I do not own Shokugeki No Souma or any of the characters inside of it.

Souma's POV

"Baka! Peasant! You second rated diner chef! What are you doing in my bed!" None other than a half naked Nakiri Erina shouted as she began pumelling me with a pillow, although it didn't really hurt but it was still troublesome since a pillow to my face isn't really the best feeling if it was swung at you in full strength. How did I get myself into this predicament? Well, let me explain it to you all the way from the beginning.


It all started on a beautiful Sunday morning when I have to wake up to start my highschool life, although it is anything but normal since I am going into the oh so highly prestigious Tootsuki Culinary Academy. I was walking down the street when I received a call from my dad.

"Sup old man?!" I asked a bit annoyed but certainly picking up the call.

"Well someone is fiesty, keep it up kid you're going to need it." He replied and I know that he would be smiling right now.

"Anyways, where are you right now?" I asked actually a bit curious of his whereabouts.

"I'm working in America right now, I'm just having a little break to call a redheaded brat right now. What about you?" He said mockingly which caused my eye brows to twitch.

"Well, I'm walking to Tootsuki for the entrance exam right now, no thanks to somebody who decided to close the diner for a couple of years!" I exclaimed. "I could take over you know?! Why do I need to go to school?!" I protested in an annoyed tone.

"You need education kid, and you love cooking, besides you want to surpass me right? Tootsuki will teach you a lot of things, it will not only focus on your cooking, but it will break you down and build you up again for the better. If you want to even at least catch up to me then take the top spot then you'll have a chance, if you don't you can kiss your goal goodbye kiddo. If you want a place to stay there just stay at Polar Star Dormitory." He lectured in a fatherly tone and taunted me in the few last sentences which I couldn't help but smirk to.

"Yeah, I'll surpass you even before you know it old man." I challenged him determined on my goal.

"Well ok then, let me give you some tips kid. Find yourself a woman that you really want to dedicate all your cooking to. Well that's all, I gotta go customers are being quite rowdy right now." He said, and I could hear some shouts through the phone before he hung up.

'Find myself a woman huh? We'll just have to wait and see I guess.' I thought as now I saw the front gates of Tootsuki, I could see a man trying to bribe a teacher to pass his son or more like begging. As I entered the gates, I was greeted by a long stone pathway to what seems like a hall. One thing for sure the place was huge and it is jampacked with rich people as I could see some applicants being followed by butlers and maids everywhere they go. I avoided any contact since I really don't want to draw any attention. I was sitting on a bench when an announcement was made.

"To all transfer applicants please enter the exam hall immediately." A voice of a man rang through the speakers and megaphones. 'Well that's my cue.' I thought as I stood up and walked into the exam hall.

As I entered I immediately slipped through the crowd to the middle to get a better view on things. As people were chatting, the sound of footsteps came from the side of the stage which turned the whole crowd in silence. 'What's going on?' I thought as I could see people stiffen up. I looked far to the front and noticed a long blonde haired girl with amethyst eyes standing on the middle of the platform on the front and a short pink haired girl just on her left.

"Hisako what are the tasks for the applicants?" The blonde asked the pink haired girl who now I identified as Hisako.

"They're needed to cook a haute cuisine dish." Hisako answered immediately to the blond haired girl now I identified as Erina.

"Is that all? That's way too boring, take out the ingredients table from the kitchen!" Erina commanded Hisako which she obliged to immediately. Erina walked to the ingredients and picked up and egg and turned her attention towards the applicants. "My name is Nakiri Erina and as of right now I am your examiner. The task is to cook a dish that will satisfy my palette with the main ingredient as egg." She exclaimed holding an egg and showing it to the crowd. "Now, I am merciful so I will be giving one minute to anyone that wants to withdraw from the exam starting now!" She exclaimed again causing panic to the crowd as the crowd ran out of the hall like a group of fish swimming away from a net. I was confused of their sudden outburst but I still remained on my spot.

"Erina-sama? What about the headmaster's reaction about the exam? Certainly he won't be pleased." Hisako asked Erina as her face was filled with worry.

"Tootsuki is an elite and prestigious school if they can't stand strong enough for this then they are not Tootsuki material." Erina answered calmly as she turned her attention to Hisako. "Now, inform the headmaster of the result of the exam that there is none that passed." She said and I began to panic, I haven't even had the test yet!

"Um, excuse me examiner-san!" I exclaimed catching their attention.

"Hou, looks like someone actually stayed." Erina said impressed but with a tinge of underestimation.

"I haven't had my test yet, so I would appreciate it if I had it first." I said scratching the back of my head.

She stared at me. "Hisako status." She stated and immediately Hisako spoke.

"Yukihira Souma, no prestigious background, his family runs a diner downtown." Hisako said reading through the application form of mine.

"How would a diner chef like you satisfy my palette?" Erina asked me mockingly and I just stood in my place and smirked at her.

"Then how about I shove my cooking right into that mouth of yours examiner-san, maybe then you'll understand." I said cockily and a bit pissed at her comment.

"Do you know who you are talking to?!" Hisako asked annoyed at me which I just gave her a lift of an eyebrow.

"Fine then, You have 30 minutes to cook me an egg dish. Starting now!" Erina exclaimed and began the timer.

I tied my headband tightly on my forehead and immediately rushed to the ingredients table, as I did that I noticed a shadow behind the hall door on the right and took my ingredients and went to a counter as I began to wash some rice and cook them in a rice cooker. I began to fry chicken meat to get the chicken oil which will have a big impact on the dish and poured it into 3 empty containers and put them in the freezer. Next, I cracked the eggs and began to stir them, add some salt into the eggs and stir them again. Melt some butter on low heat on the frying pan and then make some scrambled eggs, once they're done I turned off the stove and took out the chicken oil, I cut them into cubes and placed them back into their containers along with the scrambled eggs. I took out three bowls and placed hot rice on each bowl and served the dish to the examiner.

"It's done!" I exclaimed and the examiner walked up to the table.

"This dish looks like a normal rice and egg combo, even a 6 year old can cook this. I'm not gonna waste my time here, but why is there three bowls?" She mocked as she refused to eat the dish but soon asked about the amount of portions. 'A weird girl indeed.' I thought as I stiffled a laugh.

"Well one bowl is for you, the other for pink haired-chan over there and the other one is for the shadow behind that door over there." I explained pointing to every each person, and soon a gruff voice came from the door.

"Looks like I have been found." The voice said and stepped into the room to reveal a person far too familiar to Erina.

"Ojii-sama, what are you doing here?! Don't you have headmaster duties to do?!" She asked surprised as her eyes widened at the sight of her grandfather also the headmaster in front of her.

"I was just curious of this years applicants that's all." He explained smiling a little bit as he walked to his granddaughter. "Now then let us taste the dish shall we?" He suggested turning his attention to me.

"But ojii-sama it's just plain rice served with scrambled eggs." She protested against her grandfather's decision.

"Now now examiner-san, every good chef knows that egg dishes true form appears once it is served on rice. Now look and see!" I said as I poured the contents of the containers to the steaming rice, causing the eggs to fall on top of the rice and the chicken oil melted at the heat of the rice. Coating the eggs and rice in a glistening caramel like colour and seeping through the rice to the bottom of the bowl. "Time to dig in." I said handing each of them a spoon.

Erina looked a bit stunned at the bowl of rice in front of her tickling her curiosity as she gulped trying hard not to drool. Each of them took a spoonful and slowly took a bite, once they did Erina began to spasm as her shut her eyes tightly and dropped her spoon, Hisako hugged her frame as she stiffled a moan, and the headmaster exclaimed an amazed shout and for some reason his top came off revealing rock hard abs. I smirked at their reaction and waited patiently for Erina's comment as she was still squirming and held onto the table preventing her from falling.

"A magnificent dish indeed, Yukihira Souma. I could feel the passion of your cooking through the dish. It truly had the feeling of home, I would already passed you but I'm not the examiner." The headmaster commented as he grinned at me which I just replied with a quick nod and a smile, but it seems like Hisako just kept silent as she just had a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Well how is it examiner-san?" I asked Erina crossing my arms over my chest. She soon turned her attention to me and glared at me.

"Fine, you pass, but remember this! This doesn't mean that you're even near my level you understand that?!" She said taking the application form from Hisako and stamped it with a pass and soon stormed off followed by Hisako rushing to her side. 'Tsundere much.' I thought as I shook my head in amusement.

"Well Yukihira Souma, it looks like it is just you and me." The headmaster called for my attention, causing me to look at him.

"Indeed it is, headmaster-san." I replied casting a smile at him.

"Ah, My name is Nakiri Senzaemon young one. How about we take a walk?" He suggested which I just agreed to and followed him.

"So, what are we actually doing right now?" I asked him causing him to laugh.

"Oh, I'm just curious of the boy who seemed to satisfy the palette of the God's Tongue, Nakiri Erina my granddaughter and the Elite Ten, tenth seat." He said giving me a small smile.

"Oh that's why that pink haired girl was so annoyed when I was a bit disrespectful." I muttered out which I guessed was heard by the headmaster as he laughed.

"You're an interesting young boy aren't you? I would like to see you in the academy competing with other students." He said casting a look of acknowledgement towards me.

"Well I sure will be, I am trying to reach for the top spot." I said putting my hands into my pockets walking along side him.

"It won't be that easy, but good luck." He said, and I just nodded silently thanking him. "How about we continue our chat in my office?" He suggested which again I just agreed to.

Once we reached his office we sat down facing each other as he commanded a few servants to serve us tea, and let me tell you it was one heck of a tea. We chatted about things from Tootsuki school life and challenges, plans of the future, cooking recipes and techniques until it was late in the afternoon almost night actually. Time sure does flies by fast when you're having a good conversation.

"Well look at the time I should be heading home." I said standing up and straightened my back.

"It's late child how about you stay the night at the Nakiri mansion, besides Tootsuki gates would already be locked by now." He suggested also standing up looking outside the window, and walked outside his office.

"Well I guess, but wouldn't I just bother you?" I asked making sure if it was ok, following behind him.

"Nonsense child, I would love to have a such talented guest in my household. Infact feel free to visit anytime once you're officialy a student here." He said reassuring me as both of us walked outside of his office building.

"Well alright then if you're okay with it." I said shrugging my shoulders entering the limo which he just entered as well.

As we arrived at the Nakiri mansion I was amazed at the size of it and even more amazed once I entered it. It was huge and fancy, well it was to be expected from the headmaster of Tootsuki.

"You can sleep in any room you want. Just make sure it isn't occupied." He said giving me a warm smile as I walked up the stairs to check out the rooms. 'After I check out the rooms, I will have dinner I guess.' I thought as I entered a room, It was really spacious, completed with a king sized bed, a flat screen TV, cupboard, reading lights, and even a snack bar.

"This looks like a five star hotel room, even better I think." I talked to myself as I walked near the bed and sat on top of it. "Damn, it is so comfy, I'm definitely gonna be oversleeping tomorrow. Thankfully tomorrow isn't the first day of school." I sighed and laid down on the bed and shut my eyes.

But was soon interrupted by the sound of the door opening and in came Nakiri Erina and I immediately hid myself under the covers. I peeked out to see Erina undressing leaving her undergarments on. I went wide eyed when she walked up to the bed and laid down right beside me. 'I guess she still doesn't notice me.' I thought as I did a short prayer to Kami to bless me. She went under the covers and hugged me.

"Huh? I didn't remember my bolster being so big and warm. What the hell?" She asked herself as she looked under the covers to find me smiling nervously at her.

"Hi?" I sort of greeted as I saw her eyes went wide and she screamed, causing me to flinch. She grabbed me by my collar and in reaction I defended myself by thrusting my arms forward and I felt something soft. I gulped and looked at her and saw that my hands were on her chest. 'Oh no...' I thought as I shut my eyes close.

"Where the fuck are you touching you pervert?!" She exclaimed and slapped my hands away.

"It was an accident!" I tried reasoning only to receive a glare.

"Baka! Peasant! You second rated diner chef! What are you doing in my bed!" She exclaimed once again and began to pummel me with a pillow.


And there you have it, now you're all caught up right?

If you're confused please be reminded that the entrance exam was before the opening ceremony which is the first day of the school year. So that's why I made the first chapter from the entrance exam.

Hey guys, It's the author here.

Well this is my first story, and I'm still new to the app so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

I don't know how often I will be updating but I will try to update as soon as possible.

This fanfic is more focused on SoRina and will have other pairings in the future.