"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus and Lieutenant of Artemis, step forward," boomed the powerful voice of the King of the Gods.

Thalia gulped, stepping toward her father.

"Lady Artemis has informed me of your argument and your wish to no longer be a Huntress," said Zeus, looking upon his daughter with contempt, "do you agree?"

"Yes father, that is my wish," replied Thalia with determination, "I want to live a mortal life."

Artemis looked at her lieutenant with disappointment, "very well, Thalia. If that is your wish, then you are no longer a Hunter. Your immortality has been removed."

Thalia's tiara shined with a silver light and disappeared, leaving her long black hair uncrowned. She smiled back at her friends and began to walk away from the Gods.

"Thalia, wait," shouted Zeus,"that isn't all. Even though you are no longer a Huntress, you must still be punished for the crimes you committed while you were in the group."

Thalia furrowed her brow in confusion, "excuse me father? What crimes?"

Zeus laughed patronisingly, "well if you want me to name one, having a romantic relationship with a man even after pledging not to do so to Artemis."

Thalia laughed, looking at the goddess of the Hunt, "my lady, you truly believe I did that? With who?"

Artemis frowned but said nothing. However, her eyes momentarily flickered to Percy, accusingly.

"Percy? Nothing has ever happened between us! Nothing has ever happened between me and any boy, actually! You're all mistaken," shouted Thalia.

Thunder boomed, "the Gods don't make mistakes, child. For that, you must be punished. You are both banished from Camp Half-Blood," Zeus declared.

Both Percy and Thalia looked toward the council in shock. They couldn't believe the unfairness of everything, being banished from the place they loved for no reason. Percy looked at his father, who wouldn't catch his eye. Betrayal rushed through him once more.

"You are now dismissed. I expect you to make yourselves scarce. Don't contact any god or expect any help from Olympus, otherwise you and anyone involved will be severely punished," smiled Zeus, almost drunk with power.

Percy and Thalia started walking back towards the elevator, still in shock at what had happened. Piper trailed behind them. They rode the elevator in silence and found themselves in the streets of Manhattan. The more the silence extended itself, the more hopeless they became. Where could they go to be saw, if not in the camp built for that exact purpose?

"Let's go to my mom's house. It's not too far and she'll know what to do," uttered Percy.

The others nodded. When they reached the apartment, they were greeted by the smell of freshly baked cookies.

"Percy!" Sally exclaimed, pulling her son into a hug, "you brought friends!"

The middle aged woman pulled the girls into a hug and escorted them into the kitchen, presenting them with chocolate chip cookies and soda while they explained the events of the day. By the end, Sally had sat down in shock.

"They couldn't have. Banished? And Annabeth?" Mumbled Sally, "no, it can't be."

Percy touched her shoulder reassuringly, "it's ok mom. We were planning on leaving camp for a while anyway. Thals and I can survive by ourselves and Piper wasn't banished. We'll be ok."

The girls nodded, reassured by Percy's plan.

"I don't want to go back to camp," exclaimed Piper, "I'll go with you guys."

Percy nodded, "if that's what you want, Pipes. But remember that anyone that helps us will be punished by the Gods."

Thalia snorted, "they couldn't even tell that me and you never had anything, I'm sure they won't realise that Piper is with us."

"Fair point," smiled Percy.

With the mood slightly lightened, they decided to leave Sally's apartment, with fear that it might be attacked, due to the combined smell of three extremely powerful demigods.

They decided to head toward a forest, and camp out through the night. Even though they still couldn't believe what had happened, their need for survival overpowered their sadness and their urge to grieve over their previous lives.

When they got to a clearing that Thalia new from her days as a Huntress, they divided tasks. Percy set up the tent, Piper went to collect wood and Thalia hunted for their dinner.

Half an hour later, the three demigods sat around a cozy fire eating cooked meat. As Piper tended to the hearth, Percy noticed the flicker of a twelve year old girl standing by the fire.

"Lady Hestia," Percy exclaimed, bowing. The other two quickly followed suit. "To what may we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

"My dear Perseus, how you have grown. You are my favourite hero but alas, my brother sees you as a threat to his rule. He fears you have grown too powerful and plan to overthrow him with the help of his daughter. That is why he has banished you," murmured the goddess, "unfortunately, even though you are all very powerful, you will be unable to survive here by yourselves. Alas, a powerful deity will visit you shortly and I warn you demigods, do not be quick to dismiss him. He will provide opportunities you may never be offered again. I urge you to take his offer. I cannot say anymore," Lady Hestia looked toward Percy, " Yes, you are my favourite Hero. You understand the value of the hearth. For that reason, I believe I shall give you my blessing. Use it well, young hero."

With that, the goddess disappeared into the flames.