Her phone alarm goes off hours later, sounding off in a coat pocket. She has to leave the warmth of Robin to get it from where it dropped on the floor, then hits the restroom to clean herself up as best she can (she is about to see her children, after all, she shouldn't smell of sex). When she gets out, she finds Robin is awake, waiting for her. Naked, and hard, his eyes dark with lust.

It's an incredible turn on, seeing him like this. He places his arms on her waist, walking her back against the far wall.

"I know we have to get going..." Robin's hand traces up from her hip to her ribs, and the touch is electric, reminds her of last night, has her wanting it again. "...but there is no way it's healthy for me to leave this house without having you once more."

"We have to be quick," she warns, He's already running his hands lightly over her breasts now, and god, she needs him again.

He chuckles into her skin and tells her that speed has never really been a problem for him.

"You know what memory I like to revisit?" Robin asks, still keeping those infuriatingly teasing feathery touches. "Connecticut, when we went up for that party."

He dips down to suck on her pulse point. She's hypnotized by his touch, her eyes shut, drinking in the feeling. "Oh god, Rose's 65th birthday… I — that feels amazing — I can't believe we did that."

"We were quick," he rasps, "and you really needed it."

She did. She was pregnant, her hormones were crazy and he was leaving soon which seemed to add to her need. So in the middle of Robin's mother's 65th birthday party, Regina begged him to come with her for a second, dragged him off to the upstairs spare room and practically jumped on top of him.

They were quick. But she still managed to come twice, crying out in the middle of one orgasm loud enough that she's sure at least some of the party guests heard her.

"You were so wet," he groans. And then he swipes his fingers down to test her, to see how aroused she is. He groans at the feel of her, adding, "so hot, so gorgeous."

Regina gasps as his fingers circle her clit - slowly, nothing to get her off, but enough to have her body tingling, enough to feel that pulse of need.

"I was pregnant," she breathes, rocking into his touch. "I wasn't gorgeous. Just horny."

"You pull off both quite nicely," Robin murmurs, "and you were gorgeous. And bold, and bossy, All things I love about you."

His free hand wanders down to her thigh, drawing it up so her bent knee is cradling his hip. He's rubbing her clit firmer strokes now, and it's good enough that she is gasping and sighing, rocking into his hand, eyes closed as she waits for him to fuck her. They are lined up perfectly now for him to fuck her up against this wall, but he hesitates. So she opens her eyes and finds him focusing on her.

"Alright?" he asks.

She rocks into him more deliberately, reminding him of how obvious it is that she wants it. And then she simply orders him to do it, with a breathy "Fuck me."

He guides himself into her, one quick thrust and he's buried to the hilt. She shifts a bit, repositions so he's hitting the right spot (her body's a bit different now, and it's more apparent in this position). Then he kisses her, deeply, palms at her ass and just fucks her.

Everything zings and pops, and he's working her up fast, each thrust hitting her deep inside, while Robin kisses and touches her. She likes him like this, aggressive and needy, fucking while he cries out Oh fuck and Missed you and Fucking Christ, darling, you feel so perfect. She knows she's babbling back (and fuck, her moans sound so raspy and deep, her throat still a bit sore from the sounds she made last night), but her mind is full of him, of the feeling of being with him like this, of the tingling sensation welling inside her, her release so close she can taste it.

She gets off fast in this position — always has — and she's pleased to find out that hasn't changed (she's never actually fucked David standing up, is that odd?). Her orgasm overtakes her, crashes over and envelopes her, waves of pleasure dancing from her center and rippling outward, as she holds onto him for dear life.

"Fuck, you feel so good when you come," Robin moans, "look so beautiful, too. Love you — love this with you, I—I'm close, I'm going to—"

But they don't have time for her to take a proper shower, and she'd rather not deal with the mess, so despite the fact she's still coming down from her high, she shakes her head, and says "No, stop, don't come yet, pull out."

He looks absolutely horrified at the prospect, but does, giving her a questioning glance that disappears the moment she sinks to her knees.

"I want you to enjoy this," she coos, as she looks up devilishly at him.

"Believe me, I will," he says in ragged breath, "I was, I mean—"

"I was, too." She goes for sultry, wets her lips and admits, "I missed that position. Haven't had it since the last time we were together."

It works, has him groaning and tossing his head back, and when he looks down at her, he looks like absolute sex.

He's wet and slippery from her (she came hard) and so, so close, he twitches in her touch, groaning out "I won't last long."

She assures him that it's fine, and then licks the tip of him, swirling her tongue down to the base as she sucks.

She feels his fingers in her hair as she works him with soothing, gentle caresses, his stuttering words of thanks and love, and then, an Oh, Regina, I'm going to —

She hums her approval then takes him in deeply, and then his cock pulses, and he lets go.

She swallows quickly, every last drop of him. She's missed him so much, as odd as it may seem, she's even missed his taste.

When the last of the orgasm leaves him, he leans against the wall, catching his breath, looking so sexy in the afterglow she swears her libido starts to pick up yet again .

But there is time for that later. Right now, they have Christmas morning with their children to get to.


Henry and Roland wake to find their mother and father by their tree, smiling and laughing with their Uncle David. And Robin couldn't be happier.

There's not as much tension between them, everything is out in the open now that their true feelings have been voiced. It had been a bit awkward at first, of course, coming into the man's home on Christmas morning after sleeping with his fiancé. But David greeted them both with a smile, shaking Robin's hand and telling him he was truly happy for them.

They'd talked a bit, mostly about what to tell the children (tomorrow perhaps, but today should just be about the holiday), and then on to lighter topics, recalling time they spent before Robin's disappearance. Then Henry and Roland had run in, excited for Christmas, and the conversation had dropped amidst the screeches of excitement to find presents under the tree and their father there to celebrate with them.

A part of Robin is still jealous of the time David spent fathering his sons and bedding his wife, still feels a bit sour over it, but he can finally feel grateful for him and all he did for his family without feeling angry. There is no longer this oppressive weight hovering over them, threatening to drop at any moment.

The children open Robin's present last. It's simple, a plain envelope. Both children look confused, until Henry sees the contents and shouts.

"Disney World! We're going to Disney World!"

They had discussed it, after Robin decided no one toy was perfect for his sons, so it's not a surprise to Regina. But from the look on her face, she is surprised when he hands her an envelope with a boyish shrug.

"I… uh, was feeling optimistic when I bought it," he explains. "Can you get the week off?"

"We are going to Disney World for a whole week? " Roland squeals, bounding onto the couch and jumping on it, unable to control his excitement.

Regina laughs and then looks to Robin and tries to wink. "Yes, we are all going. As a family."

He glances down at her wedding band, still on her right hand. He's sure she has the engagement ring somewhere in her jewelry box, but he owes her a new ring, he thinks. He will go buy a brand new one, plan a proposal, and make a whole event out of it. Do it right. Make this marriage as meaningful and as special as their last.


Things don't always go according to plan. It happens later that evening, as he is preparing to go home. Roland whines and says he wishes his daddy could live with him all the time.

And Regina looks at Robin, and then to David, who simply nods.

"Well…" Regina says. "About that. How would you feel about you and me and Henry moving in with your daddy? So we can see him all the time?"

"Really?" Roland asks excitedly, "We can move back to our old house? And I can see Daddy every day?"

"Yes," Regina says cautiously.

Roland lets out a little Yay! and runs to Robin, hugging him tightly. And god, it feels good to be welcomed like that, to have the love of his son despite being away from him for years. It's all due to Regina, and how she raised them to always know him and love him, even when they thought he was gone. He will never be able to repay her for this.

Henry is more reserved. At his age, he clearly knows what his mother and David were — and what it means that they are moving back without him. So it's no surprise when he simply asks, "What about Uncle David?"

"I'm going to be right here, buddy." David gives him a reassuring pat on the back. Roland looks upset that, puzzled at the idea that David will not be coming back with them.

"Does this mean you aren't marrying mom anymore?" Henry asks bluntly.

"No, we aren't getting married anymore," Regina says, "but we still care about one another."

"Did you get into a fight?" Henry asks nervously.

But David rushes to comfort him. "No, Henry. It wasn't a fight. We just decided we are better as friends. And your dad is back, your mom loves him very much."

Robin had been prepared for this, the worry in Henry's eye. To Roland, he's a legend, the man from videos and photos that he's finally got to meet. But Henry is old enough to remember him leaving, and old enough to make new, meaningful memories with David, and old enough to understand David won't play the same role in his life that he once did. And change — even good change — is scary for a child his age.

So Robin musters his strength and puts his child's comfort ahead of his pride, and bends down towards Henry, so they are eyelevel, promising, "You are going to see David all the time. I know you love him, and I love him for taking such good care of you and your mum. He'll always be family."

He means it, at least, every word is true. He may have some residual jealousy of David, he may not entirely trust the man as he once did, but he is family, and he did take wonderful care of his family.

His speech placates Henry, who smiles brightly and hugs him.

"I missed you, Dad. I love Disney World. But getting my dad back is my favorite gift ever. "

"Mine too!" Roland pipes up, running into the hug and wrapping his little arms around them both.

He looks up at Regina and smiles, mouths a silent I love you that makes her blush. She mouths the words back, looking giddy, and what could be luckier than the woman you love actually loving you back? What could be better than the person you care most about actually putting you first herself?

Not many people get a second chance at life, but he's come back from a death of sorts, and now that he's living again, he's not going to waste a single moment.