in a deep red blush. Nodding his head, he turned to face the invisible girl, smiling some before sputtering out. "I-I'd love to!"

When Tooru burst into giggles, though, Izuku couldn't help but cock an eyebrow up in confusion. In between her giggles, she spoke up.

"Heehee, I just noticed, ahah, when you're blushin' like that? Haha you look almost like a human holly plant!"

Pursing his lips into a sheepish smile, Izuku only shrugged. This girl was certainly interesting.

Hi~! Random here, with the start of a project some buddies got me wanting to do. BNHA Holiday rare-pair oneshots... First up, here: Christmas with Tooru! Granted, I don't know how well I did with these two, since y'know, they NEVER speak to each other in canon.. But I'd like to think I did alright with em... Lemme know in a review! It's really appreciated! Next time, though, White Day! With who? Oh, you'll find out! BAI!