Last Chance

Chapter 1 - Attention

Miles Axlerod wasn't always the power-hungry, violent fellow you came to know; in fact, he was once a normal car with a happy life and family of his own. Sadly, that happiness had to come to a bleak end when his wife died of unnatural causes, leaving him alone to raise their infant daughter.

But Miles knew the real reason behind his wife's demise; it was all in vain because she was a lemon. He knew the outside world figured that there was no hope for her, even though he never gave up. This unfortunate event in Miles' life sparked a fire of hatred and revenge to newer and better cars, and he vowed to avenge his wife.

But first, Miles would require a large push to achieve this, financially that is. And once he unexpectedly discovered an immense amount of oil, he became a famous oil billionaire to individuals across the globe. And with this new power, Miles gained access to a poor and vengeful lemon just like him.

"Have you called them?" Miles asked sternly, as he and his second-in-command were going over some important documents in the grand office of his mansion.

"Yes, Sir. And the plans are already being set—but we still need more time," the pale blue 1957 Zundapp Janus replied in respect, a noticeable German accent rolling off of his tongue; he was a young car with silver eyes with a very round pair of glasses, and he wore a snazzy red bow tie on his fender.

"How much time?"

"It's hard to say. But I'm sure that once we get more recourses to headquarters, it should be *schnellvery quick."

"Hey, Dad?"

The two older cars' eyes widened when they were interrupted by a tiny voice, and they turned to find a miniature and feminine version of Miles halfway visible in the doorway; her eyes were also blue just like Miles', but her paint was an eye-catching crimson.

"What is it, Elizabeth?" Miles asked his ten-year-old daughter with utmost sincerity.

"There are some old cars out front. They said they wanted to talk to you," Elizabeth informed and slowly inched forward, and she smiled when she saw Zundapp, "Hi, Mr. Z!"

"*Guten tag," the professor greeted flatly, and then turned back to Miles while lowering his voice, "Those are the guests I told you about."

"Right, go let them in. I'll be there in a moment," Miles instructed and Zundapp nodded before leaving the office. And just when he exited the office, Elizabeth attempted to follow close behind.

"Any new inventions or crazy experiments?" Elizabeth questioned in excitement.

"Pardon me?" Zundapp asked in shock.

"Well, you're a professor. That's what you do, right? Make weird and sometimes evil inventions to destroy the world?" Professor Zundapp was truly at a loss for words now, especially when the young car pulled in front of him and stopped him in his tracks.

"That, My Dear, is a mad scientist," Zundapp finally spoke, completely confident that this naïve child would buy his lies, "I am an investor of a new and better future for…cars like your father and me."

With that, the German car brushed Elizabeth away and drove around her, finally continuing to the lobby like he originally meant to.

"But you'd make a great mad scientist!" Elizabeth called happily, once again making Zundapp screech to a halt, and he turned to face her with confusion, "I mean, sure, you're just some boring professor, but you're just too smart."

At first, Zundapp didn't know what to say, as he stared on at Elizabeth with wide eyes again. But eventually, a prideful smirk grew on the professor's face, "*Gleichfalls."

Elizabeth was disappointed when Zundapp didn't stick around to talk, and noticeably left a bit hastily; she honestly liked hanging out with this oddball car. He was much more fun than her dad, anyway.

What do I have ta do ta get your attention, Professor? Elizabeth pondered with concentrated and puckered lips.

Short chapters. The bane of my existence-_-

Anyway, just to clarify a few things, any words with a * beside it is a foreign word, and I will tell you what they mean at the end of every chapter. Also, I would like to thank MidniteTheDSiXL for beta reading this for me. Thanks again, buddy:D

*Schnell: quick

*Guten Tag: good day

*Gleichfalls: likewise, you too

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!