Louise was in a daze the whole rest of the afternoon and into Monday.

The bonnet was... dare she use the word... Cute?

She imagined herself and Kopi in an inspired, technicolor soft shoe dance routine, riding a few - okay a couple of - less than up to date safety regulated attractions and even an indulgent seven layer dessert before dinner ice cream -

"Are you gonna do your paper on procrastination before we get home?"

Tina noticed her usually non stop sarcastic and sometimes cynical sibling was unusually ...silent.

"Not now."

Louise replied, moody from the conflicting pleasent thoughts and current reality.

"It'll have to be - looks like we've got new neighbors." Gene paused to the window display to take it all in.

His sisters stopped and looked up.

And in .


Milliner and Pastel Petite Products

"A milliner sells hats." Tina recited to no one in particular

"Did some unbirthday research from Alice in Wonderland..."

"Seems like every week we've got someone moving -" Gene interrupted.

"But one know's they're gone until a new storefront pops up."

Louise gaped at the display.

A tea party.

Everyone was invited.

It seemed...

All it's plush guests with various tops, caps, bowlers, crowns, chapeaus and yet the last one...


The last seat was empty.

Seated between the Hatter doll a brown rabbit.

That one on the edge of the table was an empty chair except... that hat.

The one from yesterday.


Louise burst inside.

"I had my hand on it - I was gonna come back for it..."

But that didn't change the fact that the bonnet was left behind.



Then screamed in surprise.

Under a silk and dried arrangement of flowers, leaves and other strange yet somehow seemed to work elements...


Appearing with the same apparitive ability as the morning before yet seemed...



Louise struggled to catch her breath as both Gene and Tina finally caught up with her.

"Why don'tcha weave a bell next time huh?!"

"Cows and cats wear bells - though in this day of microchipping could be more ornamental than location centralization."

Tina wrapped up her history lesson and opinion as she then noticed her younger brother Gene had found the cookies on the tea set tables - were in fact - edible.

Calmly the colder woman went to the tableaux and removed the source of

all the trouble.

And the now empty plates.

"I knew you would return."

Holding it at arms length.

"Featuring a stronger, yet stable center band and - typical of its time - heavy upper half which thus allows a layering of your choice accessories or accommodation from what is beneath."

Pointing out two autumn leaf charms near the side. "See? One for you and one for a friend."

Louise held the pink straps of her beloved ears tighter.

"A friend would listen! And know that *nothing* will get me to take these off and do you know why?"

Pamela nodded.

"Because we have a lot in common."

The woman set the plates on the register counter and slowly removed her own hat ..,and the wig underneath.

Leaving only a thin layer of gray hair.

And two, neat, silver pigtails!