I know. Shame on me for taking so long. I have two reasons for waiting so long to update. The first is that I focused more on my other stories than on this one. And the other is that I wanted to think of a good ending to this fanfiction that I have received an unbelievable amount of support from. You guys are the best and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Kara just sat on her couch for days doing nothing.

She didn't shower.

She didn't go to CatCo or the DEO.

She barely ate.

She just laid there wallowing in her self-pity for days.

She'd sometimes grab her phone and begin to call Alex, but then the thought of how she would kill Alex directly or indirectly crossed her mind. So she'd end the call before it even went through.

Her parents were right. Lillian was right. She was only capable on destroying lives.

She destroyed Jeremiah's. Probably killed Mon-El. Almost killed Alex, Eliza, J'onn, Winn and many others.

Before she could delve deeper into her darkness, she heard a knock on the door.

She got up from her couch with her blanket still covering her and headed to the door.

She opened the door to find Alex on the other side.

"Hey." Alex began. "Are you okay?"

Every part of Kara just wanted to grab a hold of Alex and never let go.

But then she remembered that Alex would be doomed to either suffer or die because of her.

"Go away." Kara demanded as coldly as she could seem.

Alex then looked to the floor and sighed before speaking up again.

"Kara, I know you hate me, and you have every right to after I failed to protect you from Lillian."

Kara didn't hate her. She hated herself.

"But please." Alex continued. "I need you. I need my little sister."

'She doesn't need me.' Kara thought to herself.

Knowing that Alex wouldn't rest that easily, Kara had to do something that would destroy both her and Alex.

She got closer to Alex before she coldly stated.

"I wish I had killed you."

A look of devastation appeared on Alex's face after that comment.

"You can't mean..."

"GET OUT!" Kara screamed as she hit the side of her wall.

A look of fear struck Alex's face before she turned and ran down the hall.

Kara closed the door and immediately fell to the floor sobbing.

She continued sobbing for a minute before she realized.

'Alex isn't going to stop. Neither will Eliza or J'onn or Winn or any of them. They'll keep trying to repair something that should stay broken, and it will put them in danger. She will put them in danger.'

Kara needed to think of a solution.

Just then, she found out her hand hurt.

The kryptonite exposure must have temporarily robbed her of her powers. And because she stayed in her apartment for the past several days, she didn't get the sunlight she needed to regain them.

If she didn't have her powers, she was effectively human. And if she was effectively human, she could die.

'Die?' Kara thought to herself.

She didn't want to die. She wasn't ready to die.

But she didn't want Alex or anyone else to die. She wasn't ready for Alex or anyone to die. But they would, if she was apart of their lives.

"They'll be better off without me." Kara said to herself as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen.

She went through her drawer until she found a sharp kitchen knife.

She then brought the knife to her wrist, and sure enough, she cut open her wrist and blood drew.

She winced as the blade cut open her flesh and was a little oozy at the sight of her own blood. Both were a rare feeling to her.

'This isn't working.' She thought to herself. 'Maybe I should...'

He thought was interrupted when she heard the doorknob turn and the door open.

Alex walked in and her gaze was immediately drawn to Kara holding a bloody knife over her bloody wrist.

"KARA!" Alex shouted seeing what was happening.

She ran to the younger girl, until Kara brought the knife to her throat and said.

"Take another step, and I'll cut my throat before you can even blink."

Alex stopped in her tracks after hearing that threat.

"Please. Don't do this." Alex begged with tear in her eyes.

"No. I have to." Kara stated with shaking hands.

"No you don't." Alex pleaded. "What happened was my fault. I hurt you and sent you to Lillian's trap. It's my fault all of this happened. But whatever you are feeling, you can overcome."

"No!" Kara yelled with wobbling hands. "I can't. I'm too weak."

"If you're weak, then God knows what I am. I'm a drunk who destroyed her sister because I couldn't accept the fact that Maggie wasn't the one for me. Kara, you are the strongest person I know, but even you need to lean on someone now and then. So please, don't do this. Let me help you."

Kara just remained with the knife at her own throat, until her hands shook so much, she dropped the knife.

Alex seeing this ran at Kara and tackled the Kryptonian before she could process what happened.

Alex sat up, grabbed Kara's bleeding arm and examined it before speaking up.

"How could you do this?!"

"I... I..." Kara was speechless herself.

'Did I really just try to kill myself?' she asked in her head.

Alex grabbed a dish towel and used it to apply pressure on Kara's bleeding.

"Why would you do this?" Alex asked with tears about to fall.

But Kara beat her to it.

Hot steaming tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

And before she knew it, Kara wrapped her arms around Alex and stated squeezing the life out of her.

Alex put her arms around Kara too, while the blonde was sobbing into her chest.

"Kara..." Alex said trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean a word. I love you."

Kara felt Alex loosening her grip, so she squeezed harder.

"Don't leave me!" Kara begged.

"Never." Alex stated. "But could you tell me why would you do all of this?"

Kara sniffled before answering.

"I poison every life I touch. That's why I wanted to push you away, but when you showed up, I knew you would leave me, so I had to... to... to..."

"SHHHHHHHH." Alex shushed. "It's okay."

Kara felt Alex stroking her as she continued to sob into her chest.

After some time, Kara fell asleep in Alex's arms during her sob session.

So, I'll try to have the next chapter (which will probably be the last one) up soon (but please don't be angry if it isn't :)

Anyway, if you enjoyed please review, fav, follow, and until the next one folks.