Harry had finally emigrated onto the sofa and was watching a rerun of 90 day fiancé. It was comforting to know that his life wasn't the only one going up in flames.

However he was interrupted by a sharp knock on the door, who could it be? Oliver has keys obviously as it's his flat and even if he did answer it should he really? It wasn't his flat, would Oliver be angry if he let someone in or angry that he hadn't answered the door.

Interrupting his thoughts was another knock on the door. Sighing he decided that he should probably answer it, he could always tell the person to come back later when Oliver would be back if they wanted to get in.

Wiggling out of his pile of blankets to stand up he wandered over to the door and cautiously opened it.

Only to slam it back abruptly. "Go away! I don't want to talk to you, and how did you even find me here? Actually I don't care just go away." What had started as a shout trailed off into a whisper as his eyes started to water. Moving away from the door slightly he spoke harshly to himself, "Just get a grip! Don't start crying now, just ignore him and he'll go away."

Harry couldn't do this, but he had to. He just had to get him to go away and he could move on and everything would be fine. Maybe.

After a very long conversation with Oliver and explaining just how sorry he was for causing Harry any harm, Oliver had finally told him where he could find Harry although accompanied with numerous threats of what would occur if he should hurt Harry in any way.

So now here he was knocking on the door of a flat in the London suburbs to try and win back Harry and make his life complete, because ever since Harry had left it felt like his heart was torn in two and there was no way to make him whole again when such a crucial part of his life was gone.

But of all possible scenarios of what could happen he hadn't expected Harry to slam the door in his face. Sure Tom deserved it but he didn't realise that happened in real life and not just in movies.

But then he heard Harry shouting and instead of his heart just being torn in two it was now in shreds. He needed Harry to understand, to understand that he loved him with all his heart and that he could request anything including murder and it would be done for him if he wold just be with Tom again.

"I'm sorry Harry. I truly am. I wasn't angry with you I was angry with the situation and I didn't think about how it would look to you. I could never be angry with you, I love you. I love you."

Tom could no longer here Harry behind the door but reaching towards the door he pushed it open gently to see Harry slumped against the wall.

Entering the room slowly Tom moved near to harry but staying an arm's length away just in case Harry decided he really didn't want Tom near him. He wouldn't go any closer until he received permission.

"When I saw you there I realised how much I love you and how much I couldn't live without you. I was so angry that those animals that had taken you that it was all I could think of and I wanted to hurt them so much because they had dared to harm you."

Pausing for a moment to catch his breath Tom saw Harry looking at him and smiled just a tad when Harry motioned for him to sit down next to him. Doing so Tom felt a little bit better now that Harry was at least listening to him and was allowing him to be near him.

"But then when we couldn't find you it was a hundred times worse, my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking. And I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was drowning without you there to help me keep afloat. I realised just how much I needed you and how much I love you."

Harry was captivated by Tom's speech. No one had ever spoke about him like that, he'd been berated and made fun of plenty of times but no one had ever needed him or ever actually loved him. And now he didn't know how to feel about it.

On one hand he wanted to be angry, Tom had made him feel awful. But on the other hand he could understand why Tom had acted that way now he explained himself.

It just made him so angry, his eyes were watering again and threatened to spill as he clenched his hands into fists and growled at himself. Why was everything so difficult? He had thought that he had loved Tom but then Tom had left him. But now Tom was back and he had explained and it made it so hard to be angry at him but now where was all his anger to go.

Finally managing to utter a sentence he croaked, "You'll hurt them for me? You make them all go away forever?"

After years of abuse he needed to show them anger, he could be the bigger man but he didn't want to be. He wanted to give in to his hate and make them pay.

But he needed Tom with him if he was to go down this path, he needed him or he wasn't quite sure what he would do in future if no one was there to keep him grounded.

Tom had expected a variety of questions and sentences that could have been said to him but Harry had obviously managed to do one better and astound him. But Harry needed an answer and Tom understood that if the wrong one was given Harry may just disappear forever.

Tom couldn't let that happen.

After taking a moment to organise his thoughts he spoke, "If you want them to disappear and never be found again, they shall disappear and never be found again. If you want them hurting and tortured they shall be hurting and tortured. I promise you if you want them to burn, they shall burn. I will do whatever you want me to do with them, as long as you are happy."

Tom watched Harry anxiously, he had never been one to stress over anything but he found this strange emotion occurring within him and couldn't stop it. He needed Harry to stop it for him.

Finally Harry dipped his head slightly in acknowledgement.

Tom released a breath he hadn't realised he was holding as he finally realised that Harry wouldn't be leaving him.

Their relationship may not be perfect but it was still a relationship and they would work at it to make it perfect because Harry was worth it.

"I love you." Was whispered.

After a moment "I think I might love you too." Was uttered back.

Hope you enjoyed :-)