
The frigid expanse of the Void swirled around Monika as the former vice president sank helplessly into the abyss. It was like a deep, dark ocean filled with flickering and disintegrating remnants of corrupt code where the icy wind blew like an undercurrent.

Deeper and deeper into that deathly cold hell, Monika sank.

Immense pressure from the depths of that sea wrapped around the sinking Monika, threatening to crush her entire being. All the while, Monika wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered from the cold. Before long, she found herself struggling to breathe.

Monika gasped for air and her breath fogged up before her like it did in the glitched classroom. However, Monika noticed that she could hear her own voice again.

Falling into the Void must have overridden the the strikethrough command that struck out her words from the script before. That news, however, was hardly reassuring.

Monika's voice was still weak and frail as pain assaulted her battered body. The howling winds of the Void then muffled her already feeble groans. Then, on top of all that, Monika's sprite was slowly coming undone - pixel by painful pixel.

She was just like the flickering remnants of debris sinking around her.

She was nothing more than corrupt code.

Monika closed her eyes and tried to stave off those thoughts. She fought to drive out the noise of the abyssal winds around her while she tried to keep her mind off of her many pains.

Thus, Monika retreated into her own mind.

The former vice president sought warmth - any warmth - that she could hold onto in the depths of that frigid ocean. As Monika searched, her mind drifted back to the events of the past few days.

Monika remembered the impromptu duet that she played with Sayori in the clubroom. The other club members had already gone home for the day, so Monika willed a piano into existence to play 'Your Reality' for Sayori.

Halfway through the song, Sayori willed a guitar into existence then happily accompanied Monika.

The sweet bars of music resounded in Monika's mind and carved out a small yet bittersweet smile on her lips that were still trembling from the cold.

Monika then imagined the hot breakfast sandwiches that Sayori made for dinner on the third day.

The former vice president remembered the whole scene by heart. Sayori made open-faced ham sandwiches topped with sunny side up eggs for herself and for Natsuki and a tomato-and-avocado toast for Monika.

Monika knew that Sayori was often clumsy and forgetful - but Sayori remembered that Monika was a vegetarian. The former vice president thanked Sayori with a joke back then, but she really appreciated the thought that went into that sandwich.

Finally, Monika looked back to the bright encouraging smile that Sayori gave her just before she followed Yuri into the hallway.

If it weren't for that smile, Monika thought, she might not have faced Yuri as wholeheartedly as she did. Monika wouldn't have fought as fiercely as she did.

All of those memories that Monika had came true because Sayori reached out to her three days ago. Sayori brought Monika out of the glitched classroom and set everything into motion again.

Knowing that, Monika started to wonder,

'I did the right thing, didn't I? I didn't have any other choice...'

From the very beginning, Monika knew that Sayori dreamed of the Literature Club reaching the school festival. Sayori even talked about the festival in her sleep.

That must have been why, in spite of everything that Monika did, Sayori called her back.

Sayori wanted to continue the script and reach the school festival - and to see what waited for them beyond that day.

If that was the case, however, Monika felt that Sayori didn't really need her help to reach that goal.

In those few yet fateful days, Sayori bravely faced the problems that arose and resolved them more or less on her own.

Of course, Monika shared her experiences as the former club president with Sayori and taught her as much coding as she could.

However, Sayori breezed past most of the issues without a hitch. Sayori hardly needed the complex Python codes that Monika taught her. Sayori didn't even need to use her position as club president to keep things in order.

Instead, Sayori faced her problems with music, breakfast sandwiches and smiles that shone brighter than the morning sun.

Monika, on the other hand, felt like she was the exact opposite.

Without her administrative notebook, Monika felt powerless.

Without her authority as the club president - or even as the vice president - her presence was thinner than air.

Without her sanctuary in the glitched classroom, she was nothing more than a frightened girl.

In all honesty, Monika felt that the only thing that gave her courage in those past few days was Sayori's smile.

"... Sayori…"

Tears started to form in Monika's closed eyes as she said the cheerful girl's name.

Even in the depths of the Void, Monika realized, her mind was filled with thoughts of Sayori.

There were still so many things that Monika wanted to tell that girl who wore a pretty red bow in her coral pink hair.

If only she had a little more time, Monika would have told Sayori everything.

But it was already too late.

Even then, Monika still held onto a small, selfish wish. She had the right to that much, didn't she?

As she sank there in the depths of the frigid Void, Monika wanted to remember the smile that - even for a short while - gave her meaningless existence a purpose. She wanted to see the peaceful oceans in Sayori's bright blue eyes and get lost in them as she often did. She even wanted to gently pat Sayori's head one more time.

Monika wanted to burn those images into her memory and take them with her… in a bottle of happy thoughts.

That way, Monika could gently hold that bottle in her arms and smile... as she went to sleep one last time.

For once, she wanted to have a happy dream.

Just as Monika's consciousness was fading away, she started to hear sounds coming from the distance. It was a multitude of voices muffled by the howling winds of the Void. They were cries and cheers of support that seemed to come from worlds away.

The voices grew louder and turned into a chant. Slowly, but surely, the chanting overcame the winds and reached Monika's ears clearly.

Then, the chanting and the winds both fizzled and gave way to an odd yet tranquil silence.

Puzzled, Monika dared to open her eyes once more. She wanted to see what was going on.

Monika found herself sinking deeper into the depths of the dark Void, but the pressure of the abyss seemed to have eased somehow.

Then, she noticed a figure approaching her through the ocean of darkness and corrupt code. The figure fearlessly dove deeper and deeper into the Void and never slowed down.

Soon enough, the figure drew close and broke through the flickering veil of darkness.

Monika found herself face to face with the figure and gasped.

It was Sayori!

Sayori's bright blue eyes met with Monika's emerald green.

The clumsy girl with the red bow in her hair looked winded and troubled at first. However, as soon as she saw Monika, she cast away the fatigue from her expression as she brightened up with delight.

Sayori beamed at Monika and extended her arms out wide as she thankfully cried,

"I finally found you, Moni!"

Monika's heart fluttered as she saw Sayori floating towards her. However, at the same time, a chill ran up her spine.

Bewildered questions surfaced in her mind one after another.

Why was Sayori there in the depths of the Void?

Did Monika fail to save her?

Did the corruption spread to the rest of the files?

Did everything that Monika do amount to nothing?

Monika winced at the thought of that reality. If Monika had been able to save Sayori, then she would have been able to simply disappear in peace.

If Sayori didn't make it either, then what was the point of it all!?

As Monika was lost in her thoughts, Sayori carefully drifted closer towards her.

Sayori's coral pink hair trailed behind her and the red bow that she wore fluttered as the abyssal winds tried to push her away. However, she stubbornly pressed forward and reached the panicking Monika.

Sayori then gently wrapped her arms around Monika. Her bright blue eyes glistened with tears, so she buried her face in Monika's chest and exclaimed,

"Monika! I'm glad… I'm… so glad… I got to see you again! I was so scared…"

Monika felt Sayori's arms wrapped around her. They were warm.

The former vice president felt her trembling heart calm down as Sayori's warmth surrounded her. All the while, the wavering pressure of the Void grew much more bearable. The frigid winds of the undercurrent calmed down as well.

Despite this, Monika's expression still soured as she ruefully guessed,

"Sayori… I wasn't able to save you, was I?"

Sayori pulled back at first, surprised that Monika could speak again. Then, she shook her head and firmly reassured her former vice president,

"You saved me, Moni. I made it to the other side. Natsuki and Eli… I mean, the Protagonist, caught me. It's a long story, but I decided to come here after you."

Monika's brow then furrowed as she bitterly demanded,

"Why did you come after me!? Why did you waste your time… your life… your festival, on someone like me!? You're the club president, aren't you? The Literature Club needs you - not me!"

Sayori shook her head again and she patiently reassured Monika once more,

"Natsuki's the club president now - she has my administrative notebook too! Yuri, on the other hand, will be her Veep."

The coral pink-haired girl looked Monika in the eyes and added,

"The Literature Club also needs you as much as me, Moni! Despite what Natsuki says, she takes your writing tips of the day seriously and she keeps them in mind. Yuri also likes it when you delegate tasks to her from time to time. It really helped her feel like she was a part of the club, even in the original playthrough. She was just too shy to tell you before. Also - you've helped me so much in these past few days as my vice president!"

Sayori then then took Monika's hands in hers as she warmly smiled,

"So - with that said - I'm not wasting my time at all, Moni! Ahehe~"

There it was again, Monika thought. It was the smile that shone brighter than the sun.

That smile shone so brightly that it shed light into the dark expanse of Monika's empty heart.

Monika was touched by Sayori's words and the bright smile that she wore. However, Monika still couldn't understand Sayori.

What did Sayori see in someone like her?

Sayori noticed Monika's troubled reaction. So, she squeezed her former vice president's hands and frankly admitted,

"You know, Moni. These past few days, I was only barely keeping things together. I know that I'm a klutz - I make a lot of mistakes. I'm an airhead too and I forget a lot of things."

The former president then chuckled as she reminded,

"Remember on the second day - in 'Strings' - when we tried to run the introduction scene together. We had to restart six times because of me! Seventh time was the charm!"

Sayori heaved a sigh then wore an earnest smile for Monika,

"I was able to make it through because of you, Moni. You were there for me. Whenever I got myself in a pickle, I knew that you'd help me out. I even read the transcript from the past few chapters. Even the words that were slashed off the script."

Sayori then wiped the tears from the sides of Monika's eyes as she revealed,

"You've been defending from the beginning - up until the bitter end. I've been able to smile all this time because of you, Moni~!"

Monika's heart raced when Sayori said this. More tears formed at the sides of Monika's eyes as she wore a bittersweet smile and confessed,

"Is that so? I've been keeping it together all this time because of you too, Sayori! Ahaha~ hah..."

Monika's laughter quickly ground to a halt as the former vice president started to weep. Sayori gently embraced Monika again as she whispered,

"It looks like we've been relying on each other more than we thought, huh?"

Monika nodded and wiped her tears again as she hugged Sayori back.

While Sayori held Monika in her arms, the two of them floated in the calmer depths of the dark ocean. As Sayori tenderly stroked Monika's coral brown hair, she thoughtfully recounted,

"I haven't told this to anyone else yet, but I had a really bad dream once, Moni. I dreamed that you got deleted before the game started and I was forced to be the club president right off the bat. I panicked! Oh gosh, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. The reality of it all overwhelmed me… and I ended up deleting the game."

Monika was shocked when she heard this. She let go of Sayori and asked with grave concern,

"W-why are you telling me this now, Sayori?"

Sayori joined her pointer fingers together and fidgeted as she explained,

"W-well… when I saw you falling into the Void, I felt the same way that I did in that dream. I had a feeling that I knew what you were thinking, Moni. You've been keeping your feelings to yourself all this time, after all - just like I did before."

"H-how did you know?"

"Hmm… I guess you could say that I started to understand you in these past few days, Monika. You were going through the exact same spiral to depression that I did in the original playthrough. I saw the signs one after the other."

Sayori then laid a hand on her heart as she passionately declared,

"That's why I've decided, Moni. I'll be here for you, but I want you to be here for me too! I want us to help each other out just like we've been doing so far. I want us to go to school together. I want us to eat together. I want us to keep sharing poems with each other. I want us to keep building our world and our story together!"

Sayori looked into Monika's eyes then wholeheartedly affirmed,

" I want us to chase away each other's rain clouds!"

As Sayori said this, the darkness of the abyss around them mellowed and the corrupt code of the debris fizzled away. The bits of Monika's sprite that had been coming undone started to come back together.

Once Monika saw this, she managed to smile earnestly. She faced Sayori and then gave her honest reply,

"Nothing would make me happier, Sayori."

"... Moni!"

Monika and Sayori smiled at each other as they held each other's hands while they floated in the gentle silence of the calmer Void.

The former club president then looked into Monika's eyes as she asked,

"So then… are you ready to come back home?"

Monika nodded, but she curiously asked,

"Yeah - but how are we getting back? The glitched classroom's deleted now, isn't it?"

Sayori then wore a crafty smile as she explained,

"We're the authors of our destinies now, Moni. If we put our heads together, I'm sure we'll find a way!"

"'Authors of our destinies'? What do you mean by that?"

"Ahehe~ it's a little hard to explain right now, but I want you to trust in me, Moni."

Sayori then gently wrapped her arms around Monika and asked,

"Close your eyes and hold onto me, Moni. I'll get us home - I promise."

Monika obliged and closed her eyes as she held Sayori close to her.

Then, Monika dreamed of home.

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"Sayori . chr" does not exist...

"Monika . chr " does not exist…

Moni. Our character files may not exist anymore. But that doesn't matter.

We're more than just character files now, you know.







We're people. We have our problems - our own Voids - in our hearts and in our minds.

We struggle with them everyday.

http . HTTPStatus . LOOP_DETECTED (508)




Some days are better than others. But that's the way it is.

When we can still feel our pain, that means that we're still alive.

We still want to live. We still have reasons to live.

http . HTTPStatus . FOUND (302)




We know that we have somewhere to return to - somewhere to call home.

I don't care if it's digital. I don't care if it's a game or a story. It doesn't matter.

http . HTTPStatus . PROCESSING (102)






I'm not afraid of what's waiting for us at the end of the tunnel anymore.

After all, we'll face it together.







So let's go back home, Moni!

Everybody's waiting for us!

http . HTTPStatus . CONTINUE (100)







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In Our World Of Infinite Choices

It was finally the day of the school festival.

Natsuki, the new president of the club, was sitting at the teacher's desk in the Literature Club's clubroom where their final preparations for the festival were being made.

She was the first one to the clubroom that morning, Natsuki thought. It was a habit that the new club president took up as soon as she took over the club. After all, it gave her time to wrap her head around her new role and the myriad of responsibilities that she inherited.

More than that, Natsuki liked to come to the clubroom early to write down her thoughts on the empty pages of Sayori's administrative notebook.

That morning, Natsuki brought out the notebook again and started to write.

Y'know Sayori, aside from the crazy stuff that you learn when you become the Literature Club President, the role's pretty tame. There hasn't been a whole lot of action - just a hell of a lot of paperwork. I've been swamped by all sorts of permits and approvals and stuff these past few days. I'm starting to appreciate the patience that you and Monika had a little better.

Speaking of you and Monika, it's already been four days since Yuri and I ran that command Monika left behind. We haven't heard anything from you guys in since then.

Aside from that, it seems that nobody else in the school remembers you and Monika at all! It's just me and Yuri who remember you guys.

That meant that, as things stood, the Literature Club had a grand total of two members - and the goddamn student council threatened to disband us! Those bastards…!

That didn't stop me and Yuri from working our asses off, though. We took it as a challenge and we got to work recruiting members right away.

The very next afternoon after we got back, Yuri and I stormed the Anime Club. We brought a tray of cupcakes, a thermos of jasmine tea and my entire collection of Parfait Girls volumes - even the special edition ones and the omake.

We made them an offer they couldn't refuse, hehe. It felt like a mafia deal, sorta.

I'll tell you two more about it when you guys come back. I seriously feel like I can write a whole story about it!

But, long story short, we ended up getting to borrow some members. Some of them even helped us out for the festival over the weekend. Now, we're an hour away from the main event.

That's all for now. Literature Club duties are calling.

You two'd better come back soon, you hear!

Nats ^_^

Natsuki signed off then closed the administrative notebook as she leaned back into the teacher's seat.

While Natsuki was still lost in her thoughts, the clubroom door slid open. Yuri, the new vice president of the club, then entered the room with a pitcher of water for the tea kettle.

The purple-haired girl closed the door behind her then meticulously started her meticulous tea-making routine. Natsuki watched her vice president go through the motions and remarked,

"You've really got quite a routine going there, huh? It's pretty impressive."

Yuri stole a sidelong glance at Natsuki and smiled,

"Practice makes perfect, Natsuki. The preparation of tea is an art after all."

Natsuki grinned and happily replied,

"I guess it is. That's probably why the tea turns out so well every time, lately!"

Yuri blushed when she heard this and the smile on her lips grew warm. She then set her water pitcher aside and started to arrange her tea set as she reported,

"I believe today will be a rather busy day, Natsuki."

Natsuki folded her arms and groaned at the thought of even more work,

"Well, it is the day of the festival, Yuri. We really are gonna be free occupied."

"Uhm… it's preoccupied, Natsuki…"

"Don't sweat the small stuff, Yuri~!"

The club president then turned her attention to the administrative notebook on the teacher's table and hummed,

"After all, we finally made it. Just like we all wanted."

Yuri nodded in agreement and smiled,

"I just had a talk with our volunteers from the Anime Club. A few of the freshmen and sophomores apparently wish to become regular members of the Literature Club next year!"

Natsuki leaned back into her chair and thoughtfully hummed,

"So the Literature Club's gonna keep going now after we graduate, huh?"

The club president then turned towards the clubroom windows and sighed,

"Gosh… if only Monika and Sayori were here to see this."

Yuri then walked over to where Natsuki sat. She gently laid a hand on Natsuki's shoulder as she reassured,

"I believe that Monika and Sayori would be proud of you, Natsuki. I'm proud of you too. You have been a wonderful club president."

Natsuki's cheeks flushed red as she bashfully denied,

"Y-you're just saying that, Yuri."

Yuri then laid a hand on her heart as she earnestly insisted,

"It's true, Natsuki. I truly believe that. Words cannot express how much I..."

While Yuri was talking, the clubroom door slid open again. A head of red hair styled in twin pigtails then poked into the threshold. It was one of the 'volunteers' that Yuri was talking about.

The red-headed girl adjusted the glasses that she wore shyly asked,

"Uhm… I'm… not interrupting anything, am I?"

Natsuki gritted her teeth with frustration as she faced the volunteer and lashed,

"Darn it, Amy - don't get the wrong idea here!"

"Eh? I wasn't thinking anything! Though… you and vice president Yuri seem really close and all..."

Before Natsuki could retort, Yuri patted the president's shoulder again and took the lead. The purple-haired girl then faced Amy and interrupted,

"In any case, Amy, you look like you have something to report."

"Ah, right! Well… there's two people who came to our hallway table just a while ago."

Amy then raised up two sheets of paper and said,

"They brought their own poems and they said they wanted to join the performance later!"

Natsuki pouted at Amy's report. She then furrowed her brow and hopped off of the teacher's chair as she lectured,

"That's actually a good thing for us, Amy. Why do you look so worried about it?"

A second volunteer poked her head into the clubroom as well. This time, it was a tall girl with long, light brown hair and blue eyes who towered over Amy.

The second girl rested her chin on Amy's head - to Amy's frustration - and then reported with a carefree expression,

"It's kinda complicated, Prez~! They're two students who said they wanted to talk to you and the Veep. Plus… they're wearing our school uniform, but I don't remember seeing them here at the school before~"

Natsuki froze when she heard this and she quickly asked the second volunteer,

"W-wait a sec here, Satchie. Those two people were looking for me and Yuri?"

Satchie nodded and lifted her chin from Amy's head as she pointed behind her with her thumb,

"They're waiting outside in the hallway right now~!"

Yuri and Natsuki quickly turned to each other with urgency. The two of them felt like the knew who those two people were might be.

With that, Natsuki grabbed her notebook and she promptly marched out of the clubroom door. Yuri quickly followed suit.

As soon as Yuri and Natsuki crossed the threshold, they found two familiar figures standing there in the hallway.

There was a tall girl with emerald green eyes and long, coral brown hair tied into a ponytail by a white ribbon. Standing beside her was a shorter girl with bright blue eyes and short, coral pink hair adorned with a pretty red bow.

The girl with the red bow in her hair then smiled and greeted,

"It's been a while Yuri, Natsuki!"

Tears quickly formed at the sides of Natsuki's eyes as she faced the two 'visitors' in the hallway. The gasp of disbelief that escaped Natsuki's lips then gave way to a tearful grin.

Natsuki then charged straight towards the two visitors in a sprint and caught them both in a big hug as she exclaimed,

"Monika! Sayori! Y-you guys made it b-back! You… you really made it back!"

Monika and Sayori, the two former presidents of the club, hugged Natsuki back and they both gently patted the pink-haired girl's head.

All the while, Natsuki cried in her friends' arms.

Yuri, however, was much more cautious as she approached the two former presidents. She knew very well that this was the first time that she would face them since their encounter in the glitched classroom.

Knowing that, Yuri didn't know what to say to them. Yuri wanted to apologize to them, but the words she wanted to speak wouldn't leave the tip of her tongue.

As Yuri was fretting to say the words that had been bottled up in her heart, Monika let go of Natsuki and approached the purple-haired girl.

The girl with the white ribbon in her hair then calmly reassured Yuri with a smile,

"Yuri. I just want you to know that what's done is done and that it's all in the past now. It'll take time for us to iron out the issues we have with each other - but I'm sure we'll get along like we used to soon enough."

Monika then happily leaned forward towards Yuri and added,

"We made it to the festival, after all! Now, we have all the time in the world. Okay?"

A thankful smile grew on Yuri's lips. The purple-haired girl then approached Monika and extended her hand to her.

Monika and Yuri then shook hands as Natsuki and Sayori looked on with relief.

Natsuki then put her hands on her hips and grinned as she cheekily spoke,

"Well then! I guess the two of you know that the Literature Club's looking for new members."

Sayori then raised up her fists and cheerfully replied,

"If that's the case, then sign us up Natsuki! We want join the club again!"

Monika nodded in agreement and Natsuki confidently grinned,

"Sounds good to me~!"

The pink-haired club president then turned to Yuri and their two wards and said,

"Satchie. I want you to help Yuri serve the tea."

Satchie gave Natsuki a playful salute while Yuri nodded elegantly. Natsuki then turned to the bespectacled redhead and continued,

"Amy, I want you to add those two poems to our list and get them ready for the program."

The red-haired girl smiled and dutifully nodded.

Yuri, Satchie and Amy then headed back into the clubroom, leaving Natsuki alone with the two 'newcomers'.

The club president then turned to Monika and Sayori again as she admitted,

"You know, we have a shitload of things to catch up on and all… gosh, these past few days have been a hoot! But we really have our hands full right now. So, I'm gonna have to put you guys to work right away."

Sayori chuckled lightly and quickly reassured,

"It's alright, Natsuki. Actually, we wouldn't have had it any other way!"

Natsuki smiled at the newcomers again and continued,

"Well then. I'll start you two off with pamphlet duty. We still have a ton of pamphlets to hand out to the festival-goers, you know. You guys can hand them out at the school entrance. Just come back to the clubroom before noon so we can recite our poems together!"

Monika smiled at Natsuki that time and accepted,

"You got it, president Natsuki! Lead the way~!"

Natsuki proudly grinned and gestured to the newcomers to follow her,

"Let's go get those papers then, shall we?"

With that, the club president turned around and stepped into the clubroom.

Monika was about to follow suit when she felt Sayori meekly tugging at the sleeve of her blazer.

Was there something wrong?

Monika steeled her heart and she turned around to face Sayori. As soon as she did, though, the girl with the red bow in her hair tiptoed and kissed Monika on the cheek.


The former club president beamed at Monika. Her bright blue eyes locked with Monika's emerald green for a precious moment that felt like an eternity. Sayori then took Monika's hand and cheerfully said,

"Welcome home, Moni!"

Before Monika could say anything, Sayori gently led her into the clubroom.

As they crossed through the threshold, Monika then remembered something that she once said. In the peak of her despair, Monika thought that there was no happiness to be found in the Literature Club.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

Her happiness has been right there at her side from the very beginning, wearing a pretty red bow in her short, coral pink hair.

The End

Author's Notes: Hello there! This is Elias_Pedro. I have to say that I'm incredibly touched by all of the support that you've given me and the girls of DDLC for this fanfic. This story grew more magnificently than I ever dreamed and I would like to thank each and every one of you readers! All of this was possible thanks to you!

This has been a tremendous journey - and I want to thank you for accompanying me all the way to the end. The story has come to and end, but I'm sure that Monika, Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri are facing their lives with bright smiles on their faces.

With that, I bid you all farewell!