Elena hurries into the house with both arms carrying grocery bags. Very carefully, she twists the key, unlocking her kitchen door without setting one of the sacks down. As soon as she turns the doorknob, she sets them on the counter and then goes back to close her door. Working diligently, she quickly puts the food away and then goes upstairs to change into a comfortable pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

It's the first Friday of the month and she's already excited about girl's night out with Bonnie and Caroline. The three girls are only a small part of a larger group, all who have stayed in touch since they graduated high school together, but the three of them form the heart of it. Bon and Caroline are both married now but they refused to give up their tradition, one night every month they get together to gossip, play with makeup, fix each other's hair, play games and of course, they reminisce about their crazy teenaged years. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Elena grabs the wine bottle out of her refrigerator, along with a few snacks before hopping into her car to drive over to her friend's place. With the bottle held securely against her body, she rings Caroline's doorbell, reminding her that change has indeed come to her and her friends, they've all had to grow up. When a nerve wracking scream reverberates through the house and even outside, Elena takes a step back to make room for the kid's thunderous footsteps. Nicky, Caroline's son must've won the race to get to the door first because he's the one that yanks it open, a big grin forming on his face the moment he sees her.

"Aunty Lena!" He squeals and jumps into her arms. Elena drops the bags on the floor and gives him a proper hug.

"Where is your mommy?"

"She's in the playroom with the girls. Daddy isn't home, he's at uncle Enzo's but he didn't want me to go with him," he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. Elena laughs and sets him down.

"I guess we'll have to try our best to entertain you then," Elena smiles and after picking up the bags, she follows him into the house. She goes to the kitchen first to set the bags down and then lets Nicky drag her into the playroom.

Contrary to the fact that Nic and Caroline went all out to decorate the room, it's a disaster, toys are spread all over the floor along with Legos, puzzle pieces and what not. Since their daughter is an infant, it stands to reason that Nicky and Bonnie's daughter Lucy are the culprits who destroyed the room. The walls are painted with a zoo mural, lions, tigers, monkeys, polar bears among other things that grace the walls. The curtains are green with a jungle tree print. She has a fake tree in one corner with fake parrots sitting on the branches, Nicky's bed is a fort. It's a great big room for a little boy. Elena shudders to think what they'll do for Annabelle when she's older. Her nursery is decorated in pinks and yellows, her round canopy topped crib must have cost them thousands. But Nic is loaded so money is not an issue to them.

Bonnie, Lucy and Nicky are already starting to pick up when she walks inside. "Caroline went to nurse Annabelle and put her down for a nap."

Elena nods and helps them clean up. When they finish, she puts a cartoon movie on the TV for the kids to watch before following Bonnie downstairs to start making some supper while Caroline is tied up with her daughter. Later after they have the kids fed, bathed and tucked in, the three women retreat to the living room, each with a tall wine glass in their hands. With her friends chatting incessantly about motherhood, Elena almost feels the lightning strike. This is their reality, it isn't hers, she doesn't fit, not anymore. Yet she loves them both and her nieces and nephew dearly, she doesn't want to lose this. It's right then and there that she decides to do something about it.

"Guys, I want to have a baby."

"You what?" Bonnie almost spills the wine. "Who are you and what happened to Elena Gilbert?"

"I'm serious, Bonnie," Elena adds, refilling her wine glass.

"I thought that you wanted to enjoy your life, travel, things like that, things that aren't possible when you have a child to consider. You've never talked about this before..."

"This isn't just some whim," Elena gives her a pointed look. "No, I mean, I'm thirty years, two months, three days old and I just, I don't even have a steady boyfriend, let alone someone to start a family with. You both have kids, you still work outside the home, have productive lives, why can't I do that too? I need to start sometime and now's as good a time as ever."

"Okay," Caroline starts carefully, "but you need to find a man, the right man, you do know that...? It takes two people to make a child"

Bonnie starts laughing and Elena just rolls her eyes. "You don't believe me do you? You two know me better than anyone and of all people, you guys also know how determined I can be once I set my mind to something..."

Caroline shrieks that she almost wakes up the babies. Bonnie gives her a nasty look.

"You really are serious, aren't you?"

Elena nods, her eyes darting from Caroline's to Bonnie's and then down to her wine glass. She focuses on the shimmer as the light bounces off the surface of the maroon colored liquid.

"We're doing this then," Caroline raises her glass in Elena's direction and the girls clink their glasses together in a toast.

As with most everything in life, her desire to be a mom is proving a harder task than what she thought it would be. Although she cannot say she's in love with Steve, she does enjoy his company and well, his skills in one area of the house aren't too shabby either. When she asks him about it, it's clear that he doesn't share her enthusiasm even the least little bit.

"You can't be serious! Are you even listening to yourself talk? I didn't know you wanted it all love, marriage and the baby carriage, that kind of stuff already. Gees, Elena, we hardly know each other. And children..." he almost chokes on the word.

She breaks up with Steve that very night. Truly he was nothing special but the experience does bring into sharp focus the need for her to formulate some kind of a plan. Primarily, she wants a baby. The father isn't really necessary... well, he is but only in the making it part. She needs to find someone who'd be willing to help her create one, and then... well, he can be on his merry way.

She wouldn't expect child support or the said man to have any relationship with the child, she only needs him for maybe one night if she's lucky. As a last resort, there's artificial insemination but that's expensive and although she makes a good living for herself, she doesn't want to shell out that big lump sum for one shot at the brass ring. If it doesn't work, she'd not only be heartbroken but also left without anything in savings. When Elena tells her girlfriends about it, they eventually agree that her plan is as good an option as any. With their support and encouragement, Elena doesn't waste any time in choosing which attributes she wants, eye color, hair color, build, because her child will likely inherit some of those features.

"What if you were to put an ad in the newspaper?" Caroline comes up with a solution.

"Care?!" Bonnie gives her a look.

"Why not?" Elena agrees, willing to do just about anything to get the ball rolling because, hello, she's not getting any younger.

"Elena!? You can't do that," Bonnie protests, "You can't just advertise for a sperm donor! Creepers will respond to it in droves."

Elena shrugs and wants to argue when Care hesitantly takes Bonnie's side. "You can't Elena, there are other options. Do you know any guys who'd want to be a daddy?"

"No! I tried with Steve and failed miserably. And you know what? Now that I think about what a 10 watt he is, I'm glad he wanted nothing to do with the idea. I can't believe I even considered having one with a moron like him."

"Yeah, and that's exactly the kind of guys that are going to be calling you night and day if you put an ad in the paper. You need to be careful and meticulous about this."

Elena reclines her head, her shoulders sag and Bonnie curses mentally. "Elena no, I know it's frustrating and that you really want this... it's all the more reason to find a nice, intelligent, good looking guy... You know, one that is decent who may want to do this. Hell, you might even find someone who wants to be a dad as much as you want to be a mom."

"And find that guy is like finding a needle in the haystack...," She pauses when she sees the conniving smiles on both of their faces. Scrunching her brows together, she rounds on them. "What are you guys smiling about?"

Both Caroline and Bonnie breathe out at the same time. "Damon."

"Damon? As in our Damon?" Elena's shocked at her friends' suggestion.

"Duh! What other Damon do we know?" Caroline asks, winking at her.

"Don't you see Elena... Damon is the perfect choice. Not only does he match all of your profile points, he's also insanely hot. You simply must ask him," Bonnie adds as if it was a given.

"Wait just a damn minute, it's not that simple!" Elena protests. Not just protests, she panics, her heart starts racing, her throat tightens and her knees start to weaken enough that she has to sit down. How does she even begin to ask such a monumental favor of him?

He'll think she's crazy, he'll be shocked, even repulsed by such an idea. She doesn't want him to think all those things about her. Damon's just, he's her friend and honestly, he's the only decent man in her life, aside from Nic and Enzo of course. The truth is she doesn't want to lose him and if she does go down this path, there's no going back.

"Stop looking at me with those shit eating grins. This isn't funny, I can't just come out and ask him something like this..."

The girls look at each other. "Yes you can," Caroline proclaims, crossing her arms over her chest while bobbing her head up and down.

"You know what? I think Damon would be offended if he knew you asked all those idiots and didn't even consider him," Bonnie adds, only half joking.

"Be serious now, do you really think he might...?" Elena hardly peeps.

"Damon? Yes, he would."

It's getting closer to Christmas, which is the busiest time of the year at the store. She's the human resources manager, in charge of hiring and firing. Every year about this time, she has to hire seasonal help to get them through the increased store hours in the days and weeks leading up to the big day. With the long hours and overtime and the level of exhaustion she feels right now, Elena tries to push her ideas about a baby to the back of her mind. It's not the right time. Everyone's busy with making plans for themselves and their families, buying gifts.

Frankly she's grateful for the distraction work provides. The thought, the necessity of asking him, one of her dearest friends, is daunting at best, discouraging at worst, so now she's just trying to forget about the whole thing, or at the least the part about asking Damon to be her sperm donor. How does she even broach the subject?

Although the idea of having a baby isn't just a whim, she has thought about it on and off for a long time already. She just kept it to herself because quite honestly, she never put any serious thought into it, she didn't feel the need to complicate her life. She's the cool aunt, the kids love her, she loves to spoil them rotten, spend time with them but she's always been free to happily return them to their parents.

This urge, this need she's feeling inside simmered lowly but reached a fevered pitch after Caroline gave birth to Annabelle. Still she has to admit that she likes her freedom, she likes being able to say goodnight to them, she likes being able to sleep for as many hours as she wants on her days off and she certainly enjoys evenings where she doesn't have to worry about how much she's drinking. Although it pains her to admit it out loud, those traits certainly aren't parental attributes.

She can't do this...

"Earth to Elena, are you even listening?" Bonnie looks at her inquisitively, swaying a tired Lucy on her lap. They spent the day shopping for Christmas presents and had lunch at the mall. The highlight of the day was Lucy getting to meet Santa which all adds up a sleepy little girl, snoozing softly in her mom's arms as she shares a cup of coffee with her best friend. Elena's warm kitchen is filled with the delightful aroma of her famous gingerbread cookies that she just pulled out of the oven. Her head snaps in Bonnie's direction.

"I am listening, Bonnie, and no, I am not giving up. I just don't think now is a good time to start with something so life changing. Maybe after Christmas?" She notices the sleeping toddler and quickly excuses herself, returning shortly with a baby blanket. With a gentle smile, she drapes it over Lucy's back and shoulders to keep her warm and comfortable.

Bonnie watches her and dials down her tone. "Do you realize that you're going to make a great mom some day? I know you've never tried but look how natural that came to you, covering up my baby girl. It's a big decision, a life altering one as you said but don't give up on your dream, Elena, don't let fear keep you from being a mom. I remember some of your diary entries when we were little. Even at that early age, you knew that you wanted to have a baby."

"I don't know Bon," Elena sighs and refills Bonnie's mug with hot cocoa, adding a few miniature marshmallows this time.

When Elena starts to pan another batch of cookies to go into the oven, Bonnie changes the topic, well sort of. "Elena," she starts... "Damon was at the house last weekend. He was supposed to pick up Enzo to work on some lighting and decorations, instead they watched a hockey game and never left the house! You know what babies men can be when they're sick. Klaus caught a cold from Nicky and spent the weekend in bed after calling Caroline to come home to make him some hot buttered rum. So instead of those two getting my house ready for Christmas, they sat inside watching TV, drinking beer and chatting. On top of that, Enzo even had the nerve to ask what I was making them for dinner and when it would be ready! I told them in no uncertain terms that the next time, they can do what we always have to include in our girl time, taking care of the kids that is. Men!"

"Hm...," Elena tries to feign disinterest, she's not fooling Bonnie though.

Wanting to light a spark under her best friend's behind, Bonnie drops a bomb, "Enzo happened to mention that Damon might be bringing a date to our Christmas party..."

Well, that's it. Elena is not a coward.

Elena pulls her curtain back to look outside. It's snowing pretty heavily, she smiles when she imagines how excited the neighborhood children will be to play in the snow. The white blanket is pristine and beautiful right now, when the kids get through playing in it, there will be angel forms, snowmen and forts, she may even get hit with a snowball or two if she ventures outside. When she sees a couple walking on the sidewalk across the street, she sighs, letting the curtain fall back into place.

How does she approach Damon about something like this? She laid awake most of the night trying to come up with the answer to that. Before she can talk herself out of it, she walks into the foyer, pulls her coat out of the closet and slips it on. After she ties her scarf around her neck, she steps outside, pulling the door closed behind her. She's focused like a laser beam on the task at hand, that being asking her friend if he'd be willing to father a child for her.

It's been three long days since her conversation with Bonnie, the one where she tried to talk herself out of this. She considered all of her options and after doing some homework, she realizes that Bonnie and Caroline's suggestion, namely Damon, is her best option. After much soul searching, she cannot even consider not having baby. She wants to be a mother and she doesn't want to wait any longer.

The snowflakes melt on her face as she continues walking towards his house. She nearly lands on her ass when she finds a slick patch of sidewalk, her neighbor's son grabs her hand, keeping her from falling. She thanks him profusely. John is a handsome kid but he's just that, a 17 year old kid. Still it gets her thinking, looking for a different father might be the smartest move... but how can she be sure if the donor is a good guy - she means more than good genes, she means a good guy in general. Still it seems all roads lead back to Damon and in truth, she's caught herself daydreaming about black haired, blue eyed babies... and here she must draw a thick line.

Damon has been around for as long as she can remember. Their whole group dates back to the sandbox which makes her smile. He's Enzo's age, a couple of years older than she, Bonnie and Caroline. His family is among the founders of Mystic Falls along with her own. As such, it's incumbent on them to participate in town projects and events, their lives intertwining, same as it has with previous generations of their families.

Damon's younger brother, Stefan, was Elena's schoolmate. Stefan was more reserved and studious whereas Damon's always been popular with girls. His dreamy blue eyes and shock of messy black hair, wit and charm, still attracts girls in droves. She does know that he likes his privacy and occasionally he's a loner, preferring to be by himself. Still, he's always been and still is a wonderful friend to all of them.

He drinks with the guys, plays the favorite uncle for the little ones, never hesitates to help if something big pops up, like when Bonnie wanted a new deck. He grabbed his tools and before the day was out, her deck was built. Elena knows that he does date from time to time, she's seen him with women at the Grill but he rarely brings them into their circle, if they're having a get together, he comes solo. She's always thought it was a little weird because he's gorgeous and they've always encouraged him to bring someone if he chooses.

The closer she gets, the slower her feet trudge through the snow. This time of year, the atmosphere is so festive. Houses and yards are decorated with bright, multicolored twinkling lights and gorgeous Christmas decorations line both sides of the boulevard. Snow is sticking to the barren tree branches while steadily falling down to Earth. Elena imagines it's what the North Pole looks like when Santa is prepping for Christmas Eve.

Why is she going to his house again? Oh yeah right, their annual Christmas party, that's her excuse for showing up unannounced on his doorstep.

Pathetic. He would have to be an idiot to buy all this nonsense, and that's another thing she's certain of, he's no fool.

She gingerly walks up the few steps to his porch, stopping when she reaches the door. She's about to raise her hand to knock on it when she steps back slightly. His house is pretty impressive. The exterior is immediately appealing, but the real treat awaits inside. A coffered ceiling in the family room adds an elegant touch. The bayed breakfast nook overlooks the rear deck. That's not all, the master suite extends the entire length of the plan and features a private sitting room complete with a deck access. The second floor has three additional bedrooms. The yard is beautifully landscaped with pine trees and fruit trees and he even keeps a vegetable garden in the summer, says taking care of it helps him relax. He's a homebuilder by trade so he pretty much built the place by himself, with a little help from their friends and his employees.

Damon has impeccable taste. She remembers the house warming party they threw for him right after he moved in. Stefan somehow wrangled a key from him so they were able to surprise him. That night was one of the rare times she saw him with a girl. They obviously had other plans for that evening... Unconsciously, Elena finds herself smiling at the thought of ruining those plans, well maybe not ruin but at least delaying them. Her smile just as quickly turns into a frown when she remembers that Bonnie said he might bring a girl to their party. Did he build this place for her, is she the one?

Before she can over think it, she quickly knocks on the door and pushes the bell at the same time. Too late to back out now.

She sighs heavily, takes a step back and waits...

Although she's been waiting, she still startles when the door opens suddenly. Damon's eyes focus on her and his expression changes when he sees who's at the door.


He blinks once, twice before he's sure he's not imagining her.

"Hi...," Elena utters, staring at him fixedly, the fingers of her right hand wave in greeting of their own accord. She's definitely losing it.

"Do you want to come in?" Damon asks, moving aside to let her through but Elena can't seem to make her feet obey. "Elena?"

"I just...wanted to ask if you remembered the Christmas party the day after tomorrow, you know, the over the top one that Caroline always plans?" Oh God, he looks confused, this is going to be a disaster.

"I do," Damon nods, looking at her expectantly.

"Are you going?" Elena's mentally kicking her own ass. This can't be happening, she's making a complete fool of herself.

"Yeah... just like I do every year," he adds and starts feeling a little concerned with his friend's strange behavior. Elena's only been at his house the one time... she looks rather shaken. The snow is beginning to come down harder and Damon would feel better if she would just come inside, if only to warm up. He opens his mouth to prompt her again when she just blurts out...

"I want you to be my baby's daddy?"

The shock mirrored on Damon's face doesn't change... seconds pass before she realizes what she just spewed out. She takes a sharp intake of breath and starts to back away, her intention is to run for dear life... but before she can bolt, a firm hand grips her wrist and stops her.

"Wait, I'll do it."

Now it's Elena whose face morphs into shock, her mouth gawping, no words escaping. Damon feels the need to clarify.

"I'll do it," he repeats. Well, if it wasn't clear enough, this certainly isn't helping, repeating nonsensical sentences. Damon almost smirks at his own stupidity. What the hell is Elena thinking?

"I mean," he struggles, "come inside please."

"You want to do it now?!" she's close to panic, her voice unrecognizable to her own ears.

Damon feels like laughing at her suggestion. As if he was able to... after the bomb she dropped on him. He doesn't let go of her hand in case she tries to run again. "No, Elena... not this minute but we do need talk about it... okay?" When he sees a barely perceptible nod, he gently tugs her arm. Elena's eyes dart to her wrist and then to his eyes before she finally gives in to his invitation and blindly lets him lead her over the threshold.

Even if he had a crystal ball at his disposal, never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined a scenario like this...

As soon as they step into the house, Damon slowly closes the door, ignoring the urge to lock it. Extending his arm, he gestures in the direction of living room and then follows behind Elena. Although his mind is in a maelstrom, this dropping into his lap out of nowhere, he can't deny he's interested in what she has to say. He knows her, she's impulsive, full of self doubt, she tends to ignore her instincts but she's also generous to a fault, funny and so beautiful, both inside and out. And she always runs.

She's done this for as long as he's known her. Instead of taking a front row seat to enjoy life's ride, she'd question herself, deciding beforehand that her ideas weren't going to work so she would run from it. But this, this won't be something she can run from... Now he needs to understand what exactly spawned this sudden desire to have a baby. How did this crazy idea take root in that pretty little head of hers?

Damon goes straight to the bar and pours himself a hefty dose of bourbon. He knocks it back and gets another. Without looking back at her he croaks; "Want one?"

Elena tentatively comes to stand next to him and stretches her hand. Damon hands her a glass and closes the bar. He waits till she's comfortably seated on the couch and then takes the armchair that's seated to her left. He takes a deep breath and then...

"Care to explain what exactly are we doing?"

He confuses the hell out of her, are they even on the same page? "We... I am going to have a baby. I want to have a baby because..."

Damon's waiting, he's not going to make it easier for her. He needs time to process himself.

"... because, Damon, I'm at that stage in my life... I just know that I want a family, kids more than anything and I can't wait forever for the right guy to come along," she states it as if it should be obvious.

"And you want me to be the daddy why?" he asks and Elena hesitates. "Don't panic," he starts when he sees her tightening the grip on her glass. "I said I'd do it and I will but we need to be honest with each other. Talk to me, Elena."

"Because... I know you. I trust you. And I don't have a boyfriend or anyone willing to help me..." she rolls her eyes. "Look, I know I must sound utterly insane and maybe you're wondering how I could be so daring as to ask this from you, from anyone, really... but it's better than slapping a sticky note on my forehead, 'Looking for a sperm donor.'"

"You're thirty," Damon points out. "Not fifty."

"I know but my clock's ticking fast... I'm ready, Damon, I know I'm ready."

Damon looks at her for a moment, finishes his bourbon and stands up. "Good."

Elena follows him with her eyes all the way to the bar. "'Good?' That's it? And now you'll just do this with me?"

"Yep. I'm easy like that."

"I... I um, well.. thank you. You don't need to worry, I mean, you don't have to be a part of its life."

"Oh no," Damon turns back to her. "If I do this, I want in. I am no 'sperm donor', Elena," Damon stresses and she turns her head away to hide her blush. "If we make a baby, I'm going to be a part of the child's life. Unless you want someone else to be his or her daddy...?" he relaxes when Elena shakes her head no.

"There's no one else, Damon. If you want to be part of our baby's life, I would never, ever keep it from you. We've known each other for a long time, you can trust me when I tell you that."

Damon doesn't say anything just nods, piercing her with his all powerful blue eyes.

"What happens now?" Elena asks unsure.

"Now, I need to get ready."

As if that's possible.

"See you tomorrow Elena, I'll pick you up for the party."

Elena had a hectic day at work, she checked out early as she already was on overtime. Frankly with tonight looming, she was having a hard time concentrating anyway. Fortunately, she had no fires to put out. As soon as she got home, she tore her clothes off and hopped into a nice hot relaxing bubble bath, reclining in the tub, her eyes closed and her head resting against the bath pillow. Sometime later, having fallen asleep she stands up, wraps a towel around her body and then steps out.

The first thing she does is dry and straighten her hair. When it's satisfactory, she reaches for her favorite winter 'Jo Malone' fragrance and spritzes it on her body and pulse points. Lastly she turns to the mirror and starts to put a little makeup on. She opts for a more natural look rather than a smoky eye hoping that he'll prefer it. While putting on her false eyelashes and brushing a little highlighter on her cheek bones, she keeps glancing at her watch.

Damon's supposed to arrive in 15 minutes and she's not quite ready yet. She still has to choose an outfit. It's been some time since anyone picked her up for a first date... Elena snorts. What kind of date is it? She couldn't summon the nerve to call Bonnie and Caroline to let them know that she'll be arriving with Damon. They'll see soon enough.

Exactly one minute before Damon's scheduled arrival, she looks out of her bedroom window just in time to see him parking his car in front of her house. Nervously, she takes one last look at herself in the mirror then runs down the stairs, grabs her coat and opens the front door all before Damon has a chance to push the button. He looks a little startled, his fingertip barely touching the doorbell. It takes him about a millisecond to recover then flashes her with one of his shit eating grins.

"Elena? I see you couldn't wait?"

Elena lets out a relieved chuckle, Damon seems the same as always, why did she think he'd be somehow different? "Hey. I thought you'd leave your ego at home. Is there going to be room in your car for me too?"

Damon's grin widens and he offers his arm for her to latch on. Elena has a strange feeling of weightlessness but she slips hers under his, letting him lead her to his car.

This is awkward.

They sit in companionable silence, Damon occasionally glances over, giving her a wink or a smile. He drives carefully to the Mikaelson mansion, parking his vehicle behind Enzo's who's just stepping out of the car, opening the door for his wife and then he lifts Lucy out of her car seat. With her on his hip, he finally sees them, his mouth dropping open when he immediately recognizes Damon's passenger.

"You two came together?" he blurts out, Bonnie smacks him over his shoulder, shutting him up.

"Hey Damon, Elena?" her eyes speculatively flash between them.

Damon gives Enzo a look. "And this is surprising? Why exactly?"

Elena feels relieved that she doesn't need to pretend to act normal. Damon makes it easy for her and for that she's grateful. She gives Bonnie a hug first and then turns to her niece. "Hi Lucy, " she takes the toddler from Bonnie as the little one reaches out for her. All of them hurry inside when the first flakes of snow begin to fall.

"So, Damon, I thought you promised to bring your girlfriend to the party?" Nick addresses him when the party's finally in full swing, allowing him to mingle with his guests. He raises his tumbler to his mouth taking a sip without lifting his gaze from Damon.

"Did I? I seem to recall saying maybe... and I brought Elena."

Nick and Enzo share a look.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? Is something going on between you two...?"

"Not exactly," Damon decides their real situation is too crazy and still very much unsettled to share the details. "I offered to give her a lift," he shrugs carelessly, lifting his glass to his mouth. While engaged in conversation with his friends, he's been discreetly watching her since they arrived. He wants to know her, the real her, the one she keeps under lock and key.

When Nick offers him a refill, he nods, following him to the bar. When Nick's back is turned, he eyes her again, trying to get a read on her. He wants to understand her, learn her secrets by studying her gestures, her iridescent smiles, and the occasional blush that erupts when she laughs. He's never really focused so intently on her before.

She's mesmerizing.

Whether it's with her girl friends or the children, she lightens up the place just by being there, with him, tonight. He notices too how she tries to make or keep everyone happy and in a good mood. She's fetching, that one...

He's also aware that she's a little edgy around him today, but he has to give her credit, she handles herself so well that no one else even suspects anything. To everyone there, she's her usual beaming, smiling and chatty self. He must look somewhere else, otherwise he won't be able to stop himself from crossing the room to give her a proper kiss right here and now. He chuckles at the image, that would certainly cause a scandal.

This girl will be the death of him.

Several hours later, the kids are sleeping and the adults are nicely tired. Enzo and Bonnie decide to stay at the mansion after Enzo had one too many glasses of champagne. Damon turned down the offer earlier in the evening. Elena has yet to decide if she's going to stay or not. With most of the other guests making their way to the front door, Caroline and Nick are standing in the foyer thanking them for coming.

Elena knows that Damon will soon ask if she needs a ride home or not. Her house really isn't far away, she could walk if she wanted, but there will be more to his invitation, she certain of it. Is he ready to go through their arrangement or has he had a change of heart? Or perhaps he only wants to talk?

She could feel his eyes on her more than once though out the evening, although she never caught him staring at her. Still she felt the intensity of his stare, it burned holes in the back of her head as the saying goes. Several times she had to fight the intense urge to turn around to return his gaze. Her breath catches just thinking about it.

"Are you going to stay, Lena?" Caroline comes to stand next to her.

"I... think I'll go home. It's unnecessary, Caroline, you already have a houseful," she gives her friend a smile.

"Yeah, you know how it is, it's always busy here on the Holidays. Nick's family is very cohesive."

Although their backs are facing Damon right now, she feels him coming.

"Ready to go?" his deep voice comes next to her ear.

Definitely not.

After embracing Caroline, she follows him anyway.

"Wanna come inside?" she's a puddle of nerves on the inside and cannot discern whether or not her voice is trembling. It wouldn't surprise her given the way her belly is roiling.

Damon considers her. No, he's not sure of anything right now. No matter how Elena imagined this whole thing, neither of them is ready to take the first step. However, he'll be damned if he turns down the chance to spend Christmas Eve with her. He can think of nothing better.

"If you want me to?" he decides to leave it up to her.

Oh God, how could she not invite him in when he offers her an out?

"Come in, Damon," she steps aside, letting him walk inside. After closing the door, shielding them from prying eyes, she gestures for him to have a seat in the living room. She walks over to her Bose radio and turns on some Christmas music. Turning around she points to the kitchen, "I'm going to make us some hot cocoa. We could listen to the music and perhaps have a conversation?"

Conversation's good.

When she walks away, he looks around. He's been here before. After her parents divorced and both left Mystic Falls and their daughter without so much as a backward glance, Elena wanted some work done on the master bedroom. Damon knows first hand how hard it was for Elena to process. She changed their room, remaking completely and still she never sleeps there, at least not that he knows of. He specifically remembers over hearing Bonnie mention it to Enzo that she's more than happy to keep her small bedroom. It's her place of peace, solitude and a place to hide.

Other than the necessary rooms, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the dining room, she keeps the other doors closed. He understands and yet he doesn't. It's a gorgeous house and Damon can easily imagine remaking it to accommodate to Elena's personality. At the time though, she didn't want to do anymore than the master bedroom. Her parents desecrated what was once her sanctuary. But anyone who knows Elena, knows she has a stubborn streak a mile wide and will never admit that out loud, not to anyone.

Damon breathes in the scent of the hot cocoa that wafts in. Moments later, she returns with a tray. "Help yourself, I'm going to run upstairs and change into something more comfortable. These heels are killing me," she groans.

Damon's chuckle turns into licking lips when he fixes his gaze at her hips as they sway as she walks up the stairs. He stares with rapt attention until she disappears at the top of them. He uses the time to explore the living room but he doesn't remember much, it's been awhile. Some of the pictures are familiar but some are new. It warms him when he notices his face among the ones that showcase her friends. He notices one in particular. They were having a game of football, he tackles her, gently of course. The two of them are laying on the ground, their faces happy with laughter.

When he hears footsteps, he quickly sits back down, picks up the pitcher and fills their mugs. Elena returns in comfortable looking flannel pants, a sexy off shoulder sweatshirt and on her feet are the cutest fluffy pink socks, with small purple bobbles at the ends of drawstrings. Damon swallows at the sight of her, his eyes fixed on her feet. Elena picks up her mug and after a short hesitation, she sits on the couch across from him. For a while, they sip on their cocoa, watching each other cautiously.

Elena finishes first and sets her mug down. She shifts her position to face him and then crosses her legs, "What should we talk about?"

"I don't know Elena, I'd say we need to get to know each other better but that seems kind of silly, I've known you since you took your first steps," his brow lifts upwards.

Elena smiles and relaxes a little. "I remember you being so full of yourself. Stefan once told me about the bet, you know, the one to ask me out. Now, only a few years later you're one of us while Stefan got married and left."

Damon's stuck at what she said about the bet. What did she just say? "Wait? What?" he asks aloud.

"You mean the bet... Oh yes, Damon, I know all about it," she says conspiratorially, still he can see a bit of sadness in her eyes. "He told me all about how he made a bet with you to ask me for a date."

Old sins cast long shadows... They were in high school back then. Damon a senior, Elena a freshman. She was, still is, the most beautiful and courageous girl he's ever known. He really did want to ask her on a date. There was no bet. Just Stefan's jealousy... And now it doesn't even matter. Stefan's married, long gone from Mystic Falls but he never told Elena. In truth it was his lie that made Elena say no and ruin his any chance he may have had with her all those years ago.

Damon puts the empty mug aside and gets up. Elena watches him slide over and sit down right next to her. He grabs her ankles and lifts her feet in those fluffy socks on his lap. She almost gives a gasp at the sensation of dizziness she feels with the sudden movement. Damon squeezes her feet, then gently starts rubbing the soles of them. Elena narrows her eyes for a moment.

"What are you doing...?"

"Shhh..." Damon silences her and tugs slightly, pulling her closer.

Elena follows without resistance, ending up on his lap, her hands on his shoulders, his hands on her hips pulling her down. Her heart fluttering like hummingbird wings, her eyes unable to leave his. She can't stop the same line from running on repeat in her mind.

Does he want to do it now?

"Damon...," she breathes out, her eyelids fall closed the moment she lowers her lips to his.

The kiss is not from this universe.

The kiss is raw.

The kiss is bruising.

The kiss is everything.

It far exceeds every other one she's ever experienced.

It takes her a moment to recover, then returns it with a fervor previously unknown to her, yet Damon just tightens his hold on her and takes everything she has to give. Within seconds they're both hot and bothered, Damon's hands slipping under her top to wander along her soft and naked back, Elena cups his neck holding onto him for dear life.

And then it all ends suddenly. Damon rests his forehead on her shoulder and tries to calm his breathing. "Sorry Elena," he pants, "I didn't mean to rush you. I... should go."

Something deep and visceral possesses her to respond...


To be continued...

Thank you all for everything. Eva and I are so grateful to all of you, you're the best.

Thank you Eva. I have no words. I love you.

Title comes from the song of the same name by Gloria Loring and Carl Anderson.

Yesterday was my birthday. My friend "AfterSundown" posted a one shot for me. It's called 'A Christmas Miracle'. Many other friends have stories up and running. Short on words, Mariah April May, Salvatoreboys4ever, Justinia Korax, deepwater1978, VitsAsh and MovingOnIsNeverEasy. Florencia7 is an awesome DE scribe. Amazing Aisha, StarlightSo and schattentinte are new writers.

'I'll Be Seeing You' will update next. Watch for 'Old City Bar' to post very soon and 'The Gingerbread House' sequel will post between Christmas and New Years. I have already posted 'Please Be Home for Christmas', 'We Are Santa's Elves' and the ICEM sequel. 'Eyes Without a Face' will return as soon as the holidays are over.

Be safe and have a phenomenal day. Thank you all again.