AN: Er... hi? Yes, another story, because I am incapable of keeping to one story. But this time, it's FFVII, because I have recently fallen in love with Crisis Core. Now, there are A LOT of time-travel stories, but most are Cloud going back in time. Okay, but... me want Sephiroth. Sephiroth is one of my four favorite characters in that game! So... yeah. This is Sephiroth going back to the past, fixing it, and looking as bad-ass and gorgeous as ever while doing it!

Oh, and the title comes from Skillet's song 'I Want to Live'. Someone made an awesome music video on YouTube about Sephiroth using that song, and that's what inspired this fanfic! I highly recommend the video!

Chapter One

Zackary Fair, Lieutenant and Ex-First Class SOLDIER, aka Puppy, and Aerith Gainsborough, half-human half-Cetra, stood arguing with the Goddess Minerva.

"It is the only way to save the Planet," the Goddess said, her once-brilliant golden armor rusted and cracked. Her limbs trembled despite her efforts to keep them still, but it went unnoticed by the angry SOLDIER.

"We're not arguing that!" Zack shouted, fists clenched. "But why Spikey?! And don't say it's 'cause Cloud's the Planet's Champion! He's gone through enough; any more an' he's not gonna make it!" In his anger, the Gongagan's accent was leaking through into his voice.

"Cloud barely made it through Geostigma, let alone my death, Zack's death, and Sephiroth's returns," Aerith added. "Don't make him go through any more."

Before the Goddess could respond, footsteps echoed in the stillness around them. The Silver General of SOLDIER came to a halt, green eyes solemn. Masamune was nowhere in sight, and there was no longer any madness lingering in his mind or soul.

"I will go," he half-offered, half-commanded.

Two more men appeared at Sephiroth's side: a redhead and a ravenette. The redhead tossed his hair back with an arrogant motion, earring glinting, while the other simply crossed his arms.

"Why, Seph?" Zack asked, surprised. "And... what about Genesis and Angeal?"

"I inflicted the most damage on the Planet, Zack. Cloud doesn't deserve even more pain and heartache because of my foolish actions," Sephiroth said.

"And Angeal and I wouldn't be able to do what needs to be done as well as Sephiroth," Genesis added. "After all, he is the Silver General, and the One-Winged Angel." Angeal rolled his eyes at his oldest friend's dramatics.

The Goddess inclined her head. "So be it. You know what needs to be done...Silver WEAPON. Prevent these tragedies from ever happening."

"What about Spikey? Think we should tell him?" Zack asked.

Angeal shook his head. "He most likely won't even remember this future, Zack," he said gently. "And young Strife might not like the fact that it's Sephiroth doing this."

Zack hesitated, then reluctantly nodded. He walked up to Sephiroth and gripped him in a tight hug, despite the General's stiffness. "Take care, Seph," the Puppy said softly. "Don't ever forget that we're there for you, even if it's not exactly us that're going to be there."

Sephiroth hesitantly returned the embrace, much to Genesis and Angeal's shock. Maybe the Puppy had done what they couldn't before Sephiroth's madness. "I won't, Zackary. I was simply too blind last time."

Aerith came up to him, green eyes calm despite being so close to the man who had murdered her. "There is a chance I might remember this future due to my Cetra heritage, so make sure to visit my church with Angeal and Genesis when you get the chance."

Sephiroth was confused before realizing what she meant. His eyes widened and he let out a slight gasp.

The Goddess spoke once more. "Return to the past, Sephiroth Valentine, and change what once was. Destroy Jenova before she gets the chance to finish what she started!"

The last thing Sephiroth saw before his vision was filled with green was Zack, Aerith, Genesis, and Angeal, all filled with hope and trust that he would be able to change the hell that was the future.

So? How was it? I'm a huge fan of Sephiroth and Zack being friends, so that's why that was in there. And yes, I couldn't resist making Sephiroth a WEAPON. I think it would be the best way for Minerva to make sure he couldn't go against the Plant and his mission, even if he's cured of Jenova's influence. You guys know what Aerith was talking about at the end?

This is my first Final Fantasy fanfic, so go easy on me! But don't forget to review! Or I'll get Sephiroth to come after you with Masamune!