Hello People, here's a new story, I decided do try some Percy Jackson. This chapter is mainly an Idea, and I'd like some reviews to know if I must keep going on or stop it. Some characters may be OOC, and percy IS OOC, because here, he's powerfull, a bit Power-Hungry, arrogant, Dark yet loyal and lovely x) You'll see xD And Gay of course x) But fear not, he can be bisexual x) and pairing not decided yet x) Please, read the end note.

It had been a long time since Uranus, also known as Ouranos by the Greeks, had come down from his celestial palace to roam the Earth. Many believed that he was defeated by his own son, Kronos, when in fact he had decided to retire while letting his children believe he was defeated. Anyway, he could not stand the horrible shrew that was his wife, Terra any more. And then, it was she who had convinced her own son to attack him, for him it was similar to a divorce petition. In any case, this is how he ends up living in his celestial palace, observing life, enjoying the wars between Titans and Gods, and subtly rewarding his grandson, Jupiter, by giving him some control over his domain. Of course, Jupiter's control over the sky was ridiculous, but that, no one except him, Terra, and his nieces, the fates, could know it.

However, very quickly, the primordial of the sky and constellations began to get bored, and after several thousand years, he decided to wander once again Earth. He ended up in New York, where he met a most beautiful woman. The latter was named Sally Jackson, and was a woman of unparalleled beauty. First of all, she was kind, of incomparable gentleness, besides being brave, and was not at all intimidated when she learned who Uranus was. Thus, they had a relationship in 1992, which led to the birth of a young boy on August 18, 1993, whom they named both Perseus Jackson.

It was at the birth of his son that Uranus had a fantastic idea. The gods were more and more corrupt, and he hated the Greeks. But he was perfectly aware of the existence of a Roman camp in California. It was then that he drew up a most interesting plan, deciding that it was time for the gods and the mortals to remember him. And to do so, his son was going to be the instrument of his designs. After all, who better than his son could honor him?

This is how he suggested that Sally leave New York, and move to California in Los Angeles. Although he was not affected by the Ancient laws, he could not live with her because he had to manage the Celestial court and the Protogenoï Council, and then offered her substantial financial support, as well as protection against monsters. The latter accepted, and so in the New York Times, Sally Jackson appeared on the front page as the lucky winner of the biggest Lotto in US history, $ 500 million. The latter did not waste time, and with the help of Uranus, moved to California, having bought a huge skyscraper, with a whole security system and bodyguards to protect her son. Evidently, the Bodyguards were extra-lucid humans, able to discern monsters, and trained in the art of war. There were about fifty, each with a weapon made of celestial silver so that they could effectively defeat any threat, as well as basic firearms, because after all, it was not necessary to exclude thieves, terrorists or kidnappers.

The years passed, and Percy learned from a very young age who his father was. Uranus visited from time to time, depositing gifts for his son, and teaching him to rule, to be a king. As for her, Sally became a real businesswoman, learning how to manage the fortune she had earned, making stock market investments, buying bankrupt companies to strengthen them, and selling them back ten times their price. In the end, she decided to buy airlines, her way of honoring the man she loved, and nicknamed her group Uranus Airlines, creating the largest airline in the world. She even managed to buy Airbus Company, creating her own aircrafts. That's how Sally Jackson became one of the richest women on the planet, and Perseus became one of the most sought-after heirs in the world.

For his part, Perseus had changed since he was a simple baby. First, he had beautiful blue eyes, like sapphires shining in the sun, changing according to his mood. When he was angry, a real storm raged in his eyes. He had inherited his mother's hair, jet black, slightly curly. If not the hair, Perseus was the perfect replica of his father, of which he was very proud. Regarding his behavior, Perseus was someone very social, friendly, but arrogant enough and quite strict, sometimes dark. Surely due to its genes, but also to its social position. Moreover, he constantly insisted that his friends call him Percy, but only his friends. For the rest of the world, it was Perseus, and if a person he did not consider a friend had the misfortune to call him Percy ... Whereas the wealth of his mother, Percy had received private lessons from a very young age , in all fields, be it art, politics, or quite simple fields such as computer science or languages. Thus, our young hero spoke several languages, such as French, German, Russian, Greek (which he hated, but his father insisted, explaining that he should be able to insult and threaten the Greek), Latin, Spanish and Italian. He had wanted to learn Mandarin and Japanese, but decided not to do it. Percy was a real genius, in languages, in politics, and surprisingly, in computer science. He liked to joke about it, often saying that the current was passing between him and the computers.

Unfortunately, and because of his popularity, Percy had no real friend, and could be quite alone, that's why he spent his time at the receptions and parties organized by his mother, because he liked this environment where we could have friends, where we could discuss, plan, and in just a few words decide the future of a person. It was so simple to destroy someone's reputation, and so to prevent his being destroyed, did not hesitate to proudly announce at his tenth birthday his homosexuality, which at the beginning created a scandal, but being very much appreciated, Percy was easily accepted, then often made the cover of magazines such as People.

This is how that from the age of ten Percy began training with his father to learn how to control his powers. He learned how to launch lightning, create huge storms, thunderstorms and typhoons, but also to form chains of darkness, indestructible, able to immobilize anyone, even his father, the latter being very proud of his son. He had also inherited the monstrous strength of his father, becoming as strong as Hercules. In terms of sheer power, Percy, just ten years old, was equivalent to a minor god. According to his father, as he grew up, his powers would grow as well. He felt then that at age 18, Percy would be more powerful than an Olympian god. After all, he was the son of the most powerful being after Chaos. To celebrate the end of his training at the age of eleven, Uranus decided to offer him a weapon. He then chooses to offer his son a Lightning Bolt, similar to that of Jupiter. The Lightning Bolt in itself was completely purple, with an imperial gold handle, turning into a gold signet ring set with sapphire. Percy, being a fan of Star Wars, liked to think he was a Sith Lord, with a double lightsaber, able to launch lightning and unleash the Force on his enemies, which greatly amused his mother and his bodyguards. As for him, Uranus liked the idea, especially when Percy began to think he was a Sith Emperor.

Sith Emperor? Hm, it's not possible, but why not Roman Emperor? Uranus thought.

So at 12, our hero was taken by a Limousine, wearing a Stuart Hughes Diamond Edition suit, a pair of Black A Testoni shoes, and his signet ring to San Francisco to meet the demi-gods living at Camp Jupiter, his father having decided to ignore Lupa, the wolf goddess. He was escorted by four extra-lucid mortals, and was his father, who wanted to present himself his son, and I necessary, protect him from the Olympians.

Here's the poll for the pairing:

Octavian (perfect for this character personality),




Mercury (Hermes)

Another (propose)