A/N: Hey guys! Yes, it's me, I'm back! It's been so long, I know! All because of school... DX

Luckily, I had some time to whip up this fic. I hope you guys like it!

I don't own TMNT... unfortunately.

Running across the rooftops, the coldness of the roofs greeting the soles of my feet

Step, step

Wind blowing, the tails of my mask rippling in the air

Swish, swish

Rain falling from the sky, painting me with a chilly wetness

Splat, splat

Breathing hard, wisps of air floating around me

Huff, huff

Wondering what I'm doing here

away from the lair

away from my bros

Wondering what I mean to them

a fearless leader

an elder brother; protector

Wondering why it matters

to be a ninja

to be alive

Wondering, "What do I matter?"

to anyone

to them

to myself


my breathing stops,

the rain stops falling,

the wind stops blowing,

I stop running

Everything stops

Everything blurs together

Because I do matter;

the people of NYC need me

my brothers need me

I need me

I need to matter

I need to stop thinking

I need to keep going on

Everything sharpens into focus

Everything starts moving

And I start

Running across the rooftops, the coldness of the roofs greeting the soles of my feet

Step, step

Wind blowing, the tails of my mask rippling in the air

Swish, swish

Rain falling from the sky, painting me with a chilly wetness

Splat, splat

Breathing hard, wisps of air floating around me

Huff, huff

Because I do matter

So I gotta keep going on

for myself

A/N: Well, that's an interesting poem. What do you guys think of it?

I honestly don't know what I was trying to get at there. Maybe, that even if you don't think you matter, you DO. You DO matter, so keep going on.

Anyway, let's not get too deep here. Any feedback/reviews are greatly appreciated! :)