Profile(s) will come next chapter.

New release schedule is set up at profile. General rule. As soon as I can write it again.

I am sorry, and I just wanted to write… something


"Fight me!" a child's voice echoed in the meadow outside the Shinobi Academy.

What a drag Shikamaru thought, looking at his Uchiha classmate through half lidded eyes. The other boy started hounding him with threats and challenges since the time he made the unofficial name for himself as an up and coming craftsmen with the Nara.

That was a year ago.

He groaned at the thought. Since the day he 'did the improbable,' everyone, and he meant everyone, showed up on Nara clan grounds. While some didn't look for him specifically, the rumor mill started.

The Nara Heir's been blessed by the Kami of Crafts. Somehow he felt odd trying to resist grimacing at that memory. What was more interesting was that it wasn't just him that tried to avoid looking like they ate a lemon, his clan members also did the same. Overtime the green text labeled sword was kept in his inventory, and he didn't expect to sell it after realizing no one wanted the thing. His dad mentioned he might get into contact with Samurai from the land of Iron, as soon as he was able to anyway.

Eventually, those who came for him personally had been acquainted with the audience he was around during that day. Uzuki Yugao brought Gekko Hayate, who brought Shiranui Genma, who brought his teammates, who brought their friends…. That wasn't even coming from his mom or Ino. Oh just Ino and her dad; they spread the word(Those gossipers), so much so that he practically met every Jonin and ANBU (Undercover) in the region because of them. Even the Hokage was there! There to congratulate his success and praise for his ingenuity of using chakra so early.

"Hey! You hear me, Nara?! Fight me!"

He couldn't help but sigh and stare up into the clouds. The sounds of Chouji munching on some chips off to the side was quickly followed up by grass being smashed from footfall. Naruto's blonde hair passed his half-lidded view as the girl got right up to the Uchiha with a scowl. "What're you doin, Duckbutt!?"

"What'd you say dead last?!" On an instinct that was refined day after day from the same event, Sasuke pushed with full force. The two kids glared at each other, unmindful of a growing crowd of invested bystanders.

The blonde girl snorted, pulling on her own hair that reached her cheek for emphasis. "Duckbutt, cuz your hair looks like a duck's butt!"

"No it doesn't!" Sasuke's whine countered his entire attitude from earlier. A common occurrence that only made his admirer's blush.

The blonde pushed her face right up against him with a glare, "Yeah, yeah it does!"

"No! Stop antagonizing Sasuke-kun!" If he had the energy, he'd roll his eyes when Sakura, the pink haired girl with green eyes, nudged herself in between the two. It happened practically every day and he couldn't get any sleep in. "We don't need another one of your fights."

Ino, another girl, rushed up to yank on his collar. The beginnings of a red welt grew at his neck as she shook him to make sure he was awake (he was) and whispered, "Come on Shikamaru! Fight him already! Let Sasuke-kun stop following you around so he can look at me."

He groaned in a way that made the girl more angry and dragged himself off the ground to a sitting position.

"Why'd you wanna fight the boring Nara anyway? He looks half dead with those circles under his eyes." Remarked a boy with red tattoos on the side of his face, named Kiba, and a puppy perched on his shoulders came up to visit as well. The dog barked just as he continued, "Akamaru agrees!"

"He forfeits during sparring classes. Why?" The Aburame, a boy covered head to toe with jacket, high collar hoodie, and sunglasses answered stoically, earning a large breather room from their class' normal students. "Because he also considers that as boring, not just because he is tired."

If the Aburame was insulted by the reaction, he didn't show it. Instead the boy was stoic as usual while he hovered around the group. Shikamaru wondered how and why the small group that surrounded him suddenly grew to be so large.

He sighed, only to earn a returned glare from the Uchiha, which then earned a huge growl from Naruto. Soon the moment Sasuke ignored the girl in favor of willing to force a fight, causing Naruto to pounce at the boy with both of them tumbling around the grass.

Kiba pumped his fists up. "Naruto's at it again!"

"A-another fight?" Hinata squeaked out hurriedly, coming up to try, and Shikamaru meant try, to get the blonde off the other boy.

It didn't look like a fight at all, more like shout filled roughhousing expected from kids their age. They landed around the damp areas as dirt and grime got all over their faces and clothes. Both kids blew raspberries at each other as they rolled in a circle on the hill Shikamaru was using as a napping spot while the class split up to rally behind their prospective fighter. He raised a brow at the changing of candy or money off to the side, an often occurrence of gamiling that were rarely if ever frowned at. There was biting, hair pulling, cheap punches, and grappling, all the while the crowd cheered or gasped in reaction. It was like a ball game, but with more shouting.

Naruto grunted from a bow to the ribs. "Why'd you wanna fight him anyway?"

"I don't need to explain that to you!" The raven haired boy yelled out in equal parts fury and pain after having his hair tugged.

Shikamaru groaned, having enough of the bothersome fight. "Is it because your brother?"

His words made the Sasuke halt mid punch, avoiding it being connected squarely on the blonde's temple. The boy gaped as he continued. "It's not going to work."

The majority of the crowd uttered a disappointing aww as Naruto kicked Sasuke off of her, giving him a raspberry. The kid figured it out after he said the magic words, and added her own input, "Even if you do beat him."

Sasuke huffed with his nose upturned at her. The pineapple head shrugged, of course the Uchiha would beat him. He may not have been the best or the worst if he took it seriously, but Shikamaru was realistic.

"And he will. I just wanna see the damage. Right Akamaru?" Kiba interrupted with a toothy grin, the puppy on his head barked in agreement. He turned his head in embarrassment as the blonde frowned, her words nearly cut off as she tried to change her voice.

"Itachi-san is just gonna say good job with a smirk." The girl said, imitating the voice as best as she could, continuing with her right hand up, two fingers together and walking as menacing as she could to the raven haired boy. She continued, mimicking the actions in mid air, "And say foolish brother! Then poke you in the forehead."

"How do you know about that?!"

"Duckbutt, You have a mark there. All. The. Time." Her last few words were punctuated with a following tap on the Uchiha.

"Troublesome." He groaned, fast enough to prevent another fight from starting. The two were about to pounce at each other as he started, "There are better ways to get your brother to spend time with you."

"How?" Sasuke quickly whipped himself around. "Don't keep me in suspense!"

Much of the crowd (meaning Sasuke's fans) noticeably leaned in with their ears towards him, unabashedly waiting for his answer as if it were a cheat to getting the Uchiha's attention.

"Troublesome." Skiamaru gestured with his head towards the group, letting the others, especially Sasuke to frown as he continued. "After school. You don't want all your fans to find out right?"

"...point taken."


The academy then went on as usual, except the difference being Sasuke now moved his seat closer to him. That only got the rest to crowd around him even more, just to get near Sasuke.

Once the students quieted down Togeito-sensei went on about the basics of Ninjutsu; specifically Fuinjutsu and what it did. Commonly fuinjutsu was a widely used and applied jutsu, but the amount of experts and masters were less than fifty in all of the elemental nations. Fuinjutsu applied to sealing objects, people, chakra, and a bunch of other things inside something else. It was also a skill that allowed users to restrict movement, unseal things, paralyse, sleep, enhance… just about anything as the sensei became more and more vague about the subject. What was really odd during the class that Shikamaru noticed was that the sensei hid a lot of information, but most of the class didn't stop him from skipping entire portions to talk about summoning jutsus and barrier jutsus, sub-topics under fuinjutsu. He just went back to sleep, not bothering to get the attention.

Only if it were so easy; When school finished everyone knew what Sasuke was going to find him and get his answer.

Better stand up

"Nara!" Shikamaru grunted following the voice of the Uchiha rushing at him with incredible speed. He wrist was held tightly just as the force jerked his shoulder, making him follow without his say so. Kiba and Akamaru appeared just behind him in the corner of his vision. He turned with the guiding hand outdoors, to an open lawn.

The boy gulped. After Kiba was Ino, followed by Sakura, then every other classmate right behind them. A chill went down his spine as one of them called out, "Follow em!"

He pitied the Uchiha right then and there, having to experience that every day.

"Choji!" The voice from Ino called out as the rotund boy appeared beside her, handing her a fistful of smoke bombs.

His nostrils oozed with an ashy aftertaste as Naruto rivaled in speed with the raven haired boy as she ran, yelling into both of their ears. "Let go of him Duckbutt, You're dragging him on the dirt!"


Shikamaru's back was grinding the soil down, staining all his clothes. His mom wasn't going to be happy when he got home, but he didn't resist; letting the other boy do all the work as he stared out into the sky. Must've been an interesting picture to any bystander.

"It's fine loser!" The boy dragging him along scowled. Soon after the smoke of behind them dissipated and most of the fans reorienting themselves. Sasuke paled, "Where, Nara?!"

He sighed, thinking it over before he continued. "Hokage mountain."

Naruto beamed, recognition hitting her face as she continued with Hinata nodding to follow suit, "That place!"

It took a few more tries from a combination of things to get their pursuers off their backs. The impromptu party made a maze by going in and out different alleyways, making U-turns, breaking watering hoses, and even tipping the occasional trash pile. It was a mess, and who ever that was going to clean everything up wasn't going to be happy.

Soon they reached a spot where a single oak tree stood out near a large rock a good ways behind the hokage monument. Sasuke dropped him off unceremoniously, crossing his arms together as he tapped his feet.

"Now, what do you have?"

Shikamaru rubbed his aching back before leaning against the tree in a daze. He raised a brow, "Just wait a bit. You have anything better to do?"

The Uchiha shuffled his feet, followed by the footsteps of their other classmates, the ones that were the fastest, or knew where they were going. Naruto huffed next to Hinata's nervous smile, as Choji landed by the rock, followed by Kiba, Shino, Ino, and Sakura giving him expectant looks.

"The adults have a clan meeting tonight." Sasuke admitted, the boy turned to scowl at the girls who commonly squealed whenever he was around.

"Our parents are having an adult night too." Ino replied at the unspoken question, hands on her hips. "We're free to do what we want."

"Hinata, don't you need to head home?" Shikamaru asked, looking at the sun's position for time.

"Y-yes. However f-father said I was allowed to stay out longer as long as I was around other clan children of the village." said girl answered with a hesitant smile, fingers poking each other. "I-I still need to get back by c-curfew."

Her words earned a hug from Naruto, as Choji asked with expectant eyes, "Wanna stay for supper, Hinata?"

"Y-yes. I'd like that… C-can I?"

"The more the merrier!" The blonde answered easily, playfully scowling at the Inuzuka, "I guess Kiba can stay too."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

The earlier animosity between the blonde and Sasuke was forgotten as she went off attacking Kiba. The group of nine noticed it was more of a spar than the usual rough housing, to Shikamaru's relief.

"I will not say no if the invitation is extended to me. Why? Because I have been told to be more social by my clan."

"Yeah, Shino… You can stay." Shikamaru answered tiredly, continuing with a sigh. "What a drag."

The group started off less than a year ago. Incidents involving Naruto's escapades introduced Kiba, her class rivalry attracted Sasuke, and her interest with a few girly things with Hinata got Ino and Sakura to nudge their way in. Nowadays, he never had the free time anymore.

The smell of sizzling meat and vegetables wafted to his nose, his mouth salivated. Choji must've been cooking again. He stared at the clouds to keep the feeling of hunger from consuming him. Since the introduction of each other with their respective families, many of them had a weekly 'adults night'. The Ino-Shika-Cho parents went out together with the Inuzuka or Aburame, sometimes both in one way or form. The Hyuga and Uchiha usually had more meetings or something and Sakura's parents were off on missions often, so she stuck around Ino to not get lonely.

It was 'lucky' that they socialized with each other.

He opened his eyes to spot the thunking sounds of kunai to the ground. Sasuke looked like he was trying some acrobatic move with throwing them at other kunai that were in the air and Ino and Sakura were just gazing at the Uchiha, an enamored sigh every few seconds were added to make the point. Hinata was trying to fix Naruto's Taijutsu form another few feet away and Kiba with Akamaru were laughing at the Uchiha's constant failure, once and awhile suggesting a different timing or something. Shino just sat by Choji, basking in the scene.

"Ow!" Soon, a shuriken (blunted) hit the whiskered blonde girl in the head, dropping her fighting stance to glare at Sasuke as Kiba laughed, grasping his belly for support. "What was that for?!"

"For being in the way." he huffed. Everyone present could practically see the ticking alarm clock as he continued, "I thought you were gonna become Hokage or something. What would happen if people knew you couldn't dodge a slow moving shuriken?"

Naruto growled, "What?! Why you, I thought you were good at that stuff, boasting about it all the time 'ttebayo!"

"I am good." The two kids advanced towards each other, only to be stopped by Kiba.

"Get out of the way, dog breath."

The boy scowled at whoever said that. "I do NOT smell!"

"Why don't you prove it. Take a shower this week." he shot back, making the boy gaped at Sasuke's words.

"I bath everyday!" Kiba countered, "You need to for a nose like mine."

"Just back off Kiba. Pigeon and I are gonna settle this once and for all." Naruto gently pushed Kiba out of the way and set up a fighting stance, academy style. The only style she knew.

"I'm a pigeon now?!"

Shikamaru sighed. "Like the last eighty or so times?"

It earned a bunch of shushing noise from the peanut gallery, and he rolled his eyes mumbling " troublesome" before going back to take a nap.

The fight started soon after, like always. This time the group noticed the two were being a bit more serious than usual; Sasuake's thrown weapons were hurled with a little more bite, and Naruto opted to actually use the training sword strapped to her back. The two earned a lot of cheering from their prospective sides; with Kiba and Shino rooting for the blonde, while Ino and Sakura encouraged the Uchiha. Flying kunai and shuriken landed around the area as the two eventually got more bruised and banged up.

"Woah…." Choji trailed off as he raised his head at the noise as Shikamaru got himself up to see. Sasuke hands trailed together, forming hand seals. He pulled back in surprise.

A jutsu? Here?

Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu.

A ball of blazing fire a size bigger than most of them put together spread out, reaching towards the blonde. Naruto stood fast, ready for the blow before she rushed to the side, dodging the attack to give the boy a blunted slash.

"Ehh?" Naruto's foot broke something below her, letting her body fall down the supposedly solid earth.

Just as her knees went in, the same cracking sound appeared under the Uchiha. "Wha?"

The fire jutsu immediately went out, but only after it's force broke down more pieces of the floor. Shikamaru stared long at his feet;dirt cracked like thin porcelain plates to reveal half eaten, rotted wood beneath. His body, like many others, dropped into free fall like the pair, falling down into the depths below.

Loud thuds soon followed, each one a sign that they all landed around each other. Shikamaru groaned as he got up, looking around to only see dim lighting inside concrete walls of a big room, one that could fit maybe five bedrooms in. He looked up to see nine holes in the ceiling as sunlight shone through the cracks.

"Ooow" Kiba whined, pushing himself off the pile of wood that covered him and his dog, cushioning the fall.

Shino grunted, knees shaking as he got to his feet.

"You ok, Ino?" Bruises on the pinkett's face showed revealed a worried look at her friend.

The girl nodded, rubbing her sore arms. "Yeah, you Sakura?" The girls checked gave each other a once over before nodding again.

"Where do you think we are, Akamaru?" The dog whined for an answer. Kiba frowned with worry.

Naruto knocked over some pieces of rock and picked up the Hyuga. "Hina-Chan."

"I-I'm fine." she quickly answered. The blonde nodded before rushing up to the Uchiha, and a loud smack echoed through the room as a comical red welt grew off the boy's head.

Sasuke rubbed his aching cranium. "What was that for, Dead-last?"

"Duckbutt! It's your fault!" The girl pointed with a stiff glare.

"How is it my fault?!"

"You used a jutsu."

"How was I supposed to know the SOLID ground would break apart?"

"H-how do we get back up there?"

"We could find a way back. But where does it lead?"

"F-father's gonna be so angry."

"My mom's gonna put me in herding duty for this!"

[Bloodlust detected]

That got Shikamaru to breathe deeply, setting him on alert. Eyes searched the dark room at an incredible pace, the sort that normally wouldn't be on a child. Finding nothing, the boy grit his teeth. "Scan"

[Danger Imminent]

The Nara's pupils dilated, eyes focused at a far off corner, as luck would have it, one of his classmates was closest to there. "Kiba!"

A hand with sharp claws swiped down at the Inuzuka, missing by a hair as the boy and his dog ducked away. Concrete sparked on contact with it's nails. They growled in unison. "Yikes!"

"We don't know what it is." Choji called out with a serious look, quickly taking a kunai into his grip. The others followed suit with Naruto brandishing her sword. The creature was tall, lankey with long dark hair as glowing blue eyes pierced though it's head. It barely had any clothes on as ribs leaked out for all to see. Long, thick fingernails waggled and a slight fog grew from it's body.

Kiba rubbed his nose. "The hells this thing? It doesn't have a scent."

[Failed Yuki Subject Level 6]
[Health: 65/65]
[Chakra: 80/80

"I'll handle it!" Naruto yelled, aggravated by the interruption. She quickly ran to a nearby crate, using it as a tool to jump. "We're having a thing, asshole!"

The creature skid back only to swing it's forearm in a wide arc. A blue trailing light followed it;s clawtips. Naruto's reactions were second to none in the academy despite being 'dead-last', she laid the flat edge of the blade to block the attack. Sparks flew just as the momentum launched the girl across the room.

Sasuke threw his kunais at the being for a distraction while Choji ran back to catch the girl in a rush. Kiba twisted his hips to go a running start, kunai drawn for a stab at its ribs. Shino on the hand sent a group of his bugs to try and eat away at its chakra.

[Failed Yuki Subject Level 6]
[Health: 35/65]
[Chakra: 40/80]

It wasn't the moment to stand around doing nothing. Or that was what he could read from Ino's face as she fired off a few shurikens. Her timing was a bit too slow as the creature sidestepped into Kiba's blindside only for Hinata to use a bit of her Hyuga family taijutsu to block and counter a speeding pile driver like motion with it's arms.

"Damn it." Shikamaru muttered. Something about this itched his brain. The boy rubbed his temples, images of his nightmares he frequently had every week or so knocked him around. The sounds of clashing with the monster played a song in the background as he cursed. "Inventory."

He ran in to cut off the Inuzuka's advance, bits of blood and slices were on his face and arms as he blocked the boy from moving. He eyed Sakura to grab the tattooed boy along with Choji's bloodied knuckles. Naruto was holding off the creatures face, fangs an inch or two long skid across the training blade he made for her. Sasuke, the ever frenemy of her's rode on the creature's back, a pair of kunai stuck in its shoulder blades.


Shika-Den Uchigatana [Uncommon] [Blunt]

Damage: 14

Weight: Light-Medium

One-handed : Two-handed

With a shaky but oddly practiced ease, Shikamaru spun once to use the full weight of his body, slashing in an arc at the creature's arm and leg. In two loud thumps, dark red, if not black blood spilled bucketfuls.

He sighed. The monster howled in pain, crashing its body at the walls before slowly falling face first on top of a table made of plastic and stone.

"How did that happen?!"

"Thanks Shikamaru!"

"Coulda done it myself."

The Nara rolled his shoulders swinging the Uchigatana to wipe blood off the metal before sheathing the blade. The corner of his eyes had a window blink a few times, resulting in him pale slightly.

[Dungeon Activated]
[Dungeon Start]
[Lost Snake's Rooted Laboratory]
Levels 5-10
Requirements: None

"Loot all"


"So let me get this straight." Said Ino, staring right into his eyes, hands on her hips with a scowl on her face as she nearly shrieked, "You were born with some kind of super secret power that makes everything look like game to you? Like Shogi or something?"

"That's so cool!" Naruto cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

The Yamanaka gave out a disgusted sound, raising her hands up in surrender, "I'm telling everyone when we get out of here. There is no way this can be kept secret."

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes with his arms crossed, making the room felt a little colder from the action. Sakura shuffled her feet nervously while Kiba prefered to scan over the room.

"Ino, Shika really doesn't think it should be known. You know how he is." Choji walked up with his hands up in a placating tone.

"Yeah but." It seemed to work as the girl gave a confused expression, her friend following suit. "But it's such a big thing. It's so important!"

"It's pretty much a Kekkei Genkai"

"I know right?! Think about it Shika" The girl nodded to the pinkette, her words growing in excitement as they spilled out of her mouth, "The Nara family's secret techniques-"

Shino nodded, a few steps away. "Now getting bolstered by the fact that their newest Clan Heir was born with a Kekkei Genkai."

"It would raise your clan to greatness." Sasuke continued in an airy tone. The boy stared long at the broken doorway in case something came in.

He only raised his brow at all of them. Didn't they get it? "And why would I do that?"

"Shikamaru! You're the clan heir!"

The boy scratched his back with an eye closed, nonplussed. "Yeah, so think about it for a second."

"I don't really get all the clan stuff. But having these cool powers would make things worse if people know about it right? Double if you're a kid."

"That is the entire reason why I don't want anyone to know, Naruto." Shikamaru answered easily. Understanding the issues that the girl didn't comprehend, at least not yet. "It's too risky."

"He would not be the Shikamaru we know. Why?"

The confused blonde wondered as Ino groaned, "Why Shino?"

"Because his abilities would far outweigh the potential losses if not used. It is a boon for the Shinobi, the Hokage." Shino continued just as the Uchiha interrupted.

"An instant jump to ANBU."

"Correct, Sasuke-san." The sunglasses wearing boy nodded along and without a sign of being miffed for it. Kiba's hands shook as he jumped to gather their attention.

"Not just that. Think of what'd they do if they knew about the scanning power, I don't know what it does but I heard you say it Shikamaru." The dog barked to facilitate the point. "Torture and Interrogation department would nab you, or Cryptology, You'd be sent to information gathering missions."

"Let's not forget the jump start on arranged marriages." Shikamaru groaned at the implications.

"There's also danger too."

The entire group turned to the Hyuga. She squeaked in surprise. Ino shared a look with the others before prompting, "Hinata?"

"You know I get escorts everywhere I go right?" Everyone nodded. It was obvious since they first met the girl. As if everyone was afraid she'd die from tripping over a rock. Hinata bit her lip, "W-well, I heard that when I was really young, Shinobi from Kumo came to the village for peace talks."

They fell silent to the point it was almost like they didn't even breathe. That was something they certainly knew about. Biggest news and rumor mill around. Someone said it for her when the girl clammed up at the thought. "And it was just a ruse to steal the Byakugan."

"Y-yeah. And now that Shikamaru has a Kekkei Genkai…"

He could be taken away too was left unsaid.

"Well…. Well we have to tell someone!" Ino cried, face scrunching up with indecision.

"And we will. I'm not stupid." The Nara sighed. "...Just not yet. I still don't know enough about this power, so I thought once I got the hang of it, got far enough in the Shinobi forces, and reach chunin. I'd start telling my clan."

"They probably suspect something anyway." He shrugged tiredly.

The Yamanaka huffed, crossing her arms as Choji was seen with a smile. "Fine. I'm gonna put you up to that."

"How are we gonna get outta here anyway?" Sakura asked the prevailing question that was on everyone's mind.

"Just accept it when it comes. It's a… Kekkei Genkai thing."

"Whatever it is, I'm in." Naruto screamed with a gleeful smile on her face. Her attitude slowly grew on Hinata and she followed with a nod. Sasuke crossed his arms with a smirk.

He looked over to Choji only to greet with a smile. He knew his best friend would follow him through and through, though Shikamaru wouldn't know if that was a blessing or a damning responsibility in the future. Ino dragged Sakura into agreeing with it after the fiasco. Kiba just chuckled, rubbing his nose as Shino shuffled his hands into his pockets.

"Alright." He said, throwing he sheathed blade at Naruto for her to use. A vanguard would be the best fit for her right now; she was the only one trained (self taught) in weapons. They needed to get out of there, and what else than start with who gets point lead? A large screen appeared in front of him to make the command.

[Create Party]

The group gasped at the sight of their own panels appearing in front of them.

[Party Created]

Party has been created.
Please set your Loot and Experience configurations.
Party Formation: Unsorted

Party Name: [Academy Nine]
Shikamaru Nara Lv. 8
Health: 140/140
Chakra: 115/115
Stamina: 105/105

Uzumaki Naruto Lv. 1
Health: 300/300
Chakra: 450/450
Stamina: 500/500

Hyuga Hinata Lv. 5
Health: 200/200
Chakra: 180/180
Stamina: 150/150

Choji Akimichi Lv. 5
Health: 200/200
Chakra: 125/125
Stamina: 180/180

Yamanaka Ino Lv. 5
Health: 140/140
Chakra: 120/120
Stamina: 115/115

Inuzuka Kiba Lv. 5
Health: 180/180
Chakra: 135/135
Stamina: 250/250

Uchiha Sasuke Lv. 6
Health: 180/180
Chakra: 200/200
Stamina: 160/160

Aburame Shino Lv. 5
Health: 160/160
Chakra: 108/108
Stamina: 100/100

Haruno Sakura Lv. 5
Health: 140/140
Chakra: 95/95
Stamina: 120/120

Everyone was higher in stats compared to him...

[Quest Open]
[Quest Activated]

The White Snake's first shedding

Long Lasting Conspiracy

Congratulations! Storyline: Curse of Hatred is now active

Congratulations! Storyline: Sullied White Snake is now active

Congratulations! Storyline: ROOT is now active






