Nrest POV

I sat on the edge of the cliff, my feet dangling hundreds of feet about the crashing waves. I watched as Xiir flew in calm circles, strengthening herself. A second flying figure came into view, it was the Dijla, I watched as Xiir and the other dragon circled one another playfully before it landed near me.

Astrid hopped off," Hey," she smiled. Her dragon leapt back into the sky and danced with Xiir.

"Hello," I looked back to the water.

"Don't worry about Hiccup," she sat beside me, tucking one leg under her and letting the other dangle next to mine.

"I'm not."

"Good... he told me you two argued after I fell asleep."

"Yes, he was upset that I had put you to sleep."

"Yeah... I know, he's just so over protective, especially now," Astrid looked to the crashing waves. "Ever since Cauir was born and I... died," she said the word reluctantly. "He's almost always at the house, like he's scared to leave me, like something might happen."

"He watched you die. It is hard to forget."

"But I'm not dead," Astrid shook her head. "I love him, I really do. Hiccup is amazing and he's fearless about some things that terrify me, he's so helpful, especially with Cauir. But when he lingers, it makes me feel so fragile, like he doesn't think I can take care of myself, you know?"

"I know what you mean, but I cannot relate. I am the one who always worries for Tar-...," I stopped before I finished.

"Tar? Is that who's back home?"

I shook my head," No, he is not."


I looked to Astrid, it was obvious she felt bad, so I swallowed my pride.

"His name was Taroc. He was my only love. We were to be husband and wife like you and Hiccup. But then I was taken and it feels like I have lived so long without him, that I am now living a different life. It would be customary for him to have found a new wife."

"What? For real?"


"That... seems so... wrong," Astrid said softly.

I could feel my emotions stirring, I did not want to think of Taroc.

"It is not, it is what is right. When I get home, I would not feel upset if Taroc had a wife."

"But you loved him."

Love, I said in my mind. Not loved. I shook the thought away.

"Love is not forever," I said, even though the words tasted like dirt in my mouth.

I watched the line where the gray sky met the pale blue ocean in the distance. It was a bleak sight, but it felt like a reflection of my feelings. I felt so gray inside, like the color of the world had been striped away, but I was guessing that's what it felt like to have lost a loved one. Taroc desires a better life. Not one mourning me, at least I hope that is not what he is doing.

"By the way," Astrid interrupted my thoughts. "That was the best sleep of my life," she smiled. "Thanks."

It felt good to know I had helped," You are welcome."

"I'm serious, I have never felt so refreshed and Cauir has been so happy since he woke up."

"Where is he?"

"With my mother. I felt like I needed the day off."

"Having a child can be very straining," I had seen first hand parents at their wits end. "You and Hiccup are doing very well."

"Thanks," she said. "Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something?"


Astrid stood up," Come on," she extended her hand to help me up. I clasped it and stood up," she whistled and her Dijla came and landed beside her. "Do you think Xiir can carry you? If not Stormfly can take us."

"That would depend on the distance."

"Just to Berk."

"I'm sure she can manage," I said and then called out to Xiir and she landed unsteadily.

"Plmzaq?," I asked Xiir. [Translation: Town?"] She nodded and lowered so I could get on her back.

"Ready?," Astrid called on her Dijla.

"Stree," I told Xiir and she took off with a jump into the sky. [Translation "Go."]

The wind whipped around us as she dived towards the crashing waves, then she opened her wings and stopped us from dying, letting us level off. She flapped, taking us higher, then Astrid looped around us and I could hear her laughing. I cracked a smiled and gave Xiir a nudge, our old sign and she responded by tucking her wings around me, like a tent and spiraling over in Astrid in a arch. Xiir reopened her wings to fly and I Astrid gaped at us.

"That was amazing!," she shouted.

Berk was in sight, we followed Astrid and landed on a perch in the middle of town. She got off and slide down the pole to the ground, I followed her.

"I am guessing Xiir will also need to come?"

"Yeah," Astrid chuckled.

I gave a small whistle and she floated down to us. I walked side by side with Astrid as Xiir followed us.

"What is it that I can help you with? After the other day, I'm not sure I should use my magic. Hiccup said you're people are not... susceptible to me."

"Well, I don't want you to heal anyone," Astrid told me as we walked through the street.

"Hey Astrid!"

"Morning," She called back.

A man stood in front of us, blocking our path, he was large wearing armor and a helmet with a long black beard.

"You must be the magic lady," he looked to me.

I held his gaze," I am. My name is Nrest."

He looked to Astrid then back to me," I'm Siurikk, I've known Astrid since she was just a wee thing. I wanted to give you thanks for helping her like you did so."

"Oh... well thank you."

"You have a blessed day," he stepped away and went on his way.

Astrid gave me a warm smile," See, the village really likes you."

I peered over my shoulder to Xiir, maybe Astrid is right. The village actually accepts me. Xiir nodded to me, giving me a sense of happiness.

"Here," Astrid stopped in front of a house. The house looked normal, it was small, but the roof was mostly gone.

"What happened?"

"Well, during the dragon festival the town gets pretty rowdy, and sometime we have some," Astrid sucked in a breath," accidents."

I put the pieces together, Astrid wanted my help to fix this roof. I toyed with her first.

"How do you know I can fix this? Wood is different from a person."

"Oh," Astrid shuffled," I guess I just... wait. But you did make that ship explode, that's not a person either."

I cracked a sly smile," Yes, I suppose I did." I looked back to the house in question, it would be fairly simple to repair if all the supplies were nearby. "Where are your tools?"

"Come on," she gestured me to follow her around the side of the house and to the back.

There were several large men taking carrying planks of wood into the house to the roof, they had been making good work of the job, I could see now the base was nearly finished, then they had to put up new shingles. I looked to Xiir, she was sniffing a white animal who had curiously wandered over to her. she eyed the animal with curiosity.

"What is that animal?," I asked Astrid.

"A shep," she responded. "Have you never seen one before?"

"No," I replied, crouching down next to the creature. It was shaped like a cloud from the sky, it's white fur looked matted and dry. "Does it bite?"

Astrid laughed," They barely bite the grass."

I reached a hand out and touched the side of the sheep, it was much softer than I had imagined, while it was still scratchy material. The animal turned to me, chewing lazily on some blades of grass before turning and sauntering away from the house. I stood up, "Yes."

"Yes?," Astrid repeated.

"Yes, I can fix this house."

"Really?," Astrid seemed surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Of course," I replied confidently. "Xiir?," I called her away from the nearby flock of sheep and she came to my side. I let her energy flow into me then I raised a hand to the pile of nearby wood. "Tilf," I commanded and the planks of wood raised into the air. [Translation: Rise."]

"Jjorn, take a step back," I heard Astrid call to the men in the house.

I guided the wood into place on top of the roof, lining them up with the other rows. I held them there as I searched for other tools, I could have just used my magic to keep it down, but if there was ever to be a problem with this roof again and I was not here, they would not know what to do. I saw a pile of bolts nearby, I guided them into place on top of the wood. "Wcrew," I put the effort onto the bolt and they all smoothy broke into the wood securing the planks in place. [Translation: Pressure.] I did this again and again until the ford was covered, then I focused on the shingles, putting them all into place at once, the fluttered through the sky like strange birds until they all perches simultaneously on the roof. I turned to see if there were more bolts when I saw a crowd had formed behind me to watch. They had been so quiet, I had not noticed them all arrive, it was almost enough of a shock to make me lose focus. Astrid was in the front and she gave me an encouraging smile, to which I located the remaining bolts, letting one hovering over each shingle.

"Ready?," I asked Astrid, knowing that they would be pleased. "Wcrew," I directed to the bolts and they all went down at the same time, nailing the new shingles into place.

I turned back to the crowd and Astrid was smiling widely.

"Well if it wasn't done before me I would swear it be untrue," a man gaped at the roof.

"What a sight," the rest of the crowd mumbled in awe.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder, and turned to see a large man now standing beside me, he had a dark long beard and small beady eyes.

"Thank you," he smiled to me.

"You are welcome," I replied.

He turned back to look at the roof," Don't think I could have done it any better," he remarked. "Definitely not as quick," he winked. "The wife will be happy now," he chuckled and went to talk to other men on the edge of the now diminishing crowd.

Astrid smiled," I don't know why I'm so surprised. I'm starting to think you can do anything."

"There are many limitations in life," I told her. "This work was relatively trivial, I only guided things into place."

"It's still amazing. Thank you, Nrest."

"Thank you as well."

"What for?," she asked.

"I know you did this as a show of faith to your people. It gave them a chance to see me as a benefit, not a burden."

"Nrest, no, I didn't-..."

"No," I smiled. "I would have done the same. It is a wise plan."

"I didn't think you'd see through it so easily," Astrid muttered.

"As I said, I would have done the same."

Astrid smiled," It's nice to be back with the people, helping them and just... I don't know."

"Motherhood changes a woman," I told her as we began to walk down the street, Xiir following behind us. "It is to be a difference, it is expected."

"My mom told me the same thing, that everything is going to change now that we have Cauir," Astrid looked worried. "I love him and I love Hiccup, but I'm scared I'm doing it all wrong."

"A fear that many mother feel."

Astrid cackled," You and my mom are the same."

"It takes time," I told her gently.

She nodded, then shook her head," Hey, uhm, we should go fly. I've been missing it a lot lately."

Xiir perked up at the sound of it," Yes."

I gracefully put my hand on Xiir's neck and jumped back, kicking my feet out and landing on her in one swift move. Astrid's dragon touched down and she climbed on her back and we both launched into the sky.

Xiir felt strong, her wings were unwavering as she glided through the air beside Stormfly. Stormfly pulled ahead, making Xiir push forward past her, Astrid and I laughed as we raced through the trees to the end of the island and then out onto the stormy gray sea. Astird spun upwards into a loop, a sort of challenge to Xiir who responded without my help by tucking me into her wings and spinning around in circles.

"You guys looks great!," Astrid called.

I laughed, feeling the wind, looking to the horizon. We are close to going home. It is almost time.