Title: My Chloe
Author: Deidre (petriebird18) ([email protected])
Rating: PG
Author's notes: Ok, this is my first Chlex fic, and only my second fanfic
ever! I hope everyone likes it, and I would love feedback, either posted
or sent to my email. Thanks!
I'm sitting here now watching them together, not really paying attention to anything but them.
Lex is in a black tux with a purple vest and matching tie. He looks a little nervous, but I know that it's just an act, there's no way the great Lex Luthor would be a little nervous.
He's petrified.
I saw him before the ceremony, and he was a mess. He couldn't even put his cufflinks on, I had to do it for him, and then I had to help him with his tie too. Boy, I really had to control myself then, to stop myself from just choking him then and there. I even had to give him a pep talk, you know, the one where I remind him that he loves her, and they'll live happily ever after again no matter what his father does.
And then there's her. Chloe. MY Chloe. She looks beautiful, as always. Her gown had a sort of corset like top, no sleeves, and a simple pattern out of white and light pink beads. It sort of flairs out below the waist, but not much, and it has a little train. Her hair is done up with a small tiara on which a simple veil is attached to it. Yes, simple, but elegant.
So there they are, exchanging vows of love and devotion, and here I sit remembering when she first told me about "Them."
Chloe was the one that told me, she had suggested that we go out together, just the two of us. So we saw a movie, my choice, which right then and there I should have known she was up to something. We stopped by the Talon, picked up two coffees to go, and went for a little walk. We sat down on a bench, and that's when she told me. It felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach, hard. I was speechless. She said that she still loved me, and nothing could change that, which I knew was true, but I was still shocked. It wasn't like she would go out with him for a while, break up later, and she'd be crying in my arms about how she thought he was different. No, I knew better, in fact I had known for a while that they would be perfect together, but I didn't want to lose her. I knew that if they were together, they would never let each other go. Even though I already knew the answer, I asked her why she would chose to date HIM, a Luthor.
"Because I love him."
Now don't get me wrong, I never really had anything against Lex, I liked him, just not with Chloe.
But now I sit here as Judge Ross pronounces them "man and wife," and, believe it or not, she took his last name, which surprised everyone, including Lex. I feel a tug on my arm, and look up to see Pete there.
"Come on, we have to go inside."
Pete hasn't accepted Lex just because he started dating Chloe, but they are getting on friendlier terms. So I walk inside to the ball room, which is decorated with flowers and ribbons, etc.
Music is playing, and I ask Chloe to dance, if Lex doesn't mind.
"Not at all, go ahead" he replies and goes back to talking with an older couple I don't know. We start dancing, it's a slow song.
"Nothings ever going to be the same again is it Chloe?" It was more a statement then a question, so I continue, "I know I haven't exactly been thrilled with you two being together, but I am happy for you, I only want what's best for you, and I know that Lex really loves you, and that you really love him too. But I want you to remember that I will always, always, be here for you, and that I will always love you."
I look into her eyes, which have tears in them, as do mine. She hugs me and whispers in my ear.
"I know, and I love you too, Daddy."
I'm sitting here now watching them together, not really paying attention to anything but them.
Lex is in a black tux with a purple vest and matching tie. He looks a little nervous, but I know that it's just an act, there's no way the great Lex Luthor would be a little nervous.
He's petrified.
I saw him before the ceremony, and he was a mess. He couldn't even put his cufflinks on, I had to do it for him, and then I had to help him with his tie too. Boy, I really had to control myself then, to stop myself from just choking him then and there. I even had to give him a pep talk, you know, the one where I remind him that he loves her, and they'll live happily ever after again no matter what his father does.
And then there's her. Chloe. MY Chloe. She looks beautiful, as always. Her gown had a sort of corset like top, no sleeves, and a simple pattern out of white and light pink beads. It sort of flairs out below the waist, but not much, and it has a little train. Her hair is done up with a small tiara on which a simple veil is attached to it. Yes, simple, but elegant.
So there they are, exchanging vows of love and devotion, and here I sit remembering when she first told me about "Them."
Chloe was the one that told me, she had suggested that we go out together, just the two of us. So we saw a movie, my choice, which right then and there I should have known she was up to something. We stopped by the Talon, picked up two coffees to go, and went for a little walk. We sat down on a bench, and that's when she told me. It felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach, hard. I was speechless. She said that she still loved me, and nothing could change that, which I knew was true, but I was still shocked. It wasn't like she would go out with him for a while, break up later, and she'd be crying in my arms about how she thought he was different. No, I knew better, in fact I had known for a while that they would be perfect together, but I didn't want to lose her. I knew that if they were together, they would never let each other go. Even though I already knew the answer, I asked her why she would chose to date HIM, a Luthor.
"Because I love him."
Now don't get me wrong, I never really had anything against Lex, I liked him, just not with Chloe.
But now I sit here as Judge Ross pronounces them "man and wife," and, believe it or not, she took his last name, which surprised everyone, including Lex. I feel a tug on my arm, and look up to see Pete there.
"Come on, we have to go inside."
Pete hasn't accepted Lex just because he started dating Chloe, but they are getting on friendlier terms. So I walk inside to the ball room, which is decorated with flowers and ribbons, etc.
Music is playing, and I ask Chloe to dance, if Lex doesn't mind.
"Not at all, go ahead" he replies and goes back to talking with an older couple I don't know. We start dancing, it's a slow song.
"Nothings ever going to be the same again is it Chloe?" It was more a statement then a question, so I continue, "I know I haven't exactly been thrilled with you two being together, but I am happy for you, I only want what's best for you, and I know that Lex really loves you, and that you really love him too. But I want you to remember that I will always, always, be here for you, and that I will always love you."
I look into her eyes, which have tears in them, as do mine. She hugs me and whispers in my ear.
"I know, and I love you too, Daddy."