Author's Note: Hey guys, thanks for being patient, I know this took forever to write. Thank you all again for your support. I'm especially glad you seem to enjoy the character of KN. I hope you will enjoy this, I play a bit more with canon that hasn't been truly explored yet, hope that works out. Also, name your Star Wars characters...what a fun game.

Please leave a comment, that would be awesome :)

Disclaimer: I totally bought Lucasfilm from Disney. No, J/K still not owning a damn thing.

Chapter 9

I got all I need when I got you and I

I look around me and see a sweet life

I'm stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're getting me, getting me through the night

Kick start my heart when you shine it in my eyes

Can't lie, it's a sweet life

Stuck in the dark but you're my flashlight

You're getting me, getting me through the night

Flashlight, Jessie J

The young Stormtrooper stared at Ben and Finn, his conflict was visible even without feeling it through the Force.

"3045, report!" A voice ordered through the dropped helmet. KN gulped and picked it up. "This is KN-3045." He said, his eyes never leaving Ben, "All clear, Captain. I continue my search."

Finn took a deep breath, pressing a now unconscious and shivering Rey closer to his body. Ben was not as surprised, he already sensed KN's decision before it was probably made.

"Thank you, KN." He said sincerely.

Rey winced in pain. Ben's eyes were filled with utter panic. The young Stormtrooper took a small step towards the group in front of him. It puzzled him to see the former Supreme Leader like this. The man behind the myth that had once been Kylo Ren.

"What happened to your friend, Sir?" He asked.

Ben clearly struggled with himself to answer. "A shot wound got infected. I fear it's blood poisoning." He could feel her energy fade away. The infection was spreading fast and she needed medical attention as soon as possible. "You got anything with you?" He asked, "Any medicine?"

KN carefully pulled out a small syringe. "That's only for pain, Sir. It's the only thing they give us. If someone needs serious help they can only get it on the Star Destroyer above the planet."

That answer wasn't the one Ben was hoping for. It also confirmed his fear that a Star Destroyer was just waiting for them to try an escape. Hux could be an idiot, but he sure was no fool.

KN handed Ben the syringe without asking. Ben kneed down next Rey again. "Hold her still." He said to Finn before slowly shooting her with the pain killer.

She moaned loudly, but eventually her body relaxed a bit. She was still panting though. Finn slipped out of his jacket and put it over her like a blanket. "Her fever is getting worse." He whispered to Ben. "Can we trust your friend there?"

Ben blinked and snorted, telling Finn without the use of any words that while he had no friends within the First Order, that young man was their best shot at an escape right now.

"Sir…" KN stuttered.

"Stop calling me that, KN." Ben said and got up. "I'm not your Supreme Leader anymore."

KN looked down, avoiding eye-contact. Supreme Leader or not this was still Kylo Ren and he respected him deeply. "I know, but calling you anything else would feel weird though….Sir." He looked up, his face full of eagerness and youthful naivety. Ben wondered if he ever looked like this. Despite being born into a war there was a childlike innocence about him. "Listen Sir, I know you told me not to talk about our previous conversation but…but…after you left I did!" He spoke fast, stumbling over his own words. "And there are more of us. Stormtroopers that just want this war to end. We don't wanna fight anymore. We just want our freedom."

"Then leave." Finn said unimpressed. "That's what I did."

KN's eye light up. "You…you are the deserter?" His voice was high-pitched. "It's an honor to meet you! You are a hero among Stormtroopers. A lot of us admire your courage so much."

Finn raised an eyebrow. In any other situation he would have felt giddy about being seen as a hero and probably would have gloated a bit about it, but not right now.

"KN." Ben addressed the Stormtrooper uncharacteristically softly. "It is great that some of you resent the war, but what do you expect from sharing our conversation with others?"

KN dropped down on one knee in front of Ben. "I pledge my loyalty to you, Sir. As will many others."

Ben was confused. He did not understand what was happening. Sure, the Stormtroopers were loyal to him when he took over from Snoke, because they had no other choice, but personal loyalty was new to him. "KN, I –"

"Hear me out, Sir." He begged. "A lot of us don't agree with General….Supreme Leader Hux, we want out of the First Order, but not to join the Rebellion, but to live a life. We believe in you, we will help you to do whatever is necessary to end this war."

Ben was perplexed. He didn't understand why the Stormtroopers, why anyone would choose to follow him, let alone believe he had some secret plan to end the war that had been haunting most of them since birth. "Why?" He asked.

"Because, even if it was just for a moment, you treated me like a person." KN said with the sincerity of a child, "And now I want to find out what being a person truly means."

Ben hoped his face wouldn't give him away, wouldn't show how touched he was by those words. "KN." He offered the young man his hand and pulled him up, "I want to help you. I really do." He just now realized how true that was. Those Stormtroopers were not much different than himself. They also were manipulated and tossed into a war they had neither say or choice in. The only difference was that he at least at some control over his actions. "But right now, we are three people against hundreds of enemies. I don't know what you think I can do."

KN smiled brightly. "You killed Supreme Leader Snoke, something no one managed in about 30 years." He said in awe, "You will figure a way out and if you are ready, we will be ready. The only fight I ever want to fight again is for myself."

Ben put a hand on KN's shoulder. Maybe this was it, the plan that had been formed inside of his mind before he was forced to leave the First Order. The plan that had been in the back of it since he and Rey first discussed alternate options to end the war.

"Not to interrupt this meaningful conversation" Finn said, "But we can't help anyone if we get killed on this planet." He looked at Rey. "And she needs help."

KN looked at the wounded Rey. "There will be a guard shift around nightfall." He explained. "I can try to get in on it and help you get on the ship."

"That will be dangerous for you." Finn said, though he knew they had no other choice.

KN shrugged. "I meant what I said and if that is the way I can help you, I will. Still, even if you manage to make a fly for it, there is still a Star Destroyer waiting."

Ben calculated inside of his head. "Our ship is damaged, we can get into hyperspace probably only once and we have to out-maneuver the Destroyer…we have to take a chance or we die here."

"Nightfall…" Finn murmured. They couldn't see the sky, but he figured it would still at least be a couple of hours, Rey didn't have that much time left. "We need to find a way to help Rey first…" suddenly a thought it hit him, "what about the Fish Ladies?" He asked, "They are caretakes, right? They probably know how to deal with injuries."

Ben tapped his fingers against his knee. He was getting nervous, anxious even. Finn was right, Rey needed help and even if they miraculously made it off the planet, he had no idea how to get her the help she needed. "KN, did you come across any lanais?"

"Lanais?" He looked at Finn who helpfully mouthed 'Fish Ladies' to him and shook his head. "No, sir."

That was good news to Ben. There was a chance the lanais were unhurt and still able to help them.

"Can you find them?" Finn asked.

Ben nodded. For the first time since coming to this planet he was truly thankful for its strong connection to the Force. He was sure that if he concentrated he could easily locate any specific living beings.

"We still have to get past all the Stormtroopers on the Island. Not everyone will be on our side like KN is."

Finn bit his lip, knowing he was going to regret his next words. "You take Rey and find a way to get to the Fish Ladies, I cause a distraction."

"That'll most likely get you killed." Ben said in an unsettling matter-of-fact voice. KN nodding approvingly in the background didn't help the cause.

"Well, you should trust more in the people around you." Finn responded jokingly, but his stomach made him feel uneasy. How was he supposed to distract who knows how many enemies? "I'll guess a little fire here and there could get their attention. Fire usually does the deed."

Ben wasn't exactly fine with the plan, but they were running out of options. "If you're getting killed on my watch, she is probably going to kill me." He muttered under his breath before gently lifting Rey off the ground. He pressed her body clothes. She was burning up yet shivering like she was freezing. He put a soft kiss on her forehead. "I promise you'll be fine, love." He whispered.

KN didn't say anything but seeing Kylo like that was an experience he never expected. Like he himself wanted to find out what being a person with his own free will and life would look like, the man he previously called Supreme Leader was a person as well and he was going to lose someone he obviously cared for. "Good luck, Sir." KN said.

"Finn." Ben said seriously. "Distract them and then try to get on the ship. Hide there and if we are not back until sunrise, take the next opportunity you get and leave."

Finn's eyes widened. "I'm not leaving you guys here!" He hissed in panic. He could never leave without them, let alone out-maneuver all the TIE Fighters and a Star Destroyer. "There is no way –" Ben glared at him and he immediately shut up.

"If we don't make it back you have to go. Save yourself." He tilted his head and pointed at KN, "Be the hero he thinks you are and save them."

Finn hesitated. He hated to admit it, but Ben was right. "You better make it back in time." He then looked at KN. "Kenny"

KN jolted back. "Kenny?" He asked confused.

Finn shrugged. Poe was apparently better at naming people than him. "I'm gonna call you Kenny now." He tried his best confident and charming Poe-impression, "You deserve a real name."

The newly named Kenny's eyes lit up. "Thank you so much. I…I never dreamed of…"

"Yeah, yeah." Finn interrupted, trying to keep his cool. But he knew exactly how the young man was feeling, not so long ago he had been in the exact same position. "Listen Kenny, go ahead and try to get on guard shift. I'll set a fire, get them to investigate but stay behind. That way we don't even need to wait until guard shift."

Kenny nodded. "Yeah." Before he left the cave, he addressed Ben again. "Sir, there is something else. General…" he rolled his eyes, "Supreme Leader Hux called on this protocol I've never heard of before. None of us have. Protocol 18514."

Ben kept a stoic face, he tried to keep it together for the sake of everyone else, they depended on him. But this new piece of information was troubling. "Don't mind that for now. Keep going with the plan and then stay low. They can't find out you helped us. We will get back in touch as soon as we can." He hoped that this wasn't going to end up being a lie.

Kenny nodded before leaving them.

Finn inhaled sharply. He squeezed Rey's hand one last time and shot Ben a quick smile before he left as well, leaving Ben with Rey, waiting to make a move.

The Falcon emerged in front of Ahch-To and Poe immediately activated the shields. In front of them a huge Star Destroyer hovering over the planet, reminding him of a starving animal waiting for its prey.

"Dammit." He shouted. "What is going on here?"

BB-8 rolled up and down beeping in panic until Rose gently touched his little head. "You have to calm down, BB-8."

Poe turned the tracker off and carefully drew back from the planet, he hoped it wasn't too late and that the First Order hadn't noticed them already.

"Why do you think they are here?" Rose asked.

Poe shook his head. "I don't know." But he had a clear suspicion in mind. The signal they got only briefly at the Resistance base, the First Order probably got it fully and went to investigate as well. The question now was, were they looking for Finn and Rey or for their missing former Supreme Leader.

Poe clenched his fists tightly around the controller of the Falcon. "Dammit. Dammit. Dammit." He repeated. If Finn was down there, there was no chance in telling if he was alive. Poe had no idea how many Stormtroopers were on the planet already or if Kylo Ren was there with them. He had no idea about anything that was going on and it invoked his least favorite feeling, fear.

"What should we do now?" Rose asked. "Try to get down there and find them or retreat back to the Base?"

All valid questions, but Poe had no idea how to answer them. He didn't feel like the best pilot in the galaxy right now or even a competent Captain. He felt more like a lost child, not knowing what to do.

His fear for Finn got the best of him. He cursed under his breath. He wasn't used to feeling helpless, never met a person before that made him feel this way.

"Poe?" Rose asked again, obviously scared herself.

He took a deep breath. He needed to clear his head, needed to stay focused and come up with a solution.

Finn regretted that he had volunteered to lure the Stormtroopers away the moment he stepped out of the cave. He loved being called a hero, but the actual heroics were still a bit of a problem for him.

"For Rey." He said to himself and started to run into the direction furthest away from the ship. Not long after that he heard footprints behind him and then he was being shot at. Again. He ran as fast as possible, dodging shots left and right. A few times he turned around and shot with his blaster himself. Something inside of him was holding him back however. Up until this moment he tried to push away feelings of guilt for shooting Stormtroopers, he tried to ignore the thoughts that there were people under those helmets just like him, that he probably spent time with some of them, ate lunch together and trained side by side. After meeting KN, or rather Kenny now, it all came back to the surface. All those emotions he pushed aside, all the doubts he had about the Resistance killing Stormtroopers without every asking any questions, they came back to haunt him.

He made a turn left and jumped over a rock, hiding behind it and shooting down one of his followers. "I'm sorry." He whispered, feeling like crying. He had to be selfish right now, he couldn't show any compassion because they didn't either. He needed to get his job down. For Rey. For Ben. For all the Stormtrooper lives he might be able to save afterwards.

He sprinted again, finally finding something useful. A giant tree that was pushed over by the storm. He hoped it wasn't too wet to use. He shot the last Stormtrooper at his heels and then started to shoot the tree, setting it on fire. He grabbed a nearby branch and started to fan it, hoping it would do the deed and make the fire spread. Guilt rushed through to him again. He was burning this place down, despite knowing about the creatures that lived there. He hoped that the planet would not disappoint afterwards and let it rain again to save the lives of those who didn't deserve to burn down here.

KN, no Kenny now he had to remind himself, watched the horizon nervously. He got back to the momentary base of the Troopers without causing suspicion, but now the hard part would follow.

"Come on, Finn. Come on…" he whispered under his helmet. Then he saw it, black smoke reaching into the sky. He smiled briefly before he started to shout. "Fire! Fire!"

His Captain approach him. "What do you say, Soldier?"

Kenny pointed at the horizon. "There, Captain. The enemy is setting the island on fire."

The Captain waved his arms around. "Soldiers! Go, go, go! Find the targets. Capture Kylo Ren and kill the others."

The Troopers marched forward, leaving only a few of them behind to guard the ships. Including a volunteering Kenny. "We will make sure no one leaves the planet, Captain." He saluted.

Ben could hear the uproar among the Stormtroopers from above the cave. So, Finn had succeeded in distracting them, now all he had to do was getting back to the ship alive.

Ben closed is eyes, he felt the Force surrounding him. With Rey in his arms he jumped up. He carefully looked around, no Stormtrooper was visible, the only thing he could see was the smoke on the horizon. He placed Rey gently on the ground and concentrated. He had to find the lanais, wherever they were hiding.

The island was visible to him even through his closed eyes. He could see Stormtroopers, he could even see some Porgs, hiding between the rocks. "Come on." He tried to imagine the lanais in front of him, he reached out and then he saw something. A different cave, one higher up and them huddled together in fear.

His eyes flung open. He lifted Rey up. Her pulse was slow, her breathing heavy. She was wet from sweating and her face was burning up. He took a quick look at her wound, it was swollen and much to his shock saniopurulent.

"Hold on. Just a bit. You're so strong, something like that can't bring you down." He kissed her head. She was mumbling things in her sleep he couldn't understand. This was like a bad joke. She was the strongest person he knew and now a simple infection was bringing her down? He almost felt like laughing because of that cruel irony. "You're going to be fine, love. I promise you." He made his way towards where he felt the lanais. He was not going to lose her, he simply couldn't.

They were still wearing their masks. They didn't trust anyone within the First Order enough to reveal their faces to them. They were all in one room, it was the first time in a while all six of them were reunited. Only missing was their leader.

The tallest of them stood in a corner, his arms crossed. "Now you've seen what truly happened to Supreme Leader Snoke." He said, his deep voice booming through the room. "What do you make of it?"

The man next to him, very tall and slim, shrugged. "Kylo Ren betrayed the Supreme Leader, nothing more or less to make out of it."

The previous speaker stayed silent for a moment. "Kylo Ren is who Supreme Leader Snoke appointed as our master." His voice suddenly full of spite.

Another one, who sat cross-legged on the floor, turned around. "So…what does that mean for us? Do we follow Kylo and support whatever he was doing or are we joining Hux and try to bring him down?"

The tall man knew all eyes were on him. Kylo Ren had been their leader, but he was the oldest, the one who had been with Snoke the longest. He made his way across the room, standing in front of the smallest member of the group, who looked away.

"Talin Ren." He addressed him, "You know Kylo Ren the longest. What is your take on this?"

Talin Ren was glad he was wearing a mask, though he still felt exposed. "I don't know." He said feebly.

"Is that so?" The other man quickly grabbed him by the throat and smashed him against the wall. Talin struggled against him, trying to speak.

"Dammit Shan'no, stop it!" Another Knight jumped through the room, this one with a more delicate figure and higher voice. The Knight grabbed Shan'no's arm and pushed him away from Talin. "Get a hold on yourself."

Shan'no snorted, while Talin sank to the ground, gasping for air. "Talin, your thoughts, now."

"I…I swear I don't know. I…I haven't seen Be…Kylo since we left to look for Luke Skywalker. I don't know why he would betray Snoke." His head sunk. "But…but he is our master. Doesn't he deserve a chance to explain himself?"

Shan'no looked around, facing the others. "No matter what Snoke believed, Kylo was always tempted by the light side. Now it looks like he betrayed the Supreme Leader and the First Order to save that girl."

The one on the ground chuckled. "Come on, Shan'no. You've always been jealous of him, you sure you're not just seizing the opportunity to get rid of him?"

"Watch your tongue, Vestra." He growled.

Vestra put his hands behind his back. "Tell me one thing, do you really wanna follow Armitage Hux?"

"Vestra might be inappropriate" A Knight with a long cape, who had been silent up until this point said, "but he does have a point. Kylo Ren was appointed our leader for a reason and we should not let personal feelings interfere here. I respect you as the oldest and most loyal to Supreme Leader Snoke, Shan'no, and whatever you decide I will follow you, but consider your choices wisely."

"Thank you, for your opinion Essie, as always." He calmed himself. She was right, even though he hated to admit it. His personal issues with Kylo Ren were complicating things, they always had. "We will work with Hux to find Kylo Ren, but we will deal with him as we please."

Not one of the other Knights spoke against him, even though the youngest, Talin, felt his stomach tightening. He had a terrible feeling about what was going to happen.

Rey was somewhat aware that she was being moved, but no matter what was going on outside, she was trapped in her own darkness.

It was peaceful there and quiet, the weight of the world gone from her shoulders. There was no fight to win, not battle to survive.

"You shouldn't be here." A teenage boy sat next to her. His hair jet-black and short, his eyes light brown, his skin pale.

"Why not?" she asked him.

He sighed. "Because you're trying to project yourself into something that hasn't happened yet, that might not happen at all."

She studied his face. He was handsome, youthful, but also worried and gentle. She couldn't believe he was hers. When she was just a child she was left without a family, now she got to witness that she would have another one. That she could give the love she never had, protect where she had been forsaken, be with people she belonged to.

"You are really my son." She stated in utter amazement.

He sighed again, his face reminding her so much of Ben's. The same handsome features, the same movements when being worried. "This is complicated. Yes and no. Right now, I'm a possibility the Force shows you." He lifted his arm, it was flickering. It was there one moment and gone in another. "The longer you stay here, the more I disappear."

She reached out and touched his face, it felt so real. She was aware of his words, but the again she wasn't. Everything was so confusing.

Finn ran away from the fire, careful to avoid any Stormtroopers. He couldn't believe his plan was working out. "Good ol' fire, always does the deed."

He soon reached the clearing where they left their ship. It was dark by now. Only a few Stormtroopers were left to guard it. He studied their movements, hoping to somehow figure out which one was Kenny, but he had no luck. He was sure that Rey or Ben could immediately tell just by sensing them, but he had to trust his gut.

He counted the Stormtroopers he could see, only five of them left. One of them on his side. He calculated his options. He could try to kill them, but he didn't feel comfortable with that anymore. Besides, starting a fight would alert the others and draw them back and he had to board the ship without anyone noticing he was even there.

He looked around, trying to find anything, to get any inspiration on what to do next, when he noticed a couple of Porgs nearby.

"Hey, little guys." He whispered. One of them darted towards him, looking curious. "I could use some help."

The Porg made a noise Finn interpreted as something along the lines of 'sure, dude' and reached into the pocket of his pants. He pulled out a glowrod he stole when leaving the Resistance. He then loosened his belt. "Sorry, buddy." He grabbed the Porg, "Hush, don't be so loud." He told the squeaking animal and buckled the glowrod around his body. He activated it and a bright yellow light appeared. "Now, go!" he gently pushed the Porg away and waited.

"Look!" One of the Stormtroopers said, "What is that?"

"Some kind of light." Another one answered. "Let's check it out."

Much to Finn's luck three of them went to after the Porg, that left only two to avoid.

"Here goes nothing." He said and ran towards the ship. He almost reached the entrance, when he felt a blaster pressed into his back.

"Freeze, traitor." He heard a familiar voice.

"3045" the second Stormtrooper appeared. "What are you doing? We are ordered to kill anyone who isn't Kylo Ren."

Kenny ignored the other Trooper and whispered into Finn's ear. "Quick, grab my blaster and knock me out and then him too."

Finn needed a moment to realize what he had to do. "Thanks. We will see each other again, I promise." He grabbed the blaster and did as Kenny said. He knocked him out as gently as possible. Then he shot the other surprised man in the leg, went over and hit him over the head.

He brushed sweat away from his forehead and entered the ship. Now he had to wait and hope that Ben and Rey would be back in time and before anyone would discover he was on board.

Ben finally made it to the cave he sensed the lanais. He slowly walked into it, finding the 'Fish Ladies' as Finn called them, scared in a dark corner.

"I'm not here to harm you." Ben said slowly.

The lanais huddled closer together, with one of them moving forward, stepping courageously in front of the others. She glared at Ben.

He had no way of understanding them other than trying to figure out their feelings through the Force. He figured it must have been how Luke used to communicate with them.

He sensed fear and anger. A lot of anger.

"I'm sorry we brought this destruction to your home." He apologized sincerely. "We never meant you any harm. We just want to leave this place, so you can be in peace again." He lay Rey down in front of them and removed the bandage from her wounded arm. "I know I don't deserve to ask you for your help, but I'm begging you. She is dying."

The lanai in front of them turned back to look at her people. Ben was aware he was witness to a silent conversation between them. They were trying to figure out rather to help him or not. Other than before their feelings were guarded. He had no way of knowing what they were deciding.

Rey moaned. The pain killer was losing its effect. "Please." He said again. "She doesn't deserve this."

The lanai turned around again, eying Ben suspiciously. Then she waved her hand signaling him to make space for her. She took Rey's arm and examined the wound. She waved her hand and two more lanais were moving forward.

Ben didn't dare to even make a move, he was too afraid to interrupt them and scare them away. For now, it looked like they were helping Rey.

One of the lanais got some water and started to clean the wound, while another one started to mash some plant together. Rey was getting weaker, he could feel it.

"They know what they are doing."

Ben almost jumped up when his Uncle suddenly appeared next to him. "You again." He hissed, his eyes immediately back on Rey.

"The girl is stronger than the strongest Wookie. She'll make it." Luke obviously tried to ease the mood.

Ben was not having it. He didn't care for his presence and resented those poor attempts to joke.

One of the lanais grabbed Ben's hand, she pointed to Rey's head. He only vaguely understood what she wanted. He placed her head in his lab and held her tight.

The other lanai started to put the ointment she made on the wound. Rey started to shake violently, started to scream in pain.

Ben held her tightly, feeling more helpless than ever. "Rey, Rey shh…it will be alright. I'm here, love, I'm here."

Another lanai came forward, bandaging the wound again. Rey was still shaking, her breathing was getting faster and faster.

"What is going on?" Ben asked frantically. "She is getting worse."

Luke said down behind him. "Trust, nephew. Just trust." He said calmly.

Tears were running down Rey's cheek. Ben leaned down, kissing her forehead, her cheeks. "You will be fine. You can do this."

A lanai exchanged a serious look with Luke, one that went not past Ben. "What is it?" He asked worried.

"I'm not sure." Luke muttered. "I think she…" he leaned closer, looking at Rey, "I think she trapped herself somehow."

"How is that possible?" Ben asked, but he didn't really need an answer. The Force again, always the Force. He made a mental note never to return to this planet should they make it out alive.

"The lanais medicine is strong, she should get better." Luke said. "Reach out to her, try to help her out of it."

"How?" Ben asked. He was scared and tired and without any patience. He just wanted her back.

"You love her, don't you?" Luke said, "Figure it out." Truth to be told, he had never encountered a situation like this, but he had to believe that Ben's and Rey's bond would be strong enough to overcome this situation.

Since no one tried to blast them out of space, Poe was sure the Star Destroyer had not noticed them.

He slid off the Captain's chair and reached for the communication system. It was a stupid attempt and dangerous on the top of it, but the only thing he could try in their position.

He activated it. "Rose, what is the number of the ship they took?"

Rose needed a moment to understand what he way trying to do. She wanted to protest, but the look of determination in his eyes told her that even trying to talk him out of it would be for nothing. "0015008" She said, praying that the Star Destroyer wouldn't notice them sending a message down to the planet.

"This is the Millennium Flacon, Captain Dameron speaking. 0015008, do you copy?" He waited. Nothing happened. No answer. "0015008, this is Captain Dameron from the Millennium Falcon, copy!" His voice got louder, more desperate.

Again nothing. He was ready to give up, then a crack in the transmission and suddenly a familiar voice. "Poe….that…you?"

The connection was terrible and he could barely understand him, but Poe grinned from ear to ear. How much he missed that voice. "Finn!" He shouted excitedly, "Finn, buddy! It's so good to hear your voice!"

Rose leaned over his shoulder. "Finn! Are you alright? Is Rey with you?" A happy tear rolled down her cheek.


Poe tuned the volume up, but it didn't change anything. "Finn, I can barely hear you."


With another crack the connection was broken. "No, no, no!" Poe rammed his fist into the wall. "Not now!"

"Calm down." Rose said and sat down in the co-pilot chair. "Let's gather what we know. There are Stormtroopers, Rey is obviously hurt, Kylo Ren is down there and they need help."

Poe sat down again.

"So, are you the best pilot in the galaxy?"

Poe just nodded.

"Then get us down there."

"You have to go!" He said over and over again, but it was in vain. She was like captured in a trance.

"But it's so peaceful here. And I have you. I will have your sister. Family…" The world meant so much to her. She thought she moved on from her childish dreams of being part of a family, but now it all was back, and she refused to let it go.

He reached out, trying to grab her shoulders, but his hands went right through her. He was starting to fade away. "If you want to meet us, you have to go!"

"I can't…I can't…I can't…" she repeated. "All the pain, the fighting…I can't."

"Stop focusing on what might happen and cherish what you have." A female voice suddenly said. The girl from her previous dream, her daughter, appeared next her brother. She looked less like a real person this time and more like a ghost.

"I just met you." Rey didn't understand why she had to leave them. She wanted to stay with them.

"If we are meant to meet, we will meet." The girl said, tears running down her cheeks. "Go back."

Rey titled her head. "I don't understa-"

"Come back to me, please."

His voice. She suddenly heard his voice. He sounded so broken, so scared.

"Fight this. I know you are tired, but you are so strong. Please don't leave me."

Something inside of her snapped. She got up. He was calling out to her.


She looked at the children. Their forms were clearer now. Still ghostly, but not as translucent as they were before.

"Daddy needs you." The girl cried.

"Go back." The boy said.

Rey fought back her own tears. She understood now. The Force was showing her a potential future. If she was strong enough to make it through this war, Ben and she had the chance to have something they always wanted in life one way or another. Their own family. Each other and maybe even children. They could make sure the next generation would grow up differently than they did.

"I will fight for you." She promised. "And for myself." She promised.

"I love you." His voice called out to her.

She reached out her hand and touched his cheek as she opened her eyes. "I know." She whispered back.

"Rey." He kissed her lips and leaned his forehead against hers. "I thought I would lose you."

She smiled weakly. "You're not getting rid of me so fast." Her breathing calmed down. "The Force…it showed me…something…incredible…"

"Shh." He gently interrupted her and kissed her forehead. "Tell me later, you need to get better first."

She nodded. "Water?" she asked and one of the lanai handed her a wooden cup. Rey was too weak to question their presence and accepted that she just missed a few things while she was passed out.

"I was scared." Ben admitted. "You were not waking up."

She put the cup away and snuggled against him. "I was lost, but your voice guided me home." She grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart. "You are my home."

Luke watched the scene in front of him, touched by the amount of love he felt. He never expected the events that started a long time ago to unfold like this, never expected his lost nephew to find a love so strong that it had the chance to overcome not only darkness but bring true balance. Maybe, he thought, maybe that was what needed to happen all along.

"You have to go." Luke said then. "Get off this planet or you will miss your chance."

Rey, just noticing him now, gasped and screamed. "What….what….you are dead."

Luke playfully rolled his eyes. "Thanks for reminding me."

Rey looked at Ben. "Am I hallucinating?"

Ben smiled. "I wish. No, he is a projection from the Force. Long story. But he is right, we have to go." He helped Rey on her feet, but she immediately stumbled down again.

"Sorry." She panted, the infection was not lethal anymore, but it was still there and her body needed to rest.

"Don't apologize." He kneed down in front of her. "Can you climb on my back?" He asked.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and swung her legs around his hips.

"Good." Ben said and got up with her. A lanai then placed a small bottle in his hand and closed his fist. He recognized it as more medicine for Rey. "Thank you. All of you." He then turned to Luke. "I don't know what you expect, but if this is goodbye…"

"Who knows?" Luke said mischievously and disappeared.

Under different circumstances Rey would have treated Luke's sudden presence with more gravitas, would ask questions and want to talk to him, but right now they had no time for it. Rey pressed her cheek against Ben's. "That was so weird." He couldn't argue with that.

They made their way out of the cave. The sun was slowly rising. If for once Finn was listening to instructions, they didn't have much time to get back to the ship.

Ben didn't dare to run with Rey on his back, but he walked as fast as possible, trying to be soundless and not to alarm any Stormtroopers. He couldn't see any smoke, so the fire was out.

"Watch out!" Rey suddenly yelled.

Ben jumped, she clung to him and a laser shot just barely missed them.

"Great." Ben said. Three Stormtroopers appeared behind them. He had no choice, but to fight. He focused on the first and smashed him away, the other two however were too fast. He couldn't move freely with Rey on his back.

Another shot barely missed them. He started to run, stopping every once in a while, to look over his shoulder. She was a target on his back and he was not going to risk her life again.

"Ben." She said, "Just focus on running."

He needed a moment to understand, but then she moved on his back and he felt her using the Force. She pushed back their attackers and new ones that followed. It took all of her energy, but it was the only way to make it off there alive.

When he saw the clearing with their ship still there he dared to breathe for a moment, but the relief didn't last long.

Stormtroopers marched on from everywhere and TIE Fighters started to shoot at them. How he dodged them, he wasn't even sure. Maybe the Force guided him, maybe it was just pure luck.

Rey suddenly went numb on his back, she passed out again. He grabbed her arms, making sure she would stay steady. Using the Force had been to much for her. "You did so good." He said, unsure if she could hear him.

He kicked a Stormtrooper close to him and pushed another out of the way. He heard the sound of a laser beam being fired but it never reached him. From the corner of his eye he saw one Stormtrooper behind a rock, shooting one of his comrades into the arm and helping them escape. He wasn't sure if it was KN under there or another yet unknown ally, but he gave him a thankful nod.

He reached the ship and pushed the door open, placing Rey on the floor before shutting it again.

"Finn!" he yelled and ran into the cockpit. "Move! Move! Move!" He almost pushed him off the pilot's seat. "Take care of Rey and grab something."

Finn didn't argue. He got Rey up and put a seatbelt around her and another run around himself. She pulled her closer to keep her sitting. "What is the plan?" He yelled, but Ben didn't answer.

Ben's mind was racing. They only had one shot to make it out of there and he couldn't blow it. He always felt more connected to his Skywalker heritage, now he hoped that his Solo side was just as strong.

He started the ship, avoiding the shots from the TIE Fighters. Their ship was too damaged to fight back, they needed the lasting energy to get away from that planet.

"Hold on tight!" He shouted before trying a maneuver he thought his father would have enjoyed. He stopped suddenly before flying backwards, then he shot straight into the sky. When two TIE Fighters approached he let the ship fell back down again, leaning them to crash.

"Are you mad?" Finn yelled. He tried to keep Rey from falling and himself from throwing up.

Ben ignored him. He speeded up again, flying a couple looping and another one and a vertical spin, avoiding being shot before he finally managed to get off the planet. The hardest part was yet to come. Hovering over them was the Star Destroyer, ready to shoot them down. "Not today." Ben said and flew right under the big ship before emerging on it's other side. The Destroyer was turning around, and Ben hit hyperdrive.

The moment the Falcon emerged on Ahch-To Poe and Rose wanted to immediately turn around again. TIE Fighters and Stormtroopers on the ground were everywhere, shooting merciless at something they couldn't see at first.

Then they witnessed a scene, they neither understood or expected. Briefly they saw the lost Rebellion ship. Then Kylo Ren running towards it with an unconscious Rey on his back. Shortly after they entered the ship it lifted off the ground and escaped the First Order in a grand and crazy fashion that Poe silently admitted he couldn't have done it any better himself.

While the First Order was focused on the other ship, Poe quickly navigated them off the planet as far as he had brought them down there.

"Whatever was that?" Rose asked.

Poe had no answer. "We need to contact General Leia." He said. He didn't know what else to do. He was so close to getting them back and managed to lose them again.

Leia was in her chambers together with Chewie when an excited C-3PO entered them, completely forgetting his usual polite knocking.

R2D2 followed him inside, beeping uncontrollable.

"What is it?" Leia asked hoping for good news for once.

"Princess…I apologize, General Leia, R2 and I managed to find a trace of Master Calrissian." He exclaimed, "At least RD thinks so." He added a skeptically, which caused the small droid to bump against him.

While 3PO was busy complaining, Leia turned to Chewie. "Take R2 and the coordinates. Time to visit an old friend." She hoped the droids were right and he was really there.

Rey opened her eyes and sat up. Her head was hurting. She blinked. Everything was so bright and hot. The opposite of Ahch-To. "Where am I?" She turned around, noticing she was sleeping in Ben's lab.

"Welcome back." He said. A small smile crept over his face, but she could sense that he was tired, at the end of his own strength.

"Where are we?" She moved her hands. Just then she noticed the ground she was on. Hot, yet soft. "Sand?" She asked. "Where are we?" Her voice frightened and anxious. " this Jakku?" She just started to accept her past, the last thing she wanted was to return to the place with all the hurtful memories.

"Relax." Ben said softly. "This isn't Jakku." He got up and pulled her on her feet. "This is Tatooine."