Since he left the bunker that day, Jack's aim was to explore his powers and to be able to control them so he wouldn't harm or kill an innocent person again. He wants to be good he wants people to see that his good he wants the Winchesters to see that his good. In order to convince them, Jack felt the right thing to do was to bring back their mom who was trapped in the apocalypse world.
Jack finally had everything he needed to open the rift and rescue Mary Winchester. Although the dream walker Kaia still hasn't fully controlled her powers yet, Jack was willing to take the risk. They all arrived at this abandon ship. Sam starts spraying painting warding sigils so the angels are prevented from coming in.
Kaia looks round panic on her face.
"What's happening?"
Jack turns and looks at her.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine."
"No we're screwed." Dean says as he walks in "There's too damm many of em." He gestures with his torch towards the stairs "We gotta go up. Let's go." Sam was the first to run up the stairs followed by Jack and Kaia and lastly Dean. Halfway up, Sam begins spraying. Dean looks down the stairs "How long will this warding hold?"
"I don't know" Sam answers. They all enter a room. Sam dumps his bag and begins spraying. "Hey, Dean, maybe if we let em in and then we blast them all away."
"No, they get in here, we're dead. Jack, can you do anything?"
"I can try, but they'll hit me with angel radio again." Jack answers.
The angels outside are all using their powers together and in unison they begin pouncing energy into the ground There was suddenly a loud bang that shook the room.
Dean sighs "Okay, all right, so then we go out guns blazing. We take out as many as we can." Kaia gives Jack a worry glance. "Kid" Kaia looks at Dean worry and fear on her face. "Sorry to drag you into this. This was not your fight."
The ground rumbles again but they all manage to stay on their feet. The angels were not giving up.
"If they get up here, they'll kill you all and take me" Jack says.
"No they won't. You said I could help you find the door to another world. Right" Kaia says.
"Yes" Jack answers.
"Let's do it. Let's get out of here."
"Hey, can you take us to our mom?" Sam asks.
"Can you do it" Dean asks.
"I don't know. I think so." Jack answers.
"What if something goes wrong?" Sam says.
The ground rumbles. Dean points at the nephilim.
"Something already is going wrong! Jack, do it." Dean orders.
Jack goes and grabs a chair. He places it and looks at the dream walker.
"Are you ready?" he asks.
Kaia sits down.
"No" she answers. She lets out a sigh knowing she is going to have to do it anyway. "Let's go" Kaia closes her eyes getting herself ready. The vibrations became faster the angels were increasing in speed. Kaia takes a deep breath trying to keep herself relaxed under this pressured situation. Jack slowly places his hands on her head. As soon as he made contact, his eyes opened glowing gold. The first thing he sees is what looked like the woods and there was a sound of guns blazing. Panic rises inside the dream walker "Okay I'm there; I'm in the Bad Place."
Jack furrows his eyebrows slightly as he looked into this place that has always scared Kaia. They were going through the woods the sounds of guns getting louder. There was bodies on the ground face down, red stains on the trees that looked like blood. Jack can sense Kaia was panicking they had to get out of there fast.
"Let go" he says calmly.
"I can't" she says.
"You can"
Kaia takes a deep breath and focuses hard on getting herself out of there.
Focus she thought.
She takes several more breaths.
Come on focus of
Suddenly the image of the Bad Place started to dissolve and she was now faced with lots of different universes.s
I did it she thought feeling surprised.
Jack begins navigating through the worlds. There was loads. Jack had to make sure he finds the right one.
He then pauses."There"
Kaia obeys and she leads them both into the apocalypse world. While Jack was searching, Sam turns and something caught his eye.
"Dean, you gotta see this...Come here"
Sam points with his angel blade. Dean comes and joins him looking to see where his brother was pointing. The sigils that Sam has sprayed have started to begin slowing melting.
Dean whips his head towards Jack.
"Jack, now!"
Like what he did with Derek, Jack went through the doors into the room looking left and right. Across the room was Mary who was still in hanging in this cage.
Jack's eyes widen. "I see her."
The angels were becoming faster and faster, the warding sigils were nearly gone.
"All right, they're almost through" Dean says as he was looking around.
Jack focuses combing his power with Kaia's. The image of Mary is suddenly replaced with the woods from earlier again.
Jack gasps.
"No... Focus" he says.
Kaia's face screws up and lets out a grunt as she tries to send them back. Mary appears again but quickly goes back to the woods.
"I'm losing it" she says.
It kept going back and forth between the two worlds. She was struggling to stay in one place.
"Almost...almost" Jack says.
Kaia's eyes shut tight and she clenches her teeth. Her stress levels were now increasing. She was trying with all her strength to keep them in one place but it was too hard. She was struggling to maintain control. The vibrations that kept shaking the room wasn't helping her either.
In the woods, there was a figure slowly going towards with its arm out looking like it was ready to grab her. The figure started growling which shook Kaia to the core. It's mouth opened revealing rotting teeth. The figure vanishes going back to Mary again.
Stay...stay she begs herself.
The two worlds increased in speed and were now flashing images in front of her. After seeing one last grunt from Mary, it went back to the woods and the figure was now right in front of her leaning towards her. That was when her powers went out of control.
Kaia's eyes snap open her eyes glowing gold and lets out a high pitched scream. The whole ship started to brighten up.
Kaia lets out another high pitched scream. The light increased causing all the angels to disintegrate up in smoke.
Kaia lets out one last scream loud enough to burst an ear drum. Jack and Kaia start to brighten up. The Winchesters cover their eyes from the blinding light.
Then the light went across the room like a wave bringing everyone along with it. The light vanished leaving an open rift hovering in the middle of the room.
Mary grunts in pain. Her eyes were drowsy and she was exhausted due to the lack of sleep she's had recently. Ever since her and Lucifer got taken by Michael, she has been locked up in this cage guarded by angels.
However now that Lucifer was gone, Michael needed a punch bag so he decides to take it out on Lucifer's human side kick. She can still picture Michael yelling in her face demanding for answers. What was she going to say Lucifer's son opened a rift imagine how Michael would react to that he would go ballistic and want the kid dead and that would put her boys in danger.
There was suddenly a grunt that came below her.
What was Michael doing now? She thought miserably.
Mary looks down. There was someone lying on the ground facing downwards.
Is he awake? She thought.
Her question was answered when his head slowly went up.
Jack looks round at his surroundings wondering if he was in the right place. He turns round and pauses. There she was Mary Winchester in flesh and blood looking down at him. Jack blinks in amazement he couldn't believe he was here it worked. Jack can sense she was in pain and he wanted to get her out of here and reunite her with her sons.
He then frowns and looks round again.
Where were the Winchesters? Worry started to creep up in him. Jack shakes his head and pushes that thought out of his mind. Mary was his main focus now.
Jack slowly gets to his feet never leaving his eyes off her. Mary's gaze follows him up.
"" she says weakly.
Jack places his hand on his chest and tries to remain as calm as possible.
"My name is Jack and I'm here to save you."
Dean was the first to awake. He blinks a few times and looks round. He furrows his eyebrows and frowns. Something wasn't right this didn't look the place there mom was trapped in. He taps his brother.
"Um... yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah" Sam answers quickly.
Dean taps him again.
Sam gestures to him.
"No, no, no, I'm good."
Sam looks round and notices something wasn't right. Confusion appears on his face as he and brother stood up. They were surrounded by trees and bushes.
Dean sighs.
"Come on" he says to his brother.
Dean walks off. Sam looks back still wondering where they were. He quickly turns and follows his brother. It was daytime but the light from the sun was blocked by the trees. The Winchesters kept looking left and right as they walked. This place didn't look familiar at all to them.
Dean pauses looking more confused than ever. "Where the hell are we?"
"By the look of it we are in the woods." Sam answers.
"I can see that. I mean where the hell did that kid sent us? I'm pretty sure this isn't the world mom is in."
"Maybe we didn't go anywhere."
"Come again?"
"Maybe we just got sent to somewhere but we are still in our world."
"But Sam...if we are here, where the hell is Jack and that dream walker."
"They could be in..."
" Sam we needed to be there we needed to rescue mom." Dean does a face palm. "It had to go wrong. The plan had to go wrong. "Oh we are so screwed now."
"We may not be."
"We are Sam."
"No we're not. Jack will rescue her."
"Dean. I have faith in Jack."
"But Sam. He might bump into Lucifer and go dark side."
Sam knew that could possibility but part of him felt Jack wouldn't turn on them. The kid said himself he was their family not Lucifer.
"I don't think he will Dean and if Kaia is with him. He wouldn't want to put her in danger I think he will protect her and most of all he would want to save mom and bring her home."
Dean hoped that was true. He did like that kid and if he won't for him showing their mom was alive, Dean would have still believed she was dead.
"I hope your right Sam." He says quietly. He looks and notices a road up ahead. "Let's go."
The Winchesters continue walking until they were finally on the road. Sam looks round and nods to himself.
"Yeah looks like our world."
Dean looks left and right and sighs.
"I don't see any vehicles. I guess we're walking. Hopefully there is a town nearby."
It was a long walk. Sweat started pouring down both men's faces. However they won't going to give up a long walk that's nothing to them they been through harder things than that.
Sam pauses and points.
"Dean look"
Down the hill was a town. Dean nods feeling relieved to finally see something instead of the never ending road. The Winchesters walk down the hill and into the town.
It was very quiet too quiet there was not one single sound. The Winchesters walk through the town but so far they haven't seen not one person.
"Where are all the people?" Dean asks.
"I don't know. This town looks abandoned." Sam answers.
"But why."
"I don't know but whatever happened here obviously wasn't good."
"Well as long as there is a phone here. We're good."They see a sign that said Donald's Phone Shop in faded writing. Dean gestures to the sign. " Well would you look at that a phone shop."
"Yeah but does the phones work?"
"We will have to find out."
Inside the shop was messy and full of dust. Sam coughed and cleared his throat.
"This looks like it hasn't been used in ages."
Dean picks up one of the phones and examines it. He presses a few buttons but nothing.
"Nope doesn't work."
"I doubt the other phones work."
"You go that way, I'll go this way. There has to be someone here."
The Winchesters separate and go off exploring around the shop. There was pieces of glass on the floor and smashed furniture.
Sam goes out the back into the storage room. He squints his eyes trying to see in the dark room.
"Hello" he calls out. "Anyone here?" There was no response. "HELLO" he says louder this time. Still no response.
Starting to feel uneasy, Sam draws his angel blade out of his pocket. He hears the sound of glass cracking under his boots as he slowly walks deeper into the room.
There was a sign exit was above the door across the room. Sam places his hand expecting to find a door handle however there wasn't one. He places his hand on the door and the door immediately opens.
Sam takes a step back and holds his blade out. There was nothing there. He steps outside and looks round.
He suddenly felt something on his leg. He looks down wondering what it was. Horror appears on his face. Looking up at him was what looked like a women but her eyes were sunk in, her skin deteriorating showing off some bones, her teeth darkish yellow. The woman's hand was wrapped round his ankle and she showed no signs of letting go.
"DEAN" he screams as he starts pulling his leg back.
The woman got dragged forward still keeping her hand gripped to his ankle. With his other leg, he kicks the woman in the face. She falls back but her arm rips out of her leaving her with one arm.
Sam shook his leg causing the fingers to lose it's grasp and it drops onto the ground. Sam steps back and swallows.
What the hell was that he thought.
The woman slowly rises into a sitting position. Sam's eyes widen at this sight. The woman growls at him. What was this thing? Whatever it was it certainly wasn't human. The only thing Sam could think of was to run.
Sam runs back into the building closing the door behind him. He sees his brother running towards him. Dean slows down and looks at his brother worry on his face.
"Sam you ok?"
"I'm fine but I don't think we are in our world."
"Why what happened?"
"I'll explain later we have to get out of here."
The Winchesters run back into the main room. They both suddenly pause. Outside the shop was lots of people but they didn't look like normal people they looked like something out of a horror movie.
"What the hell are they?"
"Dean...that's what I saw."
"What all them lot."
"N...N...No I only saw one."
One of the windows shatters and the herd start walking in. Some start tripping over each other, some ended up on the floor, some start going towards the brothers. The Winchesters aim their blades.
"What kind of world did Jack send us to?" Dean says as he aims at the ones who were the closest.
Sam then had a thought. When Jack was trying to find their mom with Kaia, she kept saying she was in the Bad Place and Jack kept telling her to focus. A lump forms in Sam's throat when realization hits him. He then swallows and looks at his brother.
"Um Dean. I think I know where we are."
Dean takes a few steps back still keeping his blade aimed.
"Where are we the world of the dead."
"I think we are in the Bad Place."
I know in the show. The Bad Place was some sort of dinosaur alien world I don't know but in my story, The Bad Place is The Walking Dead. The figure that was going towards Kaia was a Walker.
This story won't always be focused on Sam and Dean. I will be focusing on Jack and Mary as well.
The Walking Dead characters will appear in the next chapter.