Hello all and welcome to the final chapter of this series! Thank you to all those who have reviewed, favourited, followed and otherwise supported this story.

Apologies for the delay with this chapter, it was written but I was unable to upload it for some reason.

The J.A.M a.k.a. Numbah i, I hope this chapter answers your latest review.

Full credit for writing the original episode goes to Adam Cohen. I hope you enjoy this last instalment :)

Chapter 7: All tricks, no treat?

Tommy's POV

I felt horrible. I was in my house, staring out of the window, watching all the local kids wander around the block in their scary costumes. I so wanted to be out there with my friends, but they'd all stitched me up, and Chuckie was madder at me than ever. This Halloween really was becoming a nightmare.

It was interesting to know how those initials got carved though. I can't believe it was Kimi who carved them! She liked me – the moment she admitted what she had done I felt like a weight had been lifted, and I was the happiest I'd been all week. Admittedly she was assertive it was a little while ago, and she probably didn't like me now, especially given there's beef going on between me and her brother. But that got my hopes up – she had liked me before, so maybe I could win her over again. Obviously, I'd have to make up with Chuckie first though, and that didn't seem likely at all, so my good mood was short-lived.

I decided there was no point moping around, and went to ask my brother if he wanted to go trick or treating with me. Maybe Dil could cheer me up. It would be nice to be in the company of someone I wasn't angry with.

I knocked on his door and he opened up. "Dil, any chance you wanna go trick or treating with me?"

My brother sighed. "Can't do it, bro. I'm over the Halloween thing. It's all a big sham. I went out last night, didn't get so much as a gumdrop, just a big wad of cash. What am I supposed to do with $46.80?"

My brother pulled off his Sherpa and showed me the green notes he had collected. He could be a moron sometimes – duh, money buys candy!

"Fine," I moaned. "I don't need you or Chuckie to have fun. In fact, Halloween isn't even about fun. It's about candy."

I stormed off, leaving my bemused brother in my wake. I felt a bit bad because it wasn't really Dil I was angry at, and I wasn't exactly polite to him. But I was so riled up that I almost instantly brushed the guilt to one side. I put my dino head on and stormed out into the night alone to retrieve my prize – candy. They say when your angry or upset eating lots makes you feel better. Well, that's exactly what I was gonna do.

I marched right up to the first house I saw and rang the doorbell. A fat, balding man opened the door and smiled at me.

"Trick or treat," I said with no enthusiasm, and heled my candy bag up.

The man chuckled. "Hehe, what are you supposed to be?"

I wasn't in the mood for conversation. "Listen, I got fifty houses to hit, and only two hours to do it. Now, let's get to business. I say 'trick or treat', you give me candy."

The man looked taken aback, but I couldn't care less. If candy was the only positive thing I was going to get out of this evening, then I was going to make the most of it.

Kimi's POV

I looked solemnly at my feet as I walked down the street in the dark. Phil and Lil weren't that much more excited as they walked beside me. It was just the three of us: Tommy had stormed off home and Chuckie had gone trick or treating on his own. I still felt awful over worsening the divide between Tommy and Chuckie, and I was angry at Chuckie for his behaviour. I could not escape the feeling that his interference in my love life was insulting to me as an individual.

I had almost admitted to Tommy that I liked him, and I was kind of embarrassed about that. I was not ready for him to know. Hopefully he bought my cover up. Not that it mattered that much, Chuckie and Tommy were both still angry.

Me, Phil and Lil had decided that we may as well try and go out and have as much fun as we could, but it was really hard when two of our friends weren't speaking to each other and weren't with us. I knew Tommy was probably still mad at us, and that made me feel really guilty and unhappy.

"This is the worst Halloween ever," I sighed.

"I know," murmured Lil. "It's just not the same without Tommy and Chuckie."

At that point we heard a rustle in a nearby bush and we jumped. I remembered what Chuckie had said a few days ago about a group of fourteen-year olds who jump younger kids and steal their candy. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck as I froze, hoping it wasn't them.

Out from the bush leapt… a cat. I watched it run off into the darkness, my jaw hanging open. My pulse had quickened, and my breathing rate was heavy. That was scary.

"Phew," said Phil wiping the sweat from his brow. "I thought it was those teen thugs. Well, come on we should at least knock on one door before going home."

So, we lumbered off into the night, shoulders drooped and heads down. How I wished things were different. We chose a house to wander up to and knocked on the door.

"Trick or treat," we mumbled. We couldn't have been less enthusiastic if we tried.

The woman who answered the door beamed at us. I tried my best to muster up a smile in response, but it was tricky.

"Oh, what have we here?" she fawned, looking at me first. "A vampire... a genie… and a car salesman!"

"International…" Phil was annoyed, but could not be bothered to argue and gave in, sighing. "You looking to lease or buy?"

Perhaps on another day I would have laughed.

Tommy's POV

I was still feeling angry about earlier, but that was starting to ebb away and be replaced with a new feeling – fear. Maybe coming out trick or treating on my own was not such a good idea. I gulped as two costumed teens leered at me as they walked past. For a brief moment I had mistaken them for the teen thugs that jump kids and take their candy away. I thought back to what I had told my friends a few days ago:

"Don't worry about them guys. As long as we go in a big group, we'll be perfectly safe."

Well, I wasn't in a big group. Did that make me unsafe? It certainly felt that way as I nervously began to trudge down a dark alleyway. Somebody had hung some Jack O'Lanterns up, which added to the tense atmosphere. I heard a noise, and looked up to see an owl hooting in a tree. The tree was surrounded by other trees, naked and towering over me, like leering giants. Looking down the alleyway, I was all alone as a chilling breeze swept leaves across the path.

I gulped and kept on moving. I heard some heavy rustling in a nearby bush and quickened my steps. Out of the corner of my eye I saw what I had been fearing I would see. I broke into a run as the cry went up.


I yelped as ominous shadows hounded after me. I cut into the street out of the alleyway, four teen thugs now hot on my tail. I leapt over a fence as the chase continued.

"Come back here!"

The were gaining on me and I didn't have much time. As I looked up from my run I noticed one familiar house that I could still reach before they caught me. It wasn't a house that I wanted to enter. But it was that, or get caught.

"Chuckie, help!" I yelled as I cut across his front lawn. The red-haired, bespectacled boy answred the door, no emotion on his face as he noticed me. He looked beyond me and saw a ghost, a ghoul and a devil charging towards his us. He looked pensive, considering his options, before springing into action by slamming a light switch. Searchlights beamed around his front garden.


The teens looked baffled as they stood in the spotlight. Then their eyes focused on a ninja, who appeared in front of them dressed all in black… except for his purple glasses.

"Hee-yah!" screeched Chas, Chuckie's dad, as he kicked the air menacingly. Fear was struck into the hearts of the teens.

"Middle-aged ninja!"

"Let's get outta here!"

And they fled off into the night, leaving a victorious Chas. I was safe. And it was Chuckie who had saved me.

A short while later...

"You were really scared, weren't you?" asked Chuckie.

I sat in his living room, next to him on his sofa, drinking hot cocoa. We were both still wearing our Lizardo costumes. After rescuing me from the teen thigs, Chuckie had invited me in, sat me down and given me a warm drink to aid my recovery. I was feeling a lot less scared now, but was puzzled. Why had Chuckie saved me? Was he still mad at me or were we friends again? What had these last few days been all about anyway?

"Uh, yeah," I replied assertively. Chuckie laughed.

"Wow! The great Tommy Pickles. You should have seen the look on your face. Here's a mirror." He held it up to show me my bemused reflection. I didn't really appreciate this mockery.

"I'm glad I can entertain you," I replied sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm sorry," chuckled Chuckie. "It's just… usually I'm the who's scared, not you. You're the perfect one."

I was momentarily taken aback. "Perfect? Who says?"

"You have everything, Tommy: better hair, better teeth, better sinuses… a girlfriend."

Suddenly something occurred to me. "Is this why you were so freaked out by this whole Kimi thing?"

Chuckie looked sheepish. "I thought there might have been something between you two. I guess I was jealous."

With that, everything fell into place. He had referred to himself as a sidekick, and me as a sister stealer. Chuckie idolised me and considered me better than him. But one of the few things he figured he could claim to beat me on was his relationship with Kimi. She was his sister, so of course her was closer to her than I was, and she was extremely important to him. But if I started dating her, then it was liking I was fighting him for her affection. He didn't want to lose her to me. I was relieved it made sense now, and I did what any good best friend would do – reassure him.

"Well, there isn't," I affirmed. "Now can we be friends again?"

Chuckie smiled as I slurped my tea. "Yeah. I don't know what life would be like without you."

We were friends again. I was so happy! Now there was just one more person to focus on; and I heard her entering the room as we finished our conversation.

"Everything cool?" asked Kimi. She came up to us, smiling, with Phil and Lil in tail.

"Yeah," we said together.

"We're cool," added Chuckie.

Phil beamed and held up his bag of sweets. "What d'ya say we hit a coupla houses, huh?"

Everything was back to normal and I was over the moon. Chuckie and I stood up and followed our friends to the door. This was more like how I hoped Halloween would go.

I held the door open for everyone, and Kimi exited last. The vampire outfit was weird, but she pulled it off and made it attractive As I watched her walk off, I couldn't help but imagine what the future held. The time wasn't right for us to start anything now – besides, I still had Rachel – but one day I was going to show Kimi how great I was; and simultaneously show Chuckie how great I wasn't so he wouldn't get jealous again! Not sure how I'll manage that. But I'll look forward to finding out. To me, Kimi was beautiful and one day she will know that.

Kimi's POV

Chuckie and Tommy were friends again at long last! I don't know what they had said to each other, but I was glad. Chuckie had got a bit mad over the last few days, but thankfully this was over.

I turned around and slyly watched Tommy close the door, and smiled. He was cute! I still liked him, and I knew he liked me. The time isn't right for us now because the relationship I have with my brother is too important to risk. I'm just glad we're all friends again. But one day Chuckie will understand the way I feel. And on that day, I hope Tommy still reciprocates how I feel about him. Because, maybe then, together, we can make our own carving: TP+KF.

And that is the end of the story. Many thanks to those on this site who have showed their support in various ways by reviewing, following and favouriting - these people include SuperSonicBros123, Jonny Pickles, Tales From The Crypt Keeper, patrickdron, Destroyer26, MLPStevenUniverseLPS and especially The J.A.M a.k.a Numbuh i for all those reviews.

If you have not said anything but still followed till the end you are still greatly appreciated. Feel free to leave a review and favourite this story, it would be much appreciated.

