So, I was browsing through tumbr, as you do, when I found an awesome thing. First of all you need to go listen to Tightrope from The Greatest Showman. Go on. I'll be here when you get back.

Awesome right?

A peep called thunderbird-5-cosplays thought so too, and gave it to a peep called amuuedits, and they did something awesome with it. Go look it up.

And so then I listened to that song 22 times in a row (thanks for keeping track google) and then this appeared. It's different to other stuff I've done - this is my first piece with no plot - let me know what you think!)

They existed in the scant possibility between life and death.

John sighed with contentment as he gazed through the floor at the world out spread below him. He kept up his watch for the great and the humble, just the same. He reached out to the people who called out in fear from below. "I'm not going anywhere" he spoke to the scared and the trapped, their light in the darkness.

They livid on the edges of acclaim and despair.

Gordon dove though the depths no one else could aspire to know like he did. A world of fathoms and shadows that would take the unwary from sight. Not for him the fear or the panic as tides surrounded and smothered. "I'm right here beside you" he said as he bought air to those screaming for breath.

They stretched the probabilities between triumph and disaster.

Alan broke through the boundary between sky and of vacuum: transversing the heavens. That sight never failed to bring moments of wonder despite of the danger he faced. As the curve of the Earth and the shine of the sun met they gleamed in his eyes. "I'm taking you home" he smiled to those trapped out in the cold.

Theirs were the moments between joy and sorrow.

Virgil reached and he stretched to those falling and flailing alone. He carried with him the songs of his family in his heart and his soul. He was burdened with weight of machines that could destroy: but in his hands they saved. "I've got you" he shouted above the roar of the wind and the storm.

They made the difference between heart ache and solace.

Scott cheered with elation as he shot through the sky, landscape below him. Mountains and rivers laid out his path and his route – guided his journey. The thrill of the flight, the jump and the soar, the ground could not hold him. "I'm not letting go" he said as he grasped a hand tight and slid down the line.

Their life was a tightrope with failure a chasm beneath them. just waiting for a miss-step. They held on together, hand upon hand, leaning against the strength of each other. They lived a life of risk that freed others from the grief of disaster. Not for them the comfort of safety. They chose a life of soaring and grasping and roaring and diving and listening and danger. They chose for you.