The Lone Vigilante Issei – High School DxD

Hey everyone, it's me Hide Shinyama.

I am really sorry for the delay. My computer had technical difficulties and I couldn't access the chapter I had planned to send out next. I was planning to retype that chapter until I decided that it wasn't worth it. Which is why I had to use my phone and create a completely different chapter.

It's much more convenient to use my phone anyway, so I'll be using that from now on.

I decided to create the next arc and with it the first chapter.

What's this arc all about?

Find out in…

Chapter 35 – Hotel Entertainment

3rd of October, Thursday, 11:43 pm – somewhere in the streets of Tokyo

It was night time and people were already in bed. Those who were out weren't many and they were either out at bars or restaurants. But then there were those few who were doing… shady business in an alleyway.

"Do we have all that we need?" asked one of the men.

"Check," the other one replied.

Currently, they were making preparations for something and the conversation goes as follows.

"Are you really sure? Let's double check."


"Do we have the cars?"


"The disguises?"

"Of course. Check."

"What about our guys? Are they all present and prepared?"

"No problem at all."

"Good, then we won't have to worry about tomorrow."

"But what if the cops come?"

"If we're all prepared as you just confirmed, then they won't be a problem."

"Good… we strike in two days in the evening…"

"Correct," the first man nodded and took a cigarette pack. He and his friend each took one and lit them up.

They enjoyed the feeling of warm tobacco in their mouths for a while before the second man resumed their conversation once again.

"Say, Hans?"

"Yes, Torben?"

"Do you really think it's there?"

"Of course, it is. Our spies made sure of it."

"That's good…"

Both of them puffed out another smoke.

"Oh, yes. I forgot…" the first man spoke up again. "What about the explosives?"

A tense silence between the two men ensued in the cold and dark night, followed by a chuckle.


4th of October, Friday, 11:23 am – in the hallway, Furinkan Vocational School, Nerima

Issei, Matsuda, Motohama, Ryuga and Sanma were hanging out in the hallway for their break. Normally, Sanma would not be with those four, had it not been for the battle at the Tengu dojo last week. The reason why Sanma wanted to hang out with them was because of Issei, whom he had grown to respect since that day. Issei did help sort out a dire situation back then along with Matsuda and Motohama after all. As for Ryuga, while they certainly were friends, they were more rivals than friends and only tolerated each other because they had known each other for so long.

And that was how the five of them created this hodgepodge clique, spending most of their time either hanging out at school or practicing martial arts afterwards. That was also another thing that bound them together, the desire to become stronger and improve themselves. Every morning, they would gather together and train. When school was over, they would hang out with each other and go have some fun as teenagers would.

Currently, the five of them were in the middle of discussing about apartments.

"Well, I think that if I have a bedroom and a bathroom, that would be more than enough," Sanma stated with a grin.

"Dude, how are you even going to cook?" Issei asked humored.

Sanma shrugged. "Eh. No big deal. I just need an electrical stove and a rice cooker in the room next to the bed and that's it," he said nonchalantly.

"But… aren't you going to inherit the Tengu dojo?" Ryuga asked confused.

At that, Sanma's smile vanished and was replaced by a downcast look.

"Oh, yeah…" Sanma voiced out quietly. He sounded rather sober.

Issei, Matsuda and Motohama noticed this and became concerned.

"What's up with him?" Motohama whispered to Ryuga, making sure Sanma didn't hear him.

"It's this guy's dilemma," Ryuga whispered back. "Remember how I told you guys that at least four different girls have their eyes on him? Yeah, he's probably worried about that."

Issei and Matsuda overheard this and their mood became serious.

'Right, there was that…' Issei realized.

Sanma did tell Issei that he had that kind of problem… Speaking of the Tengu family…

"Hey, Sanma?" Issei addressed Sanma, which jerked him back to reality. "How is Kasumi doing? Is she fine?"

Sanma nodded. "Yeah, she's fine. Things are still kind of tense between her and her dad though… which reminds me! She told me to tell ya that she's doing fine and ya don't have to worry about her. She said that you were free to come over whenever ya want."

Issei was pleasantly surprised. She had that kind of message for him? That's… really sweet of her…

Issei couldn't help but blush for a moment, before remembering something.

"Say, Sanma. What kind of plans does she have, you know? About moving out?" Issei asked.

Sanma gave Issei a weird look, as if a huge pimple had appeared on his face. Nevertheless, he proceeded to answer.

"She doesn't have any plans for now, but at least she won't be running out of the house like last time… I did overhear her talking on the phone to her sister Hibiki about making preparations when the day comes. Heck, even that girl has made preparations to leave the house, said she couldn't imagine being cooped up in a house with a dojo for the rest of her life – especially with both our dads."

'Seriously, does everyone in that household have this kind of problem?' Issei wondered.

Issei guessed everybody had a problem regarding their future. Though given what he knew about both Sanma and Kasumi, he knew that their issues were more than just not being independent. Was it the arrangement? Who on earth gets arranged at such a young age anyway? This doesn't make sense nowadays. The only thing that would be worse would be if there Samurai enforcers in the background forcing them to do this. Then again, the Tengu home was a very traditional home come to think of it, so what did he expect?

At that moment, the boys heard someone running towards their direction.


It turned out to be Cat Fu, calling out for the pig-tailed martial artist.

Everybody's eyes widened in shock upon seeing the approaching girl, but none more so than Sanma, who stood there like a deer in front of the headlights.

"OOF!" Sanma grunted as Cat Fu jumped at him with all her might.

Sanma fell down on his rear as Cat Fu hugged him and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her black school skirt slid up her legs and revealed her creamy thighs.

"She is…" Issei began with a lecherous face.

"…too hot…" Motohama continued with drool coming down his mouth.

"…her legs are too sexy…" Matsuda finished as his hand unconsciously went towards his crotch.

"Sanma, you idiot! Stop leading Nakane on and just pick this floozy!" Ryuga yelled angrily as his face turned red. He could not believe that with all of this he couldn't just get it over with and pick the amazon.

Sanma himself was about to tell her off when he felt… a bit of pleasure at his nether region… due to a certain Chinese amazon rubbing her crotch against his.

"Cat Fu! What are you doing!?" Sanma cried out startled, barely holding in a moan.

"Making love with you. Why you ask?" the horny and blushing amazon asked in her broken Japanese. Her eyes were glazed with hearts and she looked at her crush lovingly.

She continued her erotic grinding, which by then had earned dozens of onlookers.

"D-D-Don't! If you continue, I will… ah..." Sanma was starting to moan.

Cat Fu giggled. "Airen not worry. Cat Fu will make you feel good. Just…" she said in an lustful voice that sounds like honey.

She brought her face closer and moved her hips faster, their private parts rubbing against each other through their clothes.

At this point, the Perverted Trio could take it no more, they all started to touch their private parts.

"Holy crap, this girl is bold!" Matsuda exclaimed, as he rubbed his thing.

"Totally!" Matsuda agreed and at this point no longer cared that his drool was dropping down to the floor. The sight totally made it worth it!

"Man! This is better than peeping!" Issei said out loud, while pleasuring himself in front of shocked onlookers (not that he cared).

"Damn it, Sanma! Why does it always have to be you, you damn…" Ryuga cursed. But even he could not resist the temptation of the scene before them and was already having sexual fantasies with himself and Nakane.

The rest of the students were either blushing, whispering or even taking out their smartphones out to record.

"Are they…?" whispered one girl to her friend in shock and pointed at Sanma and Cat Fu.

"Yeah, they are. No kidding!" her friend replied with a reddened face.

"Dang it! I wish I had a girlfriend like that!" Hiroshi complained to his friend Daisuke.

"Why does Sanma get all the chicks!?" Daisuke whined in agreement.

"Why are those guys fapping in public?" asked a guy to his friend.

"Can't say I blame them. I heard they liked porn," the friend replied.

As for Sanma and Cat Fu, they were in their own world. Sanma was still frozen in shock, but did nothing to stop it. He and Cat Fu were coming close to the climax.

"I'm… I'm…" Sanma tried to speak, but was so engrossed by the pleasure that he could not. He had never felt this good before. Was this what sex was like?

"Me too, Airen… I love you… I… also…" Cat Fu said lovingly, as she continued rubbing against him. Cat Fu kissed Sanma, who eagerly responded back by kissing her back. Their tongues touched each other and wrestled against each other until finally…


…both of them cried out as they… got themselves wet so to speak… Sanma's pants was getting a moist spot, while Cat Fu's skirt was being stained by liquid as well, her wetness trickling down her sexy legs.

Both teens gasped for breath as they remained entangled with each other.

Nobody at the scene said a word because of how shocking the scene was before them.

"SANMA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" an angry voice yelled out of nowhere.

Everyone looked and saw Nakane Tengu fuming at what she just saw.

"YOU UNFAITHFUL MAN-WHORE, I'LL KILL YOU!" Nakane cried and stomped over to Sanma.

"Wait! Nakane! It's not what it looks like…" Sanma tried to defend himself.

"OH, AND WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE? SPARRING!? YOU THINK I'M AN IDIOT!?" Nakane shouted in an utter rage, as she was about to pound him to the ground.

That was when Cat Fu got off of Sanma and confronted the tomboyish girl.

"YOU LEAVE AIREN ALONE!" Cat Fu shouted back at her.

"SHUT UP, YOU FLOOZY! YOU CAN GET PUNCHED, TOO!" Nakane cocked her fist ready to hit the Chinese girl when a teacher came running to the scene.

"Just what is going on here?" the teacher, a bespectacled man in his thirties, asked sternly.

"Those two were having sex in the hallway!" a student said to the teacher and pointed at Sanma and Cat Fu.

"Yeah, and that girl was trying to beat them up because of it!" another student pointed at Nakane.

"And those four over there were stimulating themselves in public," a third student said, pointing at the trio and Ryuga.

The teacher looked at Cat Fu, Sanma and Nakane.

"H-H-Hey! Don't go accusing me of having sex!" Sanma retorted, while standing up.

"Yes, is not sex! Is mutual masturbation!" Cat Fu agreed sort of.


The teacher then looked at Issei, Ryuga, Matsuda and Motohama, nonverbally demanding an explanation for their behavior.

"What? We're healthy guys!" Matsuda reasoned.

"We can't help ourselves!" Motohama tried to explain.

"They started it!" Issei tried to shift the blame away from himself.

"Don't look at me! I didn't do anything!" Ryuga protested.

"Enough!" the teacher silenced them. "You will all follow me to the principal's office, now!"

Seeing that no further argument could get to the teacher, they resigned themselves to whatever looming punishment the vice-principal had in store for them.

The teacher stepped in front of the crowd and said, "There is nothing for you to see here. Please move along."

The crowd parted and teacher walked on ahead. The practically convicted teens followed him with their heads hung. The only exception to that was Cat Fu, who was beaming happily because of what she did.

Noticing this, Issei glared at the young woman in front of her.

"Stupid amazon…" he muttered.

4th of October, Friday, 1:39 pm – in detention, Furinkan Vocational School, Nerima

"Not again…" Issei muttered as he lay on the table in the detention room.

Once again, he was in detention after a long session of chewing out by the vice-principal. And once again, he and the rest were sentenced to a week's worth of detention until next Friday for "inappropriate acts in public". Come to think of it, the last time he was also sentenced to detention because of something ultimately caused by Cat Fu, wasn't it? Issei made a mental note to stay away from her. This girl was trouble in a lot of ways, as though attempted murder wasn't enough.

Everyone else was also waiting for their detention to end, except Cat Fu, who was still beaming happily and giving Sanma a loving gaze.

"Airen…" she whispered and blew Sanma a kiss.

Sanma shuddered at the gesture, while Nakane trembled in anger. She barely held it in.

"Dang it, Sanma…" Ryuga muttered this time. "…this is your fault…"

Sanma jerked his head up and faced Ryuga.

"Hey, it's not my fault that this happened, it's Cat Fu here," he pointed at Cat Fu, who didn't seem to mind Sanma's accusation if her happy smiley face was any indicator.

"But it's not like you did anything to stop it either!" Ryuga shot back. "Admit it you liked having sex with her, didn't you?"

"H-Hey!" Sanma sputtered embarrassed. "We did not have sex!"

While Sanma and Ryuga argued on, Matsuda and Motohama were groaning out of boredom.

"Man… when is it over?" Matsuda asked. He sat slumped on his chair.

"In an hour or so," Issei answered. "You'll get used to it."

"Ahh… crud!" Motohama cursed and slammed his fist on the table. He lay his head on the table in frustration and exhaustion.

"Quiet down!" the detention teacher silenced them and the room went quiet. The teacher was the same bespectacled teacher who had caught them in the hallway earlier.

And thus, for the next few minutes the room was tense and quiet.

Yet, Ddraig could not help but poke fun at Issei's predicament.

[Hihihi… you horny boy. Just admit that you're so bored you want to jerk off here and now] Ddraig trolled his host.

Issei groaned. "Shut up, Ddraig… just be quiet…" he muttered quietly. Normally, he would shout back at Ddraig, except that Issei had no interest in quarreling with Ddraig.

It was then that someone's phone rang. Everybody looked around to find the source. The detention teacher stood up from his desk and pulled out his phone, which turned out to be the source of the sound. The teacher briefly looked on the screen and then at the students.

"Students, I have to take this call. I'll be back in a few minutes, so please behave and don't do anything stupid. All right?" the man said and headed out the room to take the call.

After the door closed the classroom was silent once more, though not as tense as before. In fact, that silence was broken by Cat Fu who stood up and walked over to Sanma with a cutesy smile.

Sanma blushed, as the blond-haired girl leaned closer.

"Cat Fu… umm… What's up?" Sanma asked nervously.

He took a moment to glance at Nakane behind him. Nakane just held her nose up and looked her other way. She still wasn't happy about what happened earlier.

"Airen, you want to go on date with me?" Cat Fu asked Sanma.

Sanma himself widened his eyes in surprise. Everyone else shook off their stupor of boredom and paid rapt attention.

"A date!?" Matsuda voiced in surprise.

"What!?" Motohama exclaimed.

Sanma was tongue-tied, but managed to speak out.

"A date!? What kinda date? Where? When?" Sanma stuttered out his questions one by one.

"Is at Hotel Entertainment in Shinjuku ward. Will take place tomorrow at 6 pm. It's a fashion show with oriental theme," Cat Fu answered and took out something from her shirt pocket.

Sanma looked at what Cat Fu had given him and took it. Sanma stared at it without a word but with a mystified expression. Issei couldn't help but be curious. He stood up from his desk and walked over to Sanma. Looking over Sanma's shoulder, Issei found out what caught Sanma's attention.

"Entry tickets? Looks kind of fancy… and pink. I guess it's a fashion show, so I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different…" Issei commented as he took in the details of the papers in Sanma's hands.

Not only were the tickets pink and had pictures of models in all shapes and outfits, but the tickets also seemed to be a bit rough on the edges. It seemed like they were previously attached to each other at the sides.

"Where did you get these from?" Issei asked Cat Fu.

Much to Issei's surprise, Cat Fu glared at Issei with hostility. "None of your business!" she snapped at him.

Issei backed away and raised his defensively. "Easy, easy… I was just being curious. That's all…" Issei explained himself.

'What's her problem? Is she still angry about that incident with the shelf?' Issei wondered confused.

Matsuda and Motohama stood up and walked over to confront Cat Fu.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Matsuda told her off.

"Yeah, you may have some nice boobs and sexy legs, but that doesn't give you the right to threaten him," Motohama added, inadvertently revealing his perverted mentality.

Cat Fu clenched her fists and was about to lash out at them until Sanma quickly stepped in.

"Guys! Let's not fight here! Otherwise the teacher is gonna hear us and we're in more than enough trouble already!" Sanma pleaded with both parties.

At the drop of a dime, Cat Fu's hostility vanished and was replaced a cheerful smile.

"Of course, Airen!" she said and glomped Sanma, as if the confrontation from before never happened.

"That was solved quickly…" Issei said astonished.

"Yeah, no kidding. Lucky guy…" Matsuda agreed with Issei and glanced at Sanma, who was trying to get the Chinese girl off him.

"But… Issei did ask a good question. Where did ya get those tickets from?" Sanma asked Cat Fu.

Cat Fu snuggled even closer up to Sanma, her face touching his. "Cat Fu got them from Hayashibara-sensei at Neko Neko Café. She very good costumer. Said I could have them. Good for date," she purred.

"Hayashibara-sensei? Our teacher for Design classes?" Matsuda wondered, as the image of their red-haired teacher came to mind. "Ehehe… she has nice legs…" he giggled perversely.

"Neko Neko Café? Isn't that the restaurant not far away from our apartment?" Motohama wondered out loud.

"Yeah," Ryuga answered from his desk. "Her grandma owns that place. Heck, Cat Fu works there as one of the waitresses."

"Really, huh?" Issei stated and glanced at Cat Fu. "The world really is a small place…" he remarked impressed.

"Hold on!" Nakane objected loudly and stood up from her desk. "Are you trying to make a move on that floozy again!?" she demanded of Sanma.

"Nakane, calm down," Sanma pleaded with her. "She was the one who asked me out and I didn't even say yes…"

At that, Cat Fu took on a sad face. "Airen… not want to be with me?" Cat Fu asked with puppy eyes. It looked like she was about to cry.

"I… umm… Of course, I didn't say I wouldn't go… just that…" Sanma said, quickly reversing himself.

To his misfortune, that became the tipping point for Nakane's temper.

"SANMA, YOU JERK! IF YOU WANT TO BE WITH THAT FLOOZY YOU CAN GO DIE! she screamed in his face and went out of the room, despite the fact that it was still detention time.

Sanma and the others were stunned for a moment, but then the mood turned romantic when Cat Fu glimpsed Sanma once again.

"Yes! Thank you, Airen! Airen and I go on date tomorrow!" Cat Fu rejoiced – a complete reversal from her sentiment from earlier.

Sanma laughed nervously, while the others had an expression of resignation or irritation because of what happened.

"Sanma, can't you ever make up your mind about which you want to end up with?" Ryuga muttered annoyed at Sanma's indecision.

"Does this girl always have such a bad temper?" Issei asked Ryuga with a glance at the door.

"Sadly, yes. Sanma always gets on her nerves like that…" Ryuga explained with a sigh.

"Man, this chick needs to go to anger management class…" Matsuda said to Motohama.

"Yeah! Even the Kendo Club back in Kuoh would be hard-pressed to be her match," Motohama remarked. He wondered just what Murayama and Katase were doing now.

Issei idly glanced at the tickets on Sanma's desk and noticed that the tickets seemed rather thick for what they were.

"Hey, Sanma. May have a look at those?" Issei said and took the fashion show tickets in his hands. He touched the tickets and discovered that there was something underneath them.

"I knew it…" Issei said triumphantly. Everybody had puzzled looks until they saw just what Issei was speaking of.

Underneath both tickets were two additional tickets, totaling the number of tickets to…

"Four tickets…" Matsuda said with interest.

Cat Fu glared at Issei and snatched the tickets away from him.

"Tickets not for you!" she snapped at him.

Issei gave her a look of irritation. "Hey, what's the deal? I was just curious that's all," Issei answered back and shook his head.

"Say, Cat Fu, were ya planning on inviting more people other than me or why do ya have four tickets?" Sanma queried curiously.

Cat Fu shook her head. "I only invite you, Airen. No plans on inviting anyone else, but Hayashibara-sensei wanted me to take all four of them anyway."

Sanma said nothing after that. His face seemed unreadable at first, but then put on a toothy grin.

"Well, I guess that settles it then. 6 pm at the hotel tomorrow? I'll see ya there, okay?" Sanma said to the Chinese Amazon and took her hands.

Seeing hearts, Cat Fu kissed Sanma's lips with a deep and long kiss which Sanma eagerly replied to. This then led to Sanma stroking her hair with one hand and Cat Fu pressing her body against her lover with her curvy body.

This caused everybody to be horny for the second time that day.

"Dang it…" Issei said annoyed at being given more fuel for hormones without a way to relieve himself.

"Can you two get a room? We singles can't take it anymore…" Matsuda said while breathing heavily from his arousal.

"Totally…" Motohama breathed out in his lust.

Ryuga said nothing, but was groaning for the same reason as his friends.

[So much porn for one day in real time] Ddraig joked.

That was it! Issei couldn't take it anymore!

"I need to go to the bathroom!" Issei said and rushed out the door.

Matsuda and Motohama looked on in confusion at first, but then connected the dots and follow suit.

"I'm going as well…" Matsuda quickly said.

"Me, too…" Motohama added.

They both fled the room, leaving only Sanma, Cat Fu and Ryuga behind. By now, Sanma and Cat Fu had stopped kissing and were distracted by the unusual behavior of the three boys and their quick disappearance act.

Ryoga sighed. He knew that his friends were hopeless perverts, but it wasn't as if he could blame them.

"Whatever…" Ryuga said with disinterest and stood up from his desk. He walked out the door, leaving only Cat Fu and Sanma behind.

"What's their problem?" Sanma wondered as he stared out through the door.

"Oh, they just jealous. That's all," Cat Fu stated And proceeded to kiss her lover on the cheek.

Sanma sighed. What a crazy world he lived in…

4th of October, Friday, 7:04 pm – in the Trio's Apartment, Nerima

Sometime after detention had ended, the three pseudo-brothers were back at their apartment, the three boys were having dinner. Issei had made eggs with rice and sliced cucumbers. A rather simple meal, but still better than nothing.

Issei had to admit, making dinner every day was a chore – and literally so. They were never able to eat homemade dishes, but they were able to make decent dishes with the limited cooking skills that they had. Also, they had decided to chores like cooking, cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry on a rotational basis. This week, it was Issei's turn to cook, Matsuda's turn to clean the bathroom and Motohama's turn to do the laundry.

Much to Issei's annoyance, he was stuck with the most tedious task because cooking is something that needed to be done every day. The other tasks only needed to be done once a week. It also didn't help that Matsuda and Motohama were complaining about...

"It's so… dry…" Motohama stated bluntly, as he tried to make the most of tonight's dinner.

"But what about the cucumbers?" Issei pointed out. "They should even it out, right?"

"Yeah, but it's not mixed into the rice and eggs," Matsuda critiqued while poking his fork into the omelet. "That just makes it hard to eat all at once and one can only eat them separately."

"You should try making something that meshes in well all at once, like… umm..." Motohama tried to find an ideal dish to use as an example. "…lasagna!"

Issei raised an eyebrow at that. "Lasagna? You mean the kind that you tried to make last week only for you to fail epically?" Issei said with a smirk.

Matsuda groaned. "Ugh! That was a nightmare! It was so burnt out and black like a volcano. Was that even your intention?" Matsuda then joked.

Motohama became defensive at this. "Hey! At least, I tried! It just didn't work that time!" he argued.

[And that's why dragons have it good] Ddraig said, the Boosted Gear manifesting itself on Issei's arm. [They only need to eat meat and dragon apples, none of the failures that you people call dishes.]

"Shut up, Ddraig!" Motohama answered back.

"Yeah, you try making food for yourself instead scavenging of wildlife, you animal!" Issei told Ddraig off.

"And add chores to that, too! Unlike you, we're working our butts off with housework and school! So, shut up," Matsuda ended the trio's common criticism for Ddraig.

[Grumble… grumble… you annoying ungrateful little…] Ddraig murmured, but was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Everybody turned their eyes to the door.

"Now, who could that be?" Issei wondered.

Matsuda, Issei and Motohama looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Neither of them knew anything about who that person was. Only one way to find out…

Issei got up from the dinner table and opened it. To his surprise, it was…

"Sanma?" Issei voiced out surprised at seeing the pig-tailed martial artist at the door.

"Hiya there! Yer apartment's really nice. Can I come in?" Sanma asked with a suspiciously cheerful demeanor.

"What are you doing here? And how did you find this place?" Issei asked of him.

Sanma rubbed his hair a bit nervously. "I remembered our conversation we had earlier that day about apartments. Ya told me about how yer apartment and where ya guys lived so…" Sanma explained, trailing off at the end.

"Oh!" Issei interjected. Come to think of it, he and the boys really did talk a lot about their apartment, so it made sense for Sanma to find this place.

"So… can I come in?" Sanma asked.

Issei nodded and Sanma entered the house. After taking off his shoes, Sanma followed Issei to the dinner table much to Matsuda's and Motohama's surprise.

"Yo, what are you doing here?" Motohama asked pleasantly surprised.

"I've got a favor to ask. May I join in?" Sanma asked and hinted at the table where they were eating dinner.

"Be my guest. I'll get a plate," Issei said and went to do exactly that.

Sanma sat down at the table and a few minutes later was enjoying the food. That someone was enjoying food was not an unusual sight in itself. But munching it all down in a minute, now that made the boys almost pop their eyes out.

"Ya guys cook for yerselves?" Sanma asked, as he had managed to stuff all that food inside his mouth.

"Yeah, it's my turn for the week. And it's not easy," Issei told Sanma.

"I bet. But ya're not too bad," Sanma replied, as he wiped the smudges off his lips.

"Thanks… but you said you've got a favor for us. What is it about?" Issei wanted to know.

Sanma downed his glass of water beside him and spoke.

"Alright, about that… Do ya guys remember back in detention today when Cat Fu asked me on a date to that fashion show?" Sanma reminded Issei.

Matsuda, Motohama and Issei nodded.

"Yeah, so?" Matsuda asked, trying to figure out just Sanma was getting at.

"It's about those four tickets," Sanma began his explanation. "After detention, I accompanied Cat Fu home. I told her to hold on to one. I held on to the other three, said I wanted to keep them as souvenirs of a kind. I ended up getting home only to be interrogated by Nakane…"

"Let me guess, she wasn't happy that you're dating Cat Fu?" Motohama asked with a groan. He really didn't like that girl and her bad temper.

Sanma nodded and continued. "Anyway, she saw those tickets and demanded that she come with me. I agreed, but she insisted that I stay away from Cat Fu. I couldn't get her to change her mind and now I risk making Cat Fu angry just for showing up to that stupid fashion show with Nakane…"

"Yeah, I think I get the picture…" Matsuda put his hand on his forehead. He was starting to get a headache even imagining Nakane's temper. He remembered back at that time in the Chopping Board Type 2 and how she constantly yelled and whined. That was such a pain in the neck…

"So, what do you want us to do about it?" Issei asked Sanma, feeling a bit uneasy as to what the latter had in mind.

Sanma leaned forward as if he was trying to tell him something top-secret.

"I want ya to take the last ticket that I've got and distract both Nakane and Cat Fu for me. Make sure they don't see me with the other or all hell will break lose, got it?" Sanma whispered to Issei.

All three boys had surprised and bewildered looks on their faces. "You want the three of us to go to your date!?" Matsuda voiced incredulously.

"Nah, not all three of ya. There's only one ticket, so only one of ya needs to go and do the distracting," Sanma corrected Matsuda.

"So… how do you want us to do it?" Issei queried.

"Easy, I wanna give the appearance of a date – for both Nakane and Cat Fu. I'll lead Nakane to the date. I want ya to make sure that Cat Fu goes in first. Make sure ya keep yer eyes on her and warn me with her smartphone if she gets near my position. I'll deal with Cat Fu later and you do the job ya did before with Nakane. Ya watch her until I come back again and take over again. Then we reverse things so ya can deal with Cat Fu again. That way, both of 'em are busy for the entire date," Sanma finished his explanation.

Issei's sweat rolled down his face. "I don't know…" Issei responded. "That sounds like a lot of trouble… Isn't it better to just tell one of the two to… not go with you…"

"I'm begging ya!" Sanma implored him. "Ya don't know how scary they are when they lose their temper! Besides, I really don't wanna make 'em…" Sanma drifted off, becoming strangely somber.

The three boys wondered why that was. Was there something about the girls that bothered him? They speculated about it until Sanma regained his composure.

"Anyway, forget the last part. Please, I'll make it worth ya while! If ya do, I'll pay ya back! Honestly!" Sanma pleaded with them all.

The trio said nothing. They mulled over what Sanma said. He sounded pretty desperate there. And even though Sanma didn't get along with them in the past, they got along with him now. He was just as good a friend to them as Ryuga was.

And it wasn't like he hadn't helped them before. Issei remembered how he and Sanma fought that Fallen Angel Yuda off the other day. It was a pretty close fight. The only reason why Issei was alive was because Sanma held off Yuda long enough to flash freeze him with the Boosted Gear. Issei may have improved through Ddraig's new training sessions, but even then there would come a time when allies like Sanma will be helpful in the future – especially if it involves stronger enemies.

Oh, yeah… stronger enemies… Issei didn't need to be reminded that he was going to face stronger enemies in the future. Ddraig drilled this deep within his mind already.

And thus, Issei knew what he had to do. He held his hand out towards Sanma, as if expecting to receive something from him. Sanma looked at his hand in confusion and then at his face.

"You got the ticket?" Issei asked Sanma.

Sanma's face brightened immediately. "Ya're helping me?" Sanma said hopefully.

With a reluctant sigh, Issei nodded. Sanma reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out the ticket to the fashion show. That was when Issei looked through the ticket and found an additional detail about it that he had overlooked previously.

With that, he now had two reasons for going.

5th of October, Saturday, 5:42 pm – not too far from Hotel Entertainment, Shinjuku Ward

[You seriously went just so you could eat the buffet?] Ddraig deadpanned.

"What? It's not every day you eat good food like that," Issei reasoned with Ddraig, while on his way to the appointed meeting place.

[You greedy animal…] Ddraig said and shook his head (metaphorically).

"Animal yourself, lizard!" Issei hissed and said no more.

It was decided yesterday that Issei was the one to go, since he was the one who volunteered for this. Issei did this not just so that he could eat free buffet food, but also he could avoid a day of cooking. And that alone made it worth it.

Currently, Issei was wearing a nice black shirt and black Jeans along with his coat. It was a somewhat formal occasion and he wanted to dress nicely. It was nice of Hide-San to give him clothes for nice occasions, he had to thank him later.

Issei already could see the hotel. It was quite the grand building. It was a yellowish building with twelve stories. Each of the stories had apartments with balconies, probably worth a lot of yen per night. But what was even more impressive was what Issei heard about the ground floor. Not only, was there the reception, but there were also buildings of the same complex that featured a concert hall, an exhibition plaza, a restaurant and even an Olympic-sized swimming pool. And all of that was owned by the people running the hotel. Those people definitely had good business. They had to be filthy rich!

But never mind that. Focusing on the mission at hand, Issei went towards the hotel. In front of the hotel was a crowd of people waiting in line to get in. And all just for a fashion show… or was it?

Issei double-checked the ticket. Sure enough, he found yet another detail he missed (just how could miss yet another detail?). Apparently, one could not only go to the fashion show in the exhibition plaza, but also to the concert hall to enjoy some music. And of course, there was the restaurant where the buffet was. So, there were three different places to go to and those places were isolated enough from each other to prevent Nakane and Cat Fu from bumping into each other (presuming they weren't in the same place).

But of course, there was the wait. The line was rather long and this could take about ten to twenty minutes before he could get in. As Issei got in line, he saw Cat Fu waiting a good distance away from the line at a lamp post. She was looking good today. She wore a nice red coat covering her red dress, which she wore with white high heels.

This was it. The mission had now begun. Issei took out his phone and called Sanma.

"Yo," Sanma responded from the other end of the line.

"Hey, I'm waiting in line. I can see Cat Fu and she's waiting just outside the hotel. But she's not waiting in line. I guess she's waiting for you to appear first," Issei informed Sanma of the situation.

"Good. Thanks for remindin' me," Sanma replied.

"What are you doing on your end?" Issei asked Sanma.

"Preparing for the date. I also told Nakane to wait an extra half an hour 'cuz of long lines. She bought it. All we have to do is get Cat Fu to go inside," Sanma answered.

"But how?" Issei asked.

"Leave it to me. See ya soon," Sanma said and hung up the line.

Issei put away the phone and wondered what Sanma meant by that. That was when he saw Cat Fu pulling out her phone and talking to someone. Issei didn't make too much out of it until he put two and two together.

"So, that's how it is…" Issei uttered in realization.

After a while, he saw Cat Fu hanging up and coming over to the end of the line. Upon approaching the line, Issei and Cat Fu came into eye contact.

Cat Fu widened her eyes in surprise for a moment upon seeing Issei, only to narrow them in anger.

"What you do here?" she demanded in her broken Japanese.

Issei chuckle nervously. "I… umm… came for the buffet. Sanma had two tickets left, so he gave one for me…" Issei lied by omission. Sanma did have two tickets left and he did give one to Issei. He just didn't mention that Nakane had the other one.

Cat Fu huffed, but said nothing. She waited at the end of the line behind Issei, staring holes into the back of his head. This made Issei tense.

"This is not going to be easy…" Issei complained to himself.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:12 pm – inside the Hotel Entertainment complex, ground floor, Shinjuku Ward

"Oh, thank goodness that wait was an agony…" Issei wiped the sweat off his face in relief.

At last, he made it inside after a nearly half an hour wait. Waiting that long was bad enough, but to do so while ignoring Cat Fu's death stare was a torment.

After he got in, Issei went someplace quiet to call Sanma in peace.

"Hey, I got in. How are things on your end?" Issei asked Sanma.

"Nakane and I just got in line. I think it's gonna take a while. What about Cat Fu?" Sanma inquired.

"She went to the fashion show. I think it hasn't begun just yet, but I'm not sure. Were you the one who called her earlier?" Issei asked again.

"Yeah. I told her to go in before me, wait inside. Said that I got caught up in picking the right clothes with Kasumi. Thankfully, she bought it," Sanma answered.

"OK. What do I do next?" Issei asked Sanma.

"Keep an eye on her. Make sure, she stays where she is until I come. When I do, go to the concert hall. That's where she'll be. OK?" Sanma instructed him.

"Roger that. See you soon," Issei ended the conversation and hung up.

Issei took a deep breath and went to the fashion show. He didn't like the idea of Sanma two-timing like that. But at least… well… he could only hope the fashion show was worth it…

5th of October, Saturday, 6:30 pm – at the fashion show

"Wow! Why didn't I find this sooner?" Issei whistled impressed.

Those models were hot and their oriental themed clothes emphasized that, like their curves and legs.

Models from ages 18 to 40 were walking up and down the aisle and showing off their stuff for the audience to see. The audience definitely loved it. The only exception seemed to be Cat Fu, who was tapping her fingers and looking impatiently at the door entrance for Sanma.

Issei noticed this and prayed for Sanma to arrive.

"Come on, what's taking him so long?" Issei wondered to himself.

At last, Sanma came in, wearing a white shirt and black pants. Cat Fu's face brightened up and went up to hug him and kissed him on the cheek. As Sanma and Cat Fu embraced, Sanma made eye contact with Issei and the latter nodded. He departed for the concert hall to find Nakane.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:36 pm – at the concert hall

By the time Issei got there, he heard an enchanting sound coming from within. It was the sound of a piano being played and it was really good. On the stage, he saw a tall girl in a black dress and a red rose on her head playing the piano beautifully. Issei thought she looked very beautiful, except…

"I have the feeling that I've seen her somewhere before… but where?" Issei asked himself.

As Issei watched the concert, he quickly remembered that he had to find Nakane. He looked about. Where was she…?

He spotted her at one of the back rows to his left. Nakane, for whatever reason, did not seem happy. Issei probably guessed it was because Sanma wasn't here (the seat next to her was empty, which was presumably Sanma's seat). What was also noteworthy was that she was glaring at something in front of her.

Issei looked in the audience. Nothing out of the ordinary. They were just people in decent clothing enjoying the show. Could it possibly be the pianist? Why was she glaring at her?

That was when the door opened and he saw Sanma sneak in. The two of them briefly conversed with each other.

"The fashion show is almost ending. Cat Fu should still be there. Get to it," Sanma whispered to Issei, who nodded in response.

Issei went out the door and Sanma went to where Nakane was.

What both of them failed to notice was that Nakane had noticed Sanma come in and speak with Issei.

'Is that…? What's he doing here?' Nakane thought to herself.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:46 pm – hallway, 1st floor, Hotel Entertainment Complex

Issei walked down the hallway back to the fashion show. The halls were not as packed as before when people first arrived, which was kind of refreshing to Issei since the events made the air feel kind of stuffy.

On his way, he noticed six men walking down the hallway in the opposite direction to where Issei was heading. These men came off as cold and professional for some reason. Moreover, they all swore back leather coats and gloves and had rucksacks on their backs.

Issei couldn't help but stop and stare as the men walked on. Were those bodyguards? Issei didn't know. But something felt off about those men. Just what was it?

Issei shook his head. He didn't have time for this… He sped up to get to the fashion show, hoping to make it in time before it ended.

Little did he know that just outside the hotel complex… the security guards and porters had disappeared only to be replaced by men of similar dress as the ones Issei saw just now.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:50 pm – at the fashion show

The fashion show was nearing towards the end with the last round of models walking down the aisle. By the time Issei got there, he saw Cat Fu sitting there, leaning her head on her arm. Was the show that boring? Maybe it was because Sanma wasn't there with her.

Suddenly, Issei noticed Cat Fu sit up straight in surprise at something. Issei turned to the stage and saw a particular model with a decent amount of makeup, while wearing a short yukata, white knee-socks and sneakers. It gave off the impression of being traditional, modern and sexy. It looked kind of weird, but fashion shows always have weird outfits, so what did he expect?

Issei was about take in her appearance when he froze.

Wait, that face… Wasn't that…?

"Kuongi-san?" Issei almost cried out but managed to hold it in, which earned him the looks of disapproval from members of the audience.

Indeed, it was Ukyu Kuongi, the Okonomiyaki chief. She was one of Sanma's lovers and Issei's classmate, showing off her figure in front of a live audience. Just what on earth was she doing here?

Before Issei could ponder any more, he saw Cat Fu get up and leave the room. She seemed pretty mad. Then again, they were love rivals for the same person, so what did he expect?

Heck, it would be a catastrophe if Ukyu, Cat Fu and Nakane met at each other at the same time…

And then it hit Issei. He immediately got up and got to the door as quickly as he could, earning him further looks of disapproval and protests. Issei headed for the door, but failed to notice that Ukyu had noticed the small commotion.

'Is that… Issei Hide?' she thought in surprise, as Sanma left the room.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:53 pm – hallway, 1st floor, Hotel Entertainment Complex

No sooner had Issei gotten out that, he quickly pulled out his phone and called Sanma.

"Come on… Pick up!" Issei begged Sanma, as the phone tried to connect.

Luckily for Issei, it did after a few seconds.

"Hey, what's up? I'm in the middle of a concert!" Sanma spoke through the line.

"No time! Cat Fu has gone out! I think she's looking for you!" Issei warned his companion.

"What!? Where is she?" Sanma demanded.

"I don't know!" Issei answered back. "Look, she's looking for you. Just go find her!"

"Okay, okay… I'll get going…" Sanma said reluctantly before hanging up.

Issei put away his smartphone before letting out a huge sigh. This double date thing was soooooo tiring… and he even needed to go on a bathroom break.

Issei went to find the nearest bathroom, which he found out was near the hotel reception.

But because he was so busy getting to the bathroom, he failed to notice something. The entire hallway was quiet.

Too quiet.

At the same time with Sanma…

"Really, I told that girl to wait there…" Sanma mumbled to himself.

He was looking for Cat Fu in the hallway, walking briskly because of how his seemingly perfect double date was going haywire. Upon rounding a corner, Sanma bumped into a man with black leather clothing.

"Oof!" "Hey, watch it!"

Both Sanma and the man fell down, five other men behind their companion stopping as well. At the same time, Sanma perceived the sound of something plastic hit the floor.

Sanma widened his eyes upon seeing the object in question. Following his discovery, the men were thrown into a panic.

"Dang it, my gun!"

"He saw it! The kid saw it!"

"No choice, get him!"

Everything went so fast for Sanma he didn't know what was going on. The men suddenly pulled guns out of their pockets and pointed them at him.

Sanma raised his hands subconsciously and the men quickly went and restrained Sanma from behind.

"Hey! What are ya… UGH!" Sanma grunted as he was smacked over the head with a gun. He immediately lost consciousness.

Seeing that the pig-tailed boy was unconscious, the men calmed down, though they remained in a state of alert.

"What do we do now?" asked the man who bumped into Sanma.

"You carry him. We'll bring him to where we've got the other hostages. Now go!" answered a colleague.

The first man took Sanma piggyback and rushed with his comrades to the desired destination.

Just a moment afterwards, they came across Cat Fu, who widened her eyes in shock upon seeing Sanma being carried by those men. Her shock turned to anger.

"AIYA! WHAT YOU DO TO…" she demanded aggressively when the closest gunman pointed a gun at her, causing her to freeze in shock.

"Don't move! Or you're gonna have a hole in your head!" the man threatened her coldly.

Even as she was focused on the gun pointed at her, the same man pulled out a cloth drenched with chloroform and shoved it into her face.

Cat Fu struggled and punched the man in the stomach. The man winced in pain and fell to the ground. Another man tried to rush her, but she easily sidestepped him and tripped him.

"Looks like we're going to have to start the plan a bit early…" said one of the men, as he calmly watched his comrades fight the Amazon. "But it doesn't matter. We're almost ready anyway. No harm in starting ahead of schedule."

He pulled out a walky-talky and his gun and aimed it at her, as she knocked down two more men and went for the man carrying Sanma, who had a look of panic on his face.

"Commence the operation. The shows are about to end. We're starting it now. Over," the man said before hanging up. He pulled the trigger.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:55 pm – in the bathroom with Issei

Issei had just finished his bathroom break and was about to leave. However, he was not in a mood to do more surveillance, but instead go to the buffet and eat some food. He was getting hungry and he really needed to take a break.

Before Issei could leave the bathroom stall, suddenly...


Issei froze in his tracks.

That was... could it be?

Then, the sound of screaming and running came from the distance, coming closer to Issei's position.

Issei was about to head out to check out the situation, he got out of the stall and was about to head to the door when…

"NOBODY MOVE!" a man's voice called followed by the sound of a gunshot.

The sound of running and screaming stopped. Issei paid rapt attention to what was happening outside. He pressed his ear against the bathroom door.

"All of you will head back where you came from and stay there! Now move!" the man shouted.

Issei bit his lip.

"This is a hostage situation!? Why is there a hostage situation at a place like this!?" Issei muttered to himself. He kept the volume down to prevent the gunman outside from overhearing him.

He used his enhanced hearing sense to find out more and discovered something else. He heard warning shots and similar threats elsewhere in the building. They sounded like they came from everywhere in the complex! Just how many men were there?

Issei feared the worst. This was the kind of situation you would see in movies or on the news. He never thought that it would happen to him in real life. And speaking of which, what about Sanma, Nakane, Cat Fu and Ukyu? Were they fine? Well, only one way to find out…

Issei paid close attention to the situation right outside this door. He could hear the footsteps and frightened whimpers of the people outside being marched off to who-knows-where.

Judging by the number of footsteps outside, there seemed to be many, possibly hundreds.

Issei bided his time patiently. Surely, they would just pass by and he could be safe and sound, right?

Unfortunately, just as the masses had passed by the bathroom, he heard the footsteps of a few gunmen that seemed to be hanging out nearby.

"Hey, check the bathroom," Issei heard one man say.

"Why though?" asked another man.

"Because there might be people hiding in there. Now go!" the first man ordered.

"What about you?" asked a third man.

"I'll check up on the other rooms. See if anyone is in there," the first man answered.

"No way, the bathroom stinks!" the second man objected.

The men continued arguing, but Issei was no longer listening by then. Issei's heart was beating furiously now. Issei quickly rushed inside one of the stalls and locked the door.

Not good… they would find him at this rate! And these guys had guns, too. So fighting them head-on was suicide – even with his bodily improvements.

He looked around frantically. What was he supposed to do?

[This situation feels like a déjà-vu] Ddraig remarked humorously.

"If you have time to wise-crack, why don't you use that brain of yours to help me!" Issei whispered angrily.

[Sigh… No need to wrack your brains about it. Look up] Ddraig said to Issei.

Issei did so and froze. Wait… That's it!

Issei summoned the Boosted Gear and charged.


Then he aimed upwards.

[Dragon Shot!]


The men stopped their arguing upon hearing the explosion from the bathroom.

"What was that?"

"I told you to check it out, didn't I?"

"No way, if I had checked it out a moment earlier I could have died!"

The three men rushed in and were greeted by smoke and dust.

"I can't see…"

"What on earth happened here?"

"Any of our guys plant explosives?"

"Somehow, I don't think so…"

"We should inform the others…"

As the men tried to investigate the cause of the explosion, they eventually would find out that a hole had been blown up in the ceiling above a stall. However, by then Issei was long gone.

5th of October, Saturday, 6:59 pm – with Issei, in the vents

"That was too close!" Issei said in relief. He was crawling through the vents like every spy agent ever.

[You're welcome, Partner…] Ddraig said unenthusiastically. [I was so looking forward to you unleashing a fart again like last time…]

"Can you just…" Issei was about to tear into Ddraig, but his watch rang.

Issei wondered why a call would be coming at this moment. He picked the call.

"Dude! We saw the news! Apparently, terrorists have taken over the building! Are you alright?" Motohama asked worried.

"I'm fine! In fact, I managed to escape them. Only problem is… How do I get out of here?" Issei was looking around the vent, hoping to find a way out.

"Huh? What do you mean? Where are you?" Motohama asked.

"I'm in the vents, crawling around like I'm in Metal Gear Solid… but the problem is that it's dark in here… and I don't know how to get out…" Issei answered with a depressed visage.

"That sucks, but you'll find a way out. Just keep going to wherever the event leads you. You'll find a way out somehow," Motohama tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, but what if the way out has terrorists blocking the way?" Issei asked. "What then?"

Motohama didn't say anything. There was silence in the vents with Issei expecting an answer.

It was then, that Matsuda took over and spoke.

"Issei. I've got an idea," Matsuda spoke up.

"Yeah. What have you got?" Issei asked hopefully.

"Get your glasses out. They've got a computer function, don't they?" Matsuda said.

Issei wondered what Matsuda was talking about until he remembered.

"I'm an idiot! Why didn't I think of this before!" Issei scolded himself and summoned his special glasses.

He fumbled around the settings and used night vision mode.

"Much better…" Issei smiled.

"Good to know. Listen. I've got another idea. I'll have Phoebe try to connect with your glasses," Matsuda suggested.

"Huh? She can do that?" Issei asked surprised.

"Yeah, Hide-San told me about it. Cool, huh?" Matsuda remarked with a grin that Issei could practically hear through the line.

The Chopping Board Type 2's summoning could also be heard along with Matsuda'a commands.

"Phoebe, connect with Issei's special glasses and send the location to all our wrist watches," Matsuda ordered.

{Tracing target… please wait…} Phoebe's monotonous tone could be heard speaking through the line.

Issei waited for about ten seconds until Phoebe spoke up again.

{Target traced. Uploading on wristwatches of Matsuda Hibiki, Motohama Todoriki and Issei Hyoudou} Phoebe said and sure enough, Issei's location showed on all their watch displays.

"Whoa! Now, that's cool!" Motohama said astounded as he checked the display on his watch screen.

"Those gifts we got from the girls keep surprising me," Issei said impressed.

"Yeah, but they only show the location on where you are in Tokyo. What we need right now is a live-feed of the hotel and the precise location of everyone and everything in it. For that, I'd send Phoebe to fly up and down the hotel, so she can scan the place and create a map of the hotel, you know?" Matsuda explained.

"A map… Got it…" Issei said and nodded.

"It's gonna take a few minutes, but she'll arrive. No doubt about it. In the meantime though, I suggest you find a way out of the vents. Be careful not to let those terrorists spot you. Okay?" Matsuda asked one last time.

"Yeah, got it…" said, his face becoming serious at the reminder of foes.

"Good. I'll contact you once Phoebe has made a map. Until then, stay alive," Matsuda finished his call.

"Yeah, take care now. We've got your backs, dude…" Motohama finished on a light-hearted note.

"Yeah, got it," Issei ended the call.

He moved forward, crawling inch by inch. It wasn't easy to do so. In fact, it was tough. And to think that he thought this was an easy army training exercise… better not let Ddraig get any ideas…

Issei crawled forward and came to a junction.

Now, which way should he go. Left or right?

But what's bothered Issei more is why the terrorist takeover happened in the first place.

What was their aim? Normally, these kind of takeovers happen so they could extort the government. Was that the case? Why pick this place though? Were there important in this place? Maybe some important celebrity or politician? One could only wonder…

But what Issei worried the most was what these terrorists would do to the hostages I'd the worst came to the worst. Would they kill them? Were they already hurting them at this moment? What about Sanma, Cat Fu, Nakane and Ukyu?

Issei didn' know the answer to that question. What he did know was that whoever these people were or whatever their goal was…

Issei's face turned grim.

"They messed with the wrong guy…" Issei said with determination.

The Boosted Gear shone with a bright crimson light as hot as his fury.

And that was chapter 35 of the Lone Vigilante Issei.

There are a lot of things to be said about this chapter, so let's begin with the raunchy scene near the beginning.

I mentioned before that many of the characters are based of those from Ranma 1/2, but they have their differences from their original characters. One of which being how shameless and horny Cat Fu is in contrast to Shampoo from Ranma 1/2. I have to say I didn't expect to make such a scene. It was only supposed to be a small pervy scene, only for it to escalate into something more.

What was the point of it? Well, I do have some things planned in the future and the secret double date scene at Hotel Entertainment is part of it. Stay tuned.

I decided to have Sanma become the trio's friend on par with Ryuga. Why? Because I think they both have great potential as characters whether to Ryuga or the trio.

In fact, I wanted to make a chapter all about their time training together. Unfortunately, I experienced technical difficulties and gave up. By the time I wrote this chapter, I decided to do things differently. You'll see glimpses of their training together soon.

Now, for the meat of this chapter.

Yes, I'm going for a thriller-kind of story. The classic kind like a hostage situation. We have gunmen, hostages, explosions, gadgets and a glitzy hotel. Perfect setting for a thriller story.

I've got other things in store, so please stay tuned.

In the meantime, how did you like this chapter?

Please read and review. I'd like to hear from you.

And as always, I hope to see you around next chapter.

Until then.

Hide Shinyama